View Full Version : Lillith Kazumi

07-28-10, 02:48 PM
Name: Lillith Kazumi
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Nationality: Akashiman
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 120llbs
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black
Occupation: Rogue, Actress, Assassin
Title: Lady
Alignment: Chaotic Good


History/Background: Long ago, a sister was born out of wedlock, and into a life of exile. As a young daughter of Akashiman nobles, the Sensei Heiro and the enigmatic Azumi, Lady of Scrolls, Lillith’s future was sealed the day she was conceived, and she was sent to the city of Scara Brae aged 12 after a life of near servitude and bondage to the family household she assumed she loved so much. She was adopted by the Arleen family, a middle class aristocratic household living in the Docklands with ties to the merchant guild and various associations with political power houses across the city. There, she learnt the ways of womanhood in the wider world, and was taught by a matron and mistress the ways of Akashiman nobility, alongside the traditional steam addled affairs of her new home state.

She became the proverbial Geisha, only bound in goggles, coarser fabric and more world weary song. At the age of sixteen, at her debut ball, she met a red headed woman by the name of Ruby La Roux; instantly they struck a chord, and struck several bottles of champagne with the same gusto that would become their accustomed approach to virtually all circumstances. It would be six months later that Lillith was initiated into the Tantalum, and given the rightful attention, love and family she had deserved all along.

Whilst many would suggest that Lillith is forever in Ruby’s shadow, it is technically the other way around. Lillith is the calming cogitation and the voice of reason in the enigmatic duo. Wherever and whenever Ruby strays, she is sure to direct her back onto the right path. Jealousy and hope exists between them, and the bond they share has crafted their personalities as if they were true sisters – ask them over the last five years and they will feign any attempt to call their relationship into doubt as fallacy. As time has gone by and they have endured more together, the bond has only become stronger, and stronger, and stronger still.

She became virtually indistinguishable from any other lady of Scara Brae under Ruby’s watchful eye, and soon the ‘pale skinned foreign child’ of the stiff inner circles of the noble houses became the story of yesteryear and vanished from the radar. Whilst keeping up appearances as the ‘sister’ of Ruby, she maintained her dual lifestyle and was relatively unharmed by the growing transgressions of Lucian Lahore until a brief and bitter encounter in the Mausoleum beneath the Gregory household, where her Aria abilities awoke beneath the shadowy scowl of the Dark Bard himself.

Ever since, she has found a new love and re-learnt the geisha art, music, melody, etiquette and lifestyle have all reformed in her mind and she has become more like her true self again. Whilst Ruby is truly a woman of her people, Lillith has become a woman of hers, and she brings to bear the tools of the ancient ways against the Tantalum’s foe. In the last year, she has fallen for gentlemen she has been courting in the noble households, a man by the name of Willard Samson – a pleasant, well-travelled man who has diplomatic ties with Akashima and understands the traditions, boundaries and customs of the rainy mountaintops.

Lillith has sheathed her tanto and strapped her ample bosoms down for the time being, and forgotten the ills of her past to focus on two things, and two things alone. Firstly, her engagement, and soon to be marriage is most important. The planning has taken months, and within three, they are to be married in the Lei-Sheri temple in the cultural quarter of Scara Brae. The wedding shall be on the first high day of summer, and the flock of white doves that shall be released as a peace offering for their tempest union shall pearl the skies…or so they hope.

Second is the application of Lillith’s skills, newly burgeoning abilities and hate for Lucian for all his sins to the war against the troupe’s enemy. In the revelation of the last year, Duffy, Ruby and Blank all learnt of the thousand ways in which Lucian has crafted their lives, the ways in which he has drawn them all in sorrow together under a false premise – his only aim is to crush them, and his only fear, that they shall overcome the trails he could not. Whilst Lucian planted a seed of lust and loathing in her parent’s hearts, and made the Kami’s song and the Oni’s roar nothing more than distant melodies in her ribcage, Lillith is clawing back her nationality and her identity bit by bit by bit. She shall not be the seamstress, the singer, the charlatan and whore of the stage anymore – one way of another, she shall become a woman once more, and the sakura shall fall over her and her husband as they take back the life they nearly lost to doubt.

