View Full Version : Riara Devi

Riara Devi
08-05-10, 05:31 PM
Name: Riara Devi
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5 feet
Weight: 105 lbs
Occupation: Assasin-in-training

Riara is a very outgoing and bubbly girl who is always very chatty and flirtacious when around men who are around her age, and who she deems to be worthy of her time. Besides this, she chooses her real friends wisely as she can only trust a certian few due to her career choice, but those that she does trust are the lucky few that she wouldn't stick a dagger into their backs without a second thought, and would do anything in her power to defend them from danger. Her fierce character is what allows her to carry out her occupation without any doubts and won't let anyone speak down to her. Easily angered, she will rage for hours about the slightest little thing and many would feel sorry for the person who caused her to snap.

Riara is only very dainty: small in height and slight at the waist. Her golden locks fall gracefully down by her sides to about halfway down her back, curling slightly at the ends into elegant algel curls. Other than these curls, her hair is poker straight with a healthy shine and is silky to the touch. Her large eyes are a deep ocean blue, contrasting with her blonde hair and her pale complexion.

By day, Riara wears her elegant red cotton military-style blouse with a short red scarf tied in a bow around her neck. This follows the contours of her body, showing her slim waist off to its full potential. A small and loose black skirt is always worn with this to show off her toned legs, and is often accompanied with either apair of basic black high heels, or black ballet shoes. By night when she is at a party or a night out with friends, she wears very small cocktail dresses in various colours to arrtact as much attention as she can. Remarkably, she can perform all of her assasin skills in these clothes.

Considering Riara's outgoing personality and her good looks, she doesn't seem to be the most likely perosn in the world to choose to join the assasin career. She had always enjoyed practicing with using weapons, and was spotted by an assasin one day around her eighteenth birthday when she was in her front garden practicing with her daggers. Of course, she didn't know who he was at that time. He offered to spar with her, and soon discovered a talent. He soon told her about who he actually was and offered her a place in an academy so that she could become a fully-fledged assasin. She didn't seem bothered when she discovered her opponent's profession, but more intrigued. She took the offer and began her lessons at the academy under his instruction.

It was soon clear that she was meant to be an assasin at the speed that she learned her stealth skills and how to use her daggers properly. She doesn't talk much about her family, but she says that she was never very close to them, hence why she spent most of her time away from home. The reason she wasn't very close to them was because she wasn't their favourite: her older sisters all wanted to go to college and become lawyers or doctors, but Riara never. She was seen as the "disappointment" of the family, and therefore not worthy of as much attention.

Dagger Mastery - Riara can use small daggers perfectly as long as she is used to them, both when using stealth and in face-to-face combat. It is very rare that she will slip up and miss dodging or blocking an attack, but it can be done is the move is a very clever one, or simply an unexpected one. If disarmed of one of her daggers, then the likelihood of her losing the battle dramatically increases to being almost likely that she will miss dodging or blocking an attack. If she is disarmed of both of her daggers then her only hope is to escape.

Stealth - Riara can use her stealth to sneak past people from behind effortlessly as long as the ground is clear of anything that could make noise, such as leaves or twigs. Water can also be done, but this can only be done very slowly, which increases her chances of being caught. She cannot yet hide in the shadows in front of people so she can be spotted if the person she is trying to avoid turns around and then her only option is to either stand and fight, or flee.

Blowpipe useage - Riara can use a short blowpipe to hit her target with a dart containing a mild poison which only causes some confusion in her target for a few moments, giving her time to sneak past. Unfortunately, she hasn't got the best aim so there is only about a 10% chance that she will hit her target.


Leather belt - This belt is made of black leather and is used to keep her two dagger sheathes on, and also a small pouch for her short blowpipe and her 10 darts behind the sheath of the right-hand dagger. This belt is hidden under her blouse and skirt. This belt can be split into two and used as two separate belts on her legs for when she wears a dress.

Steel daggers - these are small and lightweight daggers that Riara keeps on her at all times, usually hidden in their sheaths under her skirt with the handles poking out over the top, but these are covered by her blouse. If she is wearing one of her dresses then each one is kept in a separate sheath on each leg, covered by her dress.

Short pine blowpipe + 10 poison-filled glass darts - the blowpipe is kept hidden in her belt pouch, and as are the poison filled darts (their effects are explain in the skills section)

08-06-10, 05:17 AM
She can't be a master with her daggers at this point, wielding them perfectly and whatnot. Please change the skill level to above average and edit the description accordingly.

Also, do keep in mind that people with heightened senses will still have a chance of detecting her.

Everything else seems to be in order.