View Full Version : Recruiting an enemy!

07-22-10, 05:43 AM
I was just doing some reminicing and remembering the early days of this character. One thing I realize is that I miss Izzy having an in character rival, or enemy... His enemies have been NPCs of mine or people who were after his friends.

I think the most fun I've ever had is when one of my characters has someone to quest with who he doesn't necessarily get along with.

So what I'm thinking, and hoping for, is someone who can quest with me and provide an enemy for Izvilvin. The issue I have is that Iz is pretty powerful physically, and a pretty good guy, so I'd need to find a powerful character who is evil, or can provide some good motivation to be against him.

The storyline we create will depend on your character, we can work on it together. I'm really just anxious to get writing again. So if anyone has any ideas or interest... let me know!

07-22-10, 11:12 AM
Villain characters are always neat to have around! Though... sometimes good aligned characters don't really get along either. That could make for an even more interesting thing? I dunno.

... should totally have a grudge again Azza! Ehhe... kidding! Don't kill the child >:

Requiem of Insanity
07-22-10, 01:46 PM
Well, if we can find a way to RP together and make it work, I got Cassandra here. She is not physcially strong but she does have numerous poisons to level the playing field as well as her dark companion.

Ideas off the top of my head include trying to find the same target and working together to kill him or find an item of evil that you may want to get rid of but Cassandra wants to keep. Basic ideas. Let me know what you think, cause I need this character to get moving again.

Rayse Valentino
07-22-10, 03:25 PM
This sort of thing is hard in the traditional sense. Protagonists and antagonists don't generally group together the entire thread, and the amount of 'I want to ruin your day' villains numbers few on Althanas. You could have conflicting objectives, as Requiem said, but that doesn't operate on the classic hero/villain archetype really.

Does anyone know any threads where people do the hero/villain thing well? Usually it's righteous guy/another righteous guy, and especially often it's just a battle. I try to do the protagonist/antagonist thing in The First Job, what ended up happening is essentially it's like two solo threads that converge at the climax (or in a general sense whenever the characters interact with each other).

Anyway, I'm willing to help if you can think of anything for me. Rayse is likely to do things that would go against your morals or whatnot, or happen to negatively affect you at the time.

07-23-10, 07:20 PM
First time for everything, Rayse!

So I looked through all your profiles, and while battles aren't the most important thing in the world to me, I'm really looking for someone who can challenge Izvilvin when the moment presents itself. Since Izzy is immune to poisons, Rayse seems to fit that role best.

Rayse and Izzy have a few small things in common in their history, too, so that's pretty interesting. Maybe Rayse could be supplying a small region with weapons and many, many people are dying as a result, so Izvilvin wants to stop it. It gives us a foundation, at least. Rayse looks like he'd be able to set a lot of traps and obstacles in his way and blow him up when he gets too close.

So Rayse seems like a great enemy to have. Send me any ideas you have!

Cassandra and Izzy can still quest together, of course, I just think for this particular recruitment, Rayse is it.

Requiem of Insanity
07-24-10, 01:07 AM
He's a good choice. I'd take him.

As for the immune to poisons, I got other bag of tricks, including my chess set of the damned, if you ever want to try something completely new. As well as other various things to induce torture. It's what I do. :D

Rayse Valentino
07-25-10, 04:33 AM
Sounds good... however! I would need an underling. Someone who could take you out without the fuss. Dealing with something personally is something The Don would only do as a last resort. Going for the whole manipulative supervillain shtick, after all.

07-25-10, 03:51 PM
Works for me, make up someone cool. You should come up with the town and basic situation that Izvilvin is hired to solve, since Rayse is the one at the centre of that. Hope that's cool.

Reqqo: Send me a PM or make a thread or something!

Rayse Valentino
07-25-10, 08:51 PM
I mean that I would involve other people to try to do my dirty work for me. Not NPCs.

07-26-10, 02:41 PM
Ah, well then Cassandra could probably fill that role and we'd all be happy! If that works for her then I'm up for it.

07-29-10, 08:28 PM
Let me know what you guys think about this. I don't mind if we don't post quickly, but I'd like to know if the idea works for everyone so I can start it up.

