View Full Version : Let's try this again

07-26-10, 05:10 AM
Not giving up on my previous starting quest, but seeing how it is at a standstill very early on, I have opted to start a different quest to do in case the other one never gets done. plot is simple. Ivana is following a trail of clues that will lead her on a dangerous road to uncovering a big clue to her past. Anyone interested, let me know.

07-26-10, 05:19 AM
ill help if ur intrested in a 10 foot elf assassin

07-26-10, 11:19 AM
Hey there, I can help you out with the quest. I'm always game for anything.

07-28-10, 07:06 PM
thanks, both of you. I'll start getting it up after a few more days. I just am leaving this up a bit longer to see if anyone else wants to join before I start it up

07-29-10, 12:51 AM
That's absolutely fine Ivana. I look forward to working with you!!!

07-29-10, 03:10 AM
If you're still looking for people I'd be glad to join just about anything... Don't have any major commitments currently so I should be able to post a good deal.

07-29-10, 03:44 AM
cool if u want a 10 foot elf with MPD ( multiple personality disorder (srry bleach moment)).

07-30-10, 03:19 AM
Y'know, I just logged on with some inspiration from my older brother, and came looking for a hook for a quest or battle of some sort. This sounds good to me. All level 0 characters out and about.

If ya need a necromancer, count me in. I could use the experience to get some new spells throughout whatever plans you have. :) All the more bonus if undead are involved, too!

08-01-10, 04:15 AM
So... is this going anywhere? Just curious.

08-01-10, 07:51 AM
thanksfor including me ill post it soon my battles will be over soon

08-01-10, 06:13 PM
Yeah, it's going somewhere, I will likely be putting up the quest later today. All of you are welcome to join. sorry for the delay, I will got on it immediately.

08-03-10, 03:02 PM
For those still interested, the thread is now up in scara brae


08-10-10, 10:31 AM
Ok, so far only me and alberdyne have posted. have you others lost interest in the quest, been busy, or is it something else? PM me or post here so I know what is going on. thanks

Wolfman 20
08-10-10, 01:38 PM
Sure. I'm game. You never know when you're gonna need a few hundred pounds of werewolf muscle to help you out of a bind.

08-11-10, 11:05 AM
ill post on my don account

Shade is out for abit

08-11-10, 04:46 PM
thanks you guys. as soon as wolfman posts, I'll post again. If anyone else wants to join, and they have not posted here yet, they will have to PM me. I don't want the group getting too big so we can keep the story moving, but everyone who posted before this post got up is fine to join.

if any of you have any special requests or anything, let me know.

08-22-10, 03:46 PM
I have a 3 day vacation coming up. if wolfman has not posted by the time I get back, I'll continue on without him

Wolfman 20
08-22-10, 04:05 PM
wait, was I supposed to post something? I never saw that you wanted to take on the wolf.

08-27-10, 12:34 AM
Well, this is kind of late, but as far as I can tell Ivana told you you can post if you want. She (I'm assuming she) said she would carry on without you when she comes back, so I'd post fast if you still want in. :)

Of course, I'm not Ivana, and I'm not 100% sure this is what she wants, but I believe you're supposed to either post very soon, or you'll be left out.

08-27-10, 06:10 PM
thanks you guys. as soon as wolfman posts, I'll post again. If anyone else wants to join, and they have not posted here yet, they will have to PM me. I don't want the group getting too big so we can keep the story moving, but everyone who posted before this post got up is fine to join.

if any of you have any special requests or anything, let me know.

this post was your admission in, wolfman. If you need a few more days to get a post done I can wait.

Wolfman 20
08-27-10, 06:14 PM
this post was your admission in, wolfman. If you need a few more days to get a post done I can wait.

Sh*t ... um f*ck me. I hate to do this but I'm gonna have to pull my name. I'm heading out of town for a couple days with no way to get online. Maybe next time Ivana?

08-28-10, 06:04 PM
Sure, next time sounds fine

09-01-10, 01:01 AM
So it looks like we've lost Wolfman and likely Don (haven't seen him in a while.) Are we just going to continue with the three left or wait for more?

09-04-10, 06:35 AM
Was planning on posting today, if we lost don, that is fine, if not, that is also fine. for all we know he could be checking up on it from another account or even as a guest

11-21-10, 07:18 PM
Okay, finally back to the land of the living. I just want to make sure everyone is still willing to do this quest

11-21-10, 07:38 PM
I'm still up for it and I'd bet Alberdyne is still around. Think everyone else is gone.
Glad to have you back!

11-21-10, 07:42 PM
Lol. I know for a fact alberdyne is still around. I'll wait a day or so then post, see if anyone else shows up

11-21-10, 07:49 PM
Yeah I don't think Alberdyne is ever leaving, just meant I'd bet he's still wanting in on this thread :P

I'll message him on AIM in case he doesn't see this.

I haven't seen uttam/don in forever, and I think wolfman is still on hiatus (although he said he pulled out before he left, anyways.) so I'm guessing it's just us three unless ya recruit s'more.

11-28-10, 12:58 AM
I got a good start on the post, but with my birthday party being tomorrow, I need to get some sleep

01-28-11, 09:41 AM
I didn't dare put posting off any longer despite starting to develop carpal tunnel, so I decided to just keep the post short. didn't want anyone to think I was not interested in finishing it, and didn't want anyone to drop out as they often do when one takes too long to post. either way, my post is now up. sorry it took so long