View Full Version : Following clues to one's past (Closed)

08-03-10, 02:56 PM
Sometimes there is no mystery greater than one's own past. This was especially true for Ivana's past. Nothing about it made any sense, and what little she did know was very contradictory. Ivana knew that she was a teacher in a combat school before her memory vanished, but how could that be when she knew little to nothing about combat? Ivana knew that she could open doors, and not in the same fashion as everyone else, but despite feeling this was an important clue, she felt that the ability to open doors to anywhere she has ever been was rather pointless. The biggest clue, however was the infinite symbol on the back of her hand. She had no idea what it meant, but it seemed to glow whenever she opened up one of her doorways, yet why would it? It wasn't as though she could go an infinite amount of places through any doorway she created. And the same symbol was on her medallion.

Ivana contemplated all these mysteries and came up short. She didn't know where to turn, so she turned into a tavern in the city of Scara Brae to think. Scara Brae looked like quite the interesting city to Ivana, but she didn't think too much on it as she entered the tavern. The bartender there was a raven haired, blue furred catgirl who was wearing a red dress. This was probably the classiest tavern she had ever seen, but as she made her way up to order a drink, she could feel the catgirl's stare.

“Excuse me, miss. Don't you know it's rude to stare at your customers?” Ivana inquired as politely as she could.

The catgirl blinked a few times. “Mreow? Sorry. It's just that thing... on your hand... I've seen it before. You in some sort of cult?”

“I wish. I don't know what it means myself. Where in the world did you happen to see it?”

“Mreow. Another customer... he drew it out for me...Asked what it was”

“Any clue where I can find this other customer?”

“Mreow, he said something about heading to Brokenthorn forest, but that place is huge, not to mention dangerous. I wouldn't recommend going alone.”

Ivana sighed. Just her luck. She didn't expect anyone to even agree to helping her out, and she thought that asking would be the equivalent of making a fool of herself, so she pretty much gave up on the spot. She thought the clue was a dead end anyway, so she sat with her head on the counter of the bar. The bartender had seen this type of behavior before. It was one of disappointment and one of someone who just gave up on something important to her, and being the highly energetic type, the bartender knew exactly how to handle this situation.

“Mreow, don't be so hard on yourself. I'm not sure what it is you want, but everyone here is looking for something. Now if I had to guess, I'd say you are looking to find the customer in Brokenthorn forest without getting killed in there, am I close?”

Ivana slowly picked her head up and nodded.

The bartender smiled and then jumped onto the counter to get everyone's attention. “Who here would like to cheer this Lassie up and travel with her make her way through Brokenthorn forest? Mreow.”

08-06-10, 12:47 PM
Ale was a beverage for those who chose to attempt an escape from reality. The consumption of ale had become a custom amongst the general populace of Althanas. Gold pieces were exchanged for variations of the substances, but the end-goal was always the same: to get drunk. Ale was passed around as the drink of choice to the more mature crowd in the pub. There were many varieties to the ancient drink heralding from all the distant corners of Althanas. Passed from goblet to goblet, the product was still valuable even during this global time of warfare. Broth fizzled at the top of the many variations of ale. A distillery was present located quite near to the city of Scara Brae.

Finding employment was the main concern of a certain man that sat amongst the consumers located within the pub. As he stared at his drink, he knew a simple truth: I hate ale. His drink was a juice made from a locale fruit that grew in the various farms of Scara Brae. Known as Berry-Berry Juice, the drink was quite popular amongst the youth of Scara Brae and various parts of Corone. Having ordered a variety of the Berry-Berry Juice put together like a milk shake, the fellow cooled off after a hard day's work.

Not a native of Scara Brae, Alberdyne Cormyr traveled to the island-nation seeking employment and education. The Watch of Underwood was an employment that afforded other employment opportunities. Young still with the ways of the guard-folk, his superior officers ordered that he make the trip to Scara Brae and get considerable training there. There were facilities in Scara Brae that Underwood lacked. Upon his arrival in Scara Brae, several years ago, Alberdyne Cormyr visited The City Guard Head. Armed with The Recommendation Letters from Underwood, Dyne was able to join The City Guard as a low-ranking officer.

Having obtained rank in his time in Scara Brae, Dyne was no longer the youth he was once. Once a dedicated street-brawler and common ruffian, Dyne left the old life behind to take on an entirely new role. That's how Dyne found himself in the tavern at the same time as the cute nekojin bartender made her announcement. A long day of patrolling and other active-guard duties left Dyne in positive spirits.

