View Full Version : a friend to be

07-31-10, 09:33 PM
Has Seth walked along the creek side He thought deeply on what his next move would be. He knew that his last incounter was a very close call and that next time he may not be as lucky. The weather was starting to change a bit. Almost as if there was a storm on the rise. There was a light breeze blowing in from the east and Seth new that at this time of day. the fish would be biting rather well.
He had some bread, and there was a bush that florished with wild berries on the creek side. So he figured that he would go fishing. Has Seth began to lower his grass woven basket in to the water, he could something rustling around in the brushes. He put the basket in the water and then drew a dagger from his side and slowly made his way to the brush line. What he found when he pulled back the brush that laid over the path was a surprise in a way.
What lied in the bushes was a young wolf. It's foot was caught in a trap that was set up by poltures no dought. wolves in this part of the land was very uncommon. It may have been young but it looked like it was at least a year old. Very strong. It had black fur, with light brown accents. Seth knew that the young wolf was healthy and was not injured to bad. so he released the trap and free the animal. He carried the wolf back to where the basket hung in the water and laid him down. I grabed some branches and limbs that were scattered around and began to build a fire.
Seth got the fire going just as the sun began to set. He pulled the Basket from the creek and noticed that he had gotten 2 small fish. He began to fashion a few cooking utilities from sticks. I started to scale and clean one of the fish, and then gave the second one to his new found friend. As the young wolf nibbled on the fish Seth cooked his over the open fire that luminated the small camp area. After He had finished eating, he took the cooking stick and broke it in half. Then used it has a brace for the wolf paw. There was really no need for it but he wanted to be on the safe side.
Morning came and the sun barely broke through the clouds has Seth was beginnig to get everything ready to go. he removed the brace from the wolfs leg and began to walk towards town. But before he knew it. His young friend was following slowly behind him.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
08-11-10, 12:31 PM
Before Sabatykos knew it, he was by himself. His family, the intrepid adventurers that they were, moved with the caravan that they traveled within. Of course, the target goal was Gisela City and they were traveling all the way from Underwood. A commission from a wealthy client in Gisela is what lead the family through this section of Concordia Forest. A river, The Bradbury River, was located to the West of his position. Finding himself separated from the rest of the caravan, Sabatykos sighed. He'd been gathering up traps that were set by the folk he was traveling with. He'd managed to discover a few traps that were set by Poachers, and using his technical skills, he dismantled what he could find. Realizing that he was on his own now, the youth decided that remaining calm was probably the best course of the day.

He'd been on his own before, in fact, the harsh world of Althanas demanded that. Sabatykos was part of a Race of Off-Worlders that crash-landed in Concordia Forest a long time ago. His was a deductive, intellectual mind capable of solving many kinds of difficult problems. That was the greatest strength of he and his people. Deciding that he could use the supplies for later, Sabatykos dismantled the traps in his possession for spare parts. He managed to acquire several gears, springs, and a few screws and other basic parts. The scrap metal could be broken down at a workshop, so he placed what he could in his backpack. He'd manged to recover some food from the traps as well, in the form of local avians.

Sabatykos knew some basic survival skills from his studies, and he used this knowledge to do just that. Killing the avians was a simple task, as was cleaning the meat and beginning to prepare a camp-fire for himself. By the time he was prepared to start the campfire it was already the next day, and he had been placed on a path that would put him directly in front of Seth and his newly found companion. Sabatykos had no enhanced senses and could not hear the approach of the fellow. Instead, he focused on the task at hand making no attempt to hide himself from the dangers of the wild. Sabatykos assumed he was relatively safe in this position of the forest as it was a well-traveled one.

Monsters patrolled the depths of the forest as well as bandits and cutthroats. There were other dangers too, but the youth kept the isolated threats in the back of his mind. His worry was preparing food for himself and any others who might come his way. The Saenorakym Prime were a typically generous race. Sabatykos Maelstrom was no different. He studied the meal he had prepared for himself, and was proud of it. He sat down on his unrolled bed, and took a look at the tent he'd erected. He figured he was by himself for a while, so he would take advantage of the trip. Sabatykos had filled his water skins earlier, and took a long pull out of one of the skins. It was hot, Sabatykos never did like the muggy heat of Concordia Forest. He personally preferred more mild temperate climates. He wiped sweat off his brow and began to remove some of the spare parts he always had with his person. The food would not be ready for a while yet...