View Full Version : The son of Winter

Jack Frost
07-23-10, 03:05 PM
Name: Jack Frost
Age: ??? He appears 21
Race: Avatar of ice
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Teal
Height: 6" 2'
Weight: 120
Occupation: God reincarnate.

Personality: Jack Frost is a smart fun loving individual who seems like your regular playful teen. He loves to flirt, and get gold at whatever cost. He is a bit of a rouge, and will stop at nothing to make himself rich. Despite his fun loving attitude he also has a very cold aura that seems to drop the temperature of the air around him by 15 degrees.

Appearance: Jack is tall and slender with spiky-ish silver hair and teal eyes. His face is sharp, everything is angular, his gaze is cold and piercing, like the gales of a blizzard. His outfit is strange to say the least. His bottom layer is a black long sleeved top that molds to his skin, and black compression shorts. Over that he wears a plain black shirt and trousers. To top it all off he wears a big bulky black leather jacket, no matter what the weather is. also a strange thing is his breath, it could be two hundred degrees out side and it will still be a visible white fog.

History: Before man, before the forerunners, the world was occupied by gods, and among them was one named Father Winter. The gods were an odd bunch, and never truly regulated their powers. Simple battles could shape all of Althanas, and they did. But due to their lack of regulation they began to fade, and soon they were just auras floating around Althanas. Some became elements, others seasons. Some even became emotions the new dwellers would inherit. Father winter became, well, winter.
it had been like that for a long time, before one day, in a blizzard unlike any other, he re-condensed into a new form. This form was Jack Frost. Jack was later found buried in the snow by the elves of Underwood, and was raised as their own. They soon realized he was strange, always complaining he was cold, his breath could always be seen. He was strange, and excommunicated because of it. Then one day he met Jolly, the happy penguin. Jolly was an agent of the north sent to find Jack. Jolly told Jack that he would help shape the world again as the gods slowly returned. But until then he would have to get stronger. So Jack and his new friend Jolly the talking penguin set off to go have a bunch of adventures.

Umbrella style: Jack fights with a strange umbrella Jolly gave him, and oddly enough he seems to be a natural. The Umbrella is made of a special leather that can deflect minor magic attacks. It also can be used to catch strong winds and lift off. Plus it can leave a few bumps if beaten with.

Ice magic: Jack can conjure up ice to attack with by sucking the moisture out of the air and freezing it. But so far he only has one attack, where he takes his frosty breath and shapes it into frosty needles. in a cold environment they will grow as he throws them. Otherwise they stay the same size.
Equipment: One slightly magical umbrella, and a strange necklace that seems to suck up heat.

Familiars: Jolly the talking Penguin. Jolly has a few Ice spells under his belt, but very little more. He also has a cane and a top hat and can talk.

07-24-10, 04:03 AM
Your description doesn't seem to fit the picture.



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