View Full Version : So After Much Thought...

07-25-10, 10:58 PM
I've been thinking about it for some time and I have decided to stop posting on my other account (Tyler Burnett); sorry to the people I owe posts wit that account, but I only have the time to write with one characters, and I'm going to go with this one.

Now to the recruitment call:

I want to develope a simi-steampunk/zombie/insane trio of threads that involves this characters and several others trying to put a stop to a disease that is re-animating corpses within the dwarven mines of Kachuk. I'm not sure, but I think it''d be cool if we could get these threads good enough to make cannon, because it's been a while since anything cannon-worthy has come out of Alerar.

Anyone who is interested, let me know and we can start discussing this via PM or FB msger.

Sorry to those people I still owe posts with my other characters too :(

Characters Who Are Already Signed Up:
1) Pavel; any of Pavel's alts (Likely Dyne will be joining along for the entire series.)
2) Orphans; Any of his/her alts.
3) Open

07-25-10, 11:04 PM
ill join anything u want i need some money and exp anyways lol im preety experienced had a lvl 7 guy but he was messed up so started this awesome tall guy

07-25-10, 11:13 PM
what was the name of your level 7?

07-25-10, 11:16 PM
Does the level 7 chracter in question have anything to do with this thread recruitment?!

*Checking my notes*

Nope. Sure doesn't. Let's try our best not to de-rail this thread, please...

07-25-10, 11:24 PM
apologies. Was just curious ^^

07-25-10, 11:29 PM
Haha, I kind of am too after reading some posts by our friend Shade here, but whatever... He's more active than me currently, so props to him.

07-25-10, 11:30 PM
Huh.... well, I do have a character named Mags. I was going to keep him on the back back waaaay back burners and not use him for a while... but he might fit in, though I'm a lethargically slow poster. I have a decent amount on my plate right now so... but, here is the profile (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21253) if you're interested in taking a look.

I have also just realized that Mags doesn't actually speak Tradespeak, or any Althanian languages...

07-25-10, 11:30 PM
ohh thanks man that means alot *sniffles*

noobishh kinda but got to lvl 7 slowly but more fun then others

but hey the massacre at goliad is a very interesting blockbuster premium it will go platnum 3 times atleast definetly

07-25-10, 11:37 PM
Orphans, your character would actually be great for this quest.

I don't know if I can use a 10 foot tall Elf however, since this quest will require us to be overwhelmingly outnumbered and outpowered throughout. Not to mention I don't know if many of the dwarven halls within Kachuk are ten feet in height, so you would hardly even be able to make it where we need to go within the mines.

07-25-10, 11:38 PM
ya can make them 10 feet or ill bend down lol everything is as high as u need in this

07-25-10, 11:40 PM
Meh, it's better to keep things realistic... If you wanna do a thread, throw up a battle and I'll do my best to give you a good one...

07-25-10, 11:41 PM
what the balogna does that mean?

07-25-10, 11:42 PM
Orphans, your character would actually be great for this quest.

I don't know if I can use a 10 foot tall Elf however, since this quest will require us to be overwhelmingly outnumbered and outpowered throughout. Not to mention I don't know if many of the dwarven halls within Kachuk are ten feet in height, so you would hardly even be able to make it where we need to go within the mines.

He could act as a "door stopper" and plug up the tunnel as everyone else runs away....?

But, did you mean Mags, or this character?

Oh and keep in mind, Mags won't actually have his gun, and if anything would only have a knife and MAYBE picked up some broken Tradespeak.

07-25-10, 11:44 PM
hey rlly being 10 feet is not realistic and also u can change them most mines or places everywhere are more then 15 feet

07-25-10, 11:46 PM
Mags would be, but Azza might be good in the first quest. Yeah I understand that you won't have your gun, but we will be in Alerar, so maybe you can pick one up if we have a string of GREAT threads. To be gun-worthy though, they'll have to be epic... Lol

In regards to Uttam's post: That means if you want to write with me, put a battle up in the Citadel and put the link up in here...

07-25-10, 11:53 PM
Mmm, I don't think I want Mags to have a gun just yet or any time soon. It's just more hilarious if he's running around with a knife. I plan for him not to have a gun until... oh... level 4? or 5? (if he ever gets there) or maybe not at all! I'll see what happens.

But yeah, throw me a PM or IM or something.

07-26-10, 12:09 AM
ill set it up but its better if u guys set it up ill just join it much easier for me

07-26-10, 12:22 AM
Hey whatever you want man, you're the ex-level seven. I'm just a newbish level 0

07-26-10, 12:23 AM
u set it up never won alot of battles anyways lol mostly solo and team quests

teams is not 4 or 5 ppl just 2 or 3

Chandra Dawnspear
07-26-10, 03:39 AM
I might be down to join in this, if your intrested

07-28-10, 03:19 PM
Do we have an ETA on the thread? Just want to know and have a heads up so I don't overload myself accidentally.