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Leroy Dark
08-09-10, 08:22 PM
Name: Leroy Dark
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 125 pounds
Weight: 5 foot eleven inches
Occupation: Writer

Personality: Leroy is an introvert who lacks social skills. Having just graduated from Harvard he finds himself somewhat awkward and shy. He wants to make friends, but he never can. He dreams of adventures he knows he will never have.

Appearance: Leroy is somewhat tall and slender. His perfectly average hair matches his perfectly Average face. He is your perfectly Average young man who spends little time outside. Tucked behind his left ear is a special black pen his father gave him before before disappearing two years ago. His skin is pale from many years of studying indoors. His clothes are perfectly Average as well. A black T-shirt and jeans with white shoes. Perhaps only one thing stands out about Leroy. His extraordinary blue eyes. He avoids eye contact, but when he looks someone in the eyes they seem to get lost in his sapphire orbs.

History: Leroy is an average kid in the Dark family. If the Dark family can be considered average. Most Dark's can read and write by the age of one. Soon they move on to math and science, the history. By the age of ten they will have graduated from high school. Then with the family funds they all attend Harvard for several years getting as many degrees in the fields they desire. Much to the dismay of Leroy's mother and grand parent's, Leroy went into literature like his father.

Leroy spent nine years getting every degree in any possible major involving writing. When he graduated at the age of seventeen his father gave him a strange pen and told him to "Use it for the adventure of a lifetime." Then he disappeared. Leroy spent two years locked in his home writing. Finding no inspiration he poked through his fathers study, finding a plain black journal in his desk. On it was written, "The adventure of a lifetime." Leroy flipped through it, the whole journal was blank. Then he clicked his pen tip and placed it on the first page preparing to write something down. Then he was sucked into the book, and found himself in Althanas.

Gift of the Muse: Leroy has a strange gift that allows him to be able to read, write, and speak any language on Althanas.

"The Adventure of a lifetime" journal
Black ink pen that never runs out of ink.

08-10-10, 06:36 AM
You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.