View Full Version : Quick question re: Workshops

Jalim Mandren
07-27-10, 07:13 PM
Can you ask for a writing workshop on an uncompleted thread? Sort of as a 'How am I doin' so far?'

Not going to post a request up without being sure.

07-27-10, 07:20 PM
The Workshop is generally reserved for community judgment of completed threads. If you would like critiques of your ongoing writing before completing it, it would be better for you to post a link to your writing in a Role-Player's Corner thread and ask for comments. Be sure to specify that it is a work in progress.

Jalim Mandren
07-27-10, 07:46 PM
Okey doke. Thanks for the heads up.

07-27-10, 07:48 PM
Not a problem. Sei's not the only one here to help. :D

07-28-10, 08:45 PM
Scratch that. No offense Rev, not calling you out or trying to be rude, but simply interjecting.

Number 2 in the Rules was not approved by me, and until now I hadn't noticed it. I apologize. This is completely my fault for not looking over what other mods might have posted.

The Writing Workshop is an extension of the site itself, the core of what makes Althanas what it is... a creative writing workshop site. I made it into a forum in order to have it come out of being "mods are the only people that can help others in a workshop setting". This site, and by extension the WW, IS Althanas.

If you ever want to have something reviewed, by all means you are allowed to have that done. You are allowed to post your thread for review, be it complete or not, in the Writing Workshop. I'm allowing that from this point on, and will be changing the "rules" to make sure that it's all clear.