View Full Version : ~The Humblest of Challenges...~ (Closed)

08-10-10, 11:21 PM
(All bunnying approved)

A trip to Salvar was just what was needed. On an impulse, Alberdyne Cormyr made the trip to Knife's Edge. It was a long trip there from Corone proper, but he finally arrived approximately one year ago. Settling into the routine of the native Salvarns, Alberdyne Cormyr sought employ at a locale workshop. It was that employ which lead him to The Ahyark Mountain range. Working out of a shop called The Hollow Star, the youth quickly polished his basic blacksmith skills. That was a story for another day.

Days earlier, the small grouped arrived at The Ahyark Mountain range. Each member of the group had different goals that needed to be taken care of. Dyne found himself staring at the cavern's entrance that he'd been dreaming about for almost a month. Something lurked within the cavern, something ancient and powerful. As a Psionic, the youth felt a pull to the creature that lurked within the depths of the cavern system.

It had been a long hike up to the cavern's entrance from the foot of the mountain. Dyne was tired but there was work that needed doing. He was thankful for his partner. Turning to look at the man, he had hired him out of The Hollow Star before the start of the adventure. Dyne promised the fellow some gold and whatever other artifacts that they found that weren't crucial to the young apprentice. Luscious Bane had become a critical ally in the recent days journey. Now, that friendship would be tested. Dyne knew that deep in his heart because they would be meddling with forces beyond their comprehension.

Clenching his fists as he looked at the entrance of the caverns, the youth turned to look at his friend for a long moment. Snow flowed through the air rather dangerously at this position on the mountain range. The platform they were on was not located several miles up, but it was a distance that required some effort on the way up. Feeling his chest rising and falling as he stood in place, the youth studied the cavern for a moment. His green eyes spotted the runes that were etched by former inhabitants of the cavern system, likely Dwarves. Dyne recognized the symbols as a dialect of the Dwarven written systems. Studying them for a moment, Dyne adjusted his goggles and read the runes out loud.

"Heed warning traveler. Ancients lurk within yonder, they will demand a price for power..."

Dyne understood what he was reading. It was a warning of sorts written by ancient hands. Still looking at Luscious Bane, Dyne finished reading the warning. He adjusted his weapons carefully and prepared to proceed forward. There was no point in worrying about things now, they had come this far. Something powerful awaited the both of them at the depths of the cavern and Dyne was eager to find out what that something was.


The trek inside of the cavern's depths was largely uneventful. The true challenge was not yet revealed. Dyne continued to feel a presence watching them as he made his way deeper into the icy depths of the cavern. Large pillars of ice connected the floor and ceiling. Dyne could see his reflection on the ice as he walked by it. It was somehow colder in the depths of the chamber than it was outside, there was frigid air all about and Dyne felt the pull of The Ancient entity become more potent as he walked closer to it. Then, they came across a particular room that had a certain natural object. The chamber itself was larger than the other rooms they had come across, and this chamber contained a well-spring that glowed with ancient power.

Energy radiated from the object. Dyne felt a pull towards the object. A gut feeling made him suspect that the well-spring was the target. Dyne walked towards the well and was surprised to find a clean pool of water. The presence resonated from the pool. Dyne loosened the heavy scarf around his face so that he could address The Ancient he knew was watching their progress. Suddenly, there was a glow of tremendous energy and Dyne had to cover his eyes from the brilliant light. Dyne heard a voice flow through the air of the cavern and touch both of their minds.

"I am an Ancient. You two are young yet, and cannot know the weight of history in this room. But you are here for a purpose. I will require a test of you, and both of you will pay a price for performing this test. However, once this price is paid you shall be rewarded... " The Ancient paused for a moment and then continued. "Please tell me your names so that they might be recorded in the pages of history."

Dyne understood what was happening. This is a contract dealing. How safe will this be? Thinking for a moment or two, Dyne decided it would be okay to reveal his name to the creature.

"My name is Alberdyne, son of Melothac Cormyr." Dyne said calmly. He waited for his companion to introduce himself to The Ancient.

Wolfman 20
08-11-10, 12:14 AM
The floor was wet to Luscious and he hated it. As a werewolf, he would not be able to get any traction if push comes to shove. His hair a mess as he tries his best to force it down. Fed up with it, he just let it be as he hears a voice speaking. Seeing his friend standing over a clear pool of water, he raises his left eyebrow. A shiver down his spin as the voice rang throughout the room. His blue eyes lay on the pool as a young woman just comes out of the water. Looking as if she never came out of the water, she just floated there. Her skin white as the snow outside, her hair a light blue and her eyes looked pure white. Wearing only a cloth-like material to cover her body, she asked for their names.

His employer took a minute then spoke his. Luscious thought that if he did, then so shall he. Thy name is Luscious Bane. Son of no one. He says looking to the Ancient. His voice was calm but with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. His shirt covered in snow as it dampens from the melting snow. His pants completely drenched from the trek all the way up here. He could go higher, but his breathing was fast and shallow as it is now. Looking around the room, he just took a couple steps back to stand in the doorway. His voids all over the room, making sure nothing or no one is around but the three of them.

