View Full Version : Mystic War...

Amber Eyes
07-30-10, 12:49 AM
Alrighty...so Sei and I have been tossing this idea around for a bit now.

Basically, Kyla is going to pull a black widow and seriously damage the mystic race (for those comic book fans, think M-day) most mystics will lose thier powers and the race will seem to be screwed.

With the Mystic race weakened, the Knights of the Dawn will take thier chance to annialate the race once and for all. The mystics will of course protect themselves at all costs. We'd like a third army to be involved to some extent....perhaps as a peacekeeping opperation gone wrong.

So...any of the Orlouge's out there interested? While I don't expect any PC's to give up thier powers, It might be cool to invent an NPC you know that did. I also think this would be a fun test for the strength of the Ixian knights. And if anyone would like to write as on of the other factions, please let me know. Sei is usually on aim (ashtonwise) or you can PM either of us.

07-30-10, 01:01 AM
Alright, I already talked it over with Sei awhile back and Aislinn is at the point she's ready to go. She's just about warmed up to having family again enough to involve herself in the war, even if she DOES think her dad is a gigantic asshole.

As for other characters, I also put forth Mage Hunter as a recurring villain, taking the opportunity to take out a race of abominations. While certainly not working alongside the Knights of the Dawn, she would definitely not hinder their attempts at genocide.

Silence Sei
07-30-10, 01:14 AM
Awesome, I actually have Aisinn in some of my ideas for a coinciding storyline involving Kyla but I'll hit you up about that on PM. I need her doctor skills....

Tainted Bushido
07-30-10, 01:27 AM
Yeah, she'll give you a hand...for now...

07-30-10, 03:13 AM
I can offer Izzy up as a mercenary for the Mystic side. Or if we use liquid time (or Sei and I post really quickly), he can have a genuine reason (friendship with Sei) to help out.

Similarly I can have Luc on the opposite end as someone who is recruited (somehow) to try and help destroy the Mystics.

Either way, it would be cool to be involved!

Enigmatic Immortal
07-30-10, 03:40 AM
The Knights of Apoclaypse can help either side, whichever you need more. I have a plethora of characters I wish to use in this as well, most notably Black Waltz Project, Chandra Dawnspear.

Fuck, even Emprea and it's legendary six heroes are willing to lend a hand. Sei can talk to me, but I'm always willing to throw down.

07-30-10, 05:30 AM
I'll throw Rehtul in the ring.

Silence Sei
07-30-10, 08:42 AM
Well, we gotta finish up a couple of threads before we begin this, so if you want, continuity wise, for there to be a good IC reason to join up, yall can throw those in.

Basically, AE needs to get us set up for the mystic war. Which, btw, Aislinn, she needs to talk to you about help with the cause for the war.

Jalim Mandren
07-30-10, 08:50 AM
This does sound rather interesting. I can see Jalim and Mathwain (once I get around to making her a 'real' playable character) getting involved in this, on the side of the Mystics most likely.

What sort of ETA is there on a start for this?

07-30-10, 09:32 AM
ill be a mercenary for the mystics if you need awesome piece of shits

07-30-10, 01:23 PM
"Awesome piece of shits" are awesome! .... YEAH!

Enigmatic Immortal
07-30-10, 01:37 PM
....No comment....no comment....no comment....no comment....

Ouu that was hard.

Do we have a premise yet for how this is going down? A rough draft so to speak that we can get PM'd so we can offer ideas, point out holes, and so forth?

Amber Eyes
07-30-10, 04:01 PM
I'd say roughly two weeks or so...I have a lot going on at work right now, but that should be over by the latter part of next week. I've just got to finish up a couple things.

Also, if anyone feels like playing the person who tricks Kyla into destroying the race in the first place, let me know.

Let's set a tentative date for 'm-day' around the 11th or 12th. Hopefully a bit sooner if everything lines up just right. As far as plot holes...let me know your ideas, because I'm really excited about this, and the more participation we can get the cooler this could be.

Kylin Rouge
07-30-10, 04:37 PM
Can I help?

Amber Eyes
07-31-10, 01:20 AM
Of course...great to see both of the original mystics on board!

Requiem of Insanity
07-31-10, 04:10 AM
One evil tricker to set events in motion. YO!

Silence Sei
11-25-10, 12:45 PM
Okay, so update on this.

