View Full Version : A cold night

08-01-10, 02:10 PM
It was dark, and the tempature was slowly dropping,making it even colder. The snow had been falling for hours, and there was no sign that the snow was going to let up any time soon.
The stars where mostly covered by the clouds, but there were a few that shined brightly against the deep blue sky. As Seth walked miles in the snow. He finally decided that he should set up a fire and get some rest. But before he could do that, he had to find some shelter from the freezing snow and harsh winds.
Off in the distance he could see a small cave carved into the ice. He Made his way to it and crawled inside for a bit of r&r. He was beat from fighting his way through the snow and against the wind. He got his small fire started and and pulled a small bit of bread out from his sack. As he sat there an nibbled in the bread and finished what was left of his water he thought about many things. One being the way he missed the grass and the trees, and how he missed the crisp sound of water racing over rocks in a stream There were so many things that he missed and couldn't wait to get back to. He was close to leaving this barren frozen waste land.

The next morning. Seth noticed that the snow was not falling as hard as it did the night before. but the wind was still violently blowing. Has he walked east. Making his way to corone. Suddenly, Seth could see towers of smoke off in the distance. As he got a little closer, he could see roof tops. and hear the faint sound of children playing and running in the snow.

He got in to the village and looked around to see just what kind of place he was in. Rather it was hostile or friendly. The towns people looked at him kinda scared at first. They had no idea what to expect of the stranger that stood there at the gate. Before he knew there where a few children running for the shelter of the town gates from the beast that was chasing them. He knew that the children would not make it to the gates in time. So with out a second thought, he took out his bow and shot a arrow at the creature hitting it in the leg and slowing it down, But not stopping it. So he dropped his bow and gripped the handle of his sword. As he took off running towrds the beast, he pulled his sword as he charged. Quickly he leaped into the air over the children's heads and rolled through the snow meeting the beast half way.
Suddenly the beast lunged at him in an attempt to kill it's new found prey. But in that moment the creature was stuck down by the blade that that swung upwards through the air. He drug the beast back to the town and offered it the towns people so that they may have some food for the children to eat. The children's parents were very greatful for the bravery that Seth had shown in the face of danger and saving there kids.
Seth walked around the town and found a tavern. He thought to himself This will be a good place to grab some food and warm up. He stepped in to the small but nicely warmed tavern to a great deal of travelers and traders. Seth also noticed a few other men dressed in black armor and carried weapons that no common soldier would carry. There were merks, thiefs, and assassins. He didn't think that there would be any problems here, he knew that most of the men here were just waiting out the coming storm. But what concerned him the most were the black armored men.
Has he sat down at a table next to a window in the back, A beautiful young waitress approached him "Thank you so much for saveing my little sister" she said to him as she allowed a smile to lighten her face. Seth looked back up at her and smiled back as he nodded.
"May I get some ale and a peace of the finest meat that y'all have." Seth asked. The young waitress nodded and walked away. Seth just sat there and watched the dark armored men with curious eyes. With n a few minutes the young lady returned with his meal.
As Seth sat there an ate, He continued to watch the men, waiting for any sign of problems

After sitting there eating for about 30m minutes. Seth gets up and steps outside. Once more, He takes a look around and notice that the people are no longer looking at him like they are scared of him. Has he walks down the snowy streets of town he notice that the village even though is constantly facing snow and harsh winds they seem still still keep there heads up. But there is some thing else. He notices that may people have boarded up there house, and not because of the weather. A few more feet down the path and suddenly "Excuse me, sir" a man calls to him from the door of a small shack across the street. Has Seth Approaches the shack he sees the young waitress from the tavern. and realizes that this is the father of one of the children form earlier.

"What can I do for you sir"Seth asked when he got to the door. "Would you mind coming inside for a moment, I would like to speak with you" Seth stood there and delibarated for a moment and then nodded as he stepped through the door.

What is it that you would like t discuss with me." Seth asked.

The man looked at his 2 daughters and then began. I do appologize for the stares that you earlier this morning when you stepped into out town, but here recently we have seen many children vanish. Well, we have not seen them vanish per say. But for the past few weeks when we wake up in the morning. There has been a child or 2 missing from there homes. I am sure that you have noticed boreds on some of the windows in town, and now you know why. I fear for my daughters."[/CENTER
[CENTER]Seth sat there an listened as The man told him about the the creatures that have been seen just a few miles outside the town to the north. They were creatures that looked like men, but were not. No one knew what the creatures were, only that they were all terrified in more ways then one.

