View Full Version : Caellach the Wandering

07-24-10, 09:44 PM
I’m not entirely sure whether I will have the time or dedication to faithfully role play, but I figure if I never write a character I’ll never know. I’m new to role playing and to Althanas (after looking around this was basically the only site I could find where people seemed to be competent writers, and posted more than once a month) so please let me know if there are any problems.

Name: Caellach
(Not to be confused with Ceallach, his name is pronounced Kaylick. In his village it is traditional for men to choose their own, meaningful surname. Caellach has not yet chosen his)

Age: 22
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 197 lbs
Occupation: No formal occupation – Caellach lives off what he can hunt or earns money doing odd jobs here and there.

Personality: Caellach is a reserved person, and usually approaches situations cautiously. He is not immune to anger, fear, or recklessness, but in he tries to think through his actions before he acts. Caellach is not extremely confident, but he strives to be the best he can be and help in any way he can. He is a kind person, but while he may forgive, he never forgets. His kindness is not always openly visible as he is prone to a solemn outward appearance, especially when surrounded by strangers; this stone-faced visage is partly to cover up any insecurities or lack of confidence.

Appearance: Dark brown hair with a slight tint of red throughout. His hair is not cut short but doesn’t go much past his eyebrows in the front and only about halfway down his neck in back, and is straight rather than curly. His eyes are an icy light blue, but despite the bright shade his stare can seem cold and calculating. He has tanned skin from spending time outdoors, and muscles throughout his body show that he keeps fit. He is no hulking giant, with biceps larger than most men’s heads, but he is still rather strong. He has broad shoulders and is rather tall, and is fairly well-built, not leaning towards being skinny or fat. He carries himself gracefully, but there is a trace of danger in the grace as well; while he is by no means greatly adept at combat, a quick look at him shows he can certainly defend himself.

He wears mostly dark clothes, with dark brown cloth leggings and a tunic that goes slightly below his hips. He has a thick cloth cloak, died black, and while it provides no real protection against attackers, it provides a comfortable sleeping surface and a slight shield from the elements. His cloak also has a hood, for when Caellach wishes to hide his face from rain or strangers. He also wears a dark brown belt and travelling boots.

Abridged History:

Caellach grew up in a small town in a forest on Corone. He had a brother and a sister, but while his grandfather still lived, his grandmother had passed away before his birth. Due to the number of thieves, wolves, bears, and other foes and beasts in close proximity to the town, the town had developed a small band of skilled warriors and mages to defend itself over the years. While his sister, the eldest of the three siblings, chose to study as a weaver, Caellach decided to follow in his older brother’s footsteps, training to become one of the well respected warriors, called the Sentinels.

Throughout his childhood he learned to fight at close range and from afar, as well as how to survive in the wild. He showed the most promise with the sword, but he was also a competent archer for his age. Around age sixteen he was deemed skilled enough with a blade to be allowed to forge his own sword, rather than just borrowing one from the town armory, but was not yet a fully fledged Sentinel. A year later, he began the custom of training with the town mages, the Sirens. While most Sentinels and Sentinels in training showed little interest or ability for magic, and only studied for a couple years as part of tradition, Caellach showed some potential with frost magic.

However, at age eighteen, when undergoing the final trials to become a Sentinel, his magical studies were cut short. There had been numerous raids on the settlement by thieves in the past few months, so the Sentinels began sending an escort or two with merchants to ensure safe passage to larger towns. Caellach was sent to protect a small one wagon caravan with another seasoned Sentinel as part of his training, but the caravan was ambushed by a small band of thieves.

There were five in total; Caellach fought against one, the merchant fought another, and the Sentinel took on the other three. However, the merchant fell swiftly, and while the Sentinel had already dispatched two, he did not have time to react before the merchant’s killer drove his stiletto deep into the Sentinel’s back. With one last yell the Sentinel swung around with all his might, taking off the foe’s head, before receiving another blow from the thief he had been fighting. A ribbon of blood shot from his neck as the ruffian’s blade punctured an artery, and the Sentinel fell to the ground, dead. Caellach’s enemy had been distracted by the yell, and Caellach took the brief pause to end the thief’s life. However, the last thief was more skilled than the four that had fallen, and Caellach soon found himself fighting for his life. However, the rogue was far older than Caellach, and after a long, draining fight, Caellach had more energy and was able to finish the vagabond off with a quick riposte.

Caellach drove the wagon back to town with the merchant’s and sentinel’s bodies, and when he told his story he was offered acceptance into the Sentinels for dispatching two thieves. However, Caellach blamed himself for the death of the merchant and the Sentinel, and did not feel worthy enough to be recognized as a protector of the town. He turned the Sentinels down and instead parted ways with his family and his past. He now seeks to train himself to be stronger and more skillful, unsure of what he plans to do with the rest of his life. He may one day return to the small town, or he might become a guard for a larger town, but whatever he does, he vows to protect any innocents against those who would take their life.


Average Swordsmanship: Caellach knows his way around most kinds of blades, and can attack and defend with average skill. He is most familiar and adept with daggers and longswords.

Average Archery: Caellach knows how to care for and maintain bows and arrows, as well as how to fire most kinds of bows. He favors accuracy over speed, and focuses mostly on medium length bows rather than long bows or short bows, but overall is only average and does not always hit his target, especially if it’s moving or distant.

Below Average Frost Magic: Caellach can channel flows of ice to perform small spells, such as coating the end of an arrow for a sharper tip, or numbing small wounds. However, he has received little training and while his magic is not incredibly taxing, it is not very effective either. He is not powerful enough yet to attack or defend himself purely with magic, only to slightly augment his existing skills or equipment.


Iron Long Sword: While the metal is of poor quality, the sword is well forged and balanced. It has a cruciform hilt and a straight, double-edged blade. Caellach made it himself with the help of the village blacksmith, and it measures about 40” in length. It has room on the leather grip for two hands, but is light enough to be wielded with one when necessary. Caellach keeps it in a sheath hanging diagonally on his back, for easy over-the-shoulder drawing of the blade. [Picture] (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/BlackestFlame/CaellachsSword.jpg)

Oak Flatbow: A cheap but not badly crafted flatbow made of oak. It has a flat, arced design with no recurve, and while not as powerful as a long bow, it can still fire arrows with significant force. Caellach keeps this crisscrossed with his sword on his back, hanging on a hook on his sword sheath. He has a quiver mounted in the same direction. He is able to fletch new arrows or craft new bow strings when necessary. [Picture] (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/BlackestFlame/CaellachsBow.jpg) (OOC: If getting new arrows requires either a fletching skill or buying from the bazaar I will change this.)

07-25-10, 04:36 AM
I have no problems with fletching some arrows/making new bowstrings as you go, as long as you keep it realistic. So that means no making like 50 prevalida-tipped, magic-imbued arrows that can put a hole in the world in every thread. ;) For now you should stick to basic arrows/bowstrings, and as you progress you can add an ability that allows him to create more advanced stuff.

With that in mind, you are approved. Welcome to Althanas.