View Full Version : need some people for massive blockbuster special The Fall Of Radasanth

07-29-10, 04:19 AM
I need 3 people for this massive blockbuster special

1 person with me to help kill radasanth blow it up something

2 people of the ixxian knights to protect it or someone who likes radasanth

plz join Silence_sei would be appreciated if you help me as a good guy

07-29-10, 07:36 AM
Hey 10' Elf Dood, I'm willing to help you out with this quest as a Defender of Radasanth. I/M me with the information of the quest so I know where and when to post. Let me know what's shaken.

07-29-10, 10:37 AM
imma tell everyone after zll joined so wait lol

07-29-10, 03:06 PM
I'll join as a defender of Radasanth if you like.

07-29-10, 07:05 PM
why do you want to destroy Radasanth anyway?

07-29-10, 08:03 PM
He doesn't have a grasp on what level 0 means yet :p

Jalim Mandren
07-29-10, 08:13 PM
Haha. Sounds like you intend to show 'im?

07-29-10, 08:20 PM
Nah, figured I'd join along and try to PM him some advice along the way or something. Help him to avoid getting low scores while teaching him how to level up and get strong gradually.. rather than be ridiculously powerful up-front :p

Silence Sei
07-29-10, 08:36 PM
Rather than be ridiculously powerful up-front :p

Like some of us...

*Gives Sei the evil eye....oh wait.....*

07-29-10, 08:45 PM
We're level 9, we're allowed to have teh strongs!

07-29-10, 09:05 PM
Sei is a high level i have a battle against him hes not that hard to beat in my case

that battle is y i want to destroy radasanth and lvl does not mean anything

my guy is Anti-radasanth Milita leader

Level is nothin and ur in Ix

just one more person to help me kill Radasanth

Jack Frost
07-29-10, 09:09 PM
Uttam in your case even if you destroyed radasanth you would not score high enough for it to be Cannon. Plus two defenders would be unreasonable. I know Jack would be all for kicking your ten foot ass if you endangered his new homeish thing.

07-29-10, 09:29 PM
Sei is a high level i have a battle against him hes not that hard to beat in my case

That might be a hint to you that you're greatly overplaying your character's strength. One thing you can do to score higher is to play within the strength you should have at your level. You're weren't approved at level zero to be a powerhouse, that's something you become gradually as you level up.

07-29-10, 09:32 PM
Sei is a high level i have a battle against him hes not that hard to beat in my case

Yeah... Sei is also being incredibly nice to you AND you are powergaming ridiculously. I read your profile and you are adding in a LOT of things in your battle that are not in your profile and that were not RoG approved.

And Jack is right, in order for the destruction of Radasanth to become canon it would have to score extremely well.

And on Althanas, level means quite a bit. Your level determines what you can and cannot reasonably do. That is the point of having a profile go through an approval process and getting things judged to get EXP.

I'd defend Radasanth, but your allotment of 2 is already filled. (nevermind the fact that a city would have a whole army to defend itself with)

Jack Frost
07-29-10, 09:39 PM
A whole army of actual players I might add. Not puny Npcs a level zero could pwn.

07-29-10, 10:12 PM
im not power gaming over my strenth whatso ever in my char i left a lot of things open so not powergaming.

07-29-10, 11:00 PM
im not power gaming over my strenth whatso ever in my char i left a lot of things open so not powergaming.

The whole point is you can't leave things open. You have to tie up loose ends so that the ROG mod can allow it. If you leave it too open, they generally ensure that you use that ability with discretion, and you have gone way over your ability as a level zero. For example, when I lunged at you in our duel, you grabbed my sharp, excellently crafted steel daggers with your bare hands and threw me across the room... Which you can't do.

Level does matter. Think of a level zero as an average person, or you in real life (whoever you are behind the computer keyboard). Would you grab two daggers with your bare hands and throw someone across a room? I think not. (Don't say you would.... honestly...)

07-29-10, 11:07 PM
Can I grab you by the daggers and throw you across the room? ;)

(Hint: No I cannot, I don't have the strength! :þ)

I'm sure I got characters that could fit in as attacker OR defender, depends on how much of an asshole I want to be...

I do want to dust off Mage Hunter, been awhile since she's hunted, and the chaos of this might just suit her...

