View Full Version : Ekzeal Atlymos: Chapter 0

08-07-10, 12:05 AM
Name: Ekzeal Atlymos “Ez”
Age: 22
Race: Human
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 130lbs
Hair Color: Dirty blond
Eye Color: Hazel, often blue.
General Description:

Ez would never be described as beautiful, but many people tell him he is cute, handsome or pretty. Boyish and often mistaken for a teen, even though he is quickly becoming a young man, Ez tends to use his young look and demeanor to his advantage. Wearing mostly average clothing, but with a dark theme to its color scheme. He boasts very lightly tanned pale skin, dirty blond hair that sits just above his eyes with a swish to one side, and a lean but muscular form. At glance, he would probably be thought to be so skinny as to be weak, but any activity shows the deep grooves of refined muscles easily. At his left side is a sheath for a dagger, and hidden beneath his clothes on both shoulders are small knife sheaths that are difficult to detect even at touch. Around one ankle, high enough to not be seen, is a leather band that hides lock picks and other small tools.

-Vladimeridian: A scarlet colored almost decorative dagger that is almost always at his left side. It has a crimson hilt with a fake ruby inlaid upon the pommel. Elegant, flowing carvings decorate both sides of the iron blade. It’s edge is often sharpened well, but it shows nicks and cuts from frequent use. Ez will often brag that it is magical, but at a close look by an experienced evaluator it is obviously simply a decorative, and probably cheap, weapon.

-Climbing shoes: Ez’s shoes are of a strange design and are made for climbing buildings, rocks, and etc. They are slightly slick looking, and very tough. They seem uncomfortable to walk in.

-Many, many Lock picks
-24 foot of matt black rope
-4 iron 1.5 inch emergency daggers.
-2 smoke bombs [Not very effective]
-1 badly forged “Get out of jail free” pardon letter.
-1 mythril spoon
-2 steel forks, along with a steel butter knife
-A small packet of salt for preservation
-A very small capped metal cylinder full of wool kindling

-Parkour: Ez has an above average understanding of the fundamentals of landing high falls, rolling to reduce body damage, and generally the ability to move gracefully and very quickly from one place to another in as little movements as possible to conserve energy. Parkour is the art of ‘getting away’ and ‘getting there’, and Ez masters this above all other talents.
-Acrobatics: Ez has an above average understanding of acrobatics, as leads into his most major talent of Parkour.
-Swordcraft: Whilst his ability with larger weapons like swords, long swords, and anything that would require two hands is definitely lacking, if you put a dagger in Ez’s hand he will be able to use it as if he was born with it. His fighting style is purely self-taught, so he still falls into the ‘below average’ category, and will quickly lose to a trained fighter.
-Speachcraft: The boy can get out of trouble, but only if speaking to someone not trained to listen for lies. The stupid are easy to fool, the intelligent will catch on fast. Below average, at best.
-Pick-pocketing: If someone is careless or distracted, Ez can often lift something of value off of their body. Often a mislaid purse, or a small valuable.
-Climbing: Ez is decent at climbing, and rarely falls. However he knows his limits, and despite having a thriving desire to always be up high or moving fast, will avoid anything he thinks he might hurt himself trying to climb. His knowledge of Parkour allows him to get a ‘head start’ on any climb however, running up the wall a small amount first.

The Gap:
-- Ez has constantly felt as if some piece of himself or his life is missing. A large portion of what one would consider a character’s “skill points” are poured currently into this ‘gap’. It will be filled and understood at a later date after the story progresses. (If possible, when this occurs in his story, my level 0 profile will be re-posted with the new information and would appeal for re-approval.)

A lost cause (Very very short summary)

Ekzeal was orphaned at birth, his father dying shortly after his conception and his mother passing while giving him life. Instantly he was taken in by a kind old lady that cared for many of the lost youth in Radasanth. The old lady was poor, and the older boys quickly taught him how to pick-pocket and open locks. As soon as he hit thirteen, Ez left the old lady’s care and entered the city on his own. Since then he has been living alone, dodging the thugs and police alike whilst managing to find odd jobs to support his free lifestyle. Figuring himself a free spirit, he refuses to ever truly have a home or a place to call his own, and travels constantly to find a new treasure, a new job, or a new adventure. His past remains a mystery, as only his name, given to him as a dying wish of his late mother, is any clue that there is a past to discover. However, throughout his entire life he has been insatiable, somehow knowing deep inside that some part of him was missing. Until he finds what fills the gap in him, he searches endlessly.

08-07-10, 05:25 AM
Don't go selling that mythril spoon. We usually don't allow any metal above steel at level zero, but I figure it's more of a gimmick or that you have some plans for it, so I'll let it slide as long as you don't do anything funny with it.

You can post a profile update once you fill The Gap, but do note that you won't be allowed to enhance your character's fighting skills until you reach level one. You can, however, add some additional info mid-level, possibly some equipment if you earn it as a spoil.

08-07-10, 03:12 PM
No funny spoon business, I promise. Heck, just pretend there is no spoon.

The gap will only be filled in with a non-combat ability that is part of a future quest spoil. I might not even get it before level 1, but I hope to.

08-08-10, 03:34 AM
Very well. You are approved. The Althanas has you.