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Viola Conda
08-13-10, 09:43 PM
Birds sang overhead as the fall wind hit the nation of Emprea in gentle gusts, rustling the leaves and stirring the dirt laid roads. A serenity had fallen over the land as it returned back victorious from the War Games in Radansath. The population of the land was in a bright and happy mood, hearing the exploits of their new heroes, five individuals who’s deeds in the games gained them a reputation that many respected in the land of Heroes. Truly those five venerated the slogan that anyone in Emprea could aspire to be a hero.

Viola Conda, chief Emprean advisor and the sixth hero of Emprea, smiled to paper she saw on her desk. A bemused expression of boredom and whimsy in equal measures covered her face as she read how her retainers continued to serve their country and live up to the title they had been given. She was most proud of them, but they were something even more to her.

Yeah, but you know you love us! The memory surfaced to the front of her mind as she was back in the assembly room, discussing with her newly appointed commanders how best to defeat the host of Reven. It was Paul Donovan who blurted that out. Though she silenced him with nothing more than a baleful eye, she had to admit that indeed, she was growing very fond of the rising soldiers.

“Commander Conda?” A timid voice spoke from her side. Viola lowered her paper to the oaken desk, feeling a bit of tension in her muscles from sitting all morning. With a bit of a yawn she reached over her desk to an ornate cup, designs of lilies and flowers over a white porcelain. Her fingers deftly snatched up the glass and she brought the drink to her lips, sipping the green tea with a satisfied sigh. When she lowered the glass she swiveled her large chair, the red padded cushions offering their support as she leaned back into it, resting her fingers on the curls of the arm rest. The one luxury Viola Conda allowed herself as a perk of her station was a comfortable office. This chair would cost a fortune to craft, but it was a gift from her king to her for all her victories she had brought home to the banner of Emprea.

Viola’s eyes scanned the secretary that aided her when she wasn’t at war. Even in peace Viola was a busy woman. A chief advisor did not just offer war advice and lead the troops, she also aided the king in matters of state affairs. The woman’s name was Natalie, and she had served Viola for the past seven years as her personal adjutant. She supposed in a way Natalie was her only coined term, friend. Viola had several of them, but as her station led her to be away from most of normal social activities she rarely had time to visit those people. Not to mention she was very careful not to mix work and personal affairs. Natalie was the only exception she allowed.

She stood at a very petite five foot five, her hair black as night that shined like a coin at the bottom of a wishing well. Her blue eyes boarded the line of a soft silver, and she had thick, full lips with a tasteful red hue to them. Natalie was usually in charge of making the decisions for Viola that would otherwise bog her down. What meetings to attend, what social military functions to participate in, and of course, when it was her turn to do some of the usual training duties. Even in the Emprean army the high king Horus demanded that every commander and advisor give up their time to train the next generation of soldiers. She figured the king had some logic to his declaration, at least she wouldn’t be cooped up in her office all day.

“Um,” Natalie said clearing her throat. Viola let out a soft chuckle as she apologized to her secretary.

“Sorry, day dreaming yet again. What do you have for me today, Natalie?” Viola lowered her head to her fingers where she rested, a bemused smile on her face. Natalie gave her a proper military bow before lifting up a folder and opening it. Promptly a few pieces of paper flew to the floor where Natalie looked to them, shrugged and continued as if nothing happened.

“I have your week prepared in depth for you, as well as the next month and a half. If it pleases you my lord, I shall begin with the furthest events.” Viola nodded her head, smiling brighter as Natalie bent over and grabbed the bothersome papers stuffing them angrily back into the folder. “As you are aware the celebration of our nations founding begins in two months time, in a month and a half the high king, Horus, would like to make sure all officers have their invitations sent out and returned. As is customary, you must attend.”

“Naturally. I shall find a date by then,” Viola felt around her desk for her tea cup. “Continue on.”

“Well, I just wanted to let you now that he has invited the lower ranking officers to this years function. I don’t particularly know why, but I got my invitation today.” Natalie smiled brightly. “As you can see, I’m happier than a new recruit who just met David King for the first time.” Viola laughed at that, a bit of tea nearly escaping her lips as she looked to Natalie who grinned to her. Natalie had confided in Viola that she had a crush on David King, one of the newly crowned Heroes. Though her crush had begun before he was a hero. It was common fact the man was desired by most women, but Viola had always teased Natalie that David seemed to love his hair more than a woman.

