View Full Version : Journey to Chronus (closed)

08-11-10, 05:26 AM
owning both characters in this quest, I humbly give myself permission to bunny each from the other's account as needed to move things along
Once long ago, twin sons were born to an Emperor of a land far away. Their death brought a mixture of joy and grief to the man's heart, for with their birth, their mother, and his loving wife, passed on. None had attended her birth, for she was a week yet before she was due, and so was traveling from their vacation mansion in the southern part of the empire, to the imperial palace in the center of the continent.

Along the way, the convoy had been attacked by strange creatures, giant spiders with the upper portion of a drow. None had ever seen Njal's Spider-Magi before. The creatures of darkness overwhelmed everyone, leaving the queen unharmed. The stress from the surprise attack was so great on her, that it forced her into labor. Thus a day later when the emperor arrived looking for his wife, he found instead only two living sons squalling for their mother who lay even in death cradled them protectively.

No one knew, nor was able to determine who was born first, or what the reason behind the attack was. So the emperor spent his days trying to figure out what fate should befall his empire when the time came for him to pass on. He cared for his sons, and taught both everything he knew. He watched them grow with pride. Prince Lumos seemed to be the ideal emperor, for he was loved by all and often made wise decisions when he assisted his father.

Prince Noctum though, he was despised and feared, for he never had a nice thing to say to anyone, and frequently goaded servants and soldiers alike into fights he often won. A lust for power shone in his eyes, and it was said evil creatures whispered dark things in his ear as he slept. No one wanted Noctum for a leader, and thought he should be banished.

Such was not to be however, for three days before their twentieth birthday when the emperor was to at long last reach his decision, he was found dead under suspicious circumstances, his body in a corner, cowering as though from unfathomable horror. Many said it was Prince Noctum that did it, knowing as all did that Prince Lumos was to be chosen new emperor.

With no decision reached and made official, no one could claim the crown. Yet the nation rallied behind Prince Lumos. Prince Noctum however, didn't seem to care, and revealed his mastery of dark arts, when he summoned an army of his own, gained he said, because he was such a studious disciple of N'jal. The two armies fought viciously, one comprised of the imperial troops, the other of N'jal's dark minions.

Eventually, the princes themselves met in combat, Prince Lumos having learned holy magic specifically to counter Noctum's dark magic. In a battle that raged for hours, the two fought their way to the throne room to take the crown for themselves, and both reached it at the same time. It was a known fact, that the imperial crown of Chronus greatly boosted the skills and powers of whoever wore it. Once both grabbed it, their powers were boosted tremendously, and both used a spell to force the other away from the crown.

With two such powerful spells active, increased by the crown's power, an unexpected reaction occurred. Indeed both were forced away from the crown, but the spells divided Day from Night. As the division spread across Chronus, The Elder Thayne appeared, and sealed the continent for the protection of the rest of Althanas, lest the division of Day and Night affect the rest of the world. Their work accomplished, the thayne in turn cursed Chronus and those that inhabited it, to forever dwell in what they had caused, unless and until a single clear heir to Chronus's throne could appear to heal the rift between day and night.

08-11-10, 05:27 AM
Destrudo walked The Citadel seeking his uncle, Grandmaster Onox. Currently, the grandmaster was with the healers, teaching them advanced healing techniques. Destrudo was not a monk, but his uncle allowed him entry into many areas the public normally couldn't get into. Finding his uncle busy in the inner cloister where the monks dwelled, he decided to sit and wait for the opportunity to speak his mind.

“What's on your mind Nephew? Not much I wager, there isn't a whole lot your seldom used mind can support.” Onox said, not looking up from the papers he was working on.

“And what's that supposed to mean? You calling me a moron?” Destrudo asked while curling a fist.

“No no not at all dear boy. Only noting that the studies you were supposed to be doing remain undone. When I agreed to let you stay here with me for awhile, it was under the condition that you receive a proper prince's education. You're heir to the throne you know. So what's been distracting you from your studies. Not the nuns I hope.” Onox replied, moving a sheet aside and starting a new one.

“No, it was the homeland. I want to go home, when I left, I had just had a fight with my father. Staying here, I'm just running away from my troubles. I have learned, Shadowlord truly is a tyrant unfit to rule. He grinds the people to the dust with his taxes, he doesn't care for their needs, he subjects them to war on a regular basis in his mad quest to eliminate Lumos and gain the imperial throne, and worse yet, he feeds on the hearts and minds of everyone on both sides. He has to be removed from power, I have to destroy him.”

“I see, and how do you plan on doing that, another fight? He'll just beat you again, you're not strong enough.” Onox said.

“It's that attitude that has kept him in power.” Destrudo replied quietly.

“Fine. You want to try the impossible, you'll live to regret it, hopefully. I can spare you two things. The first is a long trip. I keep a gateway to Chronus, I'll be nice enough to activate it for you. The second is the burden of loneliness. Go to the market square, and bring back the most unusual most colorful woman you can possibly find. I have meditated on how to free Chronus. I saw two things, the second was her, I don't know how precisely, but she is necessary to your plans.” Onox said.

“What was the first?” Destrudo asked, raising an eyebrow.

“A figure who wore the mantle of death, a terrifying being of great power and destruction. He called himself, The Red Death.” Onox said, looking directly at Destrudo returning a raised eyebrow.

Destrudo knew exactly who The Red Death was. It was a name he had given himself in flights of fancy as he wondered what it would be like to have power comparable to his father's. Exiting the citadel and weaving his way through the small crowd of people headed to the citadel to kill each other, he wandered the streets of Radasanth wondering exactly where the market square was. Shops were all over the place after all.

For the better part of an hour he wandered until he turned a corner and saw her in the distance, eyes meeting for just a moment. Both seemed seemed startled to see each other, as though they thought this meeting would never pass. Destrudo certainly thought his uncle was imagining things, but upon seeing this woman, he knew he could search the world and never find another like her. She was, exotic. Taking a deep breath, he crossed the street, heading directly for her.