Seeing that nobody was responding to the nekojin's comments, Dyne took a good, long look at his reflection in the drink. Other guards were present in the pub, but most of them were on security detail for the pub or on break. It fell on Dyne to assist the girl in question. Sighing for a moment, Dyne took a final pull of his drink. A waitress spotted that and gracefully walked over towards his position. Dyne looked up and nodded.

"Will that be all, Sir?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to pay for my order."

She gave him the price for the drink, and Dyne paid for it. He gave her a little extra for a tip and then stood up, sliding out from his chair. Deciding that he could use some work, Alberdyne Cormyr walked through the eating area of the pub. The pub had a decent diner area with several tables set up for consumers. Many customers were present eating meals at various stages of consumption. Dyne walked across the dining area and made his way towards the bar. There, he saw Ivana Feladora and the nekojin bartender talking. Walking over towards the bartender, Dyne looked at her with a serious expression on his face. He looked over at Ivana for a moment, and then back at the bartender.

"I can help you." Dyne said boldly, little knowing of the adventure that awaited him.

Standing at approximately five-feet-five inches, Dyne had a very stocky, muscular build. He had green coloured eyes, and intensely vibrant red hair tied back into a long ponytail. Dyne adjusted the glasses that rested on his nose and shifted his body weight. His face wore a very serious expression and he was dressed in the attire of an off-duty guard. His shirt was emblazoned with the military symbols of Scara Brae, was coloured blue, and he wore a simple cloak with the Cormyr symbols on it. Dyne wore gloves, his pants were coloured brown and very baggy, and he kept his equipment with him at all times. The shield he wore on his person was made of bronze and masterwork in nature. Dyne gave off a peculiar energy for those inclined to detect such things, he was a Psionic after all.

"My name is Alberdyne Cormyr." Dyne said with the accent of a Highlander from Corone. "What is it that you guys need help with?" He asked...

08-11-10, 12:19 PM
“This has got to be the worst day in the history of military” Billa said to Aditya on his cell phone walking through the wide corridors of Scara Brea “they accidently bomb the recruiting base in an airplane test, I barely made it alive” he finished taking out a cigarette and lighting it. “What are you doing in Scara Brea anyways” Aditya said through the static in the cell. “After the explosion the surviving members were to go to an old area like Scara Brea and learn the cultures from the past” Billa said striking a left into the center of Scara Brea. “Sounds like a bunch of plan bullshit to me” Aditya said on the other line. “It is and much more too, I got special orders to do a quest on the way too” Billa said looking for a inn/pub with his dark sunglasses on. “Do you need any help?” Aditya said cautiously. “No need, focus on the Reagan Kelly deal information I sent you” Billa said putting the phone up not waiting for a reply.

“This looks promising” Billa said as he walked into an inn. After Billa walked in everyone seemed to stare straight at him, without even sparing a gaze at the members he walked straight up to the bartender a small man in a vest and orange coat.
“What do you need sir” the bartender said looking at Billa strangely. “Give me a bear and some info on any quests going on” Billa said quietly sliding some money to the bartender’s side. “Ill be right back with your order sir” the bartender said taking the money and putting it in his pocket.

A few minutes later the bartender showed up with the tastiest looking bear, the foam sliding off the glass in large sums. Billa started drinking and halfway he stopped and looked at the bartender straight in the eyes “so what’s the info” Billa said twirling the glass with his fingertips. “There isn’t anything going on in this inn, but I hear from a customer that there is a quest going at a tavern near here” the bartender said with fear in his voice.

Billa finished the rest of the drink in seconds and headed out without even paying the bill. Before he could reach the exit a bunch of burly bikers stopped him in his tracks. “Hey man what are you doing, I hear you didn’t pay the bill, the owner of this place is a friend on mine, no one gets out without paying the bill” the captain with the bigger arms said. Billa didn’t want to deal with this so he threw some money in his face tried to budge through. “Nope not until you pay the price” the captain said boldly.

Billa went backwards as the first two pawns charged arms high hoping to grab him. Billa noticed that the pawns left an opening at the gate, with this he charged at the pawns, when the first one lunged forward Billa twisted around him and charged toward the door at full speed. Before the gang could respond Billa ran straight through the door and was long gone.

Billa stopped running after a bit when it was safe. “Fuckers cant hold there own against me, some gang” Billa thought searching for the tavern mentioned by the bartender. Billa soon was in front of the tavern “fancy huh?” he said looking at it closely. Billa put his sunglasses on and lit a cigarette to match the style and vibe the tavern gave off.