Young Alberdyne and young Luscious. Such powerful names, but can you show me how powerful they truly are? She asks the men, her soft voice calm yet chilling. A smile across her face as she waves her hands in front of her body, causing the ice in the room to melt and drain through vent shafts in the floor. Luscious felt a shiver yet again as a door behind him shut, creating a loud bang. Stepping forward, he looks into this Ancients face and spots two doors behind her. One on her left, one on her right. The doors stood about a good fifteen feet talk by seven feet wide made of pure steel. Looking at the doors then to her, he just scoffed.

Alberdyne stood in awe as the ice melted, revealing a metal chamber. The craftsmanship in the metal was amazing. Engraved on the sides of the chamber were glyphs. Depicting two warriors who would come from two separate histories but unite as one as they travel through the caves, revealing the secrets that lay in wait. Looking back to the doors, he looks at the Ancient who float in front of the two. What is behind these doors? He asks her, wondering what secrets lay behind the doors.

The Ancient gave a smile as the warriors asked about the doors. I cannot tell you that. Only you may know. Only one of you may enter each door. Behind there, you must solve the riddle of the chamber. She says to the warriors as both doors slide up. Slowly, the rust falling to the ground as the doors finally opened all the way. Behind each door was darkness. The warriors looked at her as two torches appeared at her side. No turning back now young ones. Go forth and be strong Luscious. Alberdyne, be wise. She says with a smile as she just melts into the water, freezing over as she dissipates in it. Luscious looks to Alberdyne as they lock eyes. Nodding their heads in agreement, they each grab a torch. The wood was dry as can be, yet there was nothing on the club to keep the fire going. They turn to their respective doors. Luscious in front of the left one, Alberdyne in front of the right. Finally, with everything sorted out, they both made way into the door. Once all the way through, the doors slammed behind them.

08-11-10, 10:44 PM
Somehow, the cold refused to leave the youth. When he saw the bare skin of The Ancient, the young man felt a distinct hunger in his heart. However, he hid it quite well. Though he desired The Ancient, and it was evident in the constant staring that he did at her scantily clad form, Dyne did not pursue in his desire for her. He did notice something strange though. The girl, winked at Dyne before she vanished back into the pool of water. He grabbed his torch from his companion and nodded to him. There is a test to be won, and a challenge to be had. This will be one for the ages. He thought to himself as he walked towards the door opposite his friend's.

The same sorts of symbols stood out before Dyne's eyes. He studied them as he entered his hallways. Some symbols on the walls began to glow almost as soon as the youth entered it's structure. When the glowing light filled the dark hallway, Alberdyne Cormyr was surprised when his torch was lit up with a burst of archaic energy. This glowing light flared outward for a moment or three forming a perfect circle of energy around the tip of the torch. Dyne looked up and saw a stream of the energy flowing up towards the ceiling for several feet. He also noticed symbols that periodically manifested within the circle of energy. Dyne had never observed the symbols before in his life.

With no source of knowledge to identify the symbols with, Dyne simply ignored them for now. The symbols etched on the hallway's walls were completely different from the ones written in the entryway of the cavern proper. These symbols were so bizarre that he was getting a headache attempting to decipher them. His skill level with linguistics was simply sub par compared to these runes. Dyne had no basis for acknowledging the runes so he could only continue forward.

His torch guided the way, as well as the glowing symbols on the wall. Using this to his knowledge, Dyne looked around the hallway as best as he could. From what he could tell by measurements, the hallway's ceiling was considerably high. The walls were spaced apart several feet so Dyne was able to walk around with a certain degree of comfort. Weary of traps, the youth carefully maneuvered across what he could see immediately around his person. Narrowed, he observed with pure concentration avoiding spots that would be perfect ambush positions for traps. Despite that, he noticed that not a single trap was ever triggered. He kept his hands off the walls to be extra safe, extra careful. Thinking about his family back home, the youth did not want his parents to mourn an early death before Dyne's time.

Alberdyne Cormyr traveled for what seem liked hours, yet the hours were not coalesced into one streaming time period. Time seemed to flow heavily in this chamber and without any real direction. The symbols on the walls started to become redundant as he walked and his mind slowly began to deal with a growing impatience. Dyne's only source of comfort was the strain in his extended left arm, and the harsh lighting against his eyes. They were growing exceedingly tired as he walked.

When he was about to loose his mind, the youth stumbled upon a larger chamber that had the rough dimensions of the wellspring room. He felt the vastness of the room around him as he walked forward. The light from the torch serving as the only ward against the terrible darkness within the room. Dyne saw that the room had thick walls, and one particular wall had a sheen, a glow so powerful that Dyne felt drawn to it. Dyne walked towards that location first and arrived after a few moments. His eyes studied the wall what he saw was...

