View Full Version : Blades and Boughs

Rayne of Fire
08-01-06, 09:34 AM
[ This one would be closed to Jolie Fairchild. ]

On the streets of Radasanth, on this particular cloudless night, it so happened that one Rayne Illiarus Lunitari strolled leisurely along the walks, lost in his contemplations. Though it had been a few months since his escape from the torment of Haidia, the outside world still didn't quite seem real. It was as if a veil hung over everything, a veil of ash and shadow that blocked out the truth of the cobbles and bricks that made up the world he now lived in. More than a little disconcerting this was, but in the end he was sure it would pass. Eventually that feeling that it was all a dream he was having from inside some cage in the depths of Haidia would disappear and he could once more appreciate the beauty of Althanas.

However it would not be this night. Nor would he find much in the way of peace this night, for it was then that his ruminations were interrupted by the scream of a girl not far away. His head immediately snapped to attention and blue eyes that were now icy and hard scanned the area. An alley just ahead seemed the most likely source. Drawing his gunblade, the Knight stepped forward swiftly and had his suspicions confirmed. Down the alley in the darkness were three rather brigandine looking men who were obviously accosting a young woman. Whether it was simply for her coinpurse or something more precious was not as obvious, not that it mattered. The girl was obviously in trouble and that was reason enough to help.

Giving the cutthroats not even the warning of a battle cry he charged down the alley at them, swinging his gunblade at the torso of the first one, catching him hard with the flat of the blade in the ribs. A loud cracking of bone echoed, but Rayne payed it no mind and simply moved on to the next one. A shot with the flat of the blade to the temple put this one of of commission as well. It would be the third that would give him trouble, for this third ruffian had had the time necessary to produce his weapon - an ugly looking scimitar.

Taking a high guard with his gunblade immediately, he swung out hard. The bandit blocked, but not well enough to stop Rayne. Instead his opponent's blade went skittering across the cobbles and he found himself face to face with the tip of the gunblade. The groans of his compatriots echoed in the narrow alley and Rayne cocked his head to the side questioningly, "Is this girl's purse worth my weapon finding a new home inside your body?"

The man's footsteps quickly carried on down the alley, and Rayne could hear some vague threat about Arnius Sarennica taking care of his men. When would the scum of this planet learn that threatening Rayne Lunitari would not scare him away. Sighing, he accepted the frantic thanks of the girl graciously, and the chaste kiss she insisted on placing on his cheek, though refused her monetary reward offering. A Knight needed no such reward.

Rayne simply continued on into the night, ending his ruminations as he found a suitable inn. It was decided... he would go back to the place he had avoided like the pox since he'd come to Althanas... the crash site.

************************************************** ******************

Rayne stared at the hulk that had once been capable of interstellar flight, now nothing more than a twisted pile of vine-covered metal and glass. It was not what he expected at all. Having expected it to be a heartwrenching and perhaps crushing experience to see what was left of his only possible exit from this world trashed and battered, the warrior was a bit surprised that he did not feel much at all. But it did indeed bring the sense of closure that he'd been seeking.

It had taken him nearly a week to return to this place, due in part to the making of his preparations and due otherwise to his body's seeming lack of want to arrive. Arrive he had though, forcing his way through the underbrush and branches to find once more the longrange tactical starfighter that had carried him in a rain of fire and metal to the crater that still surrounded the small ship.

Stepping up next to the downed craft, he sighed and shook his head. Another reminder of what he had at last come to realize. Althanas was his home now... whether for better or for worse was yet to be seen.

Jolie Fairchild
08-02-06, 07:45 PM
Radasanth was a cruel, unforgiving city, a perfect den for an assassin in need of a living. A few jobs had filled her pockets, preventing her from starving to death or going without a home, but it wasn't enough for much else. Eventually, even the bad jobs grew thin, and the choosy had to lower their standards. For three days now, she'd been eating hand-to-mouth, and the fare was substandard at best.

"Take him out, and don't spare nothin'!" The disgusting man had told her, slobber dripping from his chin as he devoured something that once had legs. Starving as she was, even Jolie lost her appetite watching him. His fat fingers gestured wildly as he explained the importance of this man's death.

"What did he do?"

"None of your fuckin' business, whore! Just kill him!"

Behind him, two thugs exchanged knowing glances, their eyes betraying the basics. Someone had wronged them, perhaps made them look foolish. The rogue knew the type, and usually would've killed them all and left without pay. This time, though, she was without a choice. Tired of the flavor of pungent cheese and stale bread, and dreaming of more than tin-flavored, warm water, Jolie jumped at the chance, despite her better judgment. Sure, it wasn't the best one, but it was something.

Quickly gathering her meager belongings and half of the expected take, she trudged off in the direction of Concordia, the last known path of the man she was to kill. According to her employer, he had passed through the gates of Radasanth only three hours prior, so she had plenty of time to overtake him. The description of a highly trained killer was not encouraging, though, so she decided it would be best to keep an eye on him for a while and develop a thorough game plan.

Once she caught up to him, her path switched lanes, and she traveled through the trees almost silently, her focus tightly wound around her soon-to-be opponent. At first glance, it was obvious that he was no mere local, the travel worn expression on his face and outlandish clothes setting him apart from the ordinary. Curious, she dared to get a closer look at one point, and with a quick look at the red in his eyes confirmed her thoughts. This may not be as easy as usual. I should've asked for more money... After several days of travel, she despared that an opening would present itself.

Just after dawn on the sixth day, something in the distance caught her eye. Hurrying forward as quietly as she could, Jolie came upon a heap of scrap that seemed strangely shaped, the markings in a language she had never encountered before. A dark hope gleamed in her emerald eyes, a smile sneaking onto her sumptuous lips. Glancing quickly over her shoulder, she gauged the man to be a few miles away, giving her plenty of time to set her trap...


Less than ten feet below, the man she had diligently followed for far too long finally stopped, his attention completely centered on the wreckage. Excited now for the kill, Jolie took a breath, steadying her quivering insides. Adjusting her footing slightly, she settled on her haunches, then pushed off with her feet. Her landing was solid, a testament to her dexterity, and she recovered almost instantly. Before he could react, she had both wristblades around his throat, the deadly edges pressed firmly against the flesh there, drawing blood.

Rayne of Fire
08-15-06, 07:39 AM
Cancelled. I weep for the story.