Billa walked in his vibe bouncing through the tavern. Billa walked in to hear the voice of the mysteriously cat-like bartender yelling out some strange blabber. When Billa cleared his ears up a bit he heard that the bartender in need of someone to help for a quest.

Billa walked up to the counter and ordered another bear while he called Aditya for information on this girl in need of a quest. “Aditya I need information on this girl” Billa said taking a picture of her and sending it. “Her name is Ivana Feladora, age 27, elf kind, not much else” Aditya said extremely fast “I got to go sorry Billa” he finished and hung up. “Intresting” Billa thought “ill see what I can do”.

Billa walked up to the young elf and said with interest covering his voice “My name is Billa, I have contacts in many places and is skilled with duel wield swords” Billa continued “May I help you on your quest Ivana?” he finished and awaited an answer.

08-13-10, 03:38 AM
I apologize to everyone involved with the quest, I've had some stuff come up in real life and sort of forgot about this. I should be able to post regularly from now on though. :)

Sipping his ale, Caellach tried to keep his eyes off of the bartender. He was not staring like some infatuated schoolboy set on making the acquaintance of a pretty lass; he was staring like a man who had just made the discovery that cats could talk.

In fact, he had just made that discovery. Or rather, cat...people. He was not quite sure what she was; she appeared to be half human and half cat; certainly nothing he had ever seen. He wondered whether these things -- people? animals? he was not quite sure of the proper term -- were common in cities. He was new to the many concepts of city life, and had been interested and sometimes startled to meet the new and diverse races populating the large towns... but nothing was quite as jaw-dropping as this... catgirl.

It's not polite to stare, Caellach, he thought, imitating his mothers voice, rubbing a hand through his dark auburn hair. With a content but still confused sigh he returned to his drink. It was of good quality for the price; a dark brew with the slightest hint of citrus. He had also ordered a meal of fish, deciding he would try new things. There were streams and a few rivers near his village, but he had only ever had fish once -- they tended to go bad before they reached the town. He had decided he really liked fish, and wondered if catgirls liked fish as much as actual cats. Can I stop thinking about her for one second? Wow.

He took his last sip, but before he had even set down his mug and serving girl brought him another. She was a slightly chubby woman, but not terrible to look at. She had bright yellow hair and dark green eyes, and a cheerful smile on her face. Perhaps I'll have company tonight, he thought as he gave the girl a wry grin and a slight nod. The young swordsman was not bad looking himself; tall, with an athletic build and attractive icy blue eyes, he had found it quite easy to find someone to share the nights with so far in the city.

However, he was not terribly promiscuous. He was not the type to find a new girl every night, but he certainly enjoyed sharing his bed now and then. After having lived alone, in the forest, for nearly four years, he welcomed the change. He was not following any plan currently, he was simply drifting around, city to city, exploring the world. Just before he was about to strike up a conversation with the waitress, he saw the catgirl jump onto the counter.

“Who here would like to cheer this Lassie up and travel with her make her way through Brokenthorn forest? Mreow.”

They even meow! Caellach thought with a feeling somewhere between shock and amusement. Seeing two other people offer their assistance, Caellach turned his attention back to the serving maid. Unfortunately, she was already gone. Turning around, he saw she was already talking to a man a few tables back. Fluttering her damn eyelashes, too. Guess I missed my chance.

He sighed. He downed what remained of his new ale in a few large gulps, and stood up. Wavering slightly on his first step, it became apparent he was slightly drunk. Rolling his eyes at himself, he concentrated on his footing and proceeded more naturally toward the elf that had apparently prompted the catgirl's outburst. She's not too bad either, he thought, although he found her blue and purple hair to be somewhat strange. She was fairly young for an elf, but he guessed she was still older than himself, likely by years.

Thrusting dirty thoughts out of his mind, he made his way over to the elf and spoke, careful to keep his voice free of slurs.

"Uh, hello there. Sounds like you have yourself an adventuire... If you'd like more company than you already have," he gestured towards the two patrons that had already approached her, "I would be happy to accompany you. I've some skill with a sword and a bow, and I'll provide something pretty to look at on the way, too." He smiled broadly.

...Why the hell did I say that? he thought, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at himself. He could hold his alcohol better than most other men from his village, but still found himself prone to making awkward remarks while tipsy. He was not really sure why he had decided to offer his service, but did not think it really had to do with the beer he had consumed. For some reason, the confused look on the elf's face drew him to her, and made him feel like he had a duty to protect her.