08-11-10, 09:35 AM
Irene awoke with a start, it was the middle of the night in the temple where she worked. Irene was a priestess, preaching the word of the elder thayne, all of them. The city of Radasanth was a nice place to live and work. Occasionally, she would even help her fellow priests when they were sent a dream, but she never thought she would have a dream. She had given up on her dream of being a summoner after dying in the first round of The Cell, and so had taken up work in this small temple on the outskirts.

Tonight though, she had a special dream. She was flying among the clouds, a feat she could never do in the waking world, when a fierce gust of wind forced her into a free fall she couldn't recover from. Her dive took her into the vortex of a great maelstrom, which twisted and turned until she could no longer discern direction. The water washed her up on a beach most strange to her, for there Day and Night seemed to be in strife with one another. As she got to her knees, she discovered a strange person standing before her. He grabbed her, and hauled her to her feet. Taller than her, she was forced to look up to meet his gaze, and it was there behind him she could see the sun at war with the moons, as night covered one half of the sky, and day the other, bolts of great energy flying between the two sides. As memorable as that scene was, she couldn't forget his face, the squareness of his jawline, or the scarlet color of his eyes and hair. What struck her as unusual the most about him as she awoke, was that he was glowing red.

That was when Irene had awoken. She looked at her undressed form in the mirror that occupied her otherwise sparsely decorated room a nice elderly couple let her use. She was in one piece, and that was a good sign. Aside from her haggard breathing that hadn't quite slowed down from her startled awakening, she was in good health. She lay back down to try and finish her rest, but her mind wouldn't allow her to rest as it raced over the scenes of her dream once more.

Giving up after an hour of trying to sleep, she gave up and got dressed, creeping out of the small two room house carefully so as to avoid waking her hosts. Walking along the dark streets, she was surprised to find a candle lit in the temple. She turned and entered the granite structure with the intent of finding out who was on sacred ground during profane hours. Inside she found a man she knew well, the elderly priest that ran the temple.

“Oh! Father Rarnmem, it's you. So you're the one inside the church at this late hour.” Irene said.

“No child, we both are. But you see, I am offering prayers to Jomil, because I cannot sleep. What brings you to sacred ground at this hour?” the priest asked.

“Father, I had a dream, and now I am the one who needs help understanding it.” Irene said.

“Then speak, since I do not yet possess the power to read minds, though Thayne knows I keep trying.” Father Rarnmem said with a smile.

“Well, as I slept, a dream came upon me that I was flying, high in the sky. It was thrilling, because I can't fly ordinarily. Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind forced me into a terrifying fall. I thought I would plummet to my doom, but such was not my fate. Instead, I fell into the eye of a great maestrom in the ocean, and it turned this way and that, making me lose all sense of direction as I was hurled along its passage.

Then, the strangest part of the dream came. I washed up on a beach, and it was a frightening beach indeed, for I saw the sun hurling great bolts of energy at the moons who were in turn hurling bolts of energy back again. As this war went on in the skies, I got to my knees, to get up again, but that was when a man stood in my way who helped me up. I do not recall what he wore, but his face, I found it so attractive. His hair was red, as was his eyes. But most unusual of all, was that he glowed red!” Irene said.

Father Rarnmem nodded, and thought deeply for several moments before speaking.

“Blessed you are child, for you have seen your fate. The flight in the sky represents your life now. Generally worry free. However, the winds of fate will blow you away into a new life, the vortex representing the transition. I have heard tale from the few sea captains who dare speak of such things, about a land where day and night do not flow one into the other as they do here. I believe the war in the sky represents that land, and that man, your fate is entangled with his. Perhaps he will be your love.

I warn you, those who avoid their fate, even through inaction, find themselves with a worse fate than what was originally in store for them. You must leave this village, and seek your fate elsewhere.” Father Rarnmem said.

That morning, Irene said goodbye to the elderly couple who's room she was using, and Father Rarnmem, then set off with only her orange vlince robes on her back, and her money in a pouch tied to her waste. She wandered the streets of Radasanth, a little sad, but mostly excited. She hadn't really wanted to set off on an adventure and become a summoner again. She wanted to remain a priestess, find a husband, if the right man came along, and have a family. She belonged at home raising children and keeping a house, not out righting wrongs and restoring balances.

But the promise of unusual experiences, and possibility meeting the man who would love her forever was stronger. Many said that this was because she was doing what she was supposed to, that those who embraced their fates couldn't feel overwhelming sorrow at what was to come. But where should she start looking. Quietly, she breathed a word of prayer for help, and when she looked up, she thought she was hallucenating, but there he was! Across the street, the man from her dreams. Exactly as she remembered, so tall, so handsome, and he really did glow red, though it was more of an outline than an actual glow. Suddenly, she realized he was standing before her and he was very tall. She cleared her throat to speak first.

“Greetings, I am Irene Enykra Sogoth Thiilrilbrael Tenaeldrifter Panonpronon Dragonstein Saaustu. I think I'm supposed to go with you, somewhere.” She said.

Mentally she slapped herself. Did she have to say her entire fifty yard long name? Her first and last would've sufficed, why include her army of middle names? It was him, she'd never seen someone like him before, with a glow, and so very attractive. She felt like a teenager with her first crush, and realized that must be how she was acting. She tried to pull herself together, but after all that, she'd probably never get a chance to do anything with him. Had she just thrown her entire fate away?

08-12-10, 01:47 AM
“Onox didn't beat around the bush with her description, she is certainly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.” Destrudo thought.

His mind froze in its tracks, Onox hadn't said beautiful, he said unusual and colorful. As he apprised the woman with the abominably long name, he remembered that once, long ago, he had sworn to his father that he'd never take a woman to be his wife unless she was the most exotic woman in the world, no ordinary woman would satisfy him. He had sworn that oath after his father tortured a young lady he had interest in. However, upon seeing Irene, the oath entered his mind once more. Was an oath he had sworn in his teenage years really all that binding?

“It would seem this is the beginning of events greater than either of us, if you greet me like that. Come then, let us go. That somewhere we're supposed to go is the land of Chronus, a divided land. I'll tell you more when we get there. For now, we're just wasting time.” Destrudo said.

