View Full Version : The Best Laid Schemes o' Mice an' Men.

Aušra Žiburis
07-28-10, 09:34 AM
Set three years after http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21329. Closed RP: Just between the characters of Aušra and Leski.

Aušra’s pale skin was covered in a thin layer of sweat as she cast her steely grey eyes around the small, but now rather cosy looking room she had set up for her friend. She had been through a fair amount with Leski by now and was quite happy to let her share her home as she had done before, this time however Leski was taking a rather more permanent residence and Aušra had felt that the bare room was devoid of any of the comfort that she believed her friend was entitled to. Aušra may have been easily enough pleased by a plain, cast iron bed and plenty of cheerful decoration but she knew that Leski’s birthright meant that before their adventuring she had been used to a life of luxury. Aušra had done her very best to bring as much comfort as she could to her little home and the oils from her shop downstairs offered a gentle, relaxing aroma to the room.

She had placed fresh beeswax candles around the place and the soft lighting combined with the strain of dragging a brand new hardwood bed up the stairs was making that new bed so much more appealing. She wondered how on earth Leski had managed to study with all the noise and swearing. She sat on the edge of the soft new mattress and took in the full effect of her handiwork. She had taken the previously peeling walls and painted them a gentle shade of cream before pinning deep, chocolate brown chiffon across the wall opposite the bed, it had draped beautifully and just added a touch of elegance to the tiny room. She was pleased with herself and was too tired to do anything else about it anyway. She raked a rough hand through her damp blonde hair and stood again, tired though she may have been she had to get back to work. She fixed her green, round-neck vest and headed downstairs to the shop, walking into the supply room, where she made her products, at the back she smiled, a large wooden half-barrel stood in the middle waiting for ingredients to be added and mixed. She began to work adding a little of each of the essential oils she needed for a louse-repelling shampoo, she sang to herself happily as she worked and grimaced as she added tea-tree oil, the smell of which was somewhat reminiscent to burning tyres.

This had become her daily routine after returning home with Leski, work on the room for a while (It had needed an awful lot of work), make some products and ask Leski to keep shop while she did this, then she would be able to come out of the supply room and help the girl to sell more products. While Leski was beautiful Aušra had the advantage of glamour magic, this was an ability she had learnt as a child from her now dead mother. It was the ability to present an image to the world that was different from reality. She used her magic to make small changes to how she looked, for example she could make her blonde hair change to any colour under the sun, or she could change her eye colour. Of late she had even learnt how to soften her hands that had become rough from being submerged in liquid mixes of soap and other cosmetics. It was not that her products didn’t work, they did, impressively well. It was just that when your hands are constantly damp they tend to crack and this did not bode well for sales. Her favourite little trick was to add an extra sheen to her hair in order to compete with the glory of Leski’s silver locks.

As Aušra worked, the heavy, oaken door creaked open slowly, squeaking on its hinges. She smiled to herself as she heard a snuffling noise and the sound clumsy paws padding towards her, a big, brown, dopey head settled itself on the side of the half-barrel. She looked down and stared into the warm, dark eyes of her dog. Silver hairs had started to fleck his muzzle with age and he let out a low grumble of content as she scratched behind his floppy ears. He had been her companion for years, she had bought him as a pup with the intent of him guarding the store while she slept and while she was away. This he had faithfully done, he had defended her and even put his own life in danger for his mistress. He was a good dog. A very good dog.

Sam hadn’t cost her much, as he was a mongrel, if an exceptionally large, stocky one. However, according to Aušra he was the best investment she had ever made. This was closely followed by her father’s investment in the building that doubled as her house and her shop, it was a beautiful building if slightly small. The outside was made of a now rather worn red brick with a large window in the front on the ground floor, perfect for displaying goods in, also perfect for Aušra to have a view of the nearby park. There was also a smaller window near the till which allowed some light in and allowed her to watch the people go buy when the shop was quiet. The black-tiled roof was a little wonky but Aušra didn’t mind, she thought it added a quirky character to the building which reflected her personality fantastically.

The bottom floor of the building which was dedicated to the shop showed that the small look of the building from the outside was rather deceptive, the entire floor was one open room with wooden beams spaced throughout holding up the ceiling. Around these beams Aušra, with Leski’s help, had placed soaps and potions of various colours and smells. Their purposes all very much varied and Aušra knew it would take Leski sometime to fully come to grips with all of the products, although her speed at learning had greatly surprised her. She guessed that you had to be a fast learner when you studied medicine, she was a little embarrassed as she knew all too well that Leski was learning much faster than she ever had although Leski seemed to lean towards creating mild medicinal poultices with her rather than cosmetics.

The top floor however was quite a bit darker as it lacked the large windows that downstairs possessed. There were two small bedrooms, one her own and one now Leski’s, and also a tiny living area in which there was a simple table, a couple of soft, worn chairs and a little kitchen. Aušra didn’t mind its small dimensions though as she spent most of her time downstairs anyway, it was nice to leave the shop and come upstairs and be enveloped in the dark, warm rooms that seemed to insulate her from the outside world.

