View Full Version : The Birth-Flame

07-30-10, 03:38 AM

It was one of Radasanth's warmer days, and the citizens' moods seemed to reflect it. Women shed their veils and scarves, men abandoned their heavy cloaks, and all drowned in a heavy humidity. The heat weighed them down and played tricks on one's vision, creating waves of hot air.

Izvilvin walked the streets of Radasanth freely. Long forgotten were the days when he feared to weave through the public without hiding his face. How dreadful such a need would be now, in such heat - the warrior couldn't bear the thought of wearing a heavy cloak in this weather. He displayed his glistening, handsome face proudly.

This was his home now. More importantly, he felt at home here. Not only that, but the warrior had gained a small noteriety as a defender of the people - not unlike during his time in Fallien - who abandoned his personal desires and needs to help when someone was hurt or stolen from. His life was steadily evening out.

There were those who stared, of course. This was a drow armed head-to-toe in fearsome weapons, with eyes so focused and strong they cut their quarry. Those who chose to look in his lavender eyes, however, saw not only strength but a serene kindness. It had been a strange life for Izvilvin Kazizzrym, who had killed so many but hated so few.