She can probably protect herself...

He decided that she would not have mentioned it to the bartender if she was confident in her abilities. Regardless, he had said what he had said, and pending her response, he could not go back now.

It's probably just because I'm a little sleep deprived, but all the thoughts seemed hard to pick out in just italics, so I put my thoughts in dark red. Sorry if it's hard to read on whichever website skin you use, highlighting always works if worse comes to worse.

09-04-10, 08:02 PM
Ivana hadn't expected there to be anyone willing to help her, and yet there were suddenly three people asking to be of service. Two of which had even gone so far as to offer up their names, or at least what they would like her to believe their names were, it was hard to say. The third seemed a bit distracted by the catwoman, but she couldn't blame him for that. The catwoman smiled to her, happy to have helped out.

“See? See? All you have to do is ask and there will always be someone to help out. Mreow!”

Ivana looked around at the 3 who were willing to help her. “Yeah, I see. Thanks a lot miss.”

“No problem, Mreow. Now I suggest that you be extra careful”

“I will. Thanks again.”

“Thank you three as well, I suppose I should fill all of you in on what you are helping me with before we go too much further. I am trying to find out who I am and yet the only clue I have to go on is the infinite symbol on the back of my hand. I know absolutely nothing about it, really, so hearing that someone had seen it before in Brokenthorn forest has caught my interest. Problem is, it is going to be like finding a needle in a haystack I think... all I know is there is a person in there that has seen the symbol before. No clue where in there, who the person is, or what they look like. Come to think of it, though, I still don't know who one of you is” Ivana says, peering at Caellach “May I get your name, sir?”

After waiting for his answer, assuming he did answer, she decided to introduce herself.

“I am Ivana Feladora, by the way, and I would prefer to leave as soon as possible, but if any of you have any preperations you would like to make first, I am perfectly willing to wait up to a day before we leave”

09-05-10, 02:12 AM
Thinking back to his recent employment in Scara Brae, Dyne fancied himself a survivor. When arriving at a new place, becoming acquainted with a job is first and foremost. One must earn an honest gold piece. Dyne thought to himself as he pondered the matters of philosophy which were important to him. The principles of a high education could be applied to any situation, and could further be applied to Dyne's situation. A guard-folk working for The City Guard, Dyne had critical knowledge of the area. In his patrols with fellow squad members, he'd ventured to the depths of The Liviol Forest and trained there against the monsters that lived therein. He knew he would be a valuable asset to the party in question.

Plus, with his salary as a Guard, he would not need reward other than the fact that he was helping a pretty woman out. Philosophically speaking, it was the correct thing to do. Dyne was not as selfish as many Althanians were and did things because they were the right thing to do. Dyne worked to build a reputation built on honesty and trust, despite his connection to The Corone Empire. From his experiences as a member of Corone's military, Dyne had learned a great deal about survival and survival tactics. He'd left behind his street-brawler mentality and became a proud soldier of the Corone banner. When off-duty, Dyne was encouraged to assist the local citizens in anyway he could. It was part of the job description and helped calm the tension between citizen and soldier.

For Dyne, there was no distinction between the titles. He was always a soldier first, and an honest, tax-paying citizen, second. As Dyne studied The Elf, he spotted the symbol on her hand. It was elegant, and the runic syntax of some language he had never spotted before. It was probably an older Elven dialect. Dyne new symbols from his studies in linguistics, but that particular figure was not within his knowledge. It somehow seemed familiar, but that was about it. I will need more information about the language system of that symbol if I am to decipher it's meaning. Used in the basic context, the symbol of Infinity was actually a popular sort of concept. But with the syntax he saw on her hand, there were subtle indentations and variations on the symbol.

Dyne immediately pegged her as an Elf. Knowing the language of The Concordian Elves, Dyne wondered if he should try to communicate with her in The Elven language. Deciding that he should at least try, Alberdyne Cormyr focused on the various letters, syntax, and dialect he was about to communicate in. Concentrating hard, the language was not second-nature, but he could speak with some degree of skills. Dyne looked Ivanna in the eyes with his own green orbs, and spoke in what he presumed would be her native tongue. Of course, the dialect he spoke was common to The Elves of Concordia Forest which was a region all it's own. Dyne understood that she might not even understand him in the first place. However, he wanted to make Ivana feel comfortable as was in his power.

So he spoke.

