View Full Version : Writing Music?

Jalim Mandren
07-22-10, 01:38 PM
If anyone else is like me, music is a massive part of their life - I'm never without my MP3 player, I always have music playing at home and am very passionate about music.

Although I have a very eclectic taste in music, I find that certain styles of music are much more inspiring when it comes to writing. It depends entirely on the mood of what I'm writing - battle scenes are best written to the like of Disturbed and more recent Korn works, 'exploration' posts are best written to classical music, I use certain film soundtracks when I need to pick up on a particular feeling or impression in a scene.

One song that seems always to inspire my writing and produces some excellent stuff is David Draiman's 'Forsaken' from the Queen of the Damned soundtrack.

So, what about you guys? What music do you listen to when writing? Or do you not listen to any at all, preferring silence?

07-22-10, 04:04 PM
n.n.... I listen to mostly soundtracks from games and random things that I don't even remember... usually I try and find a few songs with the mood I want and go with that.

Chroma the lost
07-22-10, 05:26 PM
If I'm on my moms laptop I have audio books playing on my sound system. If I'm on a desktop I have you tube or several other things to play some music. I mostly listen to techno, and when I'm not writing, but brainstorming, I flip through all the songs on my I pod until something strikes a chord.

07-22-10, 05:58 PM
I have 18 gigabytes of music. If my player is left to run it could continue without repeats for more than a week.

Oddly enough, I can't write with it on. My mind is filled with images. My ability to convey them, however, drowns in the rock of 30 Seconds to Mars, burst into flames when the Megas arrive through the speakers and the Protomen tell their story; it is something like a drug in that my mind is at peace, but largely useless to any creative or purposeful action.

I possess tracks to nearlly every genre, but I have no way to seperate and classify them. Operatic, Inidie, Soul, funk, rap, hip-hop, rock, metal, currently weeding out the death metal and rap, ska, game music, several Ren and Stimpy OSTs, intrumentals of arguably every variety, steam punk, alien punk, surf punk, halloween punk for lack of a better term. Reixed songs from Sonic, Radical Dreamers, Final Fantasy, Shadow of the Collosus, Metroid, and Doom.

That is just a taste of my menu and it was built on the premise that if I hear it, and I like it, I must have it.

If I need ideas, the music plays. Then when its time to work I turn it off so I can hear my own thoughts again.

07-22-10, 07:38 PM
I kinda have the same issue that Knave has - I can't hear myself think when I listen to most music. I typically listen to rock of various levels of ear-bleeding, and that stuff doesn't work for me while I'm writing.

Oddly, music from the Donkey Kong Country games on Super Nintendo seems to help me write. Stickerbrush Symphony ftw.

07-22-10, 07:40 PM
Oddly, music from the Donkey Kong Country games on Super Nintendo seems to help me write. Stickerbrush Symphony ftw.

That's because the music from Donkey Kong County is some of the best music ever made for a video game.

07-22-10, 07:51 PM
That's because the music from Donkey Kong County is some of the music ever made for a video game.

Quoted for truth.

07-22-10, 11:55 PM
I find myself not listening to music when I write, but i could listen to lyric-less music and write well enough.

07-23-10, 08:16 AM
I find myself not listening to music when I write, but i could listen to lyric-less music and write well enough.

Classical music? It's hard to find a greater and more ready supply of epic lyric-less music.