Wolfman 20
08-12-10, 01:49 AM
Feeling the hard ground under his bare feet, Luscious was not surprised that it was wet. Oh for the love of a whore, when will this ice be gone? He says to himself as his torch flares in front of his face. A shiver sent down his spine never meant a good thing; To him, it always meant trouble in one way or another. Looking around this tunnel, he could see engravings in the wall. Seeing the symbols glow just freaked him out. Okay, this is not my kind of thing, but hey. It's being a helping hand He says out loud, wondering if his employer could hear him. As he walked down the moist tunnel, he saw the symbols start to light up all through out the cave.

Shaking his head, he kept his head held high, sniffing for anything fishy. Putting his hand against the wall, he gets a chill that covers his whole body. His body was always warm, but this, this was something more then just an ordinary cave. That was for sure. The light from the symbols was enough for Luscious to make out a door about a quarter of a mile dead in front of him. Shivering again, he just steps carefully, not trying to cause the ceiling to collapse. Taking small steps, watching where he steps. Looking for anything out of the ordinary, he just smiles as he steps into the doorway. The room was huge, maybe at least twelve feet high.

In the center of the room, stood a odd wall that reached the length and height of this room.Giving the wall a close look, he could tell it was giving off some kind of energy. Scoffing as he looks around the room at first, he puts his torch in a holster on the wall. Rubbing his hands together as a means to warm up, he looked to the middle wall and just shot his voids as wide as they can go. His reflection was gone. In it's place stood his employer, or at least that's what Lus thought.

Shaking where he stood, Lus got tired of shaking. So he did what he loved; he let the animal in him out. His body shaking, twitching as his clothes rip off of him. His shirt in tatters and pieces as it falls to the floor. His pants split at his sides as his body hair grows out, longer then usual as it starts turning an onyx black. Shaking his head violently, he shuts his eyes tight as he arks his head back and lets out a howl. This older Dyne looked different. He still had the red hair, but his eyes were more of a gold now. He knew this was gonna be a b*tch to fight. Snarling, he licks his chops.

This older Dyne just smiled, stepping out of his world and into the chamber with Luscious. Taking his hands and putting his left on his chin and his right on the top of his skull, he just turns his head and cracks his neck. Taking his hands from his head, he just stands there, eyes locked on the pure white voids of the wolf in front of him. Luscious' eyes locked on this man as he charged him, very poorly due to the ice and no traction. Almost slipping, he lunges at the man, wanting to rip him apart. Dyne lets out a sigh as he side steps the wolf, and out of his reach.

Reaching for his side, Dyne pulls out a one-of-a-kind long sword. His eyes on the blade, Luscious just snarled and bared his claws. He knew this was gonna get bloody. So he just snorts, his hot breath forced from his nasal as he just bared his fangs. Okay, this man, whoever he may be is in for a world of hurt He says to himself, pacing around this person, waiting to strike.

08-15-10, 02:41 PM
Energy crackled across the large mirror-like wall before him. Dyne's eyes widened for a moment or two as he looked at the structure before him. Natural as it appeared, his mind deduced that it was as much magical as well. His eyes darted across the surface of the mirror, detecting great power flowing from within it. What is this energy I am feeling? Why does it seem so familiar to me? Then, Dyne saw his reflection when the chaotic vortex filtered away from itself. Only it wasn't his reflection at all. It was a reflection of his companion, Luscious Bane! For a moment, Dyne was thrilled to see his companion had made it to the chamber alive. But then, the man in the mirror frowned deeply and began to growl. It was a low, throat-projected sound.

Dyne instinctively took a couple of steps backwards and away from the growling fellow. Then, there was a loud howl, also coming from the man, and the fellow began to shift into his Crinos-stage. Dyne had learned a considerable amount of information during his time spent with Luscious Bane. This information had to do with The Garou themselves. Garou were powerful were-shifters who took on the humanoid forms of great beasts of the wild. In the case of his companion, Luscious Bane took the form of a classic werewolf. However, this Crinos stage was much different from The Garou he had come to know in past adventures. The thought made Dyne's lips quiver with fear and respect.

The bestial nature of the creature before him was revealed as the transformation to Crinos was complete. Dyne readied his weapon because somehow, he knew that a battle was imminent. The metallic ring of bronze metal, perfectly polished, filled the air in an attempt to ward-off the powerful sounds that the beast was giving off. A moment later, Luscious Bane stepped out of the wall before Dyne and into the same room he was in. Bane stood at a height of about ten feet in Crinos form and his fur was gray. The beast had sharp claws, and fangs as black as the night. Dyne wanted to turn tail, but the youth knew no fear. He was too damned stubborn in that department.

As a brawler and swordsman, Dyne also readied his shield. The Crinos before Dyne snapped its powerful maw in the general direction of the youth. It was a warning strike, nipping at the air. The Crinos had several rows of jagged, serrated teeth in its maw. Dyne could smell the death scent on this creature that was his friend. His body had many scars upon it, some were visible even through the thick hide of fur. Dyne could see the scar on Banes' face as he studied the creature for a moment or two. Red eyes were filled with a ferocity he had never known his friend to have. There was no humanity in this creature! What is this devil before me?! Dyne thought to himself as his fear increased rapidly. The Crinos stepped forward on legs that had knotted thighs and calves. It issued his challenge to Dyne.