We're going to start the war as soon as Amber posts the conclusion to her solo, which will be as soon as she logs back on.

Now, we're going to divide this quest into a few chapters, because of the massive size of this story. Each chapter is also going to be divided up (because of the amount of people I think will be interested in participating, as well as certain preferences for certain people).

So Chapter 1 is essentially the Knights of the Dawn attacking Ixian Castle. Their goal is any and all Mystics (with perhaps the exception of Sei himself) to give themselves up to their custody. More specifically, they're looking for Kyla and Akiv. I imagine a bunch of people, Sei included, are not going to be happy with the fight or give up options, so we're throwing down.

Knowing that the KoD are only after the Mystics residing in the castle, Sei orders an escape of all mothers and Mystics, believing the KoD will leave the castle alone if they flee.

So far, I have 4 teams that are each going to have their own thread, but if interest flourishes, I'll make more for this first chapter.

Team 1 is Sei, Kyla, and 1-2 other people, they will have the intial conversation that starts the fight, and start the exodus to Chateau and/or Orlouge Drantrak.

Team 2 will be Aislinn and perhaps 1-2 others, they will be organizing everything for the quick escape from their quarters. I imagine this one would be more preferabble for the less combat-oriented characters.

Team 3 will be Kylin, Axel Leonte (provided he wants in on this) and maybe 1 other person. Kylin will essentially be bringing up the rear to protect everybody else, or maybe find some way to get seperated from the rest of the group (which would explain why some Mystics are in one city, and others are in the other).

team 4 is the only non Mystic team thus far. It's essentially just the IK beating the crap out of the Knights of Dawn. It's going to be strictly battles until the Mystics escape.

So who's in.

Amber Eyes
11-25-10, 02:57 PM
Alrighty! Thread is going up tonight. Everyone is welcome to join, though it won't make much sense if you aren't at the castle. I started it off in my solo, so if you want to read the last post of it, you can. If not, basically it's the middle of the night and Kyla sounded the alarm. We are setting it the night that Jensen left the castle, so EI probably playing Steph would be your best bet. Anyways, let's do this!

11-25-10, 03:06 PM
awww.... Sei, that means Jas can't have any fun.... poopies :P

Silence Sei
11-25-10, 03:13 PM
Jas can always give the baby to Gran Gran and stay behind to fight. Sei's just trying to watch out for the kids.

11-25-10, 03:16 PM

kyla's supposed to evacuate too, right? it would be like Jas to hand Siela to her and cover her friend's exit

Silence Sei
11-25-10, 04:18 PM
Yep all Mystics, Sei and Kyla inclued, are going to be heading out. So which team you wanna be a part of?

Amber Eyes
11-25-10, 04:20 PM
Actually I'm not entirely sure what Kyla's going to do. She's definatly not leaving wtihout getting a few punches in. Sei may have to force her to leave, that or give her something important to do...like take Seila.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-25-10, 04:26 PM
alrighty captain. Stephanie will most likely respond to flee with Kyla, and adolph will stay to fight. Tobias can babysit Azza.

Timing wise though...uh, well fuck it, Continuity is hard in a power group so I can discuss this over aim with Sei. It's not a big enough deal to discuss over the thread.

Amber Eyes
11-25-10, 04:29 PM
Team 1 is Sei, Kyla, and 1-2 other people, they will have the intial conversation that starts the fight, and start the exodus to Chateau and/or Orlouge Drantrak.

I think Jas and Z should be in this group too. Possibly EI as Steph?

Team 2 will be Aislinn and perhaps 1-2 others, they will be organizing everything for the quick escape from their quarters. I imagine this one would be more preferabble for the less combat-oriented characters.

Sei, you should be in this one as well, use Anita. I also think perhaps this would be a good spot for Artie if he wants in. Perhaps Cass?

Team 3 will be Kylin, Axel Leonte (provided he wants in on this) and maybe 1 other person. Kylin will essentially be bringing up the rear to protect everybody else, or maybe find some way to get seperated from the rest of the group (which would explain why some Mystics are in one city, and others are in the other).

I don't think Justin is going to be on board in time, but I'll see if I can write Axel for him. But I'm bunnying him in our thread too. This would be a good spot for Rehtul as well. Seeing as his grandparents are there.

team 4 is the only non Mystic team thus far. It's essentially just the IK beating the crap out of the Knights of Dawn. It's going to be strictly battles until the Mystics escape.

