View Full Version : So I've Been Thinking...

Cyrus the virus
08-12-10, 04:26 PM
Here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=170435#post170435) is a thread I've just started.

Essentially I am going to attempt to write a decent thread to kill Luc off. There are some other details, but I'm looking for a few people to help me with this. With Izvilvin, I was given the priviledge of being allowed to kill off a pair of characters. I thought it was the coolest thing someone could do to give my character some legitimacy as an assassin.

At one point in this thread, Luc is going to return to Radasanth, trying to have a normal life. Because of his past, I plan on him being attacked there and eventually killed.

So it's one last hoorah for Luc. Anyone want to see him off? :)

Oh, I should also mention Luc has no need for gold or swords made of fire when he's dead.

Cyrus the virus
08-13-10, 05:23 AM
Bumping this since I edited the first post.

Requiem of Insanity
08-13-10, 05:42 AM
Hmm, a chance to kill you would help cement her terrible names. The slayer of Luc Kraus? Yes please. And I am also aware you are Izvilian so this can help with the quest we both been trying to orchestrate.

Cyrus the virus
08-13-10, 05:47 AM
Sounds awesome, thanks for the interest. It's going to be a solo for a while, but I'll let you know when you can get started posting. Should be fun :D

Requiem of Insanity
08-13-10, 05:50 AM
I shall rather enjoy finding a way to bring you down with subtlety. Poison is a must, maybe that damned chess board (literally and of course the DAMN CHESS set I never use...) and a bit of Liquid time using my new toys I will soon acquire. I assume we can use this thread to communicate ideas and collaborate to make sure this is done with all proper epicness?

I have seen luc around since the dawn of time when I first started, so this honor I wish to perform flawlessly. Plus it be NEATO to add Luc Slayer to my titles!

EDIT: Until then, just let me know when and where you want me! I shall actually have my character in Radansath so that ironically works out for me.

Cyrus the virus
08-13-10, 05:58 AM
Haha, I know exactly the 'coolness' factor of actually killing someone's character for good, which is why I'm doing this. I totally envision Luc surrounding himself in this tornado of fire where he's the eye, but someone tears through it to stab him in the face or something.

And yeah, of course we can collaborate here.

Umbra looks fun! I can see that being the start to this. She is hired to kill Luc, so she poisons his drink somehow. That way he is forced to use his 'teleport' spell to escape, but he can only go so far due to being poisoned. That way he can't use it to escape dying later on.

Requiem of Insanity
08-13-10, 06:04 AM
I do have a level 5 update that is needing to be done. So I'll get to work on that as well as trying to speed up some quests to earn more of her trade. Sure you don't want to fall under the effects of her love potion? That's a winner! I'll post the link to the updated profile link here, so you don't have to go scrounging for it. Apparently my profile link is outdated...

Umbra would indeed be the most logical choice for her. I have another poison coming up called Luminous, which weakens a target while they are in the moonlight. Expect that one to come into play.

I look forward to where this will lead us.

Cyrus the virus
08-13-10, 06:07 AM
Haha, it's no rush! I need to write some flashbacks and stuff, do some setup. It should take me a while to actually bring Luc to Radasanth.

Should be fun. I'll enjoy giving Luc one more shot at creating chaos.

Requiem of Insanity
08-13-10, 06:24 AM
by all means, take your time

08-13-10, 06:07 PM
Hey Mr. Kraus. I was just informed of this thread. I am going to put my hat in this as well. We never actually got to finish any of our old threads together so I would like to finish SOMETHING with you. Anyway I'm down for this!

Cyrus the virus
08-13-10, 07:20 PM
Sounds good to me. Requiem and I can start up the battle portion of the thread and I'll let you know when it's safe to jump in with some posts.

08-13-10, 07:31 PM
Sounds good man. If you need to plan anything more specific, just IM me here on Althanas or on AIM. I'll talk to you in either place. Good to see you back in action man!