Dyne could only accept with courage that was borderline foolhardy. Dyne could feel a sort of maddening panic energy coming from the beast as well. An air of intimidation that often accompanied warriors of such caliber. He tried his best not to buckle under the panic aura.

With his shield at the ready, and sword sitting in a middle center of gravity, Dyne looked at the beast dead in his eyes. On second thought, that's probably not such a good idea... Dyne prepared to move against the creature, his eyes locked upon the form of the beast. Dyne took the initiative attack against Luscious Bane. Gripping the handle of his weapon, Dyne reached forward and attempted a quick slash at the creature's midsection. He hoped to get a solid hit off it from the start of the battle...

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 06:11 PM
As the figure stands there in front of Luscious, he could sense that this was his friend, but yet a different man at the same time. Carefully looking the man up and down, he could see at his feet were black leather combat boots. Muddy and dirty by the looks of them. Then his pants were a desert shade. Light brown with a camouflage style stitching. Light brown, dark brown and a mix all splatted all over his pants. His shirt was the same way, buttoned up with long sleeves. The man's golden eyes sparkled from the light of the torch. His red hair, or what's left of it stands there. Shorter then Lus' fur and even his claws. Although there is a lot of things shorter then the two things.

In the mans hand was gripped a very nice long sword. Looking at it, it looks like it's made of a titanium metal with a gold hand guard, with something engraved into it. Not wanting to get sliced up, Lus just walked around the man as his paws were getting cold from the mixture of water and ice all over the floor. His white voids locked on the man's gold eyes. As he circles the man, Lus just snarls. Baring his teeth towards the man, he just stopped in his tracks and lunged at the man, tackling him.

Watching the beast circle him was an easy task in the eyes of a psyonic soldier. His eyes locked onto the wolf's as his hand grips the handle tighter. Then just as he expected, the beast charged. Concentrating, he smiles. The beast hits him, or so the beast thinks. The body that the wolf hits dissipates into smoke as he reappears behind the wolf. Raising his sword up, he just slashes down his back towards the waist striking fast and deep, piercing the wolf's hide. Then with a grin, he puts his hand to the beast and just pierces his back, sliding the thirty-six inch sword right through the wolf's lower torso and piercing the front. Fresh blood dripping from the tip, he yanks the sword back out, trying to hit an organ.

As the wolf looks down and sees blood, he stumbles over. Falling to his knees, he just coughs up blood. Seeing the blood in front of him on the ice, he could see Dyne's reflection against it. Snarling, he figured he was gonna take this bastard down. Standing up, the blood from his wounds dripping blood everywhere. His back hurt like it was on fire and the hole in his body was even worse. He knew that blade had hit something, but not knowing what. He had to end this and end it soon or else he'd pass out and die. Shaking, he just took one last lunge at this man and put his claws from his right hand into the skull and knocked him over. Snarling, he just let out a howl as he just arched over and bit into his opponents neck, delivering the fatal blow.

As he lay there, out of wind and shivering, he could feel death's touch upon him. But as he lay there, in the same wall as Dyne emerged from, he saw the Ancient. His life passing before him as he just lays there. The last thing he saw was the Ancient waving her hands and his wounds close, but not heal. Feeling life in him, he jumps up full of energy and life now. He knew today was a life changing experience for him. Thank you, I owe you my life says the wolf man as he just looks around, not sure what to do now. All he could do now was wait.

08-24-10, 05:27 PM
Standing before the creature, Alberdyne Cormyr wondered what was the meaning behind this vision. The sword slash was skillfully evaded by the more powerful wolf. Thinking about his inherent weaknesses, Dyne cursed in silence as The Crinos form prepared his assault. Dyne had never seen a beast more menacing than The Crinos before him. It's long claws had the same black ichor as the rows of fangs in it's maw. Alberdyne Cormyr hesitated, readying his shield when the creature struck out with all the might it could muster. Feeling the glancing blow rather than actually seeing it, the youth fell on his back as he felt the echoing clang of bone against bronze. His shield developed an anomaly as the might of the creature pushed the shield in. Dyne could feel the fist against his person even as he was knocked backwards.

Landing on his shoulders with an audible oomph, Dyne looked up from behind the shield. He knew, from experience, that all though the bronze metal was well forged, it would not withstand a brutal beating for too long. Dyne could see The Crinos preparing another powerful assault. Sighing, he knew that the creature had superior strength, speed, and endurance. Still hanging on to his sword, Alberdyne Cormyr attempted to get up and off the ground, by moving backwards and away from the creature. His cloak moved with his body as he stared up at the creature before him. He knew that the moment would soon belong to The Crinos. Remembering the knowledge he had gathered about The Garou, Dyne sighed. It was all true. Garou are physically monsters. They possess sheer capacity for Endurance and Strength, and the capacity to inflict mass mayhem with their jaws of power. They are living weapons, no, living nightmares... The verses of the ancient text he had studied on Garou did not help him at all in this situation.

