View Full Version : Conflict Already?

07-29-10, 05:27 AM
((closed - uttam123)

Amaya was sat slouched up against a wall, feeling disheartened. She had concluded that Knife’s Edge was unlike anywhere she had ever been before and it would take weeks, perhaps even months to find the answers she was searching for, or instead to find that it had all been another wasted effort. After discovering just how hard her task was going be she was now in a foul mood. She flicked through the pages of her grimoire impatentially as a way to clear her head before she continued. Each page was full of painful reminders of the past, the present and the future. They contained memories of her lessons and anticipation of what would have been to come. Her magic was still improving, but with out a teacher or mentor of any kind, any fast progress was out of the question. Instead of getting better each and every day and working towards her goals, her life had been ground to halt, frozen in her current state unable to move on or look back. Her family were still alive last time she checked but she could not bring herself to face them until she was strong enough to protect them. She sighed to her self and shut the book, her eyes more eager to survey her surroundings.

‘I’m beginning to hate this place’ she thought to herself bitterly, looking around. She disliked the layout for one, usually cities were divided by classes, making them easy to navigate but here they were all mixed up and she never knew what to expect when she turned a corner. Even the map she had purchased earlier didn’t seem to offer much help, the various areas in the city, it all looked the same to her. She was currently somewhere in the cities outskirts by one of the more run down areas, wooden shacks were homes and the area lacked life and colour, giving it a desolate feel despite the energy and livliness of the city. Although she was grateful to have found somewhere quiet to think. In fact too quiet until she heard footsteps.

Amaya saw someone approaching and her right hand instinctively rested on the dagger tucked into her belt.

07-30-10, 12:00 AM
Shade was casually walking throughout the streets of the Edge, until he went into more of an old, worn out place. There were thieves everywhere stealing from all of the stores, one robbing a bank, some kids crying as they couldn’t find there mommy. Shade wrinkled his eyes under his magnificent robe when the burning sun shined right into his eyes it scalded part of his eyelids making them darker then usual.

He was turning the corner and people still gazed at his amazing height. Then it was clear no one everyone rushed away for rush hour, except one little girl looking around the area disgusted by it. He walked up to her still looking around disgusted by the cities inner systems. Shade saw her hand rest on her dagger, Shade moved closer fast and grabbed her wrist with his hands and said calmly” I wouldn’t do that little girl” Shade took a deep breath and continued “the Edge isn’t so bad if you look at it from a different way, the special fantasy world you can live in and enjoy it” He finished still grabbing her hand. Shade then let go of her hand and said “I’m Shade, and what might your name be?”. He dusted off his arms and asked her “what are you doing here; many thieves are venturing around here at this time”. Shade then sat down on the dazzling grass and waited for the mysterious girl to reply.

08-07-10, 07:22 PM
Her fingers seemed to have barely brushed across the hilt of her dagger when her thin, fragile wrist was snatched viciously by an elf who seemed to tower above her, enough to block out any rays of sun and consume her in shadow. She glared at him venomously as she struggled to free herself from his vice like grip and gently nursed her hand it was eventually released, still red from the way he held it. If he had held on any longer she would have smacked him one or spat in his face with her free hand for sure. She stood up warily and backed away, eager to put some distance between them. She had been desperate to find a descent comeback to ‘little girl’ but barely over five feet high, she bit her tongue.

“Why not, these are dangerous times and I have a right to be prepared to defend myself if needed and you surely can’t be afraid of a ‘little girl’” she smirked. “And also, you speak as if you know me, I’m sure this place holds much joy but as you do not my circumstances, how dare you judge me and treat me accordingly when you are the one acting out of line!” she snarled bitterly, then proceeded to curse him with far less pleasant language under her breath. Common sense was telling her to mind her manners with this one but she was too angry to pay attention.

He then proceeded to introduce himself, what a creep she thought to herself, wondering how to deal with all this unwanted attention.
“Suits your personality I suppose” she muttered sarcastically, “Give me one reason I should tell you my name or anything for that matter, I’ve done nothing against you yet you treat me like shit. You’re also practically accusing me of being a criminal when you’re clearly the one in the wrong, I didn’t come here for trouble, now please leave me alone” she frowned, staring him directly in the eye, refusing to let herself be intimidated.