View Full Version : A Grimm beginning

Grimm claw
08-02-10, 04:41 PM
Name: Grimm
Age: Unknown
Race: Zombie
Hair Color: Decaying Gray
Eye Color: No pupils, just white.
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: About 90 pounds
Occupation: Wanderer

Personality: Grimm is a foul and angry being who enjoys death. Not much else goes on in his mind.

Appearance: Grimm is incredibly tall and skinny like a scarecrow. His skin is slightly green and decaying. His proportions are off as well. Both of his legs are longer than normal, and built for running. His Arms have a long reach, so the jagged claws that are crudely attached to the end of them can slice and tear at everything in reach. He wears a tattered trench coat and black jeans. His hair hangs in rugged gray locks. His jaw is lined with crooked razor sharp teeth dripping with infectious saliva. He has no cornea or pupil. But sees as if he did.

History: Grim was created by Curien Goldman, a necromancer who wished to destroy all life. Grimm and several other Zombies were what he called his Alpha set. Each alpha had their own breed of Zombies under their control. Grimm and two other Alphas were gifted with moderate intelligence. However the Three realized Cuiren was a madman and killed him. The other Alphas and their breeds were picked off untill only two brute Alphas were left. One was known as Drone, and his Zombies slowly staggered mindlessly after their prey.

Drone however had gained his own intelligence and led his group to their defense. This led to the extinction of Howlers, Grimms clan of Zombies. Grimm went insane and killed Drone. After that he slaughtered the other three Alphas. His mind and sanity was gone. Grimm had left the undead stricken land that was left of Curien's homeland.

Grimm unknowingly began a chain of reactions he never expected. He was made for greatness.

Dead sprinting: Grimm is incredibly fast (about two times the average speed of a runner) due to his long legs and light weight. This is slightly slowed down in certain terrain (I.e Dense forests, mountains. Ect) He can also run in all fours, expanding his jump range about 5 feet.

Leg strength: Grimm's legs have built up a lot of muscle, which allows him to leap about 15-19 feet with a good start. He could close about ten feet in one pounce.

Combat skill: Average-ish. For a Zombie Grimm fights incredibly well, using both his claws and teeth as weapons. But he is very crude due to his lack of intelligence. He slashes and bites with almost no sort of strategy.

Zombies bite: He can sire mindless drones from victims. He can create three per thread and they "die" at the end. Said drones are incredibly slow and clumsy.

Equipment: None really.

08-03-10, 12:30 AM
Because you have a lack of equipment, and general skills really, I'd like you to change "incredibly fast" to 2 times regular speed, or even add that in afterwords. Leaping long distances is fine though. I'm assuming a "long distance" is probably around 15-19 feet with a good start. I mean, we're not talking Olympic record holding jumps here, lol.

Grimm claw
08-04-10, 08:51 PM
I've made the proper changes

08-05-10, 05:01 PM