He did not have any Silver on his person. The Garou are allergic to Silver and very little else. You need Super-Strength on a massive scale to defeat a single Crinos-state Garou. They are equivalent to ten normal Warriors of average caliber. Dyne cursed again, the lectures he was remembering were not helping out at all. Wondering why those memories were popping out at that moment, Dyne managed to scramble to his feet and barely evade an incoming blow. The bronze shield would not hold out much longer. The youth knew that he had to make something happen quickly. Remembering the psychokinetic energy he was privy to, Dyne focused his energy on the sword in his hand. It began to glow with a green colour, that was the physical manifestation of what little power Dyne actually possessed. There were no Phantoms present to help the youth out, he was completely alone.

Standing on shaking knees, Dyne managed to summon up the resolve he needed to fight. His green eyes were narrowed as he studied the gray wolf before him attempting to spot some sort of a weakness in the scarred warrior. The creature suddenly let out a loud wolf's howl and rushed towards Dyne with blinding speed. Dyne somehow knew that this was it. Readying his shield, the youth locked his muscles in place for the barrage that he knew was coming. His sword was held at the ready, glowing energy still fluctuating around it. Feeling the weight impact against his feeble bronze shield once again, the creature lifted powerfully and forced Dyne to raise his arm. Dyne wore no armour, instead, he had a small arsenal of weapons he carried with him at all times. However, they would do him no good at the test of the hour.

Dyne was forced to step backwards as the creature began a killing blow. He could see The Garou shifting his body weight as he prepared his powerful arm to render Dyne into fine pieces. Letting go of the shield, Dyne felt the straps holding the shield to his arm ripping under the sheer force that The Garou had used against him. Clanging off in the distance, Dyne heard the powerful sound echo against the wall, then the floor. Still holding his sword, Dyne could see The Garou's powerful arm was fully extended and was coming crashing down upon the abdomen of the youth like a lightning bolt. The fingers of The Garou's hands were fully extended and the claws as well. Each one the length of a full dagger. Dyne wore no armour, connection would mean death for certain. So Dyne did the only thing he knew he could do.

As the attack came in, Dyne closed his eyes and summoned up the courage necessary to throw his weapon at the stomach of the muscular monstrosity before him. A glowing streak of energy passed from Dyne's hand to the pommel and handle of the sword as he threw it. At their close proximity, there was little that the giant beast could do to dodge. Instead, The Garou drew blood and felt its claws sink into the stomach of the youth as the weapon's tip stabbed him through the obliquus region of his body. The muscle group arranged at the lower portion of his side. Made of polished bronze, the sword pierced through the hide of the creature and pushed through all the way to the other side. A lucky strike no doubt, but a strike nonetheless. Dyne grinned as he knew he had caused The Garou tremendous amounts of pain and anguish. Despite that, Dyne knew he was finished. The claws tore through his feeble military's clothing and impaled his flesh. Tremendous damage was caused as Dyne screamed in agony, fire burning through his epidermis.

Immediately, Dyne was vulnerable to attack. Crunching down and falling in a fetal position, Dyne looked at the snow-covered ground. Blood freely flowed from the five injuries to his stomach. He could see his intestines sliding out of his stomach. Blood poured freely from his mouth, steam flowed off the snow on the ground when the hot, sticky, blood touched it. Dyne knew it was over. The last thing he felt when he fell to the darkness was something powerful eating his stomach...


When Dyne woke up next he was on the ground next to the wellspring they had encountered earlier. Pain coursed through his body, he knew he was a mess. Am I dead? Dyne thought to himself as he felt a warm presence nearby. Opening his eyes, he looked to see a powerful light flowing from The Ancient they'd encountered earlier. Dyne suddenly understood what had happened. I was dead and she saved me. I owe her a great debt. A few moments later, Alberdyne Cormyr had the strength to stand. When that happened, he turned towards the Luscious Bane that he knew. For a moment, fear touched his heart when he saw his friend. Then, he noticed that the man's Crinos form had not erupted yet. He was safe. Dyne saw that his equipment was on the ground next to him, fully repaired. He sighed when he saw that. Grabbing his things, he turned to Luscious Bane with a troubled expression.

"I saw..."

"What you saw was each of you for you alone." The Ancient began. "There are rules at play. My siblings wage war against one another without hesitation and my power wanes." The Ancient continued. "I am what you would call a Thayne in the common tongue." Dyne noticed a distinct sadness in her eyes. "However, I am bound to this region of Salvar. The Ahyark Mountain range." She folded her arms across her enticing chest, her bosom bouncing slightly under the movement. "The Thayne are bound to each of their region, but my brothers and sisters have been breaking those boundaries and weakening the rest of us. With the return of N'Jal in Raiaera, the power struggle will only intensify as old allegiances are explored once again. Against my siblings, I am no match. But against their mortal servants, we an inflict great influence." She said. "I have a great burden to place upon you both. I need assistance to begin my Cathedral on Althanas. I currently have no followers, I am a forgotten Thayne." Dyne noticed that sadness in her eyes again. "I would ask you to become to bound to me."