Aušra and her father had become much more connected over the past couple of months that she had been back from her travels. Her previous paranoia about some form of plot leading to her mother’s death had all but evaporated and although she still hated her step-siblings nearly as much they hated her, she had formed a slight bond with her step-mother although she did keep her at arms length. This meant that she had received a little help paying for the new decorations for her home, including all the new furniture going into Leski’s room. Her father had even gone so far as to offer her a new dog, but she had strongly declined. Her father had never really understood her purchase of Sam, nor had he ever understood her attachment to him, but she could forgive him for this.

She sighed happily and left the oils to soak in the other ingredients before turning her attention to her dog. “Hey gorgeous boy, you seen Leski by any chance?” She smiled, she had taught him what ‘Leski’ meant and he instantly bounded out the door to reveal to her Leski’s hiding place.

Leski Hanako
07-28-10, 10:51 AM
A slender, silver haired girl with striking blue eyes was sat amongst the many carboard boxes and storage crates, a flowery aroma filling her nostrils as she was huddled over a thick, leather-bound text book, her eyes pressed closely to the page, muttering various terms aloud and occasionally scrunching her eyes closed and reciting what must of been the words on the page that she was reading. She had been in there for hour, the room lit dimly by one flickering candle that had been almost completely burned out. This was Leski's retreat from the world when she came to do her medical studies. It had been 3 years since she stopped her studies with her father and escaped her "prison" and she was now living the life that she wanted to, earning her own way working with Ausra in her shop, and also even lived with her in her spare room. She enjoyed the company: the company that she had never been allowed before due to her life stuck in her old household.

Since she had left Underwood, she had heard stories of her parents hiring search parties to look for her. These continued for 2 years, but they had never one caught wind of their little girl possibly being alive. Leski was now presumed dead by her family, and now she could live her life completely free. She had agreed in her own head that she would visit her family again one day once she had completed her solo medical studies and set up her own practice, but that would not be for many years yet. She sure knew a lot, but she still had a lot to learn.

The door to the store room burst open and a huge, clumsy dog came bounding in, taking Leski by surprise and pinning her between the wooden storage box and the wall that she was leaning on, and these great huge paws, and the dog began barking happily, his tail wagging to show his happiness. He then proceeded to begin licking Leski's face with his coarse and soggy tongue. She spluttered and turned her head to the side.
"Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!! Down! Stop it!!" She screeched whilst giggling hysterically. She was used to this kind of disturbance, and this usually meant that Ausra was looking for her. She always sent Sam, the dog, to go and find her whenever she appeared to vanish into thin air.
"Ausra, help!!" She shouted, trying to not get dog slobber in her mouth.

Aušra Žiburis
07-29-10, 04:44 PM
Aušra followed the excited dog out of the supply room and laughed as he bounded through the store, not knocking a single thing over for fear of a severe scolding, and burst through the door to her storeroom. This is where she kept prepared and packaged orders ready for home delivery to her richer, and normally lazier clients. She knew they were not truly lazy, but they had the luxury of purchasing good that they had absolutely no intention of carrying home. She never complained, it usually meant that they bought more since they did not have to worry about the size of their bags. It had become one of Leski’s jobs to help her carry the heaviest orders out, as previously she had needed to strap these orders to a sheet of wood and strap Sam to this make-shift sleigh in order to get the parcel to the carters outside. It was just so much easier to ask Leski to grab one end while she grabbed the other and lift it out.

She nearly wet herself laughing when she saw Leski struggling, pinned between the boxes and her great stupid hound. It was a familiar sight but the idea of the look of dismay that must cross Leski’s face every time she saw Sam bounding towards her still tickled her. As she calmed herself she took a few deep breaths and called the slobbering dog over to her, he obediently obeyed and looked up at her with a look of pride in himself. Aušra had to admit, he’d outdone himself, Leski’s face was absolutely dripping in smelly dog saliva. “You look beautiful my dear!” She laughed, “You should try that look more often!” She offered a hand in order to help Leski stand up.

She hadn’t set Sam on her just for amusement though, Aušra was in need of fresh ingredients, she could go herself as business was slow today, but why not take a little company with her? Yes she knew there should be someone in the store for the customers, but her little business had built up so much of a reputation that people were more than willing to return in half an hour while she nipped out. “How about tearing yourself away from that dreary book and joining me for a spot of shopping?” She offered, “I need more herbs and oils, and who knows, I may even buy a couple of new chairs to replace those old tatty things upstairs.” She laughed. Even she was now accepting that they were at the end of their life, with both of them collapsing it was probably time for a new pair. With business improving she could afford a little luxury, especially with her fathers connections now becoming her own. She smiled, hoping the idea of sitting down without worrying about disappearing through the floorboards was enough to pry Leski away from her studies.

