View Full Version : I'm not okay! (Solo)

Jack Frost
08-13-10, 02:46 PM
note this thread take place before The world beyond walls and a taste of freedom.

Jallis Evenkeel shivered as he trudged his way home from the town of Underwood. The young elf had just been promoted to captain of the guard that very night, and had to attend a big ceremony. In the rush he had proposed to his lover, and she had said yes. It seemed everything was going great. Then the blizzard swept in from nowhere. The handsome young elf was buffeted by the icy wind. His long, handsome blond hair was swept behind him. His dazzeling green eyes squinted as he looked ahead. Something cried out. He turned astonished, all around him was white with snow, he could barely see. The cry belonged to a...baby! Horror spread across his face. The poor child must be on the verge of death!

He focused his elven ears and detected the direction of the child's wail. In a panic he burst in that direction, blindly tripping over logs buried in the snow. At last he found the infant, lying in a cradle of ice. Around the childs neck was a silver amulet. The moment his eyes gazed upon the child, the blizzard halted. He stepped forward and picked the child up. It opened one of it's little eyes, revealing beautiful teal eyes. "You're so cute!" he exclaimed cradling the young boy in his arms. Something crossed his mind, "But where are your parents?"

Jack Frost
08-13-10, 08:22 PM
19 years later....
Jack snored slightly as he lied asleep in his tent. His spiky silver hair jutted out in odd angles as drool dribbled out of the corner of his mouth. Light streamed in and played across his pale skin. Around him his tent was organized. He had few belongings, all tucked away in oak chests. His black jacket and trousers hung off of the support beam of his tent. Outside his tent the elvish settlement was beginning to stir.

Soon his adopted father would come wake him, and the two would head off to town. Jaliss, his father, would work as the captain of the town watch. While Jack would simply hang out around town and do odd jobs. Jack rolled over in his sleep and muttered something. Danger..... He began to toss and turn, in a nightmare....

What! exclaimed a tall old man Jack didn't know. A burst of white light flashed across his vision, and the old man was impaled by an icy spike.

Then the dream was over. Jack sat up in a cold sweat, his breath ragged. white fog billowed across the room, it was odd to most because it was midsummer. But to Jack it was completely normal. He had always had cold breath, ever since he was little. It was one of many strange things about Jack. It also set him aside as a freak to the other kids. His eyes fluttered as his father lifted one of the two tent flaps. More light poured in, causing Jack to cringe.

"You okay?" Jaliss asked, noting his sons condition. "I had a bad dream." Jack replied looking up. The young man that was once his father was gone. Instead Jaliss was older, and it showed. His skin was starting to wrinkle and sag. His once blond hair was now graying, which the man had jokingly accused his son of causing. Next he returned to ears of tradition. "Get dressed so we can go." he said in his usual monotone voice. He had adopted that mood when his wife died from a epidemic several years before. Both stared at each other for a moment, then Jaliss left the tent.

Jack Frost
08-14-10, 09:02 AM
Jack crawled out of his sleeping bag and stood up. His tight shit stretched with ease over his slender frame. He reached and yanked his black shirt off the pole and put that on first. Then he grabbed his pants and put those on in a fluid movement. Finally he tossed on his jacket. His look was odd to say the least, but since he was sticking out anyways he might as well do it as much as possible.

He walked over to one of his oak trunks and kicked it open. Then he knelt and pulled out a pair of shoes and his purse. He stuffed the bag in his pocket and slid his feet into the shoes. Then he was out the door- err flaps. His teal eyes flitted around to all the activity beginning in camp. All of the camp elders had awoken and were meeting around a fire. Several elvish girls were gabbing over who was cute and who wasn't. He heard his name come up, and they all looked at him.

Since he had come the camp there was a split reaction among elves his age. He was either an abomination, or possibly the most attractive thing in the universe. Jack ignored them, and focused on the task at hand. His father was waiting at the outskirts of camp. But he had a few things to do before then. First he headed over to the back of camp, to a large tent. inside were thousands of pots, all shapes in color. They all stood on a strange array of shelves. In each was a flower. The symbolism was obviously noticeable. In each pot was the ashes of an elf mixed with dirt and fertilizer. Then a flower was planted, as if to say, they may be dead but their legacy lives on.

Jack quickly scanned the shelves and found the one he was looking for. He knelt and looked up at it. "Good morning mom..." he said in a solemn voice. He glanced around and found a watering can full of sacred water. He grabbed it and lugged it over to his mothers flower and watered it.

After watering mom Jack stopped to chat with Iseah, his favorite elder. The elf was by far the oldest and the wisest of the Elders. His face was leathery and wrinkled, but shone with wisdom. His eyes were cloudy, signifying that he was blind. This was believed to be the source of his wisdom, due to the fact he couldn't judge by appearances. His hair was gray and hung to his shoulders. He wore a robe made of tree bark treated in a special liquid, making it as soft as ilk, but tough to daggers, bites, and arrows. The man often told Jack myths and legends of the magical island of seasons. which were Jack's favorite. The elder always mused that Jack could be the next Winter, but no one even knew if the island truly existed. Today Iseah told him of the last known Winter, who was simply known as Father Winter.

Jack Frost
08-18-10, 12:32 PM
"Father Winter had been originally named Polaris Bear, due to the fact his mom and dad were polar bears. A lot of commotion had been made about Polaris, especially because he was human. His parents knew he was the next Winter, but didn't tell him. Instead he became a knight and served the high councilors. At the age of 18 he was the most powerful fighter in all of winter district. Then he was discovered for what he really was...."

Jack had to leave, and promised to return and hear the rest of the story. The old man simply smiled and waved to Jack as he left. His father was waiting, and he couldn't afford to be late. Jack met with his father and left camp into the lovely Underwood Forrest. All around him light seeped through the gaps in the tree branches, showering the forest floor with a rather impressive light show. Being early spring time Jack could hear the sound of birds chirping everywhere. He inhaled deeply, taking in the crisp forest scent.

His father, however, scowled at the boy who had stopped to look at a few blooming flowers. "Come on Jack! We need to town!" Jaliss said annoyed. Jack continued moving, looking along the trail and all of it's beauty. Then he heard a rather distressed squawking. Jaliss took one look at his son and then the boy was gone. He sighed and continued to walk to town. Jack would catch up.