Personality: Calculated, bashful and perhaps cold, Lillith is an austere and degenerate woman on the path to scorn much of the time, and joyful and playful and perhaps manic at others. Her calm and collected persona when in company, masqueraded by etiquette is all but flawless, and the seething and fiery persona that lies beneath is well hidden and carefully controlled.

She can seem brash and snappy to those who do not know her, but those who do still fear her. Without questioning her, one cannot truly begin to understand the dry wit and the sarcastic barrages which sometimes erupt from her stiff upper lip. She is every bit an enigma amongst the usually passionate and melancholic theatre troupe as the fusion of steam-punk and Akashiman garb she wears. All of this negativity however is balanced with a loving and passionate person who knows when trust is between two people, that she will never betray them or be betrayed in return. She will fulfil her promises, complete her obligations and lend an ear or mouth to the err of caution when need be. She is every bit the thoroughly modern woman she has been groomed to be, and ever dutiful to her soon to be husband, even if her hand strays to a tanto to slay villains in the dark, or her voice straddles truth as well as the thousand lies of the stage.

Skills: Lillith is excellently talented at domestic chores. She can cook, clean, wash and sew and is a dab hand at dusting, mopping and basic fire preparation. She can maintain and upkeep a household of a moderate size, and a cottage or summer retreat without much thought beyond autonomous movement. She can speak common, trade speak and Akashiman flawlessly, with appropriate acknowledgement of Scara Brae dialects and Akashiman hierarchy and gender fluctuations in accordance with the fusion of the three languages in the majority of people she meets or socialises with. These skills are generic, and are not affected by the development and shifting tides of strength in her Aria abilities – the remaining skills, those typically required to be noted or those that are used against or alongside another player are detailed below.

The Aria: All members of the Tantalum, and thus, all disciples of the Thayne Tantalus have a distinct and unique connection to The Aria. How such a connection manifests is dependent on the individual, and the unique genus and personality that individual possesses. One can be a powerful warrior, drawing on the impetus to defend the weak from the historic characters of the literary world; another can pluck songs from the heavens sung on distant planets. Lillith, on the other hand, draws her talents from her strong national identity, and the connection she shares with her home, Akashima. If ever Lillith’s connection to Akashima or her lifestyle changes, so too will the strength and manifestation of the three aspects of Akashiman life she manifests as skills.

The Geisha: Lillith can summon the musical instruments that a geisha would otherwise be talented with. Typically, this allows her to create a ghostly image of a Shamisen and play it as if it were real. She can thus play all Akashiman instruments, and can dance, sing traditional Akashiman songs and recite simple folklore tales in theatrical style at an above average level. This also allows her to perform, as Duffy and Ruby do, the basic and rhetorical techniques required of an actress in a Scara Brae troupe – she is thus above average in dancing, singing and acting and playing the noted instruments alongside other troupe members; this is a simulacrum ability, her talent grows as long as she is near others.

The Shogun: Lillith has an archaic ability to deliver mandate, trade offer and ultimatum. She has a headstrong approach to disaster, and can organise evacuations, emergencies and large scale events with the emperor’s dignity and the Shogun’s command. She is above average in diplomacy, logistics and haggling/trade.

The Tanto: Lillith is a trained and skilled Assassin, drawing on the traditional techniques of the shinobi and ninja from the recesses of the Aria and the Akashiman folklore that resides in the depths of the silver sea. She can wield tanto and kunai at an average level, sneak, climb and perform dodge and acrobatics all at an average skill level. She cannot wear armour of any sort, nor wield any other weapon at all under any circumstances.


The Tantalus Menagerie: Lillith has access to the many hundreds of props, books and costumes that are available in the Prima Vista. She has access to basic food stuffs, water, cleaning facilities and the like in the troupe’s home, and in exchange for this basic supply of cheap red wine, cheaper tricks and cheaper one liners, she must sacrifice 10% of all gold earnt in threads.

Tanto & Kunai: Lillith owns two steel tanto and two steel kunai, as well as a simple rope to thread them together or to tie them to a limb to wield as a short-ranged weapon.

07-28-10, 03:29 PM
Sounds good. You are approved. Once again, welcome to Althanas.