Leski Hanako
08-05-10, 04:11 PM
Leski accepted the help up from where she had been pinned down by Sam gratefully, clearly very dazed from the experience. She reluctantly used her rather plain and simple, yet very bright, orange cardigan to wipe away the excess slobber from her face. She was rather rosy from screaming and struggling with the dog that Ausra had set onto her, but she should of been used to it by now: it happened every single time that Ausra wanted her for something, or just fancied a bit of humour in her life. She never seemed to get bored of it, but Leski sure did. Every time she spoke up about it though, it just sent her friend into hysterical laughter just thinking about it so she decided to try and just deal with it. A few times she had actually contemplated just actually fitting a lock to the back of the door, but she had never gotten around to it and also didn't want to run the risk of Sam knocking the door off of the hinges just to get to her: it was entirely possible that he would do that, so it was the sensible option.
"Of course it's a good look. I wear it a lot, remember?" She threw Ausra a sly smile, before adding "Maybe you should try it some time. I'm sure it would suit you better."

She contemplated Ausra's offer of going out shopping. She hadn't been out of the shop for a couple of weeks because of her studies, and keeping the shop running whilst Ausra was experimenting with some new products that she was hoping would attract even more customers. She had to admit that the shop had gotten busier since that night when she had first arrived here and began to work to earn her keep, and most of that was due to the products that she sold: every time a customer walked into the shop they were hit with a strong flowery fragrance from the various natural items that Ausra made herself in the back rooms of the shop. A taste of the actual sunlight wouldn't do her any harm, but Leski was halfway through her book and was very reluctant to leave it.
"Awwwww," she moaned. "I'm halfway through learning about pathology, though. I've only got three or four more books to go before I've learned everything that I can... but the thought of a comfy seat that I can sit in whilst reading those is rather tempting..."

Aušra Žiburis
08-08-10, 06:35 AM
Aušra laughed gently at her friend, “Don’t you think I wore that look every day when he was a puppy?” She asked ruffling the dogs rough fur and smiling. She noted that he smelt a bit and her hand stunk of unpleasantly of the oil build-up in his fur. It was definitely bath time for him tonight. She checked one of the shelves, she was all out of shampoo for him, a shame as he smelled so nice afterwards. Memories stirred of warm sandalwood scents and the softness of the large dogs fur when he was a puppy, she had always added sandalwood to his shampoo mixture, it kept both of them calm. She would have to pick up ingredients for that while she was out as well, she made a mental note and looked down at her dog, she passed a thumb across the silver hairs that littered his muzzle and sighed slightly. He grumbled with content at this, he was easily pleased so long as he had a little attention.

She fixed Leski with a look of disbelief that questioned whether or not the girl intended to spend the rest of her life living in the store room. She shook her head incredulously “Three or four more books? You’re reading them on the wooden floor? Has your backside not gone numb yet?” She laughed at her friends bizarre habits of choosing probably the least comfortable place in the building to learn and then to complain about the state of her worn furniture. Though in all fairness this was forgivable, the strength of Aušra’s chairs was rather uncertain and she herself was now finding it hard to trust that she wouldn’t fall through them if she simply sat down. She knew she’d won her friend over though, it was so strange the way they worked, their attitude to each other had always seemed to reverse their ages. Even when they first met and Leski began working with her, it had seemed as though Leski was a child and Aušra nearing the state of a full-grown woman despite Leski being an entire year older than her. However, Aušra did not question this and had concluded in her own mind that it was probably due to the girl’s sheltered life before she found her way to Radasanth.

She tore herself from her thoughts and taking her hands from the dog she grimaced at their smell and walked to the supply room to use the chipped sink at the back, the chilly water cleansed the stench of the dog from her skin and she picked up a pleasant smelling bar of soap that had been made misshapen. While it was fine to use, she knew no-one would buy it so she kept the faulted products to one side for Leski and herself. She rinsed the soap away, watching the soft, pink bubbles be rinsed down the drain like a swirling cloud from a child’s dream. This was the exact purpose it had been made for, she had created an entire range devoted to children, but she enjoyed it more than those she had designed for people her own age. Some people might consider this preference childish but Aušra felt she could have more fun and be more creative with the children’s products. She had even created a melt for the bath that would twirl around in the water releasing beautiful dark pink and purple waves of colour that resembled a child’s image of the universe. When it finally melted closer to the centre, silver glitter burst from the centre creating a small supernova in the bath. From this excitement the child could then be lulled to a sleepy state due to the soft lavender fragrance, she sold it as a secret weapon to parents with restless children, it sold very well.

She smirked to herself, claiming that little melt as a secret victory in which she could take pride. For now though, her own pride would have to wait, she had bartering to do. She took a grey, woollen trench-coat from the hook on the back of the supply room door and found her soft, black, leather gloves. Looking outside she could see it was icily cold, she was glad she had chosen to wear her black trousers as the shorts she usually wore would have left her bare legs freezing. The chilly weather reminded her of Jack Frost, she frowned slightly, remembering his arrival... It seemed so long ago now when he had descended in the park in front of her shop all those years ago with Leski. She shook the memories away and called for Sam to come with her and Leski, a big dog was useful to have with you when you were two young women on your own, every city has a rough patch after all.