View Full Version : What's a pirate without a ship?

Lady Scarlet
07-30-10, 06:03 PM
"Nothing I tell you! Nothing!" Lady Scarlet fumed as she nursed her mug of ale in the Crooked Tavern. Her first mate, Nelson sat across from her.

"Calm down, Esme. You'll get a new ship, I'm sure, but you also need a crew. Why don't you relax here for a bit and I'll go see if I scrounge up a crew for ye?"

Esmerelda, as she was properly named, nodded. "Fine, see if you can find anyone, but be sure they're at least mostly sober before bringing them to me, okay?"

Nelson grinned, "Aye, aye, Cap'n."


Okay, so the deal is pretty simple, Lady Scarlet needs a crew to help steal and man a ship. Rewards will be based on pillaging quests/ treasure hunts.

If you can sail under the command of a woman, step up and be counted for the ship's roster!

Roster for the theft of the ship:

That's it for the theft of the ship. There will be other voyages that people can post in so keep an eye on the Recruiting Forum!

Jalim Mandren
07-30-10, 06:23 PM
Hey there, Lady Scarlet. Let me be the first to welcome you to Althanas!

Just as a head's up, to roleplay on Althanas you need to register a character and get it approved. You can do that here (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=7). For advice on registering, see the Character Registration Guide (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=1888).

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them. I'm also pretty new, but I'll try to help as best I can.

Lady Scarlet
07-30-10, 06:27 PM
lol thank, but i'm a vet. this is just yet another alt (i have several: Jasmine, Poison, the list goes on). I just posted my profile. I just wanted go ahead and get this up while I wait for approval.

Jalim Mandren
07-30-10, 06:31 PM
Ah. Okay. Sorry about that, then. :)

07-30-10, 07:17 PM
Two Esmereldas, working side by side, ruling the ocean. Awesome waiting to happen.

07-30-10, 11:46 PM
Sounds like fun. Sign Lisean up. :P Hopefully it shall be better than his past experience on a ship alongside several dwarves.

07-30-10, 11:54 PM
Sounds like fun. Sign Lisean up. :P Hopefully it shall be better than his past experience on a ship alongside several dwarves.

i loves the dwarvz

07-31-10, 12:07 AM
sign Shade up he will be happy to pillage anything. just hope he doesnt fall through the cracks of the ship being 10 feet lol

Lady Scarlet
07-31-10, 02:30 AM
Roster as of right now:


Uttam, I'm sorry, but at 10' tall, they'd have to steal a ginormous ship in order to have one big enough. At 10' tall, you're very nearly as tall as some masts and that's not something Scarlet would be willing to deal with.

07-31-10, 03:00 AM
well after i lvl to lvl 1 im gonna get a new skill called minus which is gonna make me get smaller as needed

Lady Scarlet
07-31-10, 03:18 AM
we'll see.

Lady Scarlet
08-01-10, 01:07 AM
double post.. get over it...

Any other takers?

Wolfman 20
08-08-10, 12:04 AM
What ya aiming for? I could try to get in on something.

Lady Scarlet
08-08-10, 12:34 AM
actually, the initial theft of the ship quest is already full (providing the people who have expressed interest aren't about to back out on me) however, keep an eye out, and Scarlet may have a need of you at some time or another. :-)

Wolfman 20
08-08-10, 01:53 AM
Yes mam. Will do.

08-08-10, 08:01 AM
I'm still not sure what exactly I want to post, I know what I want to do, but not how to word it.

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-08-10, 11:23 AM
I'm pretty much bored with everything right now, so if I can. May I join? Dunno if ya'll need an engineer for this sort of thing. But I'm game.

Jack Frost
08-08-10, 11:53 AM
A group of three manning a ship to go pillaging? That sounds impossible. If needed I have a lot of alts. Chroma, Dark, Jack, Venn, Caine, I would be happy to make a contribution. Besides what's a Female captain without a ship full of somewhat attractive hot men.

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-08-10, 11:54 AM
Heheh... Female..

Lady Scarlet
08-08-10, 04:25 PM
this first one is just centered around the theft of the ship... after which she'll be looking to expand her crew

I don't want the initial theft of the ship to get too many people in it lest it become too complicated and difficult to follow.

and yes, female.. a female that is VERY capable of taking care of herself.

Jack Frost
08-08-10, 04:43 PM
this first one is just centered around the theft of the ship... after which she'll be looking to expand her crew

I don't want the initial theft of the ship to get too many people in it lest it become too complicated and difficult to follow.

and yes, female.. a female that is VERY capable of taking care of herself.