Dyne listened to everything that he had learned. She is a Thayne, and she is asking for help... He looked at her full bosom feeling his heart racing. For a moment, he could see her eyes lighting up when she noticed his hungry stares. Feeling himself blushing for a moment, he ran his hand through his long hair. Help The Thayne. This is big, this is bigger than me and Lus. Dyne turned towards Luscious Bane and studied his friend for a moment. He never noticed the scars that developed on his stomach from his previous injuries. Dyne sighed. He could not pass up a chance to grow more intelligent than his enemies. He could not pass up a chance to learn more about the world of Althanas. After all, he was a philosopher at heart. However, Dyne could not speak for his friend.

"Luscious, I can help this woman." He said calmly. "But if you don't want to proceed I understand. We are friends, but you are not bound to me. If you wish to leave, you can. But I intend to stay here and help her out." There was something, a pull he felt towards The Ancient. Turning towards her, Dyne smiled softly and nodded towards her. "Hai. I can help you, no, I will help you. I just want one thing in return." Dyne said carefully, wanting to be certain that he wasn't overstepping any boundaries.

"What is that?" The Ancient asked, curiosity in her voice.

"Knowledge. For knowledge is power..." Dyne said without realizing he had mentioned that which he was hungry for. But his hunger was not just for knowledge. He knew that she understood his hunger was for her. He would help her, as long as he could taste the full lips on that beautiful face, and feel those breasts in his hand. And share a bed with her....

"You and your friend shall become my High Priest and my Captain." The Ancient said. "By the way, my name is Ronesca The Tribute." She said carefully. "For your assistance I shall give you two a reward for passing my test. They are deeper within the cave. But first, I would ask a favor of you two." Ronesca asked.

"What is this favor?" Dyne asked.

Wolfman 20
08-26-10, 01:42 PM
His heart raced as he heard Ronesca speak. ''Deep in this cave there is artifact that can help restore me to my former glory. In simple, It is my source of power'' says the woman as she stood there. Luscious just listened as she spoke of the Thayne and their battle. His blue eyes locked on his employer as Ronesca looked to them both. Slowly moving her hands to her sides, she smiles and steps towards the men. ''Please, for the sake of this realm, the citizens of Althanas and it's future.'' She says as she puts her icy cold skin on the duos shoulders.

''Besides, as my High priest and my Captain, you two only have to listen to me. No one else can command you unless you take an oath under another Thayne. I do not mind as long as you do not conspire against me.'' Ronesca says as the chilly voice escapes from her mouth.

Standing in a larger room then he was just in, Luscious looked around the room and just noticed the engravings on the wall of this room. They depicted an army of some kind encased in ice or earth with an glowing orb floating above them. Raising an eyebrow, Lus continued to look around the room. There were engravings all around the room. Some were cracked or broken off and couldn't be read. Letting a heavy breath escape his lips, he turned to The Ancient as she spoke again. ''Sure, I'll help you. I've got nothing better to do so it should be fun'' He says as he bows before her. His hair fell to his face as he bowed before her. Standing straight up, he brushed the hair from his face with a smile.

''As your Captain and High Priest, we shall not let you down'' says Luscious as he put his right hand on Dyne's left shoulder. The scars on his body just ached, but nothing he could not handle. The ones across his arms were from his battle with a male of some sort and the biggest were from his fight with a puny red-headed girl with a spear. He shivered at the thought of her. Shifting his feet on the moist floor, he just nods to Ronesca with a smile. ''Of course Dyne and I would love to go and fetch this object for you. It's what guys like us two would do in places like this.'' He says with a cute smile, his pearly whites just glimmering in the light from the torches around the room.

Luscious could tell just by the way Dyne was looking at her, that he had the hots for her. Being a guy, he could tell right off the bat like that. Now that he thought about it, Luscious had a pregnant girlfriend back home. She was due any day now. Last he heard she was doing fine, that was a sign of good fortune just as long as the baby don't take on his werewolf side. A smile came to his face as he walked around the moist floor. His eyes still gazing on the carving of the army in ice. It drew him to it for some odd reasons and he was unsure why.

He looked back to Ronesca and smiled. ''Where do we go from here to obtain said power source?'' He asked her as he stood there, his head turned towards her and Dyne as his body just faced the wall.

She spoke with a soft tone that could bring chills to your spine. Raising her right hand towards the far wall, she snapped her fingers and a door opened. ''Right through there you two. Be careful for I sense a dark energy massing from deep in the cave.'' says the blue skinned woman.

Luscious turned to Dyne with a smile as he just nodded. ''Let's go then. Better late then never'' says the shirtless man as his feet step onto the ice cold floor. The cold sends a chill tough his body that sticks his hair on end.

