View Full Version : A lady's touch is one to remember...

Lady's Touch
08-08-10, 04:22 AM
Mary Lynn



Hair Color:
Black with blond streaks that comes down to the middle of her back

Eye Color:



Assassin/demon hunter

Mary really don't have one. She kept to herself all her life. Raised as a single child since she was 9, she really don't have a personality. Just scared of almost anything that could be perceived as a threat to her life. Once she gets scared, it's hard as hell to get her back to her shy self.

Standing at five-foot five, she is your average height girl. Her hair is pure black with blond streaks hiding her green eyes. Fearing her eyes would show her some a sign of weakness. Her black hair up in a pony-tail, just down her back and not up and perky. Her top is a cotton sewn halter top. Around her neck is a locket, and inside this locket is a picture of her and her brother before he disappeared. Around her waist is a leather studded belt that helps to hold up her wallet and fanny pack. Inside the pack is a lighter, flints for the lighter, matches and a pack of cigarettes. As for her pants, she is wearing a pair of jean cargo pants.

Being born into a poor family, Mary had a life she wanted. No one watched her when she stole from friends and candy stores. No one ever suspected her of anything. Then one day her life changed when her older brother was shipped off. Her parents only excuse was He needs discipline. That was over ten years ago. Her older brother is the reason she is still alive, and not locked up behind bars. From the day he was shipped out, she has spent all her free time trying to find out where he is, and why he was shipped out period.

Above average hand-to-hand combat i.e. fists to fist. Above average ranged weapon mastery. Anger control: Once she gets angry, her strength doubles till she calms down.

Equipment: A pair of leather gloves with a steel stud on each knuckle. Cigarettes, lighter, spare flints, matches, and a locket.

08-09-10, 12:24 PM
This character is a rather blatant copy of Lady (http://devilmaycry.wikia.com/wiki/Lady) from the Devil May Cry 3 video game, and I'm rather certain you're aware of it too. As we don't allow plagiarism here or usage of already established characters, I advise you to completely revise your profile and come up with a more original concept.

Lady's Touch
08-09-10, 03:30 PM
Okay, is that any better?

08-10-10, 06:34 AM
It's acceptable. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas once again.