07-29-10, 11:13 PM
lol ok ill step it down abit the whole point of me and Seis battle was not against Sei it was an internal battle bewtween Shade and his evil evil CHEATING counterpart so i dont rlly care if i dont get any points in action cuse of powergaming

Cyrus the virus
07-29-10, 11:16 PM
You'd have a lot more fun if you worked your way up though :) It's no fun to get low scores because you're playing your character as if he's stronger than he should be. I've gotten nailed for powergaming before.

Anyway, it looks like you have all the people you need!

07-29-10, 11:17 PM
wait i do have all the players i thought i still needed one guy on my side? unless it was dissinger?
im lost lol

07-29-10, 11:25 PM
Dissinger is a jerk. I'm pretty sure he was volunteering to burn down the town with you.

07-29-10, 11:28 PM
Dissinger is a jerk. I'm pretty sure he was volunteering to burn down the town with you.

HEY! I resemble that remark!

And yeah, I was planning on using Mage Hunter to sow more chaos and discord. Won't really care about burning down the town, would care if she took out a mage or two...

07-30-10, 12:07 AM
lol srry was never planning on starting this thread i have 3 battles going on and starting a solo so srry just wanted to know the remarks of what would happen if i posted this. srry i might actully start later sometime.

07-30-10, 12:13 AM

This may not bode well for future recruitment.

07-30-10, 12:16 AM
i no i usually recruit pm wise or im so they rlly cant take that as a joke

07-30-10, 12:17 AM
hey artemis another battle? ii got the basics and all that down i think lol

07-30-10, 12:21 AM
Careful, kid - you're about to start irritating people. Out of kindness many of us tried to help you out and work with you on your idea, only for you to decide that you were just playing around. It might have been funny to you, but it was a waste of time to everybody else.

If you're trying to make friends here, that's not a good way to go about it.

07-30-10, 12:22 AM
well im srry wanted to see what the replies where cuse i noticed althanas is split up inot 2 sections ppl who like radasanth and ppl who dont i was just cuirous is that a crime? thnx for all the help i try to help when i can but this is a fun game not a pressure cooker man

07-30-10, 12:23 AM
Careful, kid - you're about to start irritating people. Out of kindness many of us tried to help you out and work with you on your idea, only for you to decide that you were just playing around. It might have been funny to you, but it was a waste of time to everybody else.

If you're trying to make friends here, that's not a good way to go about it.

for example, me. I'd rather not go for a rematch. Sorry.

PS Might I ask where you got the notion of two factions with separate feelings on Radasanth? I've been here for a bit and I haven't noticed that.

07-30-10, 12:26 AM
ok just ask and ill battle anytime

07-30-10, 12:27 AM
well im srry wanted to see what the replies where cuse i noticed althanas is split up inot 2 sections ppl who like radasanth and ppl who dont i was just cuirous is that a crime? thnx for all the help i try to help when i can but this is a fun game not a pressure cooker man

So ask people what they'd think of such an idea. Don't pitch it as recruitment for a thread you're trying to do.

You're right, it is a game. That doesn't mean that lying for your own amusement is okay.

07-30-10, 12:28 AM
not my amusement ok and not lying just a little idea to everyone and ppl wldnt be serious or care if i ddint pitch it in as a recruitment

07-30-10, 12:30 AM
not my amusement ok and not lying just a little idea to everyone and ppl wldnt be serious or care if i ddint pitch it in as a recruitment

This isn't some massive group of people who don't care at all about Althanas. As far as I know, everyone who is active reads every new thread that is posted, even other peoples' solos and battles and so forth. If you had pitched it as an idea, you would have gotten plenty of feedback...

07-30-10, 12:31 AM
but not as much as a serious recruitment blockbuster premium speicial

07-30-10, 12:33 AM
but not as much as a serious recruitment blockbuster premium speicial

...I'm going to make my exit before I say something far too rude. Adios.

07-30-10, 12:35 AM
Since this thread has served it's purpose, and is degrading into an argument, I'm closing it.

In the future, just a note, you went a very wrong way with this. It's one thing to ask an idea, we all have done that. It's another to recruit people for something you didn't plan on writing. There are no rules against it, and I generally don't care, but it's really not the best way to make anyone else take you seriously.