“I imagine the reason why the high king has decreed an open invitation to all officers is because he wishes to increase his popularity with the masses by consorting with the Heroes of Emprea. As you are aware, only three of the heroes can actually attend the normal function. Paul Donovan and Rachel Leona are no more than Line Captains, even if they are first captains.”

“Oh…” Natalie thought about it before grinning to herself like she had some evil plan. “That makes sense. Well, onto other matters.” She returned her face to a neutral setting, getting serious again. “Paul Donovan has successfully returned with David King from another recruitment drive. We have added one thousand new recruits to our army thanks to their speeches.” Viola’s eyes widened at the number.

“One thousand?” she repeated, lowering her glass. “That’s rather impressive. Not the highest by any stretch, but still, it’s impressive. Now how many of them are actually any good?”

“Well,” Natalie hesitated. “About three quarters of the ones David recruited made the cut, so about four hundred…” she looked out the window. “Oh look! A bird!” Viola cleared her throat loudly. “Um…Paul Donovan’s students had the highest drop out rate in the history of Emprea. Only two hundred of his recruits actually showed promise. Most of the soldiers they brought in will be fine on the line, but there is a rather nasty batch of soldiers that seem to only obey Paul. They most likely will get cut out.”

“I will have no such thing,” Viola interjected. “Paul Donovan brought them in, then he can lead them. If he can’t even control those men and women, then we’ll cut them.” Natalie nodded her head once. “I just fear for the person who is stuck with Paul in their officer’s training academy.” Natalie dropped another stack of papers and coughed violently. Viola made a move to get up and aid her, but the woman gestured her down. She grabbed the papers and lifted them again, sorting them out before looking to Viola with a confused look. She bit her lower lip, as if debating what to tell her commander.

“Oh look! A bird!” She repeated. Viola lowered her eyes into narrow slits. “Wow, what a pretty shade of blue on that blue jay! Don’t you think that’s a pretty blue, my lord?” Viola began to tap her fingers on her arm rest, making a soft pitter patter on the oak wood. This was Viola’s last silent warning that Natalie was getting on her nerves. The woman took a large gulp and smiled brightly.

“Oh look at the time, I must be going!” She turned on her heel and began to make for an exit.

“Captain Boros!” Viola said in her deepest commanding tone. Natalie’s spine shaped up quickly, her back strait as an arrow as she looked dead ahead. “About face!” One soft click of her heel and she turned to Viola. “Forward march!” Natalie’s feet stepped in time as she nearly hit the desk. “HALT!” Natalie did so. “Report to me what you are hiding, Captain Boros.”

Natalie opened her file and lifted the paper up and placed it gently before Viola. It was a crème color, with calligraphy written in her name as well as an official seal of Emprea. Viola scanned the paper and she looked to Natalie.

“I see nothing wrong with this. I see that it is my turn in the rotation for officer’s training academy.” Viola motioned for Natalie to be at ease. The woman slunk down and looked to her, her face pale. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with this news, Natalie Boros. Now stop acting so silly.” Natalie lifted out another paper.

“I have a list of this years students who will be attending. The last batch of officers were all trained by Lord Advisor Fulgrim, and well…most of them were given the option to volunteer to try again. Only four students flunked his course. Now I must make haste to my next appointment. I have training of my own to accomplish.”

“Dismissed Captain Boros.” Viola wavered her hand in the air as she looked over the list. “Fulgrim is an idiot. I swear to god he’s so thick that I wonder how he even snaked his way into the army. His only friend is Renald, and he’s a bigger idiot than Fulgrim. I suppose like keeps with like…” Vioal lifted her head to smile and wave goodbye to Natalie, who bowed to her and skipped off to her next appointment.

“Hmm, Rogers, Hawk, Falcon, Denmark, Jurgens, Donovan, Dawson, Marigold, Green, Hunter…” Viola looked back and scanned the names again seeing something that stuck out like a sore thumb.

”I just fear for the person who is stuck with Paul in their officer’s training academy.” The memory played in her mind and she quickly looked through the folder Natalie left behind. She pushed aside each dossier until she landed on the name that stuck out and with a mighty groan she slunk into her chair, a pout on her face as she tossed the paper back onto her desk.

