View Full Version : Burlen Business Deal

08-09-10, 12:40 AM
Billa was in the comfort of his indoor pool, bathing in the rippling waters. As Billa got out water dripped and he went to put on his suit and outdoor clothing. “Aditya is there anything from David” Billa asked as he put on his vest and tucked his radio and much more. “No” Aditya said standing at attention some feet behind Billa “Billa don’t you think that hes been too quiet” he finished a little too serious. “No” Billa said as he prepared his black vest for departure “I know that David will get back in touch real soon”.

A phone rang; Aditya looked at the black cell that ringed in his cold pocket he took it out and jumped a little when the name said David. “Billa” Aditya said his hand shaking “It’s David” he finished handing him the cell.

“Hey Billa my man” David said through the static of the cell “I set up the greatest deal for us in Burlen” he finished in an upbeat tone. “Ok” Billa said with little emotion “What are the details of it?” he finished as he switched the cell from left to right and put his left hand in his pocket leaning against the granite tabletop. “Great” David said with happiness in his voice “here are the details first you have to get your Plan-B weapon set and three ZM-Bombs and go to my informer in Memorial Palace South District, he will hand you a briefcase and give you some information, second go to the top of Green Plaza in North District, there you will meet Reagan Kelly a former anti-government commander, but as off now he is the leader of the Scorpion Tails one of the two gangs in Burlen, and give him the weapons and bombs, fourthly you have to go to my guest house in the outskirts and wait until I check back in” he finished with a huge breath. “Ill get started immediately” Billa said and hung up on David. Billa dressed quickly and said “ok I will go alone” he finished pointing the others to watch there progress in Burlen carefully.

Billas ride to the airport was very scenic but his brain was not, he pushed the hilts of his 2 swords on his back down a little bit so the hilts didn’t show and put his sunglasses on. Billa then looked outside asking himself questions to test if his brain was functioning. It was working but it seemed rusty.

“This might get me interested” Billa thought looking at the airport watching everything closely, very closely.

08-09-10, 03:04 AM
Berlun Police Headquarters AKA Thunder Base

“Welcome all to the first inter-pol meeting at Thunder Base” James Crown said to the 8 members at the meeting “my name is James Crown but you can call me Crown” he finished. “I’ve gathered this meeting at the prestigious Thunder Base because of one main target” Crown said as he walked up to the laptop and clicked on a file “Billa, the most wanted criminal mastermind known to man” he finished as he clicked on the pictures that showed Billa in his suit, smoking a cigarette. “My informers tell me that he knows everyone in the industry of firearm trading and bomb blasting, if we can get to him we can get the entire Underworld” Crown said as he clicked on multiple files “This is Aditya” he said as he pointed toward a man with a big mustache and a thick beard “He is Billas right hand” Crown said as he switched files “these two are crucial toward our plan” he finished. “After all of that, my informers tell me that Billa is going to Burlen” Crown said, at the mention of this there were many murmurs around the meeting “We also have information, that he is going alone and doing some business with Reagan Kelly a gang leader and former anti-government officer” Crown finished. “I brought you guys here not only to talk for some action” Crown said “whoever will be supporting me in bringing down the Underworld please come forth” as he said this many people left crowding through the doors, after the rest left there was only 3 people in the room including Crown. “Will you be helping me” Crown questioned the 2 officers. The first man talked with a thick accent from Burlen “You will have full support from my department sir” with this he left to get ready. Crown inched his eyes toward the other man and asked him “and you?”. He spoke silently “I will help my informer is already in Burlen to fight Billa”. Crown said “Perfect” as he ushered the man out of the room. Crown looked through the window and took a cigar out of his pocket “This is good”.