With that, he turned and walked off. He heard her steps following along behind him. In a short while, they were in an arena in the citadel, that Onox had prepared specially. It was nothing more than a great stone tunnel, as though it was under the earth. Aibrone monks stood in alcoves on either side, lending their energies to the arena. Gripping Irene's hand, he started down the tunnel.

In a place so dark, no light could ever penetrate its depths, a place where nightmares held sway, a pair of white eyes peered out of the darkness. Long slits they were, seeming to pierce the very deepest layers of the mind, penetrating all defenses.

“I feel, him. He's coming back? What is that old fool doing trespassing through my realm once more? No, the aura is different. It's familiar, like my own, yet tinged by the dark lady's influence. My son, at last my prodigal son returns home to the loving arms of his father. It is, as I have planned. I hope you enjoyed your time in the world outside, to learn of good, and of evil, to see my ways as tyrannical. The goal depends on it, it is why I let you live when we fought, why I carried you to the land known as Corone, why my mistress has watched over you.

I must give you a present to recognize your home coming. How about a bath, to wash off the dust of the outside world? Yes, that would be appropriate, would it not?” a voice asked, echoing from all points in the darkness.

The eyes closed, and the feeling of an enormous presence faded.

08-12-10, 02:12 AM
Irene had followed the man into the tunnel. As they went, the energy from the monks spiraled along deeper into the tunnel, erasing the darkness. It thickened as it went, moving them faster and faster, until they weren't walking or running, so much as they were flying. With the colors of energy, it was like they were flying, in the sky. Irene remembered her dream, but, if this was true, than that also meant...

“Watch out!” Irene cried, a moment too late.

The tunnel collapsed, and the pair suddenly found themselves dropping into the ocean, into a great Maelstrom. Irene had to struggle to stay afloat, her grasp on her companion lost. It seemed as though an evil presence was with them, for Irene could feel something with unfriendly intentions watching her. Irene thought of sharks and looked about for one.

Yet, she was unable to find any, and was dragged along helplessly in the maelstrom's powerful currents, all she could do was to gasp for air when the opportunity arose. Round and round it went twisting and turning, beating against her with powerful blows. She thought she was going to die. A turn of luck brought her along side her glowing companion, and she latched onto him for dear life, as it seemed the same evil presence she felt was protecting him.

She was relieved to feel him grasp onto her in return, he was saying something, but the sound was drowned out by the crashing of the water. Suddenly it released them, short of a rocky underwater wall. Both let go and swam for the surface. Irene was surprised by how long the journey took them, for it was barely afternoon when they departed, yet now she saw evening twilight in the skies above.

They broke the surface, gasping for breath, and struggled toward the shore. Irene reached the beach second, and just lay there gasping for air. She heard her companion struggle to rise. Still she lay there gasping for breath. Slowly she struggled to her knees, and felt hands grab her just under her shoulders and pull her to her feet.

Irene looked up and gasped, for there behind her companion, was the very sky she had seen from her dreams. Not a cloud filled it, only the sun in the lit half, and the moons in the darkened half. Great bolts of energy flew between the two sides, filling the sky. Her eyes widened as she paled in terror. No where in Althanas had a scene like this ever been known before, such things were not normal, impossible even. But now it seemed, she was in a land where the impossible was normal.

Her instinct to run took over, everything in her body and ancestry told her this place was not for her, that she should flee back to where it was safe, back to where the most difficult challenges she had to face was occasionally being late for her duties at the temple. But her mind told her to stay, this place was her destiny, she would be able to handle it.

As she freed herself from her friend's grasp, she looked out at the sea. She couldn't flee anyway. No ship could pass over the great reefs she spotted out in the distance, not without destroying themselves, meaning any crew would be shipwrecked. The perpetual storms in the sky over the reefs guaranteed no Alerarian airship could pass through either. This place was sealed, mostly. Only the knowledge that they made it through gave her any hope, for if they could make it through, then perhaps eventually others could make it through.

“What is this place?” she asked, a quivering note of fear present in her voice.

08-12-10, 03:30 AM
“This is the land of Chronus. Chronus is an old word from a forgotten language meaning time. Thus, this is the land of time, fitting, since two major aspects of time war against each other. As you can plainly see, here, unlike anywhere else, day wars against night, literally. If you enter the lighted portion of the land, then you will be forever in the day, in the nation of Lumos. If you enter the darkened portion, you will forever be in the night, in the nation of Noctum. Now here's the twist, both nations span the entire continent in all directions. However, each only exists during a certain part of the day. It is only in certain places like this, where you can go from one nation to the other.

I shall tell you now, you don't want to enter Noctum. Trust me, I was born there, raised there, and I am its Crown Prince, Destrudo. Noctum is a land of unrepentant evil. The dead walk the streets, demons occupy the government, monsters comprise the army. The citizens are filled with despair, driven mad by the powers of Noctum. Lumos is the exact opposite. Only the living walk the streets, the nicest people occupy the government, valiant heroes fill the army, the citizens are a happy go lucky bunch, protected by the sacred powers of Lumos. At least that's how it is in general. There are exceptions to both.

You'll also want to be wary of my father, The Lord of Shadows. He has no physical form of his own, though he might have at one time. Instead, he sees into your mind and becomes what you fear most. Though don't get cocky and tell me he's powerless because you have no fear. Racial fears work just as well, further, fear isn't the only emotion he can feed off of. He can become anything, but it is you that gives him his form.

We'll want to go to Lumos. I came back to destroy my father and end his cruelty, a favor he extended even to me. I hold no power in Lumos, so likely we'll be captured, but I am a valuable prize to them, what with my heritage. I intend to gain audience with Queen Celeste of Lumos, and hatch a plan to end this war once and for all. Don't worry, I'll make sure your ok. I didn't want a companion, but my uncle, the old monk who sent us, demanded I have one; and I've learned not to argue with a man I've seen rip the arms off a powerful warrior and proceed to beat the offending man to death with his own arms. Though the warrior had it coming, he attacked a monk for not having an arena ready. If I have to I'll lie and say I kidnapped you.” Destrudo said.

