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Bite to Break Skin
08-05-10, 08:35 PM
Name: Venn Nightshade AKA Vendetta the phantom criminal
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Deep blue
Height: six feet tall.
Weight: 120 pounds
Occupation: Assassin / strong arm

Personality: Venn has two faces people see. The first and his most prominent is his work face. Venn made his name being ruthless and cold. He kills with no remorse and steals without hesitation. Needless to say he doesn't have many friends. Then there is his other side. The real Venn. This Venn comes out when no one is watching. He is kind and softhearted. His cruel hard eyes soften, revealing his inner suffering. He becomes a friendly person, and a big teddy bear.

Appearance: Venn is a strange sight among the ranks of the gangsters and criminals he associates himself with. His is tall and slender, and slightly muscular. His eyes are a deep blue that his victims, and his lovers tend to drown in. His face is sculpted like a noble. His long black hair hangs slightly over his eyes. His skin is ghostly pale and clear. Perhaps the only color in his face is his slightly pale red lips.

He prides himself on his appearance, keeping his nails clipped short and his face cleanly shaven. He walks in long strides and carries himself with an air of professionalism. His lips are constantly kept in a slight scowl. he wears dark black jeans and a Black sleeveless shirt. He keeps his hands in black leather fingerless gloves. Strapped to his hips are his two trusted weapons. One is a strange thin sword made of a steel like substance. When he swings it the blade shrieks through the air, earning the nickname Banshee. The other is a wicked steel dagger that is curved for the purpose of going into the targets ribs side ways, then with a quick twist he would turn it and puncture the lungs, several arteries or the heart.

History: Venn grew up in a small town with his father Ori the blacksmith. Growing up he had two other siblings. Mary was Venn's older sister, and James was Venn's younger brother. Growing up all three kids were taught minor metal working by their father in the morning. Then he let them roam free for the rest of the day to practice skills of their choice.

Mary became good at the noble arts of the ninja. James grabbed one of Ori's hammers and played Paladin. Venn read. Venn had asked Ori to teach him to read and write, then he began to read anything he could. Unfortunately all that there was to read were criminal profiles on Althanas' worst criminals. This hobby became an obsession.

Venn quickly memorized their every last trait and the techniques they used. Ori thought this meant his son was interested in law enforcement. Soon Venn began to practice picking the safes and locks his father made. Then he began to forge knives and other weapons. Ori had grown concerned. Then one fateful day Venn found his whole life shattered.

It had been a hot summer day in his father's forge. His short stout father had been busy forging a sword for a noble. James had grabbed his father's extra hammer and started playing paladin in the forge. Ori opened to his mouth to scold James, when the boy tripped. The hammer had slammed on the hilt of a sword that had been precariously perched on the work table. The sword shot backwards, flying at Venn.

Venn remembered watching in horror as he father stepped into the path of fire, and was impaled by his work. James, who had been eight at the time, sobbed his eyes out, blaming himself. Venn had been twelve, and the guilt weighed heavily on his mind. Had he moved his father would be alive. had he chose a different place he would have been alive. Of course he found himself standing over his fathers grave in the rain. No matter how much he wished for anything different.

Soon his father's will turned up. Which was odd. Mary was 16, and eligible for the ninja training academies. She had to delay her departure to listen to attend the reading.

To my beloved children....
I want you all to know that I have no regrets on how I spent my life. No matter how I died I want you all to remember that you need to keep moving forward. First there is one thing I need to tell you. You are not my real children. Mary, I received you from an old friend named Celeste, I know not of her location or motive for letting go of you. James, I received you from a man who went by the Name of Gravemind, I know not of his whereabouts. Finally Venn, I knew both your mother and father. They were well known criminals to most of Althanas. When they were captured you were taken from them. Your parents were executed and are buried in Radasanth. As my last request I would like to ask the three of you to go discover your own destinies.
I loved you all with all of my heart, Ori Chalkun.

So Venn headed to Radasanth. The journey had left him in suspense. What his parents left him? Once he arrived he found the captain of the guard, who pointed him to the grave of both his parents. Something clicked in his head, and he left to the north, where the world was controlled by mobsters. Once there he became a criminal in the steps of his father.

Fighting skill: Venn is an amazing fighter with both his sword Banshee and his curved knife. He is quick on his feet and had quick reflexes, making him a formidable opponent to the most seasoned body guard.

Poison making: Venn is an amateur poison maker, most of his poisons simply make the target nauseous

Metal working: Venn can make small things like daggers out of iron. He rarely uses it, unless he needs to augment his income.
Steel sword named Banshee Which slices through the air. when it is blocked it shrieks in protest.
Curved steel dagger.

08-06-10, 05:22 AM
He can be an above average fighter with his weapons and about 1.5 times quicker than an average person. You don't necessarily have to edit your description as long as you play him as such. That's about it. Just post here to confirm we're on the same page concerning his skill and you'll be off.

Bite to Break Skin
08-06-10, 02:32 PM
Yeah sorry about that, I know the rules and probably should have out amazing as above average.

08-07-10, 05:10 AM
It's all good. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.