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Musica the Chao
07-31-10, 10:36 PM
Name: Musica
Age: twee and a haff
Race: Chao
Hair Color: Hair?
Eye Color: Eye color? I just have pupils.
Height: one and a quarter feet.
Weight: Depends on what he eats.
Occupation: Comic relief character

Personality: Musica is a rather funny little bugger. He likes Tacos, but hates burritos. he remains on the fence about enchiladas. He constantly spouts random babble that is rarely understood. He tends to trust anyone, even strange old men who have candy in their car. He is always happy, unless he is sad. There is really no middle ground. He tends to make people laugh, or just look at him funny. One guy exploded, but that's not important.

Appearance: he's teeny with a smidge of tiny. He has big black pupils in his eyes, and a yellow dot floating above his head. He (and his dot) are made of a strange pudding substance. If he gets hungry he can eat his arm, and it will grow back. His body is pure white, and he has no fingers or toes. His legs and arms are pudgy and cute. Overall here's a picture.

History: Musica was born to bob the builder Chao and Mary Antoinette Chao. They were eating Cake when he hatched, and Cake is not good for Chao baby mental health. After about Three and a half years he drove them mad, and they decided to get rid of him. They put him in a card board box and floated him down the happy river. He later found himself in a comedy club, where he learned the magic of sight gags. He soon became a professional comic relief character for adventurers to take on quests for a few chuckles.

Cuddly: Musica is cute and fluffy (is that possible with no fur?) making others not want to attack him.

Cute: Musica can be used to attract hot babes.

Ether locker: Musica reaches into a locker he keeps in an alternate dimension and pulls out props, as if from nowhere, to use for comedy.

A shit ton of comedy props, most of which do little more to annoy his foes. Like he would ever fight any.

Familiars: Rolando the rubber chicken.
(note this is an alternate account for Jack Frost. Musica is mostly for comedy purposes and is meant to be silly. If he fights in the citadel it would be a dance battle. He fluffs up quests and adds character [If you call Spazziness character])

08-01-10, 04:03 AM
You should do a quest/battle with Kupo! ;)

You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.