With that, he set off into the bushes, and stripped, to wring his clothes out. As he listened, he heard Irene follow suit. He turned to sneak a peak, but was disappointed to only see the upper part of her back. Disappointed, he turned and redressed. He was still soaked in his black leather suit, but at least it wasn't completely waterlogged.

The eyes and the presence had returned to the dark place once more, the being Destrudo identified as his father.

“Never forget your father loves you my son, why else would I help you wash the dust off the road, but what's this? A female companion, have you at long last fulfilled your oath? I see, it is her, the daughter of light. N'jal warned me about her, she is poison to all my plans. A pure heart and a chaotic mind. She must be dealt with swiftly, or all that I have given you will be for naught. Should she remain by my side, you will not be the terrifying general to lead the combined armies of evil across the lands, you will not be the avatar of death we created you to be. No, you will become a different avatar of death, one that will be our undoing.

Perhaps I should stop by and introduce myself to her, personally. Once the keeper of the black flames returns from her sojourn, perhaps I should give you a new companion. Yes, she would be better for you. This daughter of light, she troubles me though. I was informed that she would be unable to survive the trip, that the maelstrom would beat her to death. She must be stronger than I anticipated. The golden holy white light, he who speaks with the voice of thunder, that god must be to blame. It is written that he will attain a follower matching her description. If he is in play, then it must be time for that game to begin, meaning my plans are all for naught.

No, I merely overreact to a small surprise. I have forgotten my enemies are all knowing, and all wise. The Elder Thayne are crafty indeed. Yet, perhaps not even they had a hand in this, perhaps it was mere chance that she should turn up here, in the beginning. Maybe my protections over my son somehow ensnared her as well. But that is too simple. I feel the fear in her, there is no way she would simply come on her own. That's it, isn't it. They merely sent her, they do not protect her. It is the most likely scenario, my protections over Destrudo must have ensnared her as well, which means she must have been clinging to him.

There is only one way to know for certain, and that brings me back to my original idea.” The Lord of Shadows said, once more his voice echoing in the shadows as he spoke to himself.

Power moved in the darkness, causing a lone Spider-magi to appear. It knelt before the The Lord of Shadows, bowing his head, and crossing his right arm over his chest in salute. Then he rose, looking directly into the white eyes peering back at him in the darkness.

“My lord, who shall we attack?” the spider-magi said, wasting no time with pleasantries.

“General Arctus, a pleasure to see you as always. Prepare the the attack legion that guards the seven stone hills. They shall attack the village of Than, near the crossover point at Jugis Beach.” The Lord of Shadows said.

“I do not question your orders, but I must point out that legion, the stone watchers, are the poorest unit we have, and even still, the Lumosian Imperial Guard is presently stationed near enough to Than that any move we make will be responded to within an hour. There is no way we can win.” General Arctus said.

“Indeed, that is precisely why I am doing this. I don't intend to win. This is important, if my plans are to succeed, for you see, my son has returned home at long last. Rather than let him appear in Queen Celeste's throne room via Onox's gateway, I broke the tunnel since it must travel through my realm in the shadows to function. They have five hours to prepare, and I will go with them, personally.” The Lord of Shadows said.

“I see, a rescue mission then.” General Arctus said, and disappeared.

“Not in the slightest dear man, but if that helps you function, then by all means, feel free to think that.” The lord of Shadows said after his general had departed.

08-12-10, 05:55 AM
Irene had turned around time to see Destrudo turning away. She wouldn't admit to wanting a peek of her own, instead, she only gave him disapproving glares every once in awhile. These truly confused Destrudo, who had no idea what he did wrong, until after some thought, he figured it out. So to change what she was thinking about, he told her the original cause of the war, about the two princes born to the last emperor.

“So, The Lord of Shadows is descended from Prince Noctum?” Irene asked.

“No, he IS Prince Noctum. His powers grow so much that he was able to obtain immortality.” Destrudo said.

After some walking in Lumos, Irene came upon a hill, and look across the landscape. She could see gently rolling hills, forests, plains, even some rivers and a great canyon, but no sign of night. Realizing Destrudo hadn't stopped, she continued on hurrying to catch up. When they came to a river, she expected they would have to swim across, but stepping stones appeared from the river's bottom, dry as if they had never touched water in their entire existence.

“Well, that was nice.” Irene said.

“The landscape of Lumos is extraordinarily helpful. Can't you feel it? A thick pervasive energy covering the landscape? Stories say a great magus lives under the imperial castle at Herusthema, and his energies are so great that he cannot contain them all, so the excess simply floods the landscape. Due to the great seal of the Thayne, it cannot escape Chronus, so it is like being in a fishbowl, the energies keep building and building. Over time, things changed, such as the river we're crossing. Most rivers will offer you stepping stones to cross, or shoot up a small fountain of water for your drinking pleasure, or even trap fish for you to eat. The fish themselves seem awfully happy to be caught and eaten. It's kind of disturbing actually.” Destrudo said.

“So, if I said I was thisty, then what?” Irene asked.

At that point, a small gusher of water shot out of the river beside Irene, who leaned over and took a drink. Satisfied, she continued on, and the gusher stopped. She wondered what else the landscape would be willing to do to help. She decided to see if it would carry her.

“I am tired, and wish to be carried.” She announced.

To her surprise, it wasn't the landscape that reacted, it was Destrudo who turned back, thought for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders and simply picked her up. Throwing her over his right shoulder, he continued on.

“Hey! Put me down!” Irene demanded while pounding his back with her fists.

“You said you were tired and wished to be carried, did you not? Were you lying?” Destrudo asked.

“I meant the landscape.” Irene complained, still being carried.

“Oh, it won't carry you. But if you don't mind, my left shoulder itches, could you scratch it while you're up there?” Destrudo asked.

Irene dug her claws into his back, and was surprised when he responded by simply swatting her behind. She tried forcing herself free at that point, but he only tightened his grip and kept moving. She tried biting his shoulder, but couldn't quite get there. Sighing in disgust, she simply gave up and let herself be carried. It was then, when she gave up that she felt herself get lowered to the ground.

