View Full Version : Just one battle... Please..

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-10-10, 02:32 AM
((Please whoever will join this spar, please be committed to engaging a battle with me. If you are just going to post one time, and not bother then this is not the place to come.))

The whole crowd among the bleachers on the far west side of the arena were once again booing at Gyzmo. They all seemed quite disappointed that nothing has managed to even once thrill them, some began to lose their faith against the boy and they began to depart. Whilst a few druids remained seated, they haven't lost their faith just yet.

Gyzmo remained still and sighed as he raised a hand slowly towards his face, then slowly he slipped his index finger and thumb underneath his glasses, and gently rubbed his shut eye balls. Then he sunk down to his rear, and his back resting against the boulder, he extended his legs out to rest.

The druids that were in charge of changing the scenery decided to shift it once more. So with that, they focused and began to lift all the boulders that were scattered around and they used some of their might to split the boulders in several good pieces, that still made them a bit large. These pieces of boulders were placed all around the ring, forming a perfect circle around the perfect circle ring.

Gyzmo sighed now he just laid on his side from not being able to rest because of the boulder behind him was his lazy embrace. The levitating boulders that were 100 feet high were left there, the druids seem to have had planned with them all this time. Soon before Gyzmo could actually sleep, it began to rain. Several rain clouds appeared above him.

"Water...? What..." He whispered, then sat up he grabbed the hood of his coffee brown jacket and covered his head. He sighed and looked around the whole arena was now going to be filled with water, well it wasn't going to be too much water. It continued raining until the druids couldn't maintain it any longer, which left up to Gyzmo's waist. So about three feet of water, probably because he was short. Other people could probably walk in this without a sweat.

The boulders that were around prevented the water to escape. This was the new battle environment, Water and Earth.

08-10-10, 03:02 PM
Up to her chest in water, Amaya tried to remind herself why she had chosen to be here. She had known from the start this was no ordinary arena but thought she’d at least have full use of her arms and legs. She reached down for the dagger which was currently strapped to her belt, she wanted it somewhere more accessible. She groaned at how difficult movement was all of a sudden, she could feel the water pressure crush down on her small frame with each small step she took. Great, looks like I’ll have to swim, she sighed to herself.

She surveyed the arena and her opponent, having realised that if she were to win she’d have to fight with her brain rather then rely on physical strength. The arena consisted of water and boulders, perhaps she would be able to climb up on to them if struggling? She would have to rely on magic for the most part, that much was obvious. Her opponent whose name she’d forgotten, he would also be affected by the water, although not as much, being taller. Lucky him, she thought sourly, dammit why do I have to be so short!

Amaya took another glance at the man, or rather boy she was fighting. He looked several years younger than herself and his emerald eyes radiated innocence. Her gut feeling told her it wasn’t right to be fighting a boy. Her head however told her not to underestimate him. They were there for one thing, to fight. For the duration of the battle he was her enemy. She knew better than to judge an opponent by his appearance and he would be smart to do the same.

Having given up on trying to walk, she swam around a little in an attempt to warm up, impatiently waiting for the fight to start. She was ready and she wasn’t going to hold back!

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-10-10, 03:23 PM
About a little bit of soaking in the water, he looked around and finally he heard a noise that had excited him. He spotted his opponent finally arriving, and this time it wasn't a extremely tall man, or a random druid. It was a girl, who seemed quite older than him. She seemed quite smaller than him.

Guess I won the height. She won the age.

It looked like she was struggling to get to him, he got up from sitting down and stood up from the water. This would seem difficult to fight in, but he could probably use the water to his advantage somehow. But then again, he gazed up at the ceiling there was still those levitating boulders, and he hadn't noticed before, but they were actually descending and ascending in a synchronizing pattern. He could probably reach up there and exit the horrid water arena.

Gyzmo began to wipe his glasses from the water that was against his frames, this had gotten annoying he could only see her as a blur. "So! You must be... Um.. What was it.. Mayra? Or was it.. Something else. Sorry my mind is a bit out of whack right now." He chuckled and walked towards her, he only took a few steps because she was still on the move towards him, and he had to be ready for anything.