Landing next to her tea cup was Paul Donovan’s confused face for his picture, as well as his dossier of performance in the Emprean Army.

Viola Conda
08-14-10, 04:39 PM
The officer’s training academy was a usually a long, drawn out process, spanning about a year in length for most students. It taught all the fundamentals of being a leader in the royal Emprean army, and worked with potential and hopeful students to achieve what they needed to succeed in their military career. There were always exceptions like in any army for some students who already have demonstrated they can lead, or have been put in charge before graduating the academy.

Viola knew Rachel Leona was one of these ear marked fast track students. She took the far shorter course, the one that usually ran for only three months. Standing to the occasion Rachel did well, earned her credentials to become the full fledged Captain of the entire Archer’s division.

Paul Donovan was not so promising. Apparently he had failed where Rachel had succeeded. Viola wanted to know how the man could fail such a simple coarse. She knew for a fact that the fast track courses were smaller in size, far more lenient, and not necessarily to difficult. The only way she could get those answers from an unbiased source was to talk to his fellow student and comrade, Rachel.

The inside of the castle walls was a splendid sight for the Chief Advisor. The white stone work, the potted foliage, the feeling of excitement as she stepped down the steps from her tower to the local barracks. The castle wasn’t the biggest in the surrounding land, for Carthage claimed that right, but it was no less large for its size. It boasted a military wing, a library the size of a small town hall, a ballroom and theatre and even quarters for a majority of the Royal House Knights as well as thousands of rooms for the commoners who worked in the castle to keep up the day to day activities.

The overhangs of the castle ran along the squared pavilion, full of students learning the ways of the army, and advisors rushing off to meetings. She looked forwards towards the entrance to the training areas, smiling as her hand lifted in warm greeting. Two soldiers turned to her, lifting with military precision before bowing to her. Viola urged them to be at ease and they lifted themselves with warm smiles.

“It is good to see you both, Herald and Hilde,” Viola greeted them with a handshake, feeling their grips in hers. She liked the Speros, mostly because out of the families of Emprea’s history the Spero’s were one of the more famous lines. A detailed history of their ancestry could trace their name all the way back to the demon wars where the first Barbarian King of Emprea over through the demon Raziel. Since then the Spero name has been synonymous with loyalty, courage, and great leaders.

“As it is to see you, Chief Counselor. We were just about to go and watch our little Noel’s first lesson with Captain Rachel Leona! Would you care to join us? I think the more support she has the better she’ll do!” Herald asked to Viola gesturing towards the room where students were quickly gathering. Viola smiled to them and nodded.

“I have business to attend to with Rachel, so I don’t see why I cannot.” Hilde smiled as she led the way, the three passing the short walk with idle chit chat about their day and the weather. At last they reached the door to the archer’s training room and opened it. Inside were two people. One a woman with shoulder length brown hair, fair eyes and an air of authority to her as she held a small wooden bow in her hand. Before her was a scrawny looking soldier, a woman with short blond hair cut in the traditional Emprean style most woman adopted.

Noel Spero, the heir to the legacy of greatness, was an enigma to Viola Conda. She had everything in genes to be great, but there was one problem the girl had been unable to get over since her birth.

“Wahhh, I’m really sorry, Captain!” Noel whined, and by whined, she whined in such a way that it made babies stop their whining just to see who hogged all the spotlight. Noel Spero was a crybaby, and very much a klutz. The rumors stated she had only been assigned her Lieutenant bars because of her parents. Viola very much wanted to denounce that rumor, but she knew the truth of the matter. Indeed, Noel only became an officer because her parents practically begged to have her in the army.

“Stop crying!” Rachel shouted.

“Wahhh, stop shouting!” Noel whimpered. Rachel lowered her gaze to the floor, a loud slap echoing in the room as she shook her head muttering. “I’m trying really hard! I am! It’s just when your talking to me while I’m pulling the string I get distracted and I can’t stop thinking of what you said as to what you are currently saying and I get nervous and I can’t think right and then I freeze and don’t know what to do and I swear it won’t happen again if you’d just give me another chance and really you shouldn’t be so mad when I fail but offer better advice,” Viola was impressed. All that came out in one breath, without a single pause. “Not that you don’t offer good advice because I would never tell a hero of Emprea they can’t offer me advice and I really appreciate all that-” Rachel’s fingers clasped over her lips.