Private Jet

Billa was on the private jet sent by David to usher him too Burlen safely. Billa was just calmly looking out the window drinking some mineral water, until he saw some strange people in the back crowding up. “What a pain” Billa thought as he got up walking towards the people. Billa was swiftly grabbed by the person and thrown backwards. Billa needed more space so he looked up and smiled his devil smile. Billa ran backwards climbing up a ladder and going on the top of the airplane with the other people clamoring together to get a shot at Billa. Billa kept running sustaining himself through the pressure and then turned around “perfect” he thought as he faced the total of 8 people. Billa quickly lit a cigarette and motioned for them to come. The first one came in a thrusting motion at the chest with a katana. With his hands still in his pockets he jerked back and threw the lit cigarette at the face of his on slaughter. The warrior squirmed grabbing his face and falling on the floor grabbing at his face. Billa motioned for the next as he lit another cigarette. The next warrior came carefully and thrusted both the swords he had at the face and tricep of Billa. Billa simply jerked to the side escaping the first sword and swinged his arm which brought out a steel sword and stabbed the side of the warrior. Billa swung his hand back stowing the steel sword back in its place. “I don’t have enough time, why don’t the rest of you guys come at the same time” Billa said cockily. All the warriors came forth and thrusted at the Don in all ways not leaving an edge. Billa dodged the first one and got hit by the third and forth in the ribs, with that he jerked back escaping the rest of them. Billa grabbed at his ribs for a bit then calmed down. Billa ran straight not the slightest bit disturbed by the air pressure and jumped off the plane. Billa pulled out one of his small swords and threw it at the turbine. The plane came spiraling down to its doom in the edge of Burlen. Billa turned around and took off his coat; he was close to the ground so he turned the coat into an umbrella and slowly fell down. “This might slow things down” Billa said as he noticed himself in the jungle.

Thunder Base

“Attempt one failed” Crown thought as he felt a cold rush threw his body “I still have a lot of time Billa”.

08-10-10, 01:42 AM
Burlen Outskirts: Maverick Jungle

Billa was in the middle of a jungle close to Burlen, he dusted himself off and was trying to sustain the pain in his ribs. Billa put his sunglasses on and focused “lets see” Billa thought as he gathered information “Maverick Jungle is the name, 5 miles east until I go to a house on the outskirts” he finished thinking. Billa put his glasses up and started eastward; he took the radio out and said “Hello, anyone there?”, “damn even the radio has no signal here” Billa said with frustration. Billa walked about a mile until he sensed some people close to him, “definitely army” Billa concluding by the heavy smell. As Billa approached them he concluding also that there were 4 warriors from the military. Billa confronted them with caution, as he tried to avoid them by slipping by. “Look its Billa” a Soldier yelled in a thick Burlen accent, with that all the soldiers got ready to fire. Billa noticed a sewer at the bottom of his feet, he smiled a little bit, when the soldiers started shooting he popped the lid up and it spinned in front of Bila taking all the bullets. After all of it was over, Billa jumped in the sewer. All the military personal crowded over it in awe. Billa jumped the military personal and there guns flying everywhere, he landed slowly a bit away from everyone “how’s that” Billa claimed as he saw the fallen warriors. “Soldiers follow me Billa is right there” a captain said. In that second 10 more soldiers surrounded him. “Come at me” Billa said to the soldiers. The first and second soldiers swung at the stomach and neck, Billa ducked the sword towards his neck and pushed him backwards with his palms, he then lowered his arm and armed a small sword from his knee and stabbed the side of the solider. Billa stood up and the next three charged at him, each with 2 swords stabbed at the ribs, head, and leg. Billa sheathed both of his steel swords and stabbed the first two warriors straight on, the third did a surprise attack and hit right above the knee, but luckily his small sword took most of the damage. After that he stabbed the soldier in the heart with one of his swords and he fell slowly grabbing at his heart. After Billa got up he un-sheathed his blades and motioned for the next four. They came with a multitude of attacks, so Billa jerked back and brought out his lighter, with that he blew into it and a burst of flames spread out burning two of the soldiers into dust, he lit a cigarette waiting for the next two. The Don threw the lit cigarette at the soldiers face and he fell on the ground.

“Great job” the captain of the squadron said as he clapped “I expected nonetheless from Billa”. With those words he lunged with his katana at the head of Billa, Billa ducked instinctively and took his iron swords out swiping it against the chest of the captain. With a small smirk the captain jerked back escaping the sword. With both of the warriors at a standstill, Billa saw one way out he took out his other iron sword and swiped it against the captain, the captain blocked it with his katana, Billa smiled as he swung the other sword at the captains chest. The captains smirk stopped and he fell with the iron sword lodged into his body. Billa got up and took the sword out of the captains chest and putted them back in there place.

Burlen Outskirts: Guesthouse

Billa kept walking with cuts and bruises everywhere; 4 miles later he saw a house. Billa walked up to the house and noticed there was no one there so he went in changed his suit, cleaned himself off, and used his cell phone and phoned his informers.

Thunder Base

“Second level passed Billa” Crown said as he sensed the cries of families “You will come to an end soon”. At this moment a call came in from Burlen, he looked at the name and it said “Billa”.

08-10-10, 07:30 AM
Burlen Outskirts: Maverick Check Post

Billa finished calling his informers and headed toward the city good as new. Billa walked a bit and stopped, “I sense something bad” Billa thought as he put on his sunglasses “2 miles to the east is a military check post then Burlen” Billa finishing his inquiry. “Easy enough” Billa said walking toward the check post. When Billa was a bit shy of the check post, he slowed down and tried to pass for an outsider.