"<Ivana.>" He began. His syntax was only slightly off, but he knew many phrases and common words spoken in The Elven tongue. "<I work as a Guard here in Scara Brae. I know Brokenthorn Forest very well. I can guide us through there. My superior officer can provide us with a map of the forest.>" He said in nearly flawless Elven. There were some errors in his speech, and the dialect was heavily accented, but it was Elven nonetheless. "<Do you have proper traveling supplies?>" Dyne asked. "<We can get more at The City Guard Headquarters where I am stationed. We might even be able to get a few soldiers to assist us.>" Dyne said hopefully, he really hoped that she would understand him.

"If you wish, I can speak in Common as well." Dyne added.

(Note: Language translated from the Concordia Elf tongue)

09-05-10, 11:40 AM
Caellach hesitated a moment when Ivana asked his name, but decided there was no harm in giving it.

"I'm called Caellach," he said simply.

“I am Ivana Feladora, by the way, and I would prefer to leave as soon as possible, but if any of you have any preperations you would like to make first, I am perfectly willing to wait up to a day before we leave”

"A pleasure to meet you, Ivana. I would be happy to leave now, I've nothing else to do here," he said. He had made it a habit of carrying all of his equipment with him; some bartenders did not like the sight of a fully armed man dressed in a wolf pelt's cloak, but Caellach never caused trouble. He ate, drank, and chased after the waitresses, but had only once gotten in a bar fight.

A man had had too much to drink a few days back and decided to pull a knife on a waiter, and Caellach had walked over and punched him in the face. Mentally shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he tried to focus on the current situation.

One of the other men who had offered assistance was now speaking to Ivana in a strange language. Caellach wanted to say it sounded Elvish, but he wasn't sure -- it could have been Dwarvish or Demonic for all he knew.

"If you wish, I can speak in Common as well."

That would be just swell, Caellach thought with a hint of annoyance -- it irked him when people spoke in a different language around others who likely did not know it -- but didn't let the smile drop from his face.

Caellach figured if the man took the time to speak in another language then Ivana would probably reply in kind. He decided to go pay his tab while they finished with their conversation, bowing his head slightly and muttering something not entirely coherent about paying.

He did his best not to stare at the catwoman as he paid his small tab at the wooden bar counter, and tried to ignore the meow he heard when he thanked her. He walked back, hoping the other two had reverted to common by now.

01-28-11, 09:33 AM
Ivana was left speechless. She was clearly surprised by the eagerness and willingness of the people around her. Leaving out the same way she came, she could only hope the others would follow her. She had been given some indication that they would though, so she decided to make her way toward Brokenthorn forest, figuring that she would wait for whoever was coming to meet her there, and to be sure they knew, she voiced this as well. "I'll meet whoever is coming with at the entrance to Brokenthorn" She said as she left.

(Sorry for how short the post is. I may be developing carpal tunnel.)

03-14-11, 06:13 PM
(Note: I am continuing this thread with my level 1 Profile)

Seeing that the girl was action-oriented, Dyne decided that he should follow. He looked to the other fellow, Caellach, and nodded with respect to the man. Then, he followed closely behind after leaving some coins to cover the bill for their meals. Dyne had come across a bit of money in his adventures, and could pay for the three of them easily. He did so. When he was done, he moved quickly to catch up with Ivana and the stranger. Dyne had assumed that the fellow would have moved directly behind Ivana. So once he caught up, he took a look a the beginnings of Brokenthorne Forest. This forest, was not, Concordia Forest. He was not in Underwood, but in Scara Brae. The small island-nation had it's own history and it's own dangers.

Dyne readied his keepsake bronze sword. Looking at Ivana and then to Caellach, Dyne turned his attention, at last, to the forest. Ahead, it was a bedlam of various trees indigenous to the area. The trees were vastly different than the ones of Concordia Forest, and even the scent of this variety of oak was much sharper. Dyne felt the scent almost overwhelm him, but he was able to hold his own. He had been in Scara Brae for some months now after his superior officers in Underwood told him to go train there. This was such an opportunity. Dyne readied his shield as well, his cloak flowing with the evening breeze. It was warm out, and Dyne's boots crushed the earth loudly. He had never been one for stealth being as large as he was.

Dyne had managed to learn some of the local lore about Scara Brae. He was a philosopher at heart after all. Turning back towards Ivana he smiled at her politely and then began.

"I have learned some of the locale legends and folklore. If we go yonder, deep a ways, we shall stumble upon something called The Liviol Sanctum." Dyne said. "Fancy some magical tree branches?" He asked. "Anyway, do you know where we are going?"