“Noel,” Rachel said slowly. “I want you to lift your bow, set your sights, and aim as best you can for the target.” Noel nodded, muttering muffled garbs of nonsense behind the prison of fingers. Rachel lowered her hand and walked behind Noel, waving to Viola and the Speros and then motioned for them to be quiet.

Noel pulled the string, taking in the deepest of breaths, and then let go of the shot. Rachel sighed loudly as she lifted the arrow up before Noel turned around. “Uh, heh heh…I knew that I didn’t have that arrow. Just taking a practice shot.”

“Without an arrow notched?” Rachel blurted, unable to contain her confusion at how stupid one person can really be. Viola noticed Herald and Hilde’s cheeks were redder than the fires of a stove. Embarrassment dripped down their features in equal measure as they gulped loudly before holding each other‘s hands. Viola smirked to that looking at the scene with keen interest.

Noel took the arrow, after being told to shut up by Rachel before she could begin talking again, and refocused all of her thought son hitting the target. She notched the bow. She pulled the string. She aimed it for the target. She let it go!

“Oh please land!” Noel cried out after the arrow. The bolt flew forwards, angled to the left, hit a shield that was hung on the wall, bounced off it, flew forwards at a new trajectory, bounced off another shield, and Viola felt Herald’s hands grab her body and pull her down where Hilde covered Herald’s head and her own. Noel screamed in alarm, dropping to the deck as Rachel, who had an obstructed view what was going on, bent low at her knees and searched for the missile. It hit another shield, bounced back into the center of the room, and the arrow took out a lock of Rachel’s hair before imbedding itself on the doorway inches over Hilde’s body.

The room was silent for a long moment. People who were watching through the windows softly lifted their heads to peek inside, seeing if it was safe, as Rachel looked to Noel on the floor. The lieutenant softly raised her feeble form, a hesitant chuckle escaping her lips as she looked to the target and the arrow.

Without even so much a word of warning Rachel snatched the bow from the girl, pointed to the door and gave her a dark look of hostile intent only being held in check by some concept of control. Noel nodded her head and walked towards the door where she found her parents and the chief advisor standing.

“Oh god!” She placed both hands over her mouth as she gasped. “I almost killed my parents and the Chief-” Before she could continue Rachel placed a hand on her shoulder with such force it made a clap sound.

“I’m ordering you to stay the hell away from the archer division. I also am going to order you NOT to kill someone on your way out, if you can manage that! Can you manage that, Lieutenant Noel Spero?” Rachel spoke with such venom that Noel at first didn’t say anything, but eventually she found her courage to speak.

“Um…I think I can…” Noel whispered.

“Sadly, I know that’s your best.” Rachel pointed to the door. Noel put her head down like she was having the worst day in the world while her parents came over to comfort her. They whispered to her about how failures are just experience in disguise. Noel listened, sniffling loudly as Herald mentioned that maybe Noel was destined to join Paul Donovan’s group of warriors. That made the girl cry out big sobbing tears.

After the scene was disrupted by Hilde’s harsh orders for the students to get to their classes that stillness of life returned, Rachel tossing the bow to the side of the room with anger as she approached Viola with a sigh. She gave a half assed salute and Viola let the infraction slide considering the poor girl was almost killed.

“Well, if the wonder dummy doesn’t pass her next exam I think Noel’s only salvation will be with Paul and his stupid barbarians.” Rachel muttered as her greeting to her chief councselor.

“Not everyone is cut to be an archer,” Viola admitted. Rachel gave her a stark look.

“Not everyone is cut out to be a soldier,” Rachel countered. Viola nodded but decided to use this as a way to get to her point for her visit.

“Not everyone is also meant to be an officer,” Viola paced with Rachel as the woman began to clean her training room. “I’m referring of course to Paul,” Viola explained.