“That wasn't very nice you know. Men don't just put their hands on women, its a rule. They especially don't swat their backsides.” Irene said waving a finger at Destrudo.

“Ahh, but you forget, I'm the prince of an evil land. What good people do don't apply to me. I was born a monster, and raised to be an unholy terror. I follow my own rules, don't forget that. Just because my powers haven't awakened yet doesn't mean I can't be true to my nature.” Destrudo said.

“You, a monster? You have a red glow, and suddenly you're a monster? I am the real monster. You're a handsome prince that could be quite charming with the application of some manners. Me? I have the blood of a great many species running in my viens. I don't look like a normal person. But despite the circumstances of my birth, I have worked hard to avoid becoming the monster I could be. Demon blood does run in my veins after all, alongside Draconian blood. If you become an unholy terror, it will be because of your free will.” Irene said, and to her surprise Destrudo suddenly turned and grabbed her by the robes.

“You listen here, you are unique, the result of your ancestor's actions gives you your form. You are an exotic beauty, not a monster. If I ever hear you call yourself a monster again, you'll be sorry, I promise you that.” Destrudo growled.

“Only on the condition that you never call yourself a monster either.” Irene said, returning the growl.

He released her, and grabbed her hand, shaking it in agreement.

08-12-10, 08:10 AM
A dark shapeless mass moved across the countryside of Noctum. Though the landscape was renowned as the most violent and hostile in the world, not one thing, not one creature dared to move against the thing that was moving across it, for in Noctum, no one dared to confront The Lord of Shadows. Even the moons turned dark in his presence, and the stars looked upon Althanas no more. At least until he was safely past anyway.

The only thing that stopped him, the only entity that dared impede his progress, was the image of an elderly woman, dressed in a resplendent white gown with gold trim. This figure alone stood in his path, and for this image, The Shadowlord stopped.

“Why, my dear cousin Celeste, what brings the lovely queen of Noctum before my horrifying presence tonight?” The Lord of Shadows asked.

“I will have you know, Shadowlord, that I know what you're up to. I've been at this far too long to be otherwise. I have my own sources of information, I know he's here.” Celeste, Queen of Lumos said.

“So, what's the point of this exchange then? Did you just want to confirm things I already know, or did you have a more interesting point to make?” The Lord of Shadows said.

“Only that you're a step behind. I moved my troops the second I knew he was back, so guess what's waiting for him in Than.” Queen Celeste said, and disappeared.

Shadowlord cursed Queen Celeste, and flowed across the landscape like a tempest, destroying everything in his path due to his sudden ill temper.

It had been about an hour since the monster incident, and in that time they moved across a valley filled with floating islands. It would've only been half an hour, but Irene insisted on gliding from rock to rock, and after aiming for a rock to far, fell to a rock below. After leaping across the island chain to make her way back up to where Destrudo was, she promised to not try that again until they were certain they were safe.

Now, here they were in a forest. The path was lost, but this wasn't Destrudo's fault, nor did Irene appear to blame him. Besides, the cause was obvious. The trees were moving around too much. The entire forest was made of Liviol, had been for a thousand of years before the divide. However, after the divide, with the escalating levels of energy, the forest became living bestial creatures. Their roots became as the tentacles of an Octopus, or squid, only no suckers appeared on the roots of the trees. It was the mechanisim by which they moved with as much ease as a human walking through shallow water.

“Pardon me trees, but we're lost. How do we get to the other side, where the village I know is near here is located?” Destrudo asked.

The trees stopped to think, then swung their branches to the west, stepping aside to form a path. Destrudo lead the way, continuing on through the forest. He looked at the amazed expression on Irene's face, and chuckled slightly. He did say the landscape of Lumos was extraordinarily helpful after all.

“And to think, it only took Lumosians three centuries to teach them that much. Trees are very slow learners. The only lesson they learned quickly was that fire burns, or so I hear. If you ever want to see this forest run, light a fire.” Destrudo said.

“How do you know so much about Lumos, as a prince of Noctum?” Irene asked curiously.

“You answered your own question. The first rule of tactics is to know thy enemy, and my father praises his mastery of tactics. As proof, he keeps a complete dossier on everything Lumosian. Their history, their accomplishments, everything. I will admit, he is rather difficult to outwit. I've never beaten him in a game of chess, ever. A Lumosian chessmaster once challenged him to a match during one of our rare periods of peace, and lost in ten moves.” Destrudo said.

“Ten moves! That's incredible. I've heard it can be done though. So what's it like growing up with your father?” Irene asked.

“Painful. He's never shown, nor told me he loves me, or cares for me. No one has, except maybe my mother. But I only have a single indistinct memory of her. I don't know who she is, or where she came from. But life with my father? You ever fight in the Citadel? That's what it's like, every hour of every day. At least it was for me. He wanted me to become stronger, saying he could never be proud of a weak son.

I once had a girlfriend, or tried to, when I was sixteen. Her name was Charla, and she was nice enough as Noctum women go. She only threatened to kill me in my sleep once. Unfortunately for her, my father discovered our relationship. He decided to introduce himself to her. I saw her again, on occasion, when I would find a piece of her somewhere in the castle. What about you, what was it like for you growing up?” Destrudo asked.

“I'm sorry about your childhood. Mine seems reasonable by comparison. I never had a friend growing up, and I was abandoned as a baby. I was a very awkward child, and an even more awkward teenager. My adoptive parents were loving, and trained me to be a priestess, as they were priests themselves. The gods had other plans, and in my dreams as I slept, caused me to learn the arts of summoning. I only have one though, a fearsome minotaur. Being so awkward, the children made fun of me. Even now as an adult, I'm treated more as a curiosity than as a person. No one's tried to make any advances on me either. I'm actually terribly lonely, though I don't let it show so I don't drive any potential friends away. But as I said before, my life seems reasonable by comparison. Hey a butterfly.” Irene said, losing her train of thought at the unexpected sight of a butterfly.

