View Full Version : I'm Mister Heat Miser

Mr. Heat Miser
07-29-10, 04:08 PM
I'm mister sun
Name: Cain Flare
Age: 19-ish
Race: Human
Hair Color: Deep Red
Eye Color: Orange
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 120 pounds
Occupation: Fire breather

Personality: Caine is a fiery and energetic young man who is fiercely loyal to anyone he deems worthy. He is very passionate about everything he does, and never half asses anything. He falls in love often, and loves like an explosion. Unfortunately his romances typically die out in a few weeks. He smiles a lot and keeps moving forward in life no matter what. He never lets things get him down either.

Appearance: Caine is a somewhat tall young man with fiery red hair and energetic orange eyes. His skin is lightly tanned and his face is handsome. He is quite muscular and athletic. He has a powerful aura that is warm and friendly. To cover himself he wears a surprisingly simple set up. A tight white T-shirt and Black Jeans. He wears flat black shoes.

History: The one problem Caine has is a lack of history literally. One day about two years ago Caine woke up in a house in Radasanth with no memories at all. He didn't have any family. His neighbors told him the house had just been bought. No leads at all. He found that certain amounts of gold were mailed to him at the same day every month. He had no clue about anything concerning his past. But he found he was already informed of all of the social nuances, and how to make money. He found he could summon fire, which he used to become a fire breather. he had no clue how he got his skills or any of his items. He simply found himself all alone in a house.

Fire magic: Caine can call streams of flame up from out of his palms or mouth. the stream is about five feet long and hot enough to evaporate small amounts of water and melt icy projectiles instantly.

A small House in Radasanth (not up for resale)
Two broadswords. One iron one steel.
One flint necklace that radiates heat.

07-29-10, 04:13 PM

I'm approving this with a note to use the flames reasonably and with discretion. Any misuse will be handled by the mods judging, of course. And if the problem persists, which I hope it won't, limits will have to be put on it.