View Full Version : The Loner with rage and sadness ((Not approved))

07-26-10, 10:37 AM
Name:Snow The Loner
Age: 21
Race: Gigamesh Triads Of the Cold ( Snow is the last of his race , preety much just tall humans if u look at the appearence same color )
Hair Color: Ice Blue
Eye Color: Ice cold eyes
Height: 21feet 5 in ( half giant but not fat or big an artistic warriors those are gigamesh triads )
Weight: 250 ( wieght loss spell )
*Occupation: Body guard part time artist

*Personality: He doesnt talk much with other people, interacts with actions, and if anyone crosses him he doesnt take it lightly he shows it all in actions. He has a very unique personality which is nice and mean all at the same. He does not take advantage of others and is nice to nice and shows his sword to mean people.

Appearance: He is very tall i mean extremly tall at 21 ft.He wieghs only 250 due to a spell. He will seem scary to others most people will even be smaller even when hes sitting down. he wears steel plate armor with chain steel mail at the chest but a ice dragon emblem which is the gigamesh triads emblem also at the chest with prickling dots looking at the sides of it until the shoulder. on the left shoulder it s looks regular with regular elavation and a spike that goes like a crescent way. on the right shoulder he has raised elavation and then the gigamesh emblem on it. Also on both shoulder theres out lineing like wooden ending. then steel cuffs going downuntil the hands whihc have gloves of pure white with steel at all knuckles. His head has no arm or or anythin just his flowing dreadlocks and ice cold eyes. HIs legs is all steel like above excpt att he knees which is steel covered another layer and stays the same until the feet which is boots of steel. thats his appearence wanted to put a picture but couldnt find anything thats fits this one which is very hard lol.

History: He is very intelligent has steel crafter armor of doom. He is the last of his clan and has the best of the best from smallest to biggest his history is as far as this sentence. He has been praying for 15 years so he will not be cursed as a survivor from the temple of mesh.


Berserk: will go into rage with increased defense and more damage

Duplication: Will clone myself for 2 ppl who are poor in math

Gigamesh bomb blast: Can throw something or anythin to make it explode which freezes the oppenet for some time.

Speed strikes: attacks rlly fast and moves faster too

Dark auro: has a dark auro that makes enemy weak

animal contacts: can contact with animal life

Ice manipulation for small things

Steel manipulation for small things like above

Darkness manipulation for regular basic darkness manipulation

Minus: Can make himself smaller if he needs to since hes 20 ft

Equipment: Steel mail plate body and legs description in appearence. protection amulet will befall one life threatning attack,1 chilled sword for right hand and 1 large chilled two hand sword that he can wield with the left hand,8 swords on his back since he is very reckless and might need more they are enchanted to come back to him after a quest or battle or when has his pet go get them, all of them are chilled so they make the enemy cold and shiver later freeze, instant medical kit for minor treatments .

Familiars: nightwraith named Blade can talk and is a very dark shade dragon like small though with spider features and parts of a tiger with lion and wolf. nightwraith is as tall as Snow and also has minus ability

07-27-10, 07:26 AM
First and foremost, I’d like to suggest from this point on that you put your posts into a spell checker at the very least. If you have Microsoft Word, there is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t use it…

Now, onto the actual profile.

I will allow you to have two pieces of steel plate armor, the breastplate and one other piece. You can have either a shoulder piece, or gauntlets, gaiters… whatever other piece you’d like, but for now you need to not have a full suit.

Skills ::

How much more defense and damage does Berserk allow? And how long does it last? I’d suggest no more than 1.5 times normal, and no longer than 1 minute. Only usable once per thread.

Please remove Duplication for now

Please remove Bomb Blast for now

Speed strikes can only allow you to move 1.5 times faster than average.

No clue what a dark auro is… please clarify what that is and how it’s used so that I can review it.

Please remove steel manipulation for now

Please clarify both darkness and ice manipulation.

Equipment ::

Please remove the ability for the emblem to save you from life threatening attacks, I can’t allow that at this time.

The sword should be made of iron or steel. You can only have 2, they can’t have enchantments to return to you, and both have to be one handed. None of them can have the “chilled” enchantment on them either.

Make these edits for me and we’ll go from there.

07-27-10, 07:29 AM
ummm yah see if u didnt notice im all uttam123 the awesome guy with massive blockbuster deluxe and a painful world out chekc them out for me i was wandering if i cld have 2 charecters oon the same folder but anyways delete this thing i dont like the charecter anyays to high tech

07-27-10, 07:34 AM
I'm not entirely sure what you said... though I did catch in there "delete this thing"... so I'm going with that.

Not approved.

Moving this instead of deleting it.