Then the man took a breath and composed him self before speaking again. " Ii guess what I am asking of you stranger is , will you please help us and find the children and eliminate the threat on the town?" the man asked has he finished what he was saying.[/CENTER
[CENTER]Seth sat there thinking for a moment, looked at the 2 girls and nodded. after leaving the mans house. Seth went back to the tavern in hopes to find a few brave men on his quest.

Sabatykos Maelstrom
08-11-10, 09:32 PM
Away from the crowds of Knife's Edge in Uroda, there was a lot of towns and villages that were connected to the larger fiefdoms. Regional lords ruled the fiefdoms with an often iron grip. Many noblemen ignored the needs of the smaller townships and left them to fend for themselves. So when requests were sent to locale regional lords about the various ailments that the Salvarn wilds presented, many were ignored. Much of the resources of Salvar were spent in the recent Civil War between the followers of Iorlan Rathaxea and The Church of Ethereal Sway. Much chaos was caused between the two faction who were at odds with one another.

Many casualties were reported and not reported during The Civil War. The total casualty reports were rumored to be in the thousands. Those numbers were not exaggerated by the reports of noblemen begging other Nations for relief aid. The remaining factions of Salvar were The League of Salvic States, The Church of Ethereal Sway, and The Vogruk-Stokes Trading Company. The two major Factions fought quietly for resources whilst the other major Factions destroyed themselves during the war. These were the events on the surface.

Below the surface however, was a different story. The greater war unleashed pockets of slumbering creatures all over Salvar. These creatures were not seen in Salvar for many ages since The War of the Tap. These creatures took on many forms and were confused, often, with The Demons of Haidia. But alas, they were not Demonkind as Althanas knew them to be. They confounded scholars and researchers, which is the reason that Technicians, Inventors, and Engineers were invited to Salvar proper with the promise of a greater reward since The League of Salvic States could not afford to send resources to every township.

The promise of reward for his family is what lead the patron of the Maelstrom family to Salvar in the first place. Normally, Sabatykos Maelstrom knew that his Father, Malus Maelstrom, would never take a commission in such a far away place. Concordia Forest was in the distant Nation of Corone and the Maelstrom family primarily operated out of Underwood, Jadet, Gisela, and Radasanth. Most of the major cities in Corone. So it was by a twist of fate that Sabatykos Maelstrom found himself in the same exact tavern at the same exact time that Seth was traveling back into it. Sabatykos' family was busily working on various projects around the town. They were sent on various projects around town leaving Sabatykos Maelstrom to his own vices. He looked at his meal for a moment. His mind was thinking on various projects that he was currently working on. In the town, he'd taken various commissions from the people who lived there.

All sorts of engineering and technical feats that needed skilled workers after the ravages of The Civil War. Seeing the effects of The Civil War first hand made Sabatykos think about home. Corone was still locked in an endless Civil War against The Empire, and Sabatykos knew that people there needed his trade-skills. But at the moment, he was in Salvar doing civic duties. He was not in Corone, however, and that was crucial to understanding life in Salvar. Sabatykos and his family lived in Salvar for a little under a year now. Certain customs and mannerisms were observed by the native Salvarns as strange customs to outsiders like Sabatykos and his family. Firstly, the natives to Salvar were a sturdy lot and well adjusted the intense cold of this region of Uroda.

Many of the natives walked around in heavy cloaks and simple Winter gear that was worn around the body. Sabatykos marveled at that sturdiness and tried to logically deduce it many times. That was the mind of a scientist in training. As he pondered the Salvarns, the door to the tavern opened. A brisk breeze entered the pub and Sabatykos felt the bite of the cold wind. He sighed at that and took a sip of the hot chocolate milk he was drinking. Food sat half eaten on the table in front of him, and he pondered what to do next. The men in black, were there too, and they sat on a certain side of the pub.

From experience, Sabatykos knew not to deal with the men in black. In Corone, there was a Faction known as The Syndicate. Sabatykos wondered what Faction these people belonged to. However, he knew that shady men were always shady men. It's better I don't get too involved with those folks. I don't want to attract too much attention to myself... Sabatykos thought to himself. He continued to eat, and noticed it when Seth entered the pub. His sharp eyes studied Seth for a moment, then he returned to his food. He had never seen Seth before, the man may as well have been another stranger. Sabatykos munched on his food as he waited for something interesting to occur...

But there was little to this backwater town in Uroda...