“What did my brother do now?” Rachel asked, referring to the man as her kin. Viola tilted her head at that, knowing full well Paul and Rachel had never met until they joined the army a few years back. Rachel noticed her confusion and smiled. “What? Paul is my little brother, or at least that’s just the way we act. On a training mission, our first I think, we both bickered and argued like squabbling siblings. Our commander was so sure we were brother and sister that he confused our names the entire time. Paul eventually said why the hell not? We both came from big families, so it’s kinda nice to know we got a sibling with us.” Viola nodded. It was rather sweet they thought that way.

“Well, your brother,” Viola said dryly. “Failed his last exam for officer’s training. He can’t fail this next one either, or else we’ll have to strip him of his barbarians and demote him. He is currently riding on the fact I promoted in the field to Captain of the Line, but until he gets his credentials in order I’ll have to start thinking for the betterment of the army. You and David rose to the occasion, so why hasn’t Paul?”

Rachel took a moment before answering, depositing a bundle of arrows into a container before lifting up with a stretch and looking at her commander in the eyes. “Well David always did well in school. So I heard. He was trained by Commander El’Johnson if I’m not mistaken. Lord Leon is a phenomenal teacher, one of our best so it was only natural for David to thrive in that atmosphere. He doesn’t like to be second to anyone, including my fiancé, Jonothan.” Viola smiled thinking to the two’s rivalry that was now the talk of the castle. Rachel continued on. “I was trained by Hilde Spero, another great teacher. Paul…well he was trained by Commander Fulgrim. As we all know…”

“Fulgrim is an idiot. Most of his students he passed were asked to take the classes again by superior officers. So you say Paul only failed because Fulgrim didn’t want him to?” Viola lowered her tone. “That is quite a serious accusation.” Rachel shook her head.

“No, I know for a fact Paul failed because he didn’t try in that class. It’s not exactly a rumor that Pual hates Fulgrim and Fulgrim hates Paul. After Fulgrim and him got into it over something stupid Paul just stopped caring about the class. So it’s his own fault, but I suppose Fulgrim may have a hand in it.”

“If Captain Donovan can be given a better teacher, do you think he’ll learn?” Rachel shrugged.

“Who knows what the hell goes on in Paul’s mind. Guess you’ll find out this afternoon won’t you?” Rachel smiled knowingly as she turned to Viola and gave her a proper salute and bow. “I promised to meet Jonothan for lunch. If we have nothing further to discuss,” she let the words linger on as a hint. Viola nodded saluting her back.

“Very well, dismissed Captain. Thank you for your input.”

Viola Conda
08-16-10, 02:28 AM
Viola gazed upon the inside of her classroom, a small room in the northern buildings branched off the intersection to the library, the barracks, and the training halls. She looked upon the dusted chalkboard and thought about how many hands had written upon it. She spotted a corner office and lazily sauntered inside the small officers quarters. Inside was a desk for her to do her work for the training academy that took up a large portion of her room, just enough for her to sit at the desk, and to leave one chair at the side and some standing room. It was her new home away from home. Sighing she dropped off the dossiers of her students, began filling out proper paperwork for her new class, and adjusted the wooden roller chair to her height. The desk she found cluttered with garbage and papers from Fulgrim’s tenure in the room, and without even pausing to look at any of it she tossed out each paper.

The door slipped open and the sound of several people filled the air. She remained seated at her desk noting the men and women in the class had a half an hour to go before the first lesson began. She adjusted her outfit before getting into the dossiers, outlining her lesson plans and drawing up the standard class syllabus. There was a soft rap at her door and she lifted her head to see Natalie smiling to her with a small brown bag in her hand.

“I figured you would be hungry, commander,” Natalie spoke as she stepped into the room lifting the contents of the bag out. She lowered an apple, some bread, and a canister of water for her before she peaked into the classroom. “Looks like a full session. Any hopefuls?” Viola lifted the apple to her lips and she felt her mouth watering as she took the first crisp bite with a loud crunching sound. A bit of juice dribbled down the side of her cheek and she lifted a napkin to dab it away with gentle force.

“It’s the fast track program,” Viola stated before she took another bite. “Everyone in this class is a hopeful.” She munched the apple down with a smile as she lifted the water to her lips and drank greedily from the container. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until Natalie brought her food.