Rayse Valentino
08-14-10, 01:19 AM
How did I miss this thread? I want to kill you too.

edit: Hell, we can use elements from that other post I made in your other thread. I can hire Cassandra to do it. It would be easy for someone like Luc to threaten my businesses in any way.

08-14-10, 01:36 AM
Screw it, Cydnar is in - if that's okay?

This sounds like something the Hummel would send him to do, and I've been looking for a reason not to retire him completely :D

08-14-10, 01:46 AM
It might help if I post with the relevant character to make one aware of the said details...

08-14-10, 08:23 AM
I'd be interested in this too. Cyrus, don't suppose you'd be interested in having the story be someone setting a really high price contract on Luc's head and we are all against each other to take him out?

It'd be pretty cool having us all attacking him and fighting off each other...

Jack Frost
08-14-10, 08:36 AM
I'm so reading this thread....

Requiem of Insanity
08-14-10, 02:54 PM
Whoa, this just kind of exploded. How the hell is a serial killer supposed to off somebody with all you gits running around trying to kill him and each other? I work solo, and maybe with one other person should the situation arise, but this is seriously way to many people. I can't see Cassandra working well in such an environment.

I'll pull my name Luc, and let the others have their moment. I would prefer you get the better score by not having awkward chicky dee in there. If you still want to handicap him with my poisons, we can work something out.

Rayse Valentino
08-14-10, 07:49 PM
I definitely know where you're coming from. The whole 'hunter and prey' aspect disappears when it becomes a Smokin' Aces scenario (bunch of people after a bounty at the same time).

Regardless, I would still like to 'hire' all of the participants, especially if Luc presents a clear and present threat.

Cyrus the virus
08-15-10, 02:16 AM
My original idea was to have a lot of people involved to take down Luc, posting when they can in order to throw an attack - I had a plan of having a huge golem accompany Luc into Radasanth in an effort to destroy it, so that anyone could attack and damage that and be involved. Screw the golem idea though, he isn't going to return to Radasanth for negative reasons.

I still like the idea of Luc being attacked from all angles, avoiding some things but being unable to defend himself from everyone.

Anyway, I was planning on having Luc end up going to Radasanth and almost immediately being attacked, but I can think of a better way to make it work and keep everybody involved. First things first, I really don't care about score. This is just kind of a last hurrah, I'm going to 'reincarnate' this character afterward.

I can bring Luc to Radasanth earlier in the quest and have him be there for a few days before Cassandra shows up to poison/attack him, that way she can be involved while maintaining our idea. Luc can escape the tavern or wherever he'd been poisoned, but the others Rayse hired can be outside waiting. We can have the poison limit Luc's ability to 'windwalk' and fly by sapping his strength.

Because Luc is wanted, he would have a massive bounty considering nobody really dares go after him. What with the raping and the killing he's done and all that.

I figure this is a good reason to keep everyone who's posted here involved, incorporate Cassandra's and Rayse's ideas, and still give me what I wanted from the thread which was a last hurrah to make some fire tornados and the like. It may devolve into a clusterfuck at that point, but like I said, score isn't really my concern... Just wanna have fun :)

08-15-10, 06:46 AM
Sure, why not. I'll offer to throw Zerith into the mix of being one of those throwing attacks at Luc later on in the story if you're interested. Most likely after he's been poisoned and such.

Cyrus the virus
08-16-10, 03:57 AM
Yeah, there's not going to be any fighting before hand. Sounds good :p

Rayse Valentino
08-16-10, 04:07 PM
CyruZZZZ yo uare never on AIM

also talking to requiem about which thread we wanna do together against you

Requiem of Insanity
08-16-10, 05:03 PM
I think it would make more sense for the Izvilian thread, Cy. Besides it would be a neato test for her toys.

Rayse Valentino
08-18-10, 03:20 AM
Anyway, I was planning on having Luc end up going to Radasanth and almost immediately being attacked, but I can think of a better way to make it work and keep everybody involved.

Because Luc is wanted, he would have a massive bounty considering nobody really dares go after him. What with the raping and the killing he's done and all that.

