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Aušra Žiburis
07-26-10, 08:57 PM
Name: Aušra Žiburis
Age: 18
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Grey
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 115lbs
Occupation: Shop Keeper in a Handmade Cosmetics Store

Aušra Žiburis is a vivacious girl who makes friends rather quickly, although she is infamously fickle and once upset can take a long time to accept a person again. However, once she has become a good friend with someone she will become very defensive of them and often take great interest in their endeavours helping them any way she can.

She is very passionate about the things she cares for whether that is a friend of a project, this passion can sometimes become anger when things go wrong. She has a tendency to fly off the handle and will then spend a vast amount of her time planning to get her own back on the person who has caused the problem.

She takes great enjoyment in creating cosmetics such as soaps and other luxury items as the essential oils involved in making the products calm her and keep her temper in check.
Many people speculate that her quick-temper stems from her trouble to accept her mother’s death while she was still a child. Her mother had died of a fever and Aušra had been determined that this was not true for a long time before she finally came to accept the hard but unquestionable facts.

Aušra stands at a fairly average height of 5’6” and her athletic build has been toned over a long period of time due to her enjoyment of running and other casual sports. Her face is framed by honey blonde hair which is side-parted so that none of her face is hidden as she takes great pride in how she looks and it quite aware that she is relatively pretty although she does not use this against people. Her eyes are a steely grey which contrasts with her warm hair colour but is in keeping with her mildly pale skin. Her cheekbones are fairly high and are graced with a light pink blush which adds the only real colour to her face as her lips are fairly pale. However, regardless of how pale her lips are they are well-shaped if a little thin. The only real flaw in her face is a slight twist in her nose due to it being broken when she was younger as she fell off a horse whilst learning to ride.

For everyday wear Aušra favours practical clothes, her favourite outfit being made up of a dark green, round neck vest and a pair of tan shorts that sit at mid-thigh length. Sometimes she will wear a black biker style leather jacket over her vest and she finishes the look with a pair of black combat style boots with a three inch heel which causes her to look taller than she is.

For a more formal event Aušra prefers to wear well tailored dresses with a simple sillouette, her little black dress is a staple in her wardrobe as she can dress this up with whatever accessories she likes. She is very enthusiastic about accessories and tends to wear very over the top jewellery such as a rather heavy necklace made of gold which is shaped into individual flowers that are held together by golden rings to give the effect that they are tumbling from her neck.

Other than during more social events Aušra’s accessories are actually quite limited other than the silver clips used to pin her hair away from her face and a silver necklace given to her by her mother before her death.

Aušra spent much of her childhood steeped in denial of her mother’s death which caused her to mistrust her father and siblings. Although relationship with her father has been mostly repaired allowing her access to the higher echelons of society, she does not live in the family home any more due to her still not being entirely confident that she would not be slowly poisoned or hidden away as she had suspected them of doing to her mother when she was a child.

Instead Aušra lives in the rooms above her cosmetics shop where the smell of the essential oils keeps her nerves calm. Here she makes her own way but is often brought small gifts, such as stuffed olives and other finer foods as her father misses her being home. Her business is successful not only because of the fine quality of her work but because she has the ability to use glamour magic in order to slightly alter her appearance, for example she can give the effect of seeming more beautiful than she really is.

This glamour magic is a gift learnt from her mother who was very talented at it and was able to completely change her appearance to that of a normal person getting it almost identical except for a few small flaws. For example, the nose would be somehow wrong or the eyes the wrong colour. Aušra however, is nowhere near as proficient at this skill, she is merely able to change a few small features such as adjustment of eye and sometimes hair colour which is useful for hiding from people she does not care for.
Aušra aspires to one day show the world that she can live by herself as people tend to see the gifts she receives from her relatives as too much support and do not see her as living independently. Aušra believes that the only way she can prove her abilities is to do something great, although she is not entirely sure what this is yet.

Dagger Mastery ~ Aušra has some proficiency with daggers and is most adept when using these in stealth attacks (ie, attacking from behind or surprising the enemy). She can also battle when facing a prepared opponent, but there is a high chance she will be disarmed during any momentary lapse of concentration, or an unanticipated moved from her opponent.

Glamour Magic ~ Aušra has a basic hold on glamour magic which is the ability to cause others to see and feel something different to what is really there. For example her hair colour is naturally blonde but she could change this to brown or red normally to hide. The current extent of her abilities runs to being able to fix the slight twist in her nose but this drains her of any ability to use magic again for several hours (1-5 posts depending on size). Her main abilities include being able to change hair colour and length, eye colour and slight adjustment in skin colour. She is also able to hide small scars.

Medicine Making ~ Aušra is studying medicine making and is currently able to make soaps which are able to slightly decrease the chances of a wound getting infected. However, even for this simple product Aušra requires her recipe book and is painfully slow and can only produced a bar at a time and it takes her a few hours to restock as she travels (this can take between 1-3 posts depending on size) In the future Aušra may be able to learn to create healing poultices or even poisons.

Backpack ~ A sturdy brown leather back pack in which Aušra can carry all her equipment such as ingredients and her poultice recipe book.

Poultice Recipe Book ~ Contains all of the recipes Aušra knows so far from medicinal poultices to her favourite soap.

Daggers ~ Aušra carries a pair of steel daggers in her belt, these have oaken hilts which are bound in dark red leather for comfort.

Belt ~ Aušra has a belt for two purposes, one to hold her daggers in, the second is simply to hold her shorts up. This belt is made of brown leather and has been specially made for her with inbuilt sheaths for her daggers.

07-27-10, 07:38 AM