Destrudo had to shake his head. He had no idea she could chatter so much. He realized it was because she was warming up to him. He was probably one of the few people her age to treat her like a person, so clearly it would make her loosen up a little to try and gain a friend. But the way she suddenly switched thoughts like that at the end and stopped talking, it was like a mental slap to the face.

After another hour, the pair made it out of the forest, and spotted the village of Thane sitting on the plain beyond. Destrudo had a sharp intake of breath, as the sight of the Lumosian Imperial Guard sitting in Thane greeted his eyes. Something else made him do a double take though. The Imperial Angels, Queen Celeste's personal guard, they were there too. A knot in his stomach told him that he had sorely underestimated his father, and as he turned around he knew it was true, for there stood his father, The Lord of Shadows, King of Noctum.

08-12-10, 09:03 AM
“Well, if it isn't my dear son, and his brightly colored friend. I must say, I am sorely disappointed in you my son, you didn't even stop to say hi to dear old dad. Worse yet, you didn't even let me get to know your bride.” A sinister and chilling voice said behind Irene.

She turned quickly to find the forest darkened to the depths of night. The sun had been darkened to a pale glimmer in the sky, and a cold wind blew in from behind the speaker. Irene remembered Destrudo's words, and backed away as fast as she could, not wanting to be near The Lord of Shadows. All she could see of him was a region of impenetrable darkness, White eyes, like long slits hovered in the center.

“Oh, I frighten you. You have no idea how much that delights me. But come, allow me to take a more settling form.” Shadowlord said.

The darkness pulled in on itself, to form a man covered in a black robe, shadows his his face, only those same eyes peered out. It was like the darkness had taken solid form. Irene turned to run, but to her horror, when she turned, she bumped directly into Shadowlord. She couldn't help but notice it was like running into a brick wall. The collision caused her to fall on her backside. Destrudo started to run to attack his father, but darkness sprang out of Shadowlord, and became a brick platform with steel chains attached that tied Destrudo down.

“Now, where exactly do you think you can run? You are within my power. I can do anything to you that I please, and you are powerless to stop it. Observe. You are on fire.” Shadowlord said.

Irene screamed as fire suddenly engulfed her body, the pain searing itself across her mind. She tried to roll on the ground and smother the flames, but that didn't work, she tried to beat them out, but that didn't work either. Shadowlord took mercy on her, and opened a lake beneath her. She thought she could swim, but suddenly realized her arms wouldn't work, and that a heavy weighted chain was dragging her down. Even still she struggled to breath, and seconds before she passed out, the water was gone, and she lay collapsed and helpless before her enemy.

“I don't know what name my errant son gave me, but you may call me your majesty, your eminence, your divinity, or your murderer. Take your pick. I'm feeling nice, so I'll even let you call me Shadowlord, if you wish. Now that you've seen you can't do a single solitary thing to beat me, perhaps you'll cooperate.” Shadowlord said.

Instead Irene summoned Grath, her minotaur. Shadowlord merely watched, as the event occurred, taking note of the symbols he saw. When Grath appeared, he let the minotaur charge him, but to Grath's surprise, his axe only met with empty air, where the Shadowlord stood. Grath tried a few more times, but to no avail.

“What, pray tell, are you swinging at? There is naught but shadows here. I haven't elected to take a solid form yet. Your efforts are in vain, minotaur.” Shadowlord said.

Suddenly Grath began screaming and flailing his arms as though he were falling. Then his body shook like he hit the ground, and he disappeared. Shadowlord caused a few more chains to wrap themselves around Destrudo at various points on his body, then he turned back to Irene.

“As you can see, though Grath was not technically falling, and indeed quite safe from physical harm, I told him he was falling, and in his mind he was, into a great chasm beneath where he stood. The impact of hitting the ground was so great that his mind believed he had been killed, and so he died physically. But what I'm about to do next, won't be an illusion. It will be quite real. Unless of course, you'd care to answer some questions.” Shadowlord said.

“I don't care what you do to me, why should I cooperate with a nightmare like you?” Irene asked.

“Oh, you? You flatter yourself child to think I would waste efforts against you. I know you won't tell me what I want to know no matter what I do to you. I could just rip the information from your mind, but then I wouldn't get as satisfying an emotional response from you, and it is emotion that feeds me, nourishes me, keeps me immortal.” Shadowlord said.

Suddenly, Destrudo began to cry out as the steel chains tightened against his body, squeezing the air out of him. They contracted, long enough for him to catch a breath, then tightened again. Irene cried out in torment, as she watch him suffer at Shadowlord's hands.

“Now I think you see. Of course working on you won't make you cooperate. Yet, could you really live, knowing your refusal to cooperate made an innocent person die? Just think, there's him, and a whole village of people, just waiting to enjoy every hospitality I can offer. So, I put it to you, Irene, will you cooperate?” Shadowlord asked.

“No. No man would harm his own son.” Irene declared with all the courage she could muster.

Destrudo cried out again, and suddenly there was a cracking of bone as his ripcage fractured and broke. Blood spilled out of his mouth, as he began coughing. Shadowlord smiled at Irene as he closed in on her.

“So tell me, when was the wedding? When did you two get married?” Shadowlord asked.

“Married? I barely know the man!” Irene protested.

“Oh? Then why follow him here?” Shadowlord asked.

“The gods sent me a dream indicating my destiny was here, and that he was involved in it.” Irene answered, not wanting any more harm to come to Destrudo.

“The gods, I see. So which of my fellow gods sent you the dream? Who is it you believe in?” Shadowlord asked.

At Irene's hesitation, the chains around Destrudo's legs tightend until they too were broken, making him fall to the ground, an act that brought even more pain due to his broken ribcage. Irene cried out again, hurt knowing her hesitation brought unnecessary pain to another.

“I'll ask you again, who is it you believe in?” Shadowlord asked.

“I don't! At least, not specifically. I preach the word of all the Elder Thayne.” Irene said.

“And what of my dear friend N'jal, do you leave her out of your teachings?” Shadowlord asked.

