View Full Version : I am bored

08-10-10, 03:12 PM
I have a few threads going, but could use more. Does anyone want a drow to tag along with them, or does anyone want to make up a new story?

I'm seeking anything that makes sense, really. I'm just looking to finish some threads and enjoy myself posting. If anyone needs a solid 2nd or 3rd poster, I'm down.

In addition, I'm recruiting a person or two who are interested in becoming questing partners for a few threads. People who can become friends or enemies of Izvilvin, to give him someone new and interesting to interact with. We can come up with stories that appeal to both of our characters and Izzy is pretty flexible.

08-10-10, 03:42 PM
I'm up for just about all of the above, depending on what you want to do

08-10-10, 03:46 PM
I want to do all. If MetalDrago can go to Alerar we can have them meet up, and then, like, stuff happens. Izvilvin is joining the Alerar military so they can run into each other while he's investigating some occurrance in the wilderness. Then they work together and such.

08-10-10, 04:00 PM
MD's living in the Niadeth Pass, so that shouldn't be too hard. Alerar is a stone's throw away.

Wolfman 20
08-10-10, 04:02 PM
You mind if I get on this? It sounds fun and could be entertaining in a way for everyone.

08-10-10, 04:06 PM
Sounds great, Dragololo. Do you mind throwing up a thread? I'll work on my solo in the meantime.

Wolfy can join if that's cool with Drago. If not, we can make a separate thread. I'm sure it should be fine, though. Of course, if he's actually a werewolf, he could be the cause for Izvilvin's investigation.

Wolfman 20
08-10-10, 04:11 PM
He is a werewolf, and has complete control of it. So a raging werewolf gone savage attacking and killing people in a populated area draws attention due to the large number of deaths?

08-10-10, 04:15 PM
Could be that, or if you don't want him to be doing evil things like killing people in the wildnerness, he could simply be attacking trade caravans, scaring people, etc. If he's staying in the woods near Ettermire, just having him in the area would be cause for the military to try and shoo him off.

Wolfman 20
08-10-10, 04:18 PM
Hm, that does sound like an idea. Since for now, he is really unsure if he wants to be good or evil. So just scaring people off is more then enough for him at this current point.

08-10-10, 04:20 PM
Cool. If MetalDrago's cool with it, we have a thread.

But I still want more!

Wolfman 20
08-10-10, 04:21 PM
Hungry for some action I take it? Trust me, I think a lot of us members are hungry for some action in the best way we can take it.

Lady Scarlet
08-10-10, 08:28 PM
i'd be interested in doing something with just about any of my alts... (poison, Cassy, Jas, Scarlet, Romis) doesn't really matter to me which or what we do. I'd just like to write with you cause i haven't gotten to in the nearly 6 years i've been on althy

08-11-10, 12:27 PM
I'd be happy to have whoever wants to be on board in our thread, up to a maximum of four other players, anyway.

Wolfman 20
08-11-10, 03:59 PM
Okay, if either of you have details you wish to instill upon me, I have aim. godofdeathduo90 is my aim.

08-11-10, 06:42 PM
It might take me a few days to type up a thread, but I'll keep you guys posted. Also, Izzy, if you could get on AIM, that'd be great. I do have your old AIM, but I don't know if you still use the same one

Wolfman 20
08-11-10, 07:20 PM
That's fine with me. I don't have a problem with who posts or when they post, as long as they do. So just take your time MD.

08-12-10, 03:46 PM
Drago, start the thread whenever you get a chance. Our plan sounds like a good foundation to me. Unfortunately, I don't use AIM anymore. I can get on msn sometime if you want to add me, I'll PM you my email address.

Scarlet lady, let's do something then. Just think up something you've been interested in doing and I'm up for it!

08-22-10, 12:24 AM
Izzy, you got a deal. Just shoot me your MSN and I'll add you to my Yahoo. We can plan something out from there

Wolfman 20
08-28-10, 03:55 PM
Just curious, what is going on about this? I mean I'm patient but I've not heard anything or whisper of what's going down. Anyone care to fill me in?

Cyrus the virus
08-29-10, 08:56 PM
I assume Drago's been waiting to chat with me, but I'm never online. Or he thought to make the thread. Either way, I'm still up for it.