Ah blast you continuity, you and your wanting to have things make sense!

P.S I was making a reverse harem joke, not a sexist joke.

Lady Scarlet
08-08-10, 05:26 PM
figured as much ;)

she's mostly business, little play on the open sea, on shore leave however.... ;)

Jack Frost
08-08-10, 05:38 PM
Yep definately joining your crew, me and my fifty million alts! (Disclaimer: in all truth there are about 6. Musica, Chroma, Dark, Jack, Caine, Venn)

Lady Scarlet
08-08-10, 07:54 PM
haha, Lisean, you better hurry and post.. it looks like you might be getting some competition ;)

Enigmatic Immortal
08-08-10, 08:46 PM
Immortal Pirates! Hell yes! Oh wait...I'm an Ixian Knight...and a Knight of the Apocalypse....hmmm...like the concept. Ever want a scalawag to mess around with in the citadel, I'm game. Or start a bar fight, or...whatever.

Jack Frost
08-08-10, 08:48 PM
I see this hitting power group potential.... Awesome.

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-09-10, 01:53 PM
Not sure what the hell is going on...

Lady Scarlet
08-09-10, 06:36 PM
sorry.. this thread has gotten somewhat confusing

At the moment, the initial quest of stealing a ship is full, because I don't want too many posters at once on this.


Once Scarlet has a ship, she will happily take on more crew. Also, since this seems to be so popular, once I have a ship, I may go ahead and do a PG. Just because you are crew will not mean that you have to be on every mission. If a loot collecting mission won't fit for you, then for that mission your character can have stayed behind with no problems.

08-09-10, 06:45 PM
One other thing I must bring to your attention Captain Scarlet, our other poster seems to have dropped off the face of the earth.

I believe we should drop him out of this thread since he hasn't posted yet, and allow another to take his place. After all, their here and interested, he isn't. Surely you don't want to be idling like this, forever.

Alternativly, we could go ahaead, just you and I, however, I alone cannot yet sail a ship.

Lady Scarlet
08-09-10, 06:56 PM
I'm sure the spots will be filled. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a hold of Lisean. If not, he'll just have to wait for a future quest.

Jack Frost
08-09-10, 07:27 PM
If lisean can't make it I will take one of my alts and drop into his spot without hesitation.

Lady Scarlet
08-09-10, 07:49 PM
lol good to know i won't lack for a person to take a place

ya'll might also be interested to know that i'm working out the logistics of a PG for this. The name will be the ship's name... for which I'm taking suggestions.

08-09-10, 08:10 PM
The Scarlet Lady, named after her captain. She should have scarlet sails to go with it.

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-09-10, 08:19 PM
Not sure what PG stands for... Well other for "Parental Guidance," but I know that for sure, ain't the thing.

Leroy Dark
08-09-10, 08:23 PM
Power Group.
Big fancy term for "Clan"
Anyways the ship could be called the....
Platinum Pearl!

Lady Scarlet
08-09-10, 08:26 PM
it stand for power group :)

08-09-10, 08:34 PM
Anyways, I think the positions in the PG should be the same as those on an actual ship.

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-09-10, 08:39 PM
What about... The Scarlet Swan? It's pretty much all I could think of. lol.

Leroy Dark
08-09-10, 08:41 PM
maybe the scarlet Dawn?

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-09-10, 08:43 PM
Scarlet Dawn? That sounds terrible..

Leroy Dark
08-09-10, 08:47 PM
Well excuse me Mr. Goose, I'm sorry if pirate ships arn't my forte.
Here I got a generator now Lets see if any of these work...
Davy Jones' Compass
Killer's Hangman
Neptune's Star
Night's Murderer
Pirate's Mystery
Privateer's Jewel
Sea's Gale
The Dishonorable Knave
The Fearful Corsair
The Morbid Privateer
The Awful Plunder
The Cruelty of the Corsair
The Cursed Serpent
The Damned Dagger of the North
The Deciet of Tortuga
The Fearful Plunder
The Hate of the Eel
The Hate of the Killer
The Lust of the Pirate
The Mad Raider
The Poison Saber
The Pride of the Ocean
The Screaming Executioner of the East
The Shameful Compass of the Sargasso Sea
The Vicious Mermaid
Killer's Foul Thunder
Murderer's Vile Skull
Neptune's Fear
Night's Mermaid
Pirate's Dishonor
Privateer's Deciet
Privateer's Thunder
Satan's Cursed Gold
The Cursed Murderer
The Scurvy Raider
The Vicious Serpent
The Damnation of the Caribbean
The Deciet of Tortuga
The Deciet of the North
The Fall of the East
The Fear of the North
The Foul Dream of the Seven Seas
The Hellish Mermaid
The Horrible Murderer of the West
The Horrid Killer
The Howling Whore of the West
The Morbid Disgrace
The Red Secret of the Sargasso Sea
The Shameful Skull of the Caribbean
The Vile Secret