Care to elaborate on this stuff? Why would Luc willingly put himself in that sort of danger? And, if things are getting too rough, what's to stop him from using one of his MANY spells to get away?

I don't know what your plan is, but I'm going to throw out a suggestion: Let's assume Luc is good at masking his presence, so he doesn't inspire a mass panic anytime he enters a city. Be it a spell, item, enchantment, whatever. Now let's assume there is someone, I don't know who, who can track him despite all this, and has an axe to grind with him. Luc really pissed whoever this is off, and that person while not strong enough to take Luc on by himself/herself, they developed a way to even the odds and lock him out of his Wind spell-school or something, which maybe dispels the shroud he uses to remain unnoticed and makes his 'get away fast' spells unusable.

I don't know anyone who would set up this trap for him. It could be an NPC as a last resort. If you can't find anyone, I could use Rayse. But we would retcon a scenario where Luc did something to piss him off, maybe indirectly, and Rayse would also need a way to 'know' that Luc was in Radasanth, but yeah. Just throwing it out there.

Anyway, if Luc did nothing to piss off Rayse before, he could either do so very easily by messing up one of The Company's businesses for some reason (maybe as collateral damage from a first engagement with someone who could both track him and decide to take him on), or by taking some sort of legendary artifact that Rayse wanted. I mean, there's hundreds of ways, this is not an issue.

So, Luc is weakened and/or revealed somehow. Rayse knows of this, maybe he's working with the one who weakened him or instigated the trap, but he uses his criminal network to spread the rumors about Luc's handicap, which makes the mage's impossible bounty seem more possible, which gets all of these bounty hunters out of the woodwork after him. Hell, maybe there's an extensive network of traps that one by one, locks him out of his spell schools, forcing him to figure out ingenious ways to use his remaining abilities to survive or something.

Anyway, you have more than enough people for this now. I wouldn't mind playing evil mastermind to all this.

08-18-10, 05:00 AM
You don't have to have someone who has been a percived wrong by Luc, why not have someone who wants to absorbe Luc's powers? That way they could be weaker than Luc, want him dead and want to hire people to do it.

You wouldn't even have to develop him, you could use a go-between man as the face organising Luc's downfall. As for detection, you don't have to go into that two, just give them a mysterious power, or information as to where Luc is going. Maybe divination?

08-18-10, 05:23 AM
Cydnar is a servant of the god Yrene, who is a great serpent who travels the world devouring excess magic when it is used for wrong.

He would be there to kill or try and kill Luc as he has obviously been corrupted by his power and is misusing it. The Humell themselves, perhaps even Yrene, could arrange for some disruption, but they wouldn't possess anywhere near the power to stop him outright.

A snake bite perhaps or something similar could drain him of his ability to teleport/fly.

Slayer of the Rot
08-18-10, 04:56 PM
Oh, what a shame.

I'm gonna read this to see who gets the killing blow.

Silence Sei
08-18-10, 11:49 PM
Rayse brought up a good point in an IM convo with me earlier. That being that there are very few Althanas characters that could actually take Luc out.

So, I have a proposition.

what if Trap Master set it up so by the end of a few trials, Luc was severely weakened to the state that he could be killed? I can always find something for John to use to set up an execution for our local powerhouse mage on.

Cyrus the virus
08-21-10, 04:50 PM

Sorry I'm never on AIM, I use my roommate's laptop and he doesn't have it installed. I suppose I could ask if he's cool with it.

Okay. My original idea once Requiem posted his/her interest was to have her poison Luc somehow with one of her weakening poisons. Because he's utterly worthless when something like that happens, he'd panic if she came out of the woodwork to try and finish him, and he'd attempt a teleport. Since he's weakened it would only carry him outside or to another part of town. And he'd be unable to focus on generating an accurate wind to carry him into the air reliably.

Anyway, if that doesn't work, Luc went through a phase where he attacked and killed just about anyone who bothered him. He could have easily destroyed one of Rayse's 'goods' shipments, or sunk one of his ships, or destroyed some outpost or a group of his important allies, anything like that.

