View Full Version : A Small Thorn

08-11-10, 04:52 AM

Age: 3
Height: 3 foot
Weight 25kg

Twig looks the world like a small girl. Her brown, slightly green tinged hair goes just past her shoulders but is normally tied up in a pony tail. Her frame is small and slight and she weighs more than one would expect due to her unique body. She often wears a simple green dress and is always is barefoot. Her feet always look grass stained, regardless of where she has been walking. Twig's eyes are a piercing green and her skin a very light brown.

Physical Properties:
Twig is not a normal girl, her body is more plant than animal. Her skin is actually a thin substance very similar to bark. The rest of her body is a similar plant-like substance, her blood is green and her hair and eyes have high concentrations of chlorophyll which are constantly in a process of photosynthesis if there is enough light.

Twig is quite small and inquisitive. She will generally approach problems and situations from the point of view of natural balance. She is far from a pacifist, sometimes going even further than morally acceptable, for example, genocide in some circumstances would be considered a valid approach during a conflict and a heartless dictatorship which maintains balance would be fine. She also finds the idea of killing another of the same species for no reason odd.


There is a story about an old wizard who lived deep within a magic rich corner of the Concordia forest and used the natural energies to perform powerful magical experiments. One day though there was a powerful surge of energy through the area and the wizard was never scene again. There are still the odd stories about a figure in the forest roaming around, searching for something.

The normal magical energy of the forest permenates the flora and fauna, twisting them from normal creatures and plants to things of nightmares. Not everything in the forest however is worthy of that dreamed terror. The trees, old and wise sit there watching the world grow older. This story is about two trees, and their child who was effected by magic much more than they were during the magical surge.

The girl who goes by the name Twig was never christened as such. She was never given a name by her parents, mostly because her parents couldn't speak, at least not in a way that humans would understand. The gnarled trees bloomed as they did every so often. The pollination between two especially old trees coincided with the magical surge across the forest and the fruit that was born started to grow much larger than normal. The resulting seed took on a concious form that was similar to the thought patterns of the humanoid creatures that normally stayed far away from the magical ridden forest. The mutative powers had given birth to a small child, part plant and part magic.

Life for the child was not as hard as it would have seemed. She ate in a similar manner to the trees around her, pushing her feet into the ground and spreading her long green hair out to soak up the sunlight. The girl saw the trees around her as her family, and the trees reciprocated. They talked to her, in the slow solemn language of the trees and told her of all the things they knew. About the different races that walked the earth, of their language and customs. The trees didn't know all, but they had been watching for a long time.

It was her third birthday when her farther and mother had told her that she should leave the forest. Even the trees could see that she was to fast for their way of life, even though she was a magical creature of the forest, she would not be truly fulfilled unless she lived among others like herself. So, Twig adopted a name and left for the city.

Due to her particular mix of magic and plant, she can manipulate her body to a very high degree. It is using this power that she has developed a number of abilities that she can use when the time calls upon them.


Lasting Kiss:
Twig excretes a particular mix of chemicals that when absorbed by most humanoids creates hallucinations and delusions. The chemicals can be excreted from any part of her body, but she normal will produce them in her mouth and then spit them at an enemy. The chemical works by entering the blood (either directly, or through the skin) and travelling to the brain and attaching itself to the synapses in the frontal cortex as well as visual and audio sections of the brain, as such the effects can range from purely auditory, visual or mental effects, or all three (targets discretion).
A small amount of hallucinogenic liquid is created from anywhere in her body and and either touched, or spat (normal spitting distance and accuracy) at a target. The liquid causes mild delusions or hallucinations (dependent on the characteristics of the target) for a few minutes. Can be performed three times a day.

Fire Lilly: (http://www.biscottie.net/images/fire-lily.jpg)
Twig produces a seed with altered attributes that germinates and grows a small plant topped with a ruby red flower. The flower contains within it two chemicals that when combined together with oxygen produce a flame. The plant can either be planted or germinated around Twig's hand depending on what she wants to do.
A seed is created that quickly germinates into a small plant with a large red flower. The flower can produce a blast of short ranged (metre-long) flame that can cause first degree burns. If the flower is planted in the ground it can be produce the flame every second post until it is destroyed, if used on her arm (so she holds the plant), the plant can produce one blast of flame before it dies. The spell can be used twice a day, but only one plant can exist at a time.


Solar Regeneration:
Twig uses sunlight to provide energy to repair damaged cells as well as grow. Her normal rate of regeneration is comparable to that of a humans, but by drastically increasing her intake of sunlight for a short time she can heal herself. She normally does this by producing a number of this leafy green leaves from her shoulders that can take in more sunlight than normal, after they have absorbed as much as they can the leaves shrivel up and drop off.
Twig produces a number of leaves which increase sunlight absorption and heal minor wounds. She can perform this act three times a day. Damage to the leaves once their grown, or no sunlight would stop her from performing this effectively.



Quest Only

Plant Talk:
Twig is able to communicate with plants and fungi like she can with humans, although it isn't going to help her win any fights, it does help her when she gets lost. She has found that not all plants are quite as talkative as the trees from her home forest, but most will respond.

Twig can influence plants around her to a small degree, making them grow faster than they normally would, bloom or grow in odd shapes. This is extremely limited, being only usable with very small plants and does not effect any plants she may have created.

08-12-10, 03:36 AM
Sounds good. You are approved. Welcome to Althanas.