This should be EPIC!

11-25-10, 04:29 PM
Might Ruby help the Mystics in their escape?

Amber Eyes
11-25-10, 04:35 PM
Of Course, the more the epic-er....???

Silence Sei
11-25-10, 04:37 PM
Okay, yeah, we'll do Sei-Kyla-Jas-Z-EI in Team 1

Ruby, you're good to go.

by the by, I'm starting off each of these threads. Anita is going to be in team 2, Emma and Ella in Team 3, and a couple of my other NPCs in team 4. I was just stating main characters.

11-25-10, 06:32 PM
*shrugs* alright, I guess I'm in team 1 then.

Hopefully I'll talk to you guys later to discuss what kind of things we want to see happen in the thread. That way I'll get a little more of an idea of how Z will fit in.

Amber Eyes
11-25-10, 06:42 PM
Okay! Sorry guys...we're adjusting things due to some of the pairings not making any sense.

Team 1 which is already up will be Kylin and Sei.

Team 2 will be Aislinn and whoever else wants in.

Team 3 Will be myself, and any others who are evacuating. Z, you and Jas are welcome to make a cameo but since you will probably remain behind you should also be in team 2 or 4.

Team 4 will be any/all other generals who will remain behind that wish to participate.

Basically teams 2, 3, and 4 are still looking for people.

11-25-10, 07:21 PM
Cooool. I'm up for sticking around and kicking butt. Team 4 right?

Silence Sei
11-25-10, 07:23 PM
That's right Hys, EI will be making the Team 4 thread shortly.

Amber Eyes
11-25-10, 07:54 PM
So...Team 1 is closed

For team 2 speak to Sei

For team 3 speak to myself

For team 4 speak to EI

Rehtul Orlouge
11-25-10, 08:06 PM
Sign me up for Team 3

Amber Eyes
11-25-10, 08:09 PM
Alright. Feel free to post whenever you're ready.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-25-10, 09:30 PM
Hys, you can post next after i throw up the post. You can either do one of two things: Alert Adolph that their are more knights hiding in the forest, or meet up with him in the castle courtyard.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-25-10, 09:37 PM
Double post! YAY!

So, team four, thread is up. Posting is okay, but please be warned to NOT START any fighting without my consent. CHaplains are running around the castle to inform the army not to engage until ordered to, so your initial posts should have NO fighting. (Though shoving and tempers flaring are all right.)

Jess, what do you require of Stephanie, as she'll be making her way to you in my first post and meet up with you.

Amber Eyes
11-25-10, 10:00 PM
Basically, Kyla's going to run headfirst into battle before being pulled out by Steppenwolf. He'll be taking her back to the tomb passageways, where (If Jas is wants to do it like this) she'll be given Seila to take out. Taking care of Seila is about the only way they are getting Kyla out of there concious.

Amber Eyes
11-25-10, 10:13 PM
Okay...just wanted to update everyone so we can kind of keep these threads meshed. I know we aren't all going to stay updated so we'll do it here.

1. Adolph wakes and sees fire in the distance. He gets his men moving to alert people and to await instructions. (Team four is here)

2. Kyla sees the army approaching and sounds the alarm.

3. Everyone gets ready for battle as Sei tells the guards to allow the enemies to enter the courtyard.

4. Teams assemble on three sides of the courtyard to surround the enemies.

5. It become known that the people are the Knights of the Dawn and they are currently after Akiv (who is not there), Kyla, and all other mystics. (Team 1 is here)

6. First blood is drawn though it has yet to be said who it was. (Team 3 is here)

Anyways, just want to keep it all pretty well in line.

11-26-10, 01:59 AM
where (If Jas is wants to do it like this) she'll be given Seila to take out.

this sounds good, though isn't Jas supposed to be evacuating as well? She'd be willing to evacuate with everyone else, but have Siela in Kyla's arms so that her own are free to defend the evacuees.

Rehtul Orlouge
11-26-10, 06:16 PM
I'll put up my post for Team 3 tonight.

Tainted Bushido
11-26-10, 06:17 PM
Team 2 peeps be sure to shoot me a PM, so I know who I got.

11-27-10, 12:40 AM
Sei as we discussed on AIM, I am game for Team 4 if you're already having people sign up for it. I will -personally- assist in hunting down the remaining factions of The Knights of Dawn. This will become one of Lorenor's crowning achievements to date.