As for Luc returning to Radasanth, he's been hiding in a cave for a year obsessing over this tome. When he realizes he doesn't have what it takes to actually cast the spell, he'll return to Radasanth to try and build a regular life, having a moment of regret and wondering if he could somehow atone or find some other way to find meaning in his life. Naturally that will all collapse. Also, his outlook is just getting bleaker and bleaker as this thread goes on: he might not want to escape. To be honest, I'm not completely positive.

So if Requiem isn't up for the idea and wants to stick to the Izzy-only quest, that's alright. I like the idea but we can sort something else out.

I'm thinking that Luc could be in Radasanth for a week or so before everything goes down, and in this time he's taken a few steps to build a normal and less chaotic lifestyle. He isn't forgiven but is working hard at atonement. That gives everyone a chance to find out where he is, get there, organize a plan if necessary, etc.

Also Duffy's plan is a good way for him to find out where Luc is. I guess it all depends on Requiem and Rayse's thoughts on the idea, for the moment.

Requiem of Insanity
08-21-10, 04:54 PM
We're working on it. I think we'll both be getting the process of starting up a partnership to work together fairly soon.

I just want to say this....

I CALL DIBS! I CALL DIBS! I CALL DIBS! (And I call dibs on stabbing your flesh and making you scream and regret and all that shit I haven't done to someone in FOREVER! God Sei, you make me follow these rules and shit!

No killing after nine, no screams of torment after twelve, be home before it gets dark! JESUS, YOUR NOT MY FATHER, SEI!)

But yeah...


(Edit: Ya I know I pulled out. But you seem to want me to stay, and how can I say no to that adorable face of luc's that hasn't changed since I first started rolepaying on grey-thanas? ....so I call dibs.)

Cyrus the virus
08-21-10, 05:07 PM
Earn your dibs with stabbing motions!

Okay so Cass is poisoning Luc and weakened Luc cannot teleport or fly very well. Of course he must remain powerful in other ways: fire tornadoes are necessary. And wind... wind... tidal waves. PEW PEW

I'm gonna keep working on the solo portion of this after I make some posts with Izzy. Party time!

08-21-10, 05:24 PM
Earn your dibs with stabbing motions!

Okay so Cass is poisoning Luc and weakened Luc cannot teleport or fly very well. Of course he must remain powerful in other ways: fire tornadoes are necessary. And wind... wind... tidal waves. PEW PEW

I'm gonna keep working on the solo portion of this after I make some posts with Izzy. Party time!

So the rest of Althanas gets their chance to finally let you know what your intestines taste like and you can still cast Armageddon. Okay, cool. Great.

Sei had a point, though. I have Saxon in a story right now where he's been with a posse hunting down a very powerful warlock for over the course of a year and a half. In that time, the warlock has managed to lay waste to entire cities, boil seas, raise the dead and raise creatures so terrible they'd gobble Saxon up in a bite. The trick is the year and a half part. I've played it as the warlock has been worn and exhausted by this chase that he's used up most of his reserves since he can't recuperate with Saxon and other hunters always on his heels. While probably being able to immolate my level 2 character with a mere thought on any other day, Saxon now has a decent chance of being able to kill him.

Its an example of how I'm dealing with a powerful warlock, but it makes sense, really. You can't expect most of us to be able to withstand the thermonuclear weapons you have stowed away in your arsenal. I've read your profile and I've tried to battle you before. You're gonna have to give up a lot more then teleportation and flying for anybody here to win that kind of battle.

Or you could just throw the fight. =P

I don't want involved in this thread, but I'm going to read this too. I want to know who we're giving an Althy to for managing to finally kill you, haha.

Rayse Valentino
08-21-10, 05:44 PM
Okay, here's my suggestion: Cassandra is doing her serial killer thing, and doesn't know about Luc personally. He's just another target, after all. So, she catches him unguarded and poisons him somehow (after all, he's trying to live a normal life or whatever and doesn't expect it), but she finds out that even after he's poisoned, he's still way more than she bargained for, so she vamooses.

