View Full Version : Leski Hanako

Leski Hanako
07-24-10, 05:51 PM
Name: Leski Hanako
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Light blue
Height: 5ft 3 inches
Weight: 113lbs
Occupation: Medical Student (home-schooled)

Leski is a quiet girl; one who only talks to the people in her life who are close to her unless in a situation where there is a dire need to interact with another person, but even then the conversation is sparse unless there's something about the person that she seems to like about them personality-wise. This is due to her mother and father being well-off in the world so they paid for home schooling, so she has not developed many social skills, although when left on her own or with a few close friends she is possibly the most lively member of the group. She is very studious and will rarely part from her studies once she decides that she will study for a set period of time.

Leski is very self conscious about her appearance, and only dresses in plain outfits as to blend in with most other people who may be walking the streets. She also has a caring manner, which is perfect for the type of studies that she partakes in, as a good bedside manner is a must.

Standing at only 5 feet 3 inches tall, the young adult known as Leski Hanako is a striking sight. Her locks of silver hair refracting every ray of light shining against in, framing her large striking icy blue eyes as light as the glaciers that glide tranquilly through the ocean. Her features are small and soft: nose straight and clear of any imperfections, high cheekbones showing the slight rose colour in her cheeks, contrasting against her soft pearl-like skin. Her lips match the colour in her cheeks with a "perfect" shape. These features are supported by her long and slender neck, which then becomes an hourglass figure with a tiny waist caused by years of wearing corsets underneath her clothing.

The clothes she wears are very plain as she does not like to draw attention to herself. Her favourite outfit is her plain blue dress, falling to her ankles. The dress has a split up both sides that stops at the top of her thighs to allow ease of movement in such a long dress. This means that her legs are on show at all times, but they are always covered using thick black stockings, accompanied by plain black ballet-style pumps on her feet. The dress shows her shoulders and the top of her back due to the style of the dress, and only has mid-bicep length sleeves so that the sleeves do not get in the way.

Leski's accessories are very small and unremarkable, but work well with her appearance. The most striking would be either the orange bow that she ties in her hair to keep most of it back from her face, or the plain black choker that she wears clasped around her neck tightly, as if it is there to keep her neck straight and her head held high.

Leski has spent most of her 19 years hidden away in her parents' mansion. Her mother is a housewife and her father is a well-reknowned surgeon, explaining why her family was extremely well-off when it came to the finances. Due to her family being (basically) rich, she was home schooled since she was old enough to read and write.This has lead to limited social contact with the average person who lives outside the doors of the mansion, apart from the conversations with the few maids that wait on her day and night who she has befriended. Leski does not like living inside the mansion and seeks to move away to her own place as soon as her studies to follow in her father's footsteps are complete and the opportunity arises, which is many years away as she still has much to learn about being a surgeon.

Leski didn't have much choice about what she wanted to be when she was older: either a housewife married to a rich aristocrat in an arranged marriage to give the family more fame and fortune, or a surgeon. She didn't like the sound of the arranged marriage and also sitting around in an overly large house for the rest of her life, constantly churning forth children until an heir for the estates was gained, so she chose the oath of the surgeon. This was a difficult path for a female to follow due to the competition, but she chose to face the fierce competition instead of housewife, and she does not regret any decisions that she made at that point in time.

She spends her spare time either at the shooting range with her bow and arrows, or in her room, dreaming of the day that she can escape the dreary mansion and escape into the large world outside those many walls. The thought of escaping to the big world outside both excites Leski, but unnerves her at the same time. As she spent so much time inside the mansion she is not used to the bustling crowds and the loud noises, but she is determined to overcome this and travel one day and see the world that her parents have kept from her all her life. Leski often braves a trip to the local library, in which the quickest route there is through a busy market street that she travels through both there and back in an attempt to gain confidence.

Leski has one other sibling; an older brother who is 23 years old, and serves in the army. Because of this, she doens't get to see him very often as he is usually overseas, but she writes to him as often as he replies. They are very close and can trust each other with anything.

Marksmanship ~ Leski is very handy with a bow and can aim and hit almost any target within 50 feet of her. Once the distance exceeds 50 metres then her chances of hitting her target decrease steadily until the distance is impossible for her to reach. The furthest distance that her bow and her own strength will allow is 150 metres before the arrow is slow enough to not cause any damage to the target.

Basic medical skills and healing spells ~ Since Leski is a medical student then she has basic medical training, such as for breaks, sprains, lacerations, burns, immunisations, and various other basic skills. Basic healing spells heal small basic wounds and cut the healing time of larger wounds by up to half the normal time required to recover. As she is only a student, she carries around a textbook with the information she needs for the stronger spells for healing larger wounds and other injuries, but these are used as a last resort as they drain her energy almost completely and make her as weak as a mouse. This can take up to 2 hours to recover from completely (between 1-5 posts, depending on what is happening in the posts. Lots of speech = more posts required to recover. Moving on = less posts required to recover).

Fast learner ~ Leski can learn large amounts of information quickly and accurately, often remembering the information perfectly but with more chance of error as the more information required to learn there is, the more likely errors will appear. Also, the more information there is, the longer it will take for Leski to learn.. Smaller pieces of information can be memorised almost instantly to almost perfection.

Messenger bag ~ small brown fabric messenger bag, fastened closed with a simple silver circular brooch. This holds the textboox and first aid equipment, with a bit of space left to carry something small or thin.

Medical textbook ~ contains all the information she needs about her healing spells, salve recipes for certains types of injuries and infections, medical procedures, and medicines.

Dagger ~ Leski carries a small basic silver dagger, held in place by a small black leather sheath wrapped around the top of her right thigh at the top of her stockings. This is just there for self defense and her own personal safety, and is not very confident using it. Made of steel.

Bow and arrows ~ a basic bow and a quiver of about 30 arrows held in a small container together, the bow left unstrung so that it will fit in the container with the arrows, so that it acts like a carrying case. Leski only has this bow with her when she is heading to the shooting range to practice, or when she is on her way home from practice. The bow is made of mahogany.

First aid equipment ~ basic first aid equipment contains: 3 bandages, a pack of 20 plasters, hand sanitiser, 2 rolls of suture string with relevant equipment (enough to cover 5 medium-sized lacerations) and 4 painkillers.

A little black kitten with dainty angel wings. The cat is called Angelo. Angelo can fly for short periods of time, and can talk to Leski through telepathy. He either sits in her bag with his head poking out the side or sits on either Leski's shoulder or head.

07-25-10, 04:38 AM
I just need to know that material of her dagger/bow and arrows. Steel and oak or yew are the popular choices. Everything else seems to be in order.

Leski Hanako
07-25-10, 08:49 AM
The changes have been made.

07-25-10, 05:31 PM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.