View Full Version : Amaya Amarantha

07-27-10, 12:15 PM
Name: Amaya Amarantha
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 6st 1lbs
Occupation: Apprentice Magician

Amaya is a determined young woman with her goals and ambitions always at the front of her mind. Around others she is friendly and cheerful, although this is sometimes an act. Since her recent betrayal she is very suspicious and secretive and behaves in a pleasant yet guarded manner, although when in a bad mood she is very snide and sarcastic as well as hot headed. She has learned about trust and reality the hard way and it has left her with feelings of self disgust, bitterness and guilt, feelings she buries deep. She enjoys the company of others but finds it hard to trust again. She is also dishonest and blunt at times but wants to be a good, honest person. However she has seen too much suffering in her time so far it clouds her behaviour at times. She believes the answers to life and happiness reside in reaching her goals.

Amaya is a young and petite woman, although has been mistaken as a boy occasionally due to her height and dress sense. Her red hair is thick, wavy and falls just below her shoulders. There is also a wound on her left cheek where she had been sliced with a dagger. In her past she has made some effort to appear more feminine and her hair used to come down to her waist, but cut it short after being betrayed by the person she cared about most and reverted back to her tomboyish ways. She occasionally will disguise herself as a man if she thinks it will give her less hassle but cares little for what she looks like and cares more for comfort and cleanliness, preferring trousers, boots and shirts over skirts and dresses. However despite this, she still looks distinctly female close up and is not unattactive.

Amaya grew up in a small and extremely poor town in dangerous times, a tyrant ruled her homeland and much suffering and cruelty prevailed. However, she managed to maintain a reasonably happy childhood. She, her parents and brother were close and pulled together through the hard times. However when she was just ten, her dad became disabled during a civil war and lost his right arm, making work difficult and even harder to come by. She was desperate to help her family but as a young girl there was little she could do. Amaya resorted to becoming a thief and pickpocket. She was old enough to understand these were cruel and dishonest times and it was ‘survival of the fittest’. She was not proud of it and her family were ashamed but she knew the money helped and continued.

However, by the age of thirteen, she had been caught by some passing guards who were passing through the town to inspect it. She had tried to flee but was knocked down instantly and dragged into the centre of town to be hung. She felt the noose around her neck and closed her eyes, waiting for the trapdoor to disappear, but it didn’t. Instead she opened her eyes to see a the guards taken out and a magician holding his hand out to her.

He had changed her life forever that day. Not only had he saved her life but after taking her home made her his apprentice. He knew if he left her at home, more guards would only come to arrest her.

Her next few years were happy. She had resolved to become a great sorceress and one day return to her homeland and face the injustice. She was also able to travel from land to land, learn to read and write and live the life she’s never dreamed she’d be able to live. More importantly she was able to send money home.

However her hardships were not over. She awoke one day to find her master had disappeared. She knew he wouldn’t betray her and looked into what had happened. She found evidence of a battle of great power and dark magic. She decided he must still be alive somewhere and made it her quest to find him.

During her quest, she met another young magician, a man a few years older than herself. He decided to help her, help she gladly accepted. They gradually fell in love. She slowly began embracing her feminine side and with time she found herself pregnant. Her quest was going nowhere however. He changed after she became pregnant however, and became more angry, cold and irritable. She later discovered he was only using her to get to her master who seemed to be a legend of sorts despite the fact she still knew little about him. Upon her discovery of his secret, the man she thought had loved her attacked her viciously, leaving a wound on her face. In a mad rage at being betrayed, she killed him, as fortunately for her, he underestimated her greatly. Despite having her vengeance though Amaya was a changed woman. She cut her hair and burned all of the clothes she used to wear with him. She also aborted the child within her. She once had so much love for it and believe she was starting a family but now it filled her with disgust and contempt and made her feel like a whore.

She quickly escaped, worried that she’d become a fugitive if found with a body and left to carry on again, her innocence and trust left behind.

Basic self defence. Her father was concerned for her safety as a child as he and her brother would not always be there to protect her and taught her how to defend herself. Her strengths in this kind of battle come from skill rather than physical strength. As she looks so young and innocent, opponents often underestimate her and she turns this into her advantage. She is also fast and good at getting out of tight spots. She uses her enemies’ own strength against them (similar to Aikido). She is aware of her stature and understands that in a test of physical strength she has no chance what so ever so instead tries to use her brain and draw on other strengths if forced into a battle.

Magic. Her master has taught her a lot of magic over the last few years which covers a lot of breadth e.g. fire, summoning spells, runes unpicking knots and locks…many many little things. However, because she is merely an apprentice, they are all very simple or weak and more complex ones often go wrong. There is also much in her grimoire she has yet to attempt or understand. As for what can be used in battle or directly have an effect on an enemy, she has mastered a basic freeze spell (currently won't hold for very long and is dependent on how powerful the enemy is), a weak shield (will hold off some basic magic but has no affect on regular weapons), a basic grasp of the elements (fire being her strongest, can to some extent summon and manipulate it e.g. fireballs but still room for improvement, this requires more energy than others. Can also (badly) heal small cuts etc but dislikes healing magic as the majority of time she makes it worse. Overall she knows alot but all of it's basic and needs practise and on top of that, she's not comfortable with relying on magic for battle, uses it for everyday tasks, practise and in times of emergancies. The more complex the magic, the more it exhausts her and more likely to go wrong.

Intelligent. During her travels, she has learned much about different races and cultures and picked up simple life skills e.g. to read and write and the basics of other languages. After her previous misfortunes, she is also less naïve and it takes a lot to gain her trust now, although this can sometimes be seen a weakness.

However…..Her small stature makes her an easy fight and target. If pinned or cornered in a fight she is vulnerable. As mentioned earlier, her spells can also go wrong from time to time. She still has a lot left to learn.

Grimoire – A large spell book her master gave to her, everything she has learned and much more is inside there. It is her most prized possession.

Dagger. A small steel dagger she keeps within reach at all time. The same she used to kill her former lover, but more frequently used for cooking and everyday use.
Backpack - A strong and reasonable sized bag to keep all of her possessions in.
A few spare clothes.
A blanket.
A ribbon from home as a family memento until they meet again.
Cooking utensils.
A fiction book her master gave to her.

07-28-10, 03:07 PM
I'm going to allow your Magic skill even though it doesn't specify which spells she knows because I trust you won't abuse it. Keep in mind that right now she should know cantrips and little else. Also, if any of her spells advances during your adventures on Althanas, you're going to have to list them as separate abilities/spells in your next update. This is so you don't get an unfair advantage by improving every single spell you have just by bumping the magic skill up a level.

Also, I need to know what your dagger is made of. Steel would be good.

07-28-10, 03:16 PM
probably a dumb question but what are cantrips lol, and sure I'll keep it all basic and average if that's what you mean.. Yes steel is fine I'll just edit it now :)

07-28-10, 03:26 PM
Yeah, cantrips are usually very basic spells you get for free at level zero in some RPGs. Like creating magic light or manipulating some flames or a minor protection and whatnot. I figure you get the gist of it.

You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.