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-09-10, 08:49 PM
Those are a lot of names. You seem quite excited to help out and pick a name for a ship. :)

Leroy Dark
08-09-10, 08:55 PM
Mostly it's for the bragging rights.

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-09-10, 08:57 PM
That's good junior, you're doing a fine job.

Lady Scarlet
08-09-10, 09:02 PM
goodness! that's quite a lot of suggestions!

oh, and play nice boys :P

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-09-10, 09:03 PM
I'll give you a suggestion... You little wisenheimer... >.>

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-09-10, 09:04 PM
Arrrrgh I be kidding! Shiver me timbers!

Wolfman 20
08-09-10, 10:57 PM
What about The Scarlet Death? and the crew be the Scarlet Marauders

08-09-10, 11:02 PM
Queen Scarlets Revenge, Queen Scarlets Fury, Queen Scarlets Rage, Queen Scarlets Bounty

those are how names are supposed to be

Wolfman 20
08-10-10, 12:10 AM
I like the Queen Scarlets Fury. Hell hath no such fury as that when compared to a redhead haha

08-10-10, 01:35 AM
any of them are good choices
depends on personal taste rlly

Lady Scarlet
08-10-10, 02:07 AM
Don, while I appreciate the suggestions, this is not a naming discussion thread, it is a recruitment thread. I already know who your other alt is, and due to the way you behave about other recruitment threads that you've written and the way I've seen you write in other threads, you are not welcome on my ship right now.

On another note, for future possible posters, if you are not expressing an interest in joining the crew, please don't fill up my recruitment thread with pointless babble. Every time I see a new post here, I have to see who it and if they're interested, and when I get to the new post and see that it's just a piece of conversation that's not related to the recruitment, I feel very disappointed.

So PLEASE only post in here if you are expressing interest in joining or have already joined and need clarification on something.


08-10-10, 02:24 AM
i was expressing intrest in joining with my don, srry very good skills if u no who my other char is

Lady Scarlet
08-10-10, 02:26 AM
you did not say a word one about being interested, only gave suggestions for ship names. if you want to continue to discuss this, feel free to either PM or IM me, but the conversation is done in this thread.

EDIT: On another note... I've decided to name the ship the Ruby Queen. Also, if ya'll really want to make this into a PG, would anyone like to help donate to the 100gp start up fee?

Lady Scarlet
08-12-10, 02:01 AM
bumpity bump so that other people that were showing interest see new postage!

One of the people that had contacted me about joining has contacted me again to drop out. Soooooo Leroy! write thyself a post and report to Lady Scarlet post haste! ^__^

08-12-10, 02:17 AM
EDIT: On another note... I've decided to name the ship the Ruby Queen. Also, if ya'll really want to make this into a PG, would anyone like to help donate to the 100gp start up fee?

I shall donate the entire 100 GP start up fee, provided I am named Ship's Navigator/second mate. {Second officer being just below Nelson, your NPC first mate.}

Enigmatic Immortal
08-12-10, 02:48 AM
I'll pay your 100 GP and ask for nothing in return.

Edit: Well, maybe a quest down the road. When we both think of one.

Chandra Dawnspear
08-12-10, 02:50 AM
Hey sorry for this, but this is Enigmatic Immortal. This chick here has Naval pirate history (she was one) and I need a really good excuse to RP with her, which this thread covers in spades! Sign me up captain. I'll pay your 100 GP, ask for only the quests in return.

Wolfman 20
08-12-10, 11:12 AM
Eh, I'll pay the 100 gp. For this, it's worth it.

08-12-10, 11:31 AM
just a suggestion

why dont each of u guys share it

Leroy Dark
08-12-10, 04:50 PM
WOOHOOO! I'll get right to it!

08-14-10, 09:24 AM
I'd love to be involved in a quest or two. Talen isn't really a sailor, although 'Ships Boy' does come to mind. If you looking at taking on some fighters though.... he'd be up for it ;)