“Oh, okay, I suppose that makes sense,” Natalie said playing with her hair, curling her strands into one finger as she looked out the window. She looked like she wanted to talk, really badly, but she knew better than to gossip around her commanding officer. Viola wasn’t much for gossiping, usually she frowned on those who did so in front of her. However Viola also knew that once in a while she should award good work and acceptable behavior with little treats for her subordinates. As she outlined the syllabus for her class she motioned for the girl to speak her mind.

Natalie gave her a cockeyed expression, trying to gauge if she really meant it, but as she noted Viola made no efforts to prove the contrary she squealed, loudly, and sat on the chair next to the side of the desk. Natalie looked around to make sure nobody was listening, which was baffling to Viola for not a moment earlier Natalie had sounded like a stuck pig. Content she had privacy she looked to Viola with wide bright eyes and a bit of red in her face.

“I asked David King to the ball!” She said, her tone giddy. Viola nodded her head. She was happy for the girl, for it was like a dream come true for her. Natalie however put on a sour face as she leaned heavily on one hand glaring at Viola. “Aren’t you going to be excited for me?”

“I am!” Viola chided. “What did you want me to do, stand upright, grab your hand and frolic with you in a circle shouting hurray?” Natalie mumbled as she nodded her head in agreement. Viola smiled to her. “Well forget it. I can’t stand that people actually acted in such a childish manner. We have duties to perform, all of them leaving little room to act like a little girl. That being said,” Viola quickly added cutting of Natalie’s retort. “I find myself feeling very happy for you. I take it by your expression that Captain King said yes?” Natalie shook her head violently, and Viola was almost positive her head was about to break off.

“Oh you should have seen it, I mean, I played it cool. Like it was no big deal. He gave me some cheesy line, something about how it would be his pleasure to take a fine woman like me out for an evening under the stars that would be almost as beautiful as my smile,” Natalie’s eyes seemed to tear up in joy at the memory.

“That is a rather cheesy line,” Viola admitted, which garnished instant hatred from Natalie. “What, you said it!” Viola pointed out with a grin as she took a bite of her bread. Natalie lifted her hand up, holding it in front of her commander in a mocking way.

“Yah well, I at least got my dream date, who you going to go with?” Natalie said. Viola lowered her pen and turned to Natalie with a soft smile.

“Who are you going to with, is the proper way to say that. And as for who I wish to go with, well that’s just none of your concern.” Viola lifted her head as did Natalie when there was a loud shout of excitement from the other room. They could hear someone roaring a resounding curse word that echoed in the small room as people began cheering. Viola lifted herself up and walked out to see what the ruckus was all about and she noticed that several of her new students were surrounding a table littered with cards.

Before her was a man with an angular face, charming looks and a sly smile on his face. He had an air of confidence as he leaned back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest as he looked to the playing table covered in some cards with very detailed pictures on them. Natalie stepped next to her and immediately she nodded her head as if understanding something.

“Redraze,” Natalie said explaining it under her breath to Viola who was left out of the loop. Her chief counselor turned to her and lifted her hand in a gesture for her to explain. “It’s a card game that is very popular in this region, as well as…well the world. There are about fifteen or so types of decks that each revolve around a creature with a unique power. If I am correct,” Natalie looked to the table carefully and peered at the player’s decks. Both men stooped over the table drawing in all the cards before setting one out in front of them.

“Ah, It seems Lieutenant Falcon is playing a very tricky deck. The Corrupted Scientist. He uses weird curses to fill a meter, and when it’s full it usually means the end for the opponent. Very hard to time it all, but when it works it works really, really well.”

“Our officers play this nonsense?” Viola asked rudely. Natalie nodded, her attention on the game ignoring Viola’s distaste for the game. She pointed to the other deck.

“Oh yeah, advisors, officers, most soldiers play. It’s kind of a weird rule that soldiers and officers and advisors do not play each other unless its an organized event. Those events are held very rarely. So the game is played as an off duty past time. Everybody needs a hobby m’am.”

Viola looked to the clock on the wall, noting that they had ten minutes to wrap up this little game. She eyed the two players, noting that Jake Falcon, who was named Falcon only because of his love for Falconry, was playing his deck with a precision and a cold efficiency. While the officers around him gasped and awed at the other player’s moves he seemed to act in a manner that made her believe he had an ace up his sleeve.

