View Full Version : curious thoughts of what is to come

08-02-10, 09:11 PM
In the late after noon, Things were going by slowly. The humidity of the forest made it seem worse. It was dreadful and over bearing. Has he continued to make his way through the tree line to a spring that was widely talked about with in the city. He knew where it was and he had no problem making his wy to it. The only thing that he hated is the heat the was viciously beating down on him from the hot sun. the threes offered shade but not shelter. there was a group of bushes and vines riddled with thorns just a head. It seemed like there was no break in the jumbled mess that was ahead of him. Seth worked his way through the limbs and leaves, branches and dirt. As he got to the thorn riddled vines he Decided that it would be best to examine it before he started hacking at it. He knew that there was a great possibility that this mess of foliage could be home to any number of animals or insects. I looked closely at the mid section of the brush and then worked his way slowly looking at the bottom of it making sure to stay clear of the inch long thorns that judded out from the vines. the thorns themselves had razor sharp points and look as if they might be something that no one has ever seen before. almost like a new breed a plant. But Seth was no botness so he knew very little about this type of thing. He saw no sign of life amongst the brush, so he drew is sword and took a swift swing straight through the middle of the mess. Suddenly, there was a jolt of motion a a small but quick lizard of some kind jumped out. The small lizard was about 6 inches long and had what looked like a spiked tail and claws. Not like any lizard of his that size that he has ever seen before. Not knowing anything about the creature Seth slowly reached to the the back of his right shoulder and pulled a single throwing knife out, next thing he knows, the lizard took off. "damn, there goes my lunch" he thought to himself as he began moving the the cut brush from his path.
After moving the brush, and sliding through the small gap that was made with the quick swing of his sword. He could hear the sound of water splashing against the rocks. He knew that he still had a ways to go and but he was close and that is all that matters. Seth began moving through the forest a little more, and the closer he got, the more he could hear. He could smell the water in the air. and hear the song of the birds that lingered in the trees close by. Seth took a few more steps and broke through a small line of wild roses and there he saw it. The spring was every bit as beautiful as people have said. He looked around and noticed and number of things that he aint seen all day. Just the sight of what he saw made him feel better about the day that was just about in the past. He knew that it would be getting dark soon and that he would not be able to navigate the mess of trees that the forest offered in the dark.
To the left of the spring near a pile of rocks was some loose limbs and sticks so he grabbed them, knew that they would be good for a fire. After setting up a small but usable fire pit. He grabbed some loose thin vines, almost like roots, and fashioned a net to catch a few fish to have for dinner. It took some time but he got the net made and so he cast it in to the crisp clean water. The water was so clear that he could see the smooth stones at the bottom, and the many different fish that swam around nibbleing at the moss and fresh water weeds that sat at the bed of the spring. After a few moments he had his fire burning and there were 2 small fish caught in his net. Seth pulled a cup from a bag that was tide to his belt hidden by his cloak and filled it with water from the spring. The water had a refreshing, clean taste. Has he sat that and ate his 2 fish, and drank his water he thought about what he would do next. He didn't know where he was headed next. He heard of a small farming community not to far from here and thought that he might head there to see if he could not find some supplies. he was in need of some more flint, he was running low on what he had. After he finished eating, he laid his head down and thought some more.