Luscious nodded his head towards the woman before him and Dyne and then started his trek towards the door. Dyne on the other hand didn't want to leave her side but he knew he had to do this. Bowing his his arm across his mid-section, he bid Ronesca farewell. A smile came to his face as his back was towards his new found crush. Luscious stood at the doorway looking down it to see if he could see anything with ease. Along the top he saw what he thinks were bats of some sort. These bats were white and light blue like the God the duo served now. He snorted towards the door and looked back to Dyne.

''We may have a problem if we get surrounded. Looks as if everything here has some sort of ice element to them'' says the man as he grabs a torch from the side wall. The heat felt amazing on his skin and warmed him up all over except for the soles of his feet. It was wet as can be and cold, not an everyday winter cold, this was more like stuck in the middle of a blizzard with nothing on your body and no heat kind of cold.

Dyne just nodded and followed Lus over to the door and stood there. A cold breeze came from deep in the cave as he stood there. Shivering, he just put his hand on Lus' back and pushed him forward. Luscious just shook his head as he walked down the cold, damp pathway. Dyne right behind him keeping an eye on the ceiling as he sees the bats that Lus saw only moments ago. As the two walk down the pathway, Lus just sighs and looks around. Nothing but ice, ice and more ice.

09-05-10, 12:57 AM
Not wanting to part from the woman's presence, Dyne hesitated for a few moments. When he saw her nod in his general direction, the would-be High Priest simply accepted what had to be done. Dyne could feel the ice and snow underneath his boots as he crunched on it softly with his weight. Of course, he would follow Luscious to his death if need be. Standing approximately two or three paces behind the fellow, Alberdyne Cormyr felt restless. His mind was distracted by the images of the Thayne that had sent them on this mission to begin with. Initially, Dyne did not believe in the Thayne. I have never believed in The Thayne, but here I am swearing allegiance to one. What is the price that we have to pay for this? With his philosophical mind, he could not help wonder what Lady Ronesca got out of it.

Lingering in his mind, The Psionic also noticed the strange bats on the ceiling of the cavernous chamber. At first, the bats appeared to be normal, Natalus long-eared bats that were indigenous to Salvar. The caverns were known for the many types of creatures that inhabited them. Alberdyne knew that because he was a philosopher and studied such matters. Order Natalus was a series of long-eared bats capable of traveling many miles in-flight across Salvar and sometimes spotted in Raiaera and Alerar. They were a community-driven species that took care of its young. However, Dyne noticed that these creatures were not the common long-eared bats that he'd oft read about in his studies of animals. First off, the creatures had blue, to, purple coloured fur. Their wings were rather leathery like all bats. Dyne noticed that the creatures were asleep at the moment but any noise would set them off.

Sensing a feeling of danger in his gut, the youth instinctively decided it best not to make too much noise. Stepping as quietly as the large man could, he knew it was a pathetic attempt at stealth. After a few steps into the chamber, Dyne gave up and walked as quickly as he was able to in order to keep up with his companion. Looking around the large chamber, he saw many pillars of natural ice and sediment growing to connect ceiling to floor. Some of these pillars were several feet thick. The harsh white colour of the ice and snow was a bit hard on his eyes, he still held the magical torch in his hand. After his equipment had been repaired by Lady Ronesca, Dyne felt a renewed sense of confidence in his ability.

She was a reason to fight. Walking alongside his friend, he saw that there were several packs of the bats along the ceiling. They were in various stages of sleep. Any loud noise could probably rouse them from that state, the youth did not know if the bats were carnivorous or not. Research and books on the subject claimed that the creatures were omnivorous. However, he doubted that these bats were omnivorous. When he spotted certain ones yawning, he could see sharp teeth within their maws. Sharp teeth usually implied a meat-eater.

The glowing torch in his hand gave off a needed warmth. Dyne appreciated the small gift as he walked into the depths of the chamber. It was cold in there despite his warm Winter's clothing. Dyne moved his cloak tighter about his shoulders. Dyne's free hand went to the grip of his weapon. The bronze masterwork blade had never let him down before, he doubted it would start letting him down now.

By the time that Dyne walked about twenty solid feet, the youth noticed that they were not getting anywhere. The room was extremely large, with a particularly high ceiling. At least fifteen to thirty feet in height by Dyne's quick measurements. The room was well lit with glowing torches. He had not spotted anymore doors, passageways, or portals into other chambers. They'd simply been walking aimlessly forward. About twenty minutes into the ordeal, Dyne noticed that the bats had still not stirred at all. The bats seemed to be the only creatures as far as Dyne could see. On instinct, the youth concentrated on seeing into The Antifirmanent, land of the dead. As he peered into that realm, his eyes became distant and his pupils became dilated.