Enter Rayse. He's got these silver papers that track people who have willingly written their name on them. He checks them every so often to keep tabs on the people he wants to track, and finds out that Cassandra is in the same city as him. Feeling that maybe he could rope her into an assassination job, he tracks her down and finds himself eavesdropping on the event between her and Luc. Recognizing Luc's description as the one that matched the guy that blew up a Salvaran Mafia black market boat, he uses his criminal network to spread rumors that Luc's back in town and weakened, which gets bounty hunters after that massive payout. Luc, at this point I assume, tries to get somewhere dark and quiet to try to get the poison out of his system, but can't leave town just yet.

Enter Cydnar. He happens to be in town, hears the rumor, and uses his own methods for tracking down Luc. Using some form of magical debilitation, this weakens Luc further, enough to prevent his use of any escape mechanisms and weak enough to be taken on.

This should be enough. Any other players would actually stand a chance here, regardless of level or experience.

Cyrus the virus
08-21-10, 06:04 PM
Sounds awesome to me. It's nice having someone aboard who can plan things, I usually rush and can't keep my ideas all together.

Let's go with that, then. Provided we're all cool with it. Maybe Cydnar can find some way to evoke his god's power, and it drains Luc of every actually spell he has, so he's left with the elemental manipulation to fend for himself. If he wants.

08-21-10, 07:52 PM

Sorry I'm never on AIM, I use my roommate's laptop and he doesn't have it installed. I suppose I could ask if he's cool with it.

Go to aim.com and launch the web version. :)

Cyrus the virus
08-21-10, 07:56 PM
Oh they have that? Well.

Rayse Valentino
08-21-10, 09:22 PM

Silence Sei
08-21-10, 09:35 PM
Just an observation, anyone else drawing parallelles between Luc and Luca Blight from Suikoden 2?

Three different 'teams' if you will, beating the crap out of one insanely bad ass mo fo.

I'm just saying, if it winds up some NPC kills Luc off in order to rule the kingdom, I'm gonna scream :P

Cyrus the virus
08-21-10, 09:51 PM
No NPCs are going to kill Luc sheesh. But yes, the Luca Blight battle is a good example of what I want to go for :D With fire tornados.

Silence Sei
08-21-10, 10:17 PM
And no fireflies.

Too Owl City.

Cyrus the virus
11-16-10, 03:33 AM

Sorry I disappeared, but I finally got internet and can post now. I hope you guys are still up for this. The solo portion would be over pretty soon.

Regardless of whether or not I need to re-plan all this, Ima continue with the thread now. Hopefully you're all still interested.

Caysim Winters
11-16-10, 03:35 AM
How come you wish to kill Luc off?

11-16-10, 03:44 AM
I don't enjoy writing his story anymore, for the most part. He's kind of had his day, his story's gone up and down and was never very consistent. I didn't have a solid idea for him in mind when he was created, and so he was never a very compelling character - cool elemental stuff at times, though.

So rather than try to reshape him or something, I'll kill him off and use his EXP to create someone more interesting who doesn't have to begin as a rookie warrior.

Caysim Winters
11-16-10, 03:56 AM
Any ideas on what you want?

11-16-10, 07:08 AM
Crap, Iz, forgot about our thread!

*Zoom zoom.*

Cyrus the virus
11-17-10, 03:43 PM
Kinda went all over that previously in the thread, but no, not really. He's going back to Radasanth where he will die somehow. Yeah.

Rayse Valentino
11-17-10, 06:10 PM
Don't forget about the Izzy thread too, br0heem.

Silence Sei
11-17-10, 06:17 PM
And Trap Master is always available to finish you off :D

11-17-10, 06:38 PM
So, you dead yet?

Cyrus the virus
11-19-10, 03:31 AM
Don't forget about the Izzy thread too, br0heem.

Nice, I was wondering if you were still up for that or if my disappearance had enraged you :eek: I'll post in that within the next day or two.

And Trap Master is always available to finish you off :D

I don't know what this is but it sounds like a pussrific way to die. Snap!

So, you dead yet?

I'm workin on it and then this thread can disappear!