As she looked to the other player she felt her heart jerk and her eyes blink. Paul Donovan was participating as the opponent, and currently his face was snarled in annoyance. Viola stepped along the edge of the classroom, watching as he played his cards. He slapped them down, looked at Falcon, and seemed to groan each time the attack was thwarted and parried. She didn’t’ understand a word of the game, but she could see the ebb and flow of a battle very easily. She watched as Paul’s face looked at his hand, then the board with an eye she usually saw when he was on the field of battle. He took this game as seriously as he took his battles.

That killed something inside Viola.

“How can he be so intense about a silly card game?” Viola asked loudly. Natalie shrugged.

“Some people take pride in their decks. And if I’m not mistaken, the last I heard Paul’s Iron Tiger deck was unbeaten in Emprea. A very hard to obtain achievement in this castle as most people play. Sadly, there are people who do take the game far more seriously than Captain Donovan. Although now that I look at the match sheet it seems Falcon is getting him on the ropes. Iron Tiger is weak against pressure, which is Falcon’s specialty.” Viola watched the game. She saw Falcon play one card and the whole room tensed up as he began lowering card after card after card.

“GO MY MINIONS!” Falcon shouted as a joke, Paul’s face straining as he drew cards and played others. The game became a frantic pace of action as Viola noticed that everyone, including herself, seemed interested in how the events would pan out. If she could understand things correctly it seemed Falcon was revealing his big plan and there wasn‘t a whole lot Paul could do. She heard the words Parry, Block, and attack often, but the speed in which they played made it all a whirlwind of confusion.

“And now,” Falcon teased as he played one last card. “Be absorbed! I play Negative 2, XY,” Paul lowered his cards and gave him a strange face.

“Falcon, you gotta tell me what the hell that means. I literally have no idea what the hell you just said.” Jake smiled and laughed as he flipped the card and turned it so Paul could read it. The Captain of the Line read the card quickly, gently returned it and looked Falcon in the eye.

The room became silent. Falcon’s gamble meant he was about to be victorious. “I hate pressure decks and zoning,” Paul said, surprisingly calmly. “And you played that well, Jake. However, the Iron Tiger has one huge advantage,” Paul lowered his hand and revealed a series of cards. Viola couldn’t read them, and even If she could she wouldn’t understand them at all. All she needed to understand was Natalie looking on in excitement as some people in the room shouted for Falcon and some for Paul.

“My Iron Tiger is a powerhouse of strength! Tiger Roar,” Paul lifted the next card up and smiled to Jake who knew what was coming and gestured for Paul to finish without interruption. “Jump, and Emerald Tiger Pounce. With nothing to stop that I deplete your life and the round and match goes to me.” Jake looked to the cards and he nodded accepting his defeat.

“Good match,” Paul said lifting his hand out. Viola smiled as Jake lifted his hand and took it. When the two gripped hands like gentlemen she turned to Natalie and pointed her towards the door. “I look forward to our rematch.” Jake nodded as they both collected their cards.

“Hmm, I suppose it does create a sort of camaraderie. At least I know you don’t participate in such silly things.” Viola stretched as Natalie froze, before quickly walking forwards towards the door. “Captain Boros…” Viola said, a hint of shock in her tone as she smiled.

“Well…I sorta play the Blind Paladin…” Natalie admitted sheepishly. Viola shook her head as she turned towards her class, waving her away.

“Alright everyone, enough excitement. It’s time to begin our class for the day. So put away your cards and let’s begin.” Viola ordered as the class arranged itself to begin.

Viola Conda
08-16-10, 05:01 PM
“Welcome to the Officer’s Training Academy,” Viola said. “In the next two hours we will go over the expectations, the syllabus, and the first lesson for you hopefuls of the future. If you haven’t figured out who I am by now, I think your chances are growing slim to succeed.” Viola smiled at her own joke, which got only a few chuckles.

She lifted up the Syllabus sheet she worked on and placed it on a podium, sitting on a raised barstool. “You are all currently officers, or have positions waiting for you as soon as you become officers. To compensate for the need of the army you have all been placed in this fast track program. In three months we have to do a years worth of work. So in fairness I will detail what is to be expected of you. At the end of this course you will all participate in the final test that is divided into four different categories: Officer’s Conduct, National History, A Written Exam, and lastly, a War Game to monitor your skills in the field with a unit of warriors that will be assigned to you at the end of this class.”