Rayse Valentino
08-14-10, 01:17 AM
I will need one or both of two people. Revenant and Requiem.

Also describing setting and using it and stuff like that is one of my biggest weak points. Leaving that sort of thing up to me makes me really uneasy about going through with this.

Finally, anytime I try to act like the evil mastermind I'm trying to portray, people tell me I'm being a 'badass' and mark me down for it. No idea what they want from me, and I'd rather solve that issue before doing this.

Viola Conda
08-14-10, 02:50 AM
Hmm revenant and Requiem can be hired out with the Ixian Knights. So that sets that up nicely.

Rayse Valentino
08-14-10, 01:45 PM
I was more hoping that since I had a way to track them down they would be spies/undercover agents for me, willing or not.

I'm hoping to get more items to ICly coerce people into working for The Company. With OOC permission of course.

Enigmatic Immortal
08-14-10, 02:46 PM
Then i would suggest you get some bomb ass books on poison, a really fancy knife, or Cassandra's secret weakness that nobody knows....

A stuffed Panda

08-15-10, 02:07 AM
My weakest category's always been setting, too. I can never really get into describing the setting and incorporating without getting far too wordy.

That said, I can write a decent intro because I'm good at (very) few other things, so I can write the opening post if you prefer. I don't mind if the posts come slow, but I definitely want us to start and have some fun. Forget the 'badass' label, if Rayse is 'badass' and comes across that way, I hardly see it as a negative. You're not writing him as if he's Sephiroth.

So I can write the opening post, if you just let me know where you want Rayse to be holed up and what you want him to be doing. I'll have Izvilvin go to where Rayse has taken control because he wants to help the people there, or what have you, but I don't want to write that the citizens are terrorized or something if that isn't the case. Let me know what you'd be comfortable with. Maybe he's using a small town as a drug trafficking hub or something, I don't know.

Rayse Valentino
08-18-10, 02:58 AM
Too wordy? That's never a problem. I think the problem is with judges who expect you to read their minds and use the settings in ways that THEY think you SHOULD'VE. Like every character is fucking MacGyver and can't just do a thread without "making use" of the setting. If you try to avoid this with a perfectly reasonable generic setting then you get docked for being 'bland'. There's nothing I can do to convince them to let go of their crazy notions, so my advice would be to ignore them and just do what you feel comes naturally.

Okay, so Cassandra and Rayse. I would've liked Revenant as well, but I dunno how to get ahold of him and he didn't see me referencing him in this thread so maybe he's not very active.

Drugs actually work very well. Get this: The Salvaran Mafia has intercepted and taken over several shipments of Grow, a narcotic drug produced in Alerar that breeds addiction. Nobles were intending to use this to quell their territories of rebellious notions, but TSM intends to distribute it themselves, forcing whatever Nobles still want it to get it from them.

As for where... A town or something is fine. While they are not being terrorized, you can assume that addicts are going into debt and working it off through slave labor (which ties in nicely with TSM's slaving operation). You can assume that there are many distribution centers and Izzy can hit one of them to spark the whole thing off. Or something. That's all I got.

08-21-10, 04:53 PM
Sounds great to me, I'll get right on it!

08-22-10, 12:32 PM
Boo (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=171474#post171474)

There ya go. It is not excellent but gets the job done. Will improve over time.

Rayse Valentino
08-27-10, 04:37 PM
Just so you know, you're next. Requiem doesn't come in until later. Possibly after a small time skip after the first sabotage.

08-27-10, 05:08 PM
There's always a PM Rayse. This is actually one of the threads I hadn't been keeping up on. Still, I'm here if needed/desired and I can be a bad guy.

Cyrus the virus
08-29-10, 09:00 PM
I'm up for adding another baddie into the mix. Izvilvin can run into them at separate times and all, we can make it work. I also like the idea of him getting the piss kicked out of him and barely escaping. That's always fun, for some reason...

And I'll have a post up within a few hours, I believe. I've been working a lot and then was gone for the weekend, but I have tomorrow off with nothing to do so I can catch up on everything.