Rehtul Orlouge
11-27-10, 01:34 AM
I'll have to hold off my post until later today. Sorry, folks

11-27-10, 02:33 AM
Going to get a post up early tomorrow, I got stuck on some things before I could get to it.

Hys, you can post next after i throw up the post. You can either do one of two things: Alert Adolph that their are more knights hiding in the forest, or meet up with him in the castle courtyard.

I was thinking I could head down to the kitchen grab a few bottles and make some molotov cocktails and then head up. Or even have Talen (but his own nefarious informants,) alerted before they arrive so I could have already made them.

Silence Sei
12-03-10, 09:28 PM
Okay guys, I am now implementing a three day rule, as it were. Don't post in three days, you get written out of the story. If you're waiting on someone to post, bunny them. I want the Mystic War, at least Chapter 1, finished before the new year, so I can't have slackers.

Slayer of the Rot
12-07-10, 12:58 AM
I keep forgetting, but Sei asked if I wanted in on this...and I did. I don't know what team though, I'd be useful on.

Enigmatic Immortal
12-07-10, 01:10 AM
alrighty then, i guess it's me and talen.

Silence Sei
12-07-10, 07:43 AM
Slayer, as long as you can keep up with the three day rule, I'll throw you in on Team 4.

Alternatively, if anybody else wants in on this, they may be able to make a single cameo post for one of the teams in Chapter 1, but aside from that, We're shutting down accepting peeps.

Unless you wanna be on Team 2 with me and Aislinn, which should be up today.

12-07-10, 03:32 PM
this being finals week, i'm not gonna be able to post this round within 3 days. As such, for this round, I give Kyla or Zerith permission to bunny Jas as necessary. I'll be able to join back in after this week, but right now, I just don't have time with my finals and studying to write a post too.

Amber Eyes
12-07-10, 11:36 PM
1. Adolph wakes and sees fire in the distance. He gets his men moving to alert people and to await instructions.

2. Talen wakes and is warned about the upcoming battle.

3. Kyla sees the army approaching and sounds the alarm.

4. Zerith, Jasmine, Kylin, Rehtul wake. (If I missed you I'm sorry, I'm trying to re-read really quick and get this updated.)

5. Everyone gets ready for battle as Sei tells the guards to allow the enemies to enter the courtyard.

6. Teams assemble on three sides of the courtyard to surround the enemies.

7. It becomes known that the people are the Knights of the Dawn and they are currently after Akiv (who is not there), Kyla, and all other mystics.

8. Sei refuses the enemies options for not fighting and the enemy shoots arrows at those standing near the castle doors. Sei demands all mystics evacuate, but is unable to do so himself as Kyla refuses.

9. Kyla's team attacks. Kylin saves Kyla from the first attack, questioning Sei's decision to allow his men to fight.

10. Kyla is hit which causes her mystic protection to activate. Burning glass flies in all directions, injuring a good number of the sixty original troops before she is pulled from the battlefield.

11. The Ixian Knights experience thier first casualty as enemy reinforcements force thier way into the courtyard.

12-11-10, 08:26 PM
So I'm a little confused. Should I be getting Talen to just attack random Knights of the Dawn in the courtyard?

Am I also watching the other teams run for it? (Kyla and Sei included?)

Enigmatic Immortal
12-11-10, 11:49 PM
yes, you are observing the other teams, and as you watch the Knights of Dawn break through the Chaplains you can begin to attack. Go nuts, free for all it, make it epic.

Amber Eyes
12-12-10, 01:19 PM
Alright, those in group 3. I know we had some stuff going on, so I've waited a bit past the deadline. My next post goes up tomorrow though, so if you want one this round get it in today.

Rehtul Orlouge
12-13-10, 03:38 PM
I'll be posting today, if you can hold off just until later today. I was waiting for some word from Zerith before I posted.

Amber Eyes
12-13-10, 06:32 PM
I'm waiting until this evening...

Amber Eyes
01-07-11, 07:34 PM
Alright Team 3, its time to make your concluding posts for chapter 1. Ruby, Zerith, if you two need to go back and forth for a couple of posts to conclude, that's fine.

Sei and I just figured we need to hurry and complete at least Chapter 1 so we can go on to the real fighting in Chapter 2.

01-08-11, 07:27 AM
I'm returned to internet now (new laptop!)

I will make a most forthwith, on or two or whatever's clever.