“I do not preach the word of N'jal, she is evil, and so are you.” Irene said.
“I did not ask for a commentary.” Shadowlord said as the chains around Destrudo's arms tightened to break his arms.

“Stop it you monster! I've answered your questions, now answer one of mine. What do you want with me, why am I so important that you would do this?” Irene asked.

“Ahh, only his head and neck remain, after that, I'll have to crush the life out of his body. So then, have you encountered any gods besides the elder thayne?” Shadowlord asked.

“No, now answer my question!” Irene begged, tears streaming from her eyes.

“Then that is all I wanted to know. I'm afraid I'll have to let you go, and allow you two to live then. You see, while I want to kill you both and be done with it, I can't. My plans, their vitally important to N'jal, and the future we have in mind for Althanas. You have much potential young lady, and you will reach it, just as surely as my son will someday reach his. You've become inextricable in this situation, for if I were to kill you now, it would so grieve my son, that he would turn against me forever, and remain beyond my grasp. My plans do not include that. If I were to kill him as well, the dark future would vanish, and the great war against the light and those who inhabit it, not just here in Chronus, but in all of Althanas, would be forever lost to the darkness, so great is his importance to our victory. No, I'll not kill either of you now. I'll wait, until the time is right, and the master plan of The Dark Pantheon calls for it.” Shadowlord said.

He disappeared in a great whirlwind. Shadows crossed her vision, and nothing was certain, but when her vision cleared, she found Destrudo and a legion of soldiers all around her. Destrudo was carrying her in his arms again, a look of worry on his face.

“We have to free her from his grasp. I won't be responsible for the death of another one.” Destrudo was saying to an elderly woman wearing a beautiful crown.

“But remember, everything that happened, was just in your mind. I warn you though, if you ever seek to leave Chronus, then regardless of consequences, I'll kill you both. There is more than one way to achieve our goal, this is just the most beneficial route to us. As for your question, I shall return it to you. Why would I be so interested in you to begin with?” Shadowlord said, his voice echoing inside her mind.

A small sob escaped Irene, as she realized just what she had gotten herself into. The sound caused everyone to look down at her. A sigh of relief escaped everyone, as they realized she was safe.

08-18-10, 04:27 AM
“My son, welcome home. It's been so very long, come, give your father a hug.” Shadowlord said, his voice chilling Destrudo's very soul.

He looked over at Irene, who was looking back at him expectantly. He wondered what sort of experience she was really having.

“Don't torture her. Please, don't use your powers against her, she's innocent.” Destrudo pleaded, not wanting to see another person get hurt due to association.

“Now, why would I harm her? What threat could such an exotic beauty like her pose to me?” Shadowlord asked.

“What do you want with us? We just barely returned to Chronus.” Destrudo asked, realizing with the phrase “exotic beauty” his father had already invaded his mind and learned he was attracted to Irene.

“To see how much you've grown of course. Oh, you should see her, I think she likes you. I show her you being tortured, and suddenly she sings like a nightingale. It's really touching you know, especially since she doesn't realize its all a facade. I'm seeing how strong she is too.

Of course, she can't leave now, I won't let her, and if she does somehow leave Chronus, I'll destroy her.” Shadowlord said.

“You lay one hand on her, and I swear.” Destrudo said, leaving his threat hanging.

“You'll do what, exactly? You don't have the power to harm me, even if I took solid form. You are a weakling, a disappointment. I'm not surprised you attracted an equally weak woman. Queen Celeste will be here in a moment, so here are your orders.” Shadowlord said.

“Why should I do what you want?” Destrudo asked.

“You don't need a reason, not when you know I can enter her mind and torture her on your account.. Take her to Herusthema, show her your heritage. Introduce her to the temple of The Ancestors. It will make her strong. It will make you strong. You will do this, because you desire to be strong. You will do this, because if you don't, not even the entire combined might of Lumos will be strong enough to spare her from me. You don't want someone else to get hurt by association, do you? Not again. What kind of coward lets other people get hurt, simply by association?” Shadowlord asked.

Destrudo bowed his head as pain filled his heart. He remembered her, Charla, with her long black hair, and deep green eyes. She wanted the status of being his girlfriend so bad, she threatened to kill him, if he didn't take her as such. So Destrudo agreed. A week of flirting went by, filled with picnics, and late nights watching the stars. Then Shadowlord discovered their relationship, and told them he wanted to get to know his future daughter in law better. A week later, he found her bloodied severed left hand on a writing desk in the library, and Destrudo knew she was gone from his life.

“Alright, I do this, and then what? More orders?”

“Oh no, you're on your own now. You see, I was nice today, I restrained myself. You know I could've done so much more than what I've done. This is the last time this kindness will be given. I cannot stand a weakling for a son, and as such, I disown you from my family and exile you from Noctum. The next time we meet, it will be as enemies, and I will not hesitate to display the entire extend of my power on you, or anyone else around you. The same goes for that girl you've gotten into this.” Shadowlord said, and then scattered like ashes upon the breeze by way of exit.

Destrudo looked around to realize he had been standing in the middle of a battle, Lumosian soldiers taking on Noctumite monsters. An old woman he recognized was standing on the other side of Irene looking from one to the other, as the Noctumite monsters fled.

“Queen Celeste.” He said by way of greeting.

“Hello Prince. Your young lady companion seems to have been knocked out.” She said.

Destrudo rushed to her side, and picked her up.

“We have to free her from his grasp, I won't be responsible for the death of another one.” he said.

At that moment a small sob escaped Irene, and Destrudo breathed easy knowing she was safe. The guard, those that survived without wounds, helped their fallen comrades back to the town Some surrounded Destrudo, looking at Queen Celeste.

“I know, I'm under arrest, it's not unexpected, I am the prince of Noctum after all.” Destrudo said.

“Now, why would I arrest my nephew?” Queen Celeste asked, smiling. Even in old age she was beautiful, but hers was the beauty of age and wisdom, an entirely different beauty from the one young women possessed.

“Nephew? Oh, I see how you can say that, the two princes, but surely after all these centuries, the relationship is only formal. My father's the one who's immortal, and your line has seen numerous successions.” Destrudo said.