Billa lit a cigarette and counted the members to be about 30 personal and two captains while walking. Billa got past 1 section until a captain stopped him, “name?”. Billa answered carefully “Gregory Morsen” he said without hesitation. “Where you from, to me you look suspicious in all black smoking a cigarette” the captain said writing it down on a board. “Rigor” Billa replied swallowing the distractions that filled the area. “Uhh huh” the captain said giving the board to an officer “ok you’re clear”. Billa walked through without a word.

In seconds the entire check post surrounded him and one of the captains said “I know your Billa, put your hands up and come towards me slowly” the captain said slowly. Billa put his hands up and walked toward the captain with his cigarette still in his mouth. After he got head to head with the captain, he put his cigarette on the side of his mouth and said “bye Bitch”, seconds after he said that he threw the cigarette at the captain’s face before he could react. After the captain got hit Billa grabbed him and used him as a shield while all the others used up there bullets. When everything seemed clear he dropped the body and motioned for the soldiers to come at him. The second captain nudged his Lt and he came at me running grabbing his sword by the hilt and aiming for an upward shot at the head. Billa was heartbroken by the weak attempt to capture him; he simply ducked and used both his hands to push his chest backwards.

“I don’t have time for this” Billa said looking at the numbers “captain number 2 come at me” Billa said as he pointed at the guy in the white coat. The captain ran forward and punched the right side of my ribs in an attempt to puncture my breathing. Billa jumped up in the air to the side and crescent kicked the captain in his spine. The captain popped back up and kicked me on my left side that made me stagger back a bit.

“Lets end this” Billa said as he ran toward the captain and grabbed on his arm and twisted it backwards, Billa then grabbed the other and twisted it back in a knot. Billa then jumped in the air and brought his foot down on the captain’s head smashing it in the dirt.


Billa continued on into Burlen as he saw the other soldiers back up. Billa entered Berlun and saw that there was a fire and people rushing into the area.

Thunder Base

“Third attempt failed” Crown said still looking outside “Your safe for a bit Billa, but the game will start soon".

08-11-10, 08:26 AM
Billa was walking towards the fire as he saw it spread more toward where he was, he lit a cigarette and saw that the fire was the plane that Billa made crash, and then to Billas loss the plane crashed directly on Memorial Palace. Billa quickly put his sunglasses on and searched around the fire for a suitcase, his mind was in panic a little.

Billa found a black briefcase on the ground near a hotdog restaurant, he opened it up and it was a bunch of files and documents for a bomb blast on Burlen International Airport. Billa looked a little bit more and all he saw was that it used his Zm bombs. What Billa found even more important was the airport was next to the guesthouse he was supposed to stay in.

“That scoundrel” Billa thought throwing the briefcase in the fire, while he did this he saw another briefcase; he picked it up with interest and saw it was directions to Kelly’s hideout and some cash. Billa with interest took the cash and memorized Kelly’s whereabouts.

“Thank you airplane” Billa said as he kissed the cash “because of you I got both ends of this deal”. Billa decided to join the military as an upside for having information of the bomb blast. Billa walked toward the military recruitment base for Althanas. Billa walked in and told the general the plans for bomb blast. The general asked Billa what he wanted for a reward and Billa plainly said a job in the military. The general said “Done” and shook hands with the most wanted criminal in history.

Billa was quickly enrolled in the academy and went into the barracks. A Lt. came in and spoke with force in his voice “all right maggots, this is your first day and you better make sure I don’t see you” he said spitting as he talked “there are 15 of you and there will only be one of you from this batch to become an officer in 1 week”. The Lt started walking asking for a name and platform number. When it was finally Billas turn he spoke without an inch of fear in his voice “John Richard the 15th sir, platform number 6117835”. The Lt eyed him with curiosity but before he spoke Billa spoke again “people call me Billa because of my volatile nature when I was a kid” with this Billa finished and stood at attention in the military uniform bound to get dirty very soon. “Ill keep an eye on you specially” the Lt said.

Althanas Military Branch Berlun recruiting base, Base number 11453: Captains Diary #53

“I have made this base the most successful recruiting base in the history of Althanas. In just one week I can make anyone at least a regular military officer; if they cooperate I can make them a captain. Which I think is possible for this one particular recruit “Billa”. I will rigorously put him to double th training and not sleep until he is a champion”

Captain Hagsford 15th batch: platform number 325464