View Full Version : Icy Blood

08-02-06, 10:36 AM
((Open to two others))

Rine walked down the center of the empty road, gently placing each foot step in front of the other. Her hand was tightly gripping her katana, and she pulled her hood over her face even lower. The air around smelled of rotting flesh and burning hair, and she knew there was others near by.

Her mouth watered at the scent of blood. Though she was undead, and wasn't required to eat or drink, she took the pleasure every once in a while of drinking blood.

From the corner of her eye she saw a movement. She knew it was a demon.

She drew her katana in one quick movement. The air grew still as Rine bent slightly over, her katana at her side, ready to attack. There was no movement or sound, besides the faint whisper of the wind.

Rine's next movement took the demon by surprise. It had been crouched down in the sand behind a boulder, watching Rine. Her stillness had bored the impatient creature, and it's attention had been turned to another figure in the distance. There was a loud cry, and it turned to see Rine charging at it. It tried to dodge her, but she was fast with the long sword, and chopped off the deamon's head. She smiled, contented with her work.

The demon was small, about the size of an average two-year-old human. Rine held the body at it's arms, and bit into the area where there should have been a head.

Rine drank slowly, savoring the taste of the icy cold blood. It ran down her throat, refreshing her mind and replenishing her senses.

01-15-07, 09:42 PM
Due to inactivity this is being moved to The Unresolveds. If you would ever like it to be open again, please PM me.