A metallic serpent had slithered out from his backpack, from one of it's holes and appeared beside Gyzmo monitoring him then towards the feminine figure, the strong ruby glow from the head illuminated it's presence. "So are you ready? Or you got cold feet?" Gyzmo asked as he began to get excited with an answer, he was shivering with excitement and from being cold due to the damn water. "If so.. I'll allow you to make the first move." He last said, as he gently raised his hands over his head and then pulled the hood off his head revealing his soaked hazelnut brown hair.

08-10-10, 04:52 PM
“Amaya”, she corrected him, “And you are?” she asked, not the slightest bit irritated he’d gotton her name wrong, seeing as she’d forgotton his completely. She noticed him clearing the lense of his glasses. So he was short sighted then, this should make things a little easier for her. Maybe there was a way to use the water to her advantage.

He approached her with caution. Smart move she thought, I’m more dangerous than I look. What did catch her attention was the mechanical snake which seemed to appear out of nowhere. She had never seen anything like it. She made a mental note to be extra cautious herself, she knew nothing about who she was dealing with and what other surprises he may have in store for her. She had no idea how powerful they were and how well they would react to her magic.

“Cold feet?” she questioned, “Nah they’re just starting to warm up actually”, she said, suddenly feeling incredibly competititve, “Ok, fine I will, but I’m not holding back!” she smirked. She had contemplated using fire, is was the element she was happiest with, but looking around that clearly wasn’t going to work. She too noticed the boulders moving up and down. If she could stand her ground for a little while longer, maybe she could take the fight up there? Her body might have been in slow motion but her hands and eyes weren’t. Exerting a small amount of elemental magic, she used the body of water around her to fog up his glasses and create a faint mist around them. Hoping that would at least slow him down further she hastily pulled out her dagger from her sleeve and slashed it across, aiming at his chest.

Gyzmo Gadjiltron
08-10-10, 05:59 PM
"Oooooh Amaya.. Alright. Well, my name is Gyzmo." He snickered silently a bit as he watched her swimming a bit, this made him laugh for some odd reason. But when she began to answer some of his statements he had asked her, like the cold feet question, and allowing her to attack first.

"Wait.. What?" He was a bit flabbergasted when she answered with such enthusiasm, it actually made him happy to know he was going to engage in a fight with a great warrior.

He watched her carefully, then wiped his glasses again. But then when a fog began to compose itself due to some heat source which he had no clue where it formed. It must be her. Yes, probably. Unless those druids are really pissed off. It was beginning to get extremely difficult to watch her when the heat fogged up his glasses, this blinded his vision. "Hey waiiit.. I can't see. Gimme a second here." He complained as he wiped his glasses frames but it would not cease the fogging.

He continued to struggle in cleaning the frames, then when she made her assault towards him, the metallic anaconda that stood beside him disassembled it's claws so it wouldn't form hooks, instead just straight 180 degrees, now resembling a propeller. It began to spin it's head in a clockwise direction extremely rapidly blowing the steam away from Gyzmo, and then when she came in for the slash. Gyzmo could finally see, but it seemed he was late Amaya had made her attack.

Gyzmo was extremely scared and flinched, a second metallic anaconda jetted out and forced it's weight to pull Gyzmo away. Since Gyzmo felt scared and feared of getting killed, this emotion helped anticipate the metallic serpents to aiding him. Gyzmo fell down into the water, but it was sort of late he felt his arm have a gash. This was because he was too busy cleaning his glasses. "My arm! Shit!" He yelled in the water, as he looked up towards her. Well as long as it was avoided from his vital spots he would be okay.

Gyzmo remained submerged under the water, and well a few bubbles emerged to the surface showing her where he was. He commanded two of his metallic serpents to attack her now, the two metallic anacondas slithered under the water like sea snakes and their scarlet glow illuminated their locations, and revealed two roman numerals. 'I, III.' These two slithered towards Amaya's legs slowly both going to each individual legs, and slithering up to her, but they hovered themselves to not make contact with her body, they stayed about a centimeter away.

The point was to have her in a position so if she would jump away, her feet would not be able to squeeze through the serpent's non-contacting coils. They emerged from the water slowly now they examined her closely, the ruby glow emitting from their heads as they eyed her carefully. Then they placed their claws together forming a triangular spear, this was going to execute a assault towards her, the machinery serpents hummed silently and then plunged towards her neck, but for a moment they hesitated because Gyzmo was drowning from being under the water too long, they thought he was going to die but he emerged coughing and regaining his oxygen.

After that pause, they then plunged once again towards her, hopefully executing a significant kill routine.