“Not really, no. My younger sister was Queen of Lumos before I was. I never wanted the throne. I wanted to fight Shadowlord directly. However, a mistake on my part allowed dark forces to take her. When we found her a few months later, she was already pregnant with you. That's why Onox calls you Nephew, and why you also have another uncle in Herusthema. Their our older brothers, but they didn't want the throne either.” Queen Celeste said.

“You mean I'm, the prince of Lumos too? But wait, that means I'm crown prince of both Lumos, and Noctum.” Destrudo said.

Celeste simply smiled at him, and turned her focus to Irene.

“Do you understand then, why Shadowlord was so interested in her? As the crown prince of both nations, you are in fact, the rightful heir to the Imperial Throne of Chronus, and the only one alive who can fulfill the decree of the Thayne. Anyone traveling with you would of course be of high interest to Shadowlord. Now, you will come home with me. You will of course be wanting to defeat your father, but if you do that, the only thing standing between you and the imperial throne is me. Your father won't give his consent for your rule, but I will, provided you earn my respect, and you can start by receiving a proper education. I have of course been speaking with Onox. If you think he's intimidating, try crossing me. You'll take your lessons, and, I believe she should have some as well. Yes, that would be fitting.” Queen Celeste said.

08-18-10, 06:10 AM
Irene slowly realized she was being carried, by Destrudo. She didn't care, she didn't want to move, only to understand what really happened. She thought this would be some easy task, why else would the gods assign it to her? Instead, she found more than she thought she could handle. The tears flowed freely down her face, as she tried to understand why she was placed into a situation where she could make no difference.

“Those tears won't help you know. You should calm yourself, since you appear to be unharmed. You're lucky, few people make it away from Shadowlord unharmed.” An elderly woman Irene didn't recognize was saying.

“Irene, meet my aunt, Celeste, Queen of Lumos. Aunt Celeste, my companion, Irene.” Destrudo said, making introductions.

“A pleasure to meet you young lady. Why don't you tell me what you experienced?” She asked, gently, as though she were Irene's grandmother.

“He was torturing Destrudo to make me talk, hurting him with chains and breaking bones. He was coughing up blood. He wanted to know if we were married, and which god I worshipped.” Irene said.

“He told me he wanted to see if I was stronger, then he told me to take her to the temple of The Ancestors in Herusthema, finally, he granted my fondest wish and disowned me, exiling me from Noctum.” Destrudo said, though pain in his eyes showed his true feelings.

“Well, I saw you two standing about, Irene slowly fell to the ground, and monsters converging on your position while Shadowlord stood over you two. I sent my own forces to rescue you. He didn't say anything to me, which is just as well. The Ancestors, that's a remarkably helpful idea, I wouldn't have expected it of him. Yes, I agree, once you two get a break in your studies, you will go.” Queen Celeste said.

“Studies?” Irene asked.

“He is heir to the imperial throne. There is much to learn if he expects to end this war. He will end it too, or I'll run him through personally. He's the only one that can do it properly. If Shadowlord takes the throne, the world will be cast in darkness permanently. If I take the throne, Chronus will be destroyed by light. There must be a balance. The only reason Lumos can exist as it does, is that Noctum also exists. The two of us keep the land balanced.

As for you, Destrudo is responsible for you, he is the one that brought you here, even if you came of your own volition. Thus, you must have lessons in courtly manners, and how to conduct yourself as a noblewoman. To make them official, I'll name you the duchess of Herusthema.” Queen Celeste said.

“I don't need lessons to run a throne I don't want. I'll restore balance, been then after that, I'm abdicating.” Destrudo said.

“I am trained as a priestess, that should suffice, shouldn't it? Irene asked.

Both spoke simultaineously, and both winced when Queen Celeste suddenly turned on them, and grabbed their ears twisting them in her fingers. Destrudo hunched over, and Irene slid off. She marched along dragging them along by their ears.

“I will brook no argument. I have given my word, and it is final. If I wanted your opinion on the subject, I would've asked. Now what was that you were saying? I'm an old woman, and can't hear very well sometimes, I thought you were objecting. You couldn't of possibly objected, because then I'd have to lock you up for refusing a royal decree. You weren't objecting, were you?” Queen Celeste asked in a low threatening tone, twisting their ears even harder in the process.

“OW! Stop it, that hurts! I'll do anything you want, just let go of my ear!” Destrudo objected.

“Ok! Ok! You win, I'll take my lessons and I'll like them, I promise, just don't take my ear off, I still need it!”

“Yeah that's what I thought. Now, Irene, what brought you here?” Queen Celeste asked.

Both heaved a sigh of relief as their ears were freed. Irene rubbed hers for several minutes before she realized the queen had asked her a question, and was looking at her expecting a response.

“I'm sorry milady, my ears don't work so good when their being twisted off. I came because a dream told me too. It was sent by the gods, though I didn't realize it would bring me here. It only showed me Destrudo, and I knew I was supposed to find him, he's the one that brought me here, though I came of my own accord.” Irene said.

“A dream, and due to that, you got yourself into a war. Not a divine visitation, or anything else but a dream. You must be the single most irresponsible woman alive today. One dream, and you go running off. What if tonight you dream about running off with some peasant and having a family with him?” Queen Celeste asked.

“I follow the Elder Thayne, they sent it to me. I can always tell because their dreams are much more vivid and real. Besides, what man could love me? I'm not even sure I can have children, and that's the most important quality in a woman, is breeding ability.” Irene said.

“You missed the point, but reinforced the need to school you in several things. What an uncivilized barbaric life you must have had, to consider breeding ability the most important factor in a woman's quality.” Queen Celeste said with a note of sadness in her voice.

“Where are we going anyway?” Irene asked.

“Home.” Queen Celeste said, and left it at that.

Silence Sei
08-24-10, 01:58 AM
• STORY ~ 15/30
Wild Card 5/10

Final Score ~ 44/100

Destrudo gets 275 exp, and 145 GP. Irene gets 300 exp, and 145 GP

Any questions, PM/IM me.