View Full Version : Rhelin the Bonehewer

07-25-10, 01:23 PM
This is my first time in quite a while that I've Role played in any way, shape, or form, so bare with me if I'm a little rusty. If there are any issues with this character, please let me know.

Name: Rhelin the Bonehewer
Age: 28
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5ft 11 in
Weight: 160lbs
Occupation: Thief

Rhelin is a particularly quiet man, he does not brag nor does he drink a lot. He is reserved in many respects, and always looking for deeper meaning in almost every word or deed. He prefers not to trust easily but is feircly loyal to those whom he sees as worthy of it, even to the point of putting himself in danger. Although brave, he does not pick fights, nor would he stand and fight against many unless it was for a profound cause.

He spends much of his time researching books and local lore in order to search out and find the next tomb to fleece, or he is practicing his limited magics, either way he is always trying to learn. Despite his somber approach to a life without much vice, he isn't above a laugh or two with the right person.

Rhelin is certainly not considered the best looking, but he isn't the worst by far. For a man of twenty-eight he seems to have aged more than he should. A strong jawline, a set of honey brown eyes at times stare too deeply, and the crease of lines across his forehead tell of a man that has seen more than his share. His close kept dark brown hair is streaked with a bolt of white He does not wear armor which could slow him down, he relies on his sinewy frame to carry him around a blow. He wears only a simple red tunic trimmed with yellow around the neckline and sleeves. His brown leggings remain tucked in his worn black leather boots. He prefers not to stand out in the way he dresses himself,a nd prizes practicality over being flamboyant.

Rhelin was born in the city of Knife's Edge to a prostitute and a father who could be any man with five gold pieces and an hour to spare. He was young when his Mother, Kellin Illythe contracted plague from a sick male caller and left him to the Priests at the Cynthien Home for Boys. Indeed, Rhelin was barely six years old, his last memory of her was watching her disappear in the distance as a carraige drew down the city street from their hovel of a home. The plague had just begun to touch her visibly, with small pocs appearing on her smooth, lovely skin. A very beautiful woman, as he remembers her.

When he arrived at the Cynthien Home for Boys he had nothing, out of fear that his Mother's contagien would follow him, but there was none. He had escaped certain death, whether he knew it or not. The Priests at the Home were strict, teaching the boys hard work and sacrifice, chastity and duty, with punishment coming swiftly and harshly to those that did not fall in line. Rhelin's most toubled memories come from his time at the Home, from the age of six to thirteen his knees were bruised from prayer, and his back stung with the lashing from the Preist's whip.

Throughout his years at the Home he attempted to escape several times, and each time he was caught in one way or another. Though, as he grew older his plans and tricks became more elaborate, he took his time to plan, and at fourteen he finally found his way from the Preists and their Home for Boys. Finding himself in the slums of Knife's Edge he stole bread at the Bazaar to feed himself, and picked pockets for the extras.

Spending the next couple of years living off of unguarded loaves of bread and the occasional purse left him hardened to the realities of life. It was not uncommon to make a friend and lose that very same friend the next day, or to find out one was merely being used.

One day that started out as any other changed his whole life. One evening while trying to pilfer the pockets of a seemingly unaware old man, he was caught by his victim. The old man laid an icy grip on his wrist and sent such pain through his body he buckled at the knees. Artreri Spriten was his name, and he gave him a very simple ultimatum.

"You may live your short life stealing for nothing other than to fill your miserable belly young one, and welcome death to end your petty suffering. Or you may come with me, and learn a better way to live. To thrive!"

Although the old man took Rhelin into his home rather than killing him, he lived his life in much the same servitude he did at the Home for Boys. Except now he had purpose, and he did what he knew how to do best. Artreri Spriten was no ordinary rich old man, nor a run of the mill wizard. Rhelin's new mentor was a Lich, an undead Wizard who menifested his body even through death. He used illusionary magic to good effect, allowing everyone to only see him as a living man as he appeared before his death.

Artreri needed a willing thief in order to acquire ancient artifacts from long dead colleagues, rivals, and even his own familial tombs. Rhelin was that willing thief, and under the Lich's guidance, he honed his craft. He became skilled in stealth, how to fight without armor, and he began to learn how to work small feats of Illusion and Destruction magic.

From the age of sixteen until he was twenty-three Rhelin worked for the old Lich, tomb breaking and recovering old artifacts ranging from enchanted weapons to ancient books. He dodged and outsmarted the tricks and traps which could be found in the depths of the old tombs, as well as faught against the horrible undead creatures that found him in those same depths.

When Artreri finally released Rhelin from his service, he immedietely set out to find his own relics. Over the years he had taken notes from the books he researched to find locations of long lost tombs in order to use them for himself. For years he has wandered from one place to another, finding his own path in the world of Althanas.


Average Swordsmanship: Rhelin is profecient with short and medium length swords, not so much with daggers or with two-handed swords.

Average Lock Picking: Small locks and simple traps prove no issue for Rhelin, however more elaborate locks take him some time to crack.

Below Average Illusionary Magic: Able to cast spells of illumination and can see past simple illusionary cantrips with some difficulty.

Below Average ability to discern magical properties: During his teachings under Artreri, Rhelin not only had to learn how to find magical items, but also how to defeat magical traps. With this ability he may also "sense" magical items or auras on a person, able to tell if a person's armor or weapon is enchanted, but cannot tell what magics the item is embued with until he can further inspect it.


Rucksack: A simple heavy cloth ruck sack which carries all of his consumables and supplies which he needs for travel, with enough room left for small extras.

Short Sword: A Sword with a leather-bound handle and cross hand guard. The blade is of Silver in order to deal damage to ethereal and undead creatures, it is also embued with a light enchantment which protects the soft metal from becoming dull.

Lock Pick Kit: A small pouch worn on his belt which holds all the small tools he requires in order to open a lock.

07-25-10, 02:42 PM
Protection from being dull doesn't necessarily mean that it's stronger in general against other objects or weapons, made of more dense and firm material. Just a note, Lol.

Approved. Welcome to Althanas!