As that happened, Dyne's sight pierced through the great mystery. The veil between life and death passed through Dyne's eyes like a green mist. Alberdyne Cormyr, a gifted child, used his psychokinetic powers at will. As he concentrated he felt reality shifting about his person. He could not enter The Antifirmanent at will, but, he could see into it. As he saw into it, he could study the cavern's structure in the gray world of The Antifirmanent. The souls of the bats were visible above him glowing with sentient energy as they were still trapped within physical cages. Each of the precious souls were coloured in an emerald hue that had a certain vibrancy to it that almost pulse with the hearts of the creatures. Dyne's eyes spotted movement up ahead. He turned towards Luscious and pointed in the general direction ahead. Whereas the room did not have any noticeable doors, the youth knew that Phantoms were stirring. His gut instinct told him so.

"Hey, there's at least one Phantom here." Dyne whispered to his friend as quietly as he could so as not to disturb the slumbering beasts. "I don't see any doors, but mayhaps this Phantom might help us if we ask nicely enough. Hopefully, it's not a Wraith." Dyne said. Then nodded to his friend, some plan was better than no plan.

Speeding up a bit Dyne moved slightly ahead of his companion. His instinct guided him towards The Phantom that waited within the chamber. When Dyne turned a corner around a big pillar, he saw it. As typical, The Phantom was composed of gray-green glowing psychoplasm. Dyne new from his interactions with Phantoms that psychoplasm was an energy source that held the entities bound to The Antifirmanent, and sometimes, The Firmanent itself. When Dyne spotted The Phantom, the youth could feel the same tremendous power flowing from it that all Phantoms seemed to possess. He moved with caution, almost as a pawn moving across a chessboard towards a deadly queen piece. Dyne relaxed his grip on his sword's handle as he approached, bowing respectfully to The Phantom. At first, The Phantom did not acknowledge Dyne, but once it had, the expression of the creature quickly changed.

Now, in this section of the chamber there were no bats on the ceiling. The bats seemed to be closer towards the way they came in. Also, they were spread in various colonies around the area of the ceiling. Above them, Dyne noticed not a single bat and the chamber was particularly quiet except for the symphonic noise of his own baritone heartbeat. Dyne addressed The Phantom as he would address an elderly gentleman of society. Or even a nobleman. Dyne had an intricate understanding of life and death. This aided him in his philosophical research. When The Phantom finally acknowledge the medium for what he was, the expression could be identified as something akin to a smile. This was a relief to the youth. The Phantom would be partial to mediation.

"Lus, it's a Phantom." Dyne whispered to his friend, who was just catching up. Then, he turned his full attention to The Phantom. "Sire." Dyne began. He was still whispering, but that was a matter of caution. "I trust you are well?" The youth asked speaking to The Phantom as he would speak to a friend.

His companion, Lus, would have seen the mediation technique a thousand times by then. It would appear as though Dyne were talking to thin air.

A moment or two paused before The Phantom acknowledged the young medium.

"Ah. Colonel." The Phantom began. Phantoms often used obscured titles or references to people in their former lives. "I'm so late to report for duty. We were on route to report the efforts of the siege against The Sway. When we were ambushed. A freak with purple eyes attacked us when we set up camp in an allies' house." The Phantom kept talking. "The freak was quite skilled, N'Jal this, N'Jal that. That's all it kept talking about and it took down mi'boys without mercy. It was really quite something. I fought it..." Then The Phantom seemed to realize something. "Oh Thayne." He said. "The lads, they were all cut down. I didn't make it did I?"

Listening to The Phantom's words, Dyne shook his head to affirm the worst possible truth to The Phantom: it was dead.

"Colonel. If I'm dead, then the mates are dead, then I have failed my mission. But why am I still here?" The Phantom asked.

"You're here to help people." Dyne said calmly assuming the role of The Colonel that The Phantom spoke of. "I can assist you with your new mission, Soldier." Dyne said in a calm, sympathetic way that belied a mature demeanor for someone of Dyne's age. "That's only if you wish to have my help." Dyne said cautiously. "I'm willing to trade a mission for a mission." The youth said.

"Colonel. I have lost something important in this area. But I don't remember how to move around. However, you are still alive Colonel." The Phantom said that as he studied Dyne. "If you could retrieve this Item for me, I would be more than willing to help you Colonel." The Phantom said.

"Well what is The Item?" Dyne asked.

"Colonel, it is my last field report to you..." The Phantom said. "It is urgent that it reaches King Rathaxea's hands. It contains critical requests from our boys on the field." The Phantom pleaded with Dyne. "It must reach The King." He said. "Will you help me?"

Dyne nodded. "I will help you. Me and my companion will."

"Okay Colonel. The room you seek is behind that door." The Phantom pointed towards a section of the wall that was located to the West. "I shall open it for you. The Field Report will be somewhere in that area. Find it for me, and I shall assist you further." The Phantom said. Then, a sizable section of the wall vanished away revealing a new area. "I shall be waiting here Colonel." The Phantom said.

Dyne turned towards Lus.

"Follow me my friend. A new path has opened." And with that, Dyne walked towards the newly revealed door.