View Full Version : Major NPC: Nelson

Lady Scarlet
08-01-10, 01:03 AM
Name: Nelson
Age: 48
Race: human
Sex: males
Hair: dark brown, graying at the temples
Eyes: brown
Height: 6’
Weight: 155 lbs

Appearance: Though he’s reaching his middle years, Nelson is still somewhat handsome for his age. He has kept himself in reasonable health throughout his life. He typically wears black trousers and white short-sleeve shirt with a red sash around his waist. On his feet he wears seamen’s boots. His brown hair is kept short and is graying at the temples and his brown eyes still sparkle with a lust for adventure.

Personality: Fairly easy-going, Nelson is still not one to be taken lightly. Though his temper is not as quick as Scarlet’s, it’s still nothing to be trifled with. He takes his time to think things through, which is why he is also the disciplinary officer under Scarlet. He is also the only one that can intimidate her into doing something she does not want to do. He doesn’t have to do it very often and thinks of her more as a niece than anything else. He protects her as such too.

Weapons: Nelson favors scimitars, but can and will use anything close to hand, from a fireplace poker, to the leg of a chair. At the moment, he carries a steel scimitar, and around 5 steel throwing knives hidden on his person.

Armor: none, he feels it would weigh him down

Skills: Expert Navigator – Nelson has been at sea for the last 30 years of his life. He knows most of the coasts by sight, if not exactly where along the coast they are. Navigation by the stars is easy for him at this point and he continues to instruct Scarlet in doing so.
Above-average melee fighter – Nelson is very good in a brawl, not just because of his sheer size and strength, but also because he plays it smart and actually looks for openings instead of swinging his fists wildly.
Above average agility – this is again due to his many long years of climbing rigging and having to move quickly from one beam to another
Leadership – Scarlet did not choose him as her first mate simply because she knew and trusted him from her father’s ship, but because he’s a dependable, solid leader. It is often because of his presence and ability to word things just right that Scarlet has as much success with her crew as she does.
Average swordsman – generally preferring to grab whatever he has at hand, Nelson is still an average fighter with a sword.
Average swimmer – not the best by any means, but he can get by and could probably help one person get by in the event that the ship sank.
Distance perception – due to his long years at sea, Nelson can see 1.5 times further than the average person to spot things that are far away, including but not limited to other ships and land.

History: Nelson does not talk about his past. He alone knows anything about it and he flat refuses to talk about it. He’d been sailing with Scarlet’s father for a few years already when she came along and watched her grow up. He is quite fond of her, much like an uncle and protects her as such. He continues to nurture her as she grows into a stronger captain and is always at her side.

When O’Hara’s ship was taken and most of the crew killed, Nelson was one of the few to be taken captive and put to work as a galley slave. For those four years, he waited and bided his time; when the time was right, he was ready and able to help Scarlet free them of Captain Gruen. Although he’s often asked her, not even he knows how she outwitted Gruen.

He’s served her well as her first mate for the last 3 years and has no intention of ever leaving her side. He is loyal to her to a fault and is trying to help her find a new ship and crew so they can get back to the sea.

Lady Scarlet
08-01-10, 01:06 AM
Please note that Nelson is a Major NPC for Scarlet as he is her First Mate. He is usable only by me unless permission is given and noted in thread.

08-01-10, 04:06 AM
Yar, your NPC be approved.