A hand rose up and she looked at her roster of seats, seeing the name and looking to the student. “Elliot Hawk, if I’m not mistaken?” Viola answered. Elliot nodded.

“I was wondering how the scores are distributed, what areas have more weight than others, M‘am.” The entire classroom focused on her and she sighed looking to them all. Already they were trying to learn what they absolutely had to learn and what they shouldn’t have to learn.

“In the usual classes the Field test is the majority of the grade,” Viola replied honestly, noting how several students started getting lax. “In my class, I demand that my officers do well in three out of the four or they do not pass.” That stiffened a few spines. She noted that one student was already face down in the desk, and two others were looking off out the window. She looked to her roster sheet and sighed again. Lifting a pointing stick up she grabbed the syllabus and began walking down the isles.

“I feel that each facet of this class is important. We must know the history of our ancestors so we do not make the same mistakes. We must all be examples to the soldiers of fine officers, so that we have strict discipline. We must be educated and be able to clearly write out our thoughts and orders to eliminate confusion on the battle field. While these three seem so less important to the fourth obvious test, I feel they carry as much weight.”

Viola stepped next to the sleeping student and slammed her stick on the tip of the desk. The student rose his head up quickly, eyes wide and on her as he turned a sickly pale with red lines of embarrassment in his features.

“Don’t you agree, Captain Donovan?” The Captain of the Line gave her an awkward glance, nodding his head as she turned to the other two students. She had their attention as well. She smiled as she walked up the row again. “Conduct in this class is not really a big surprise. No swearing, no sleeping,” she looked into the back of Paul Donovan who cringed. “No note passing,” she sighed as her pointing stick skewered a note passing between two students. She brought it to her hand and opened it, glancing at the letters before crumbling it up and placing it in her pocket. “No eating, but I will allow exceptions for those who have duties that prevent them from eating in a timely manner.” She noted Jake’s hand rose up. She gestured for him to speak.

“What about water?” Jake asked.

“What about water, M’am?” Viola corrected the Lieutenant. “I will expect everyone to address any superior officer by their rank or titles as befits the station they have obtained. That being said, yes, I will allow water.” Jake smiled pulling out his canteen and taking a sip. She turned her head back and walked down the rows on the other side as she placed the pointing stick over her shoulder.

“These rules are really nothing extraordinary, so I will leave this syllabus on my desk for you all to sign. I expect each and every-” She stopped looking at Paul, who had his face in his palm and eyes closed. With a sigh she motioned to a student, an Advisor, who looked to Paul and poked him twice in the arm. Nothing. With a careful and fearful thrust of the arm Paul’s elbow lost its balance and he nearly slammed his nose in the desk. The classroom laughed.

“Didn’t sleep well last night, Captain?” Viola asked. Paul was about to reply before she lifted her hand up.

“That’s a rhetorical question, Captain Donovan. I do not need an answer that would be nothing ore than an excuse,” Viola spoke crassly. Paul’s eyes narrowed as he looked to his commanding officer.

“I was going to say, ’I’m sorry,’ but if you want to be a…” Paul’s tone softly faded as he stopped his train of thought quickly. Viola lifted one eyebrow up in challenge, daring him to finish, but instead he coughed and looked dead ahead at the chalkboard.

This is going to be a long three months, Viola thought.

Viola Conda
08-23-10, 03:20 AM
Viola looked to the clock upon the wall and with a soft sigh of relief she smiled to her students and nodded to them all. “Last thing I need from each of you is to sign the syllabus on your way out, then you are all dismissed.” A general wave of appreciation for the day ending lifted into a giant sigh as everyone stood up quickly, gathering up their materials and preparing to leave.

Viola turned her back and began to wipe at the chalkboard, the dust irritating her nose as she suppressed the urge to sneeze, the smell of the chalk like dried leaves. With an afterthought she turned to the room again. “Captain Donovan, a moment before you head out,” She asked. Paul nodded to her with a grumble and a look to Jake Falcon that told him he would catch up later. It took several minutes for the class to file out, but eventually all that was left was Viola and Paul. She escorted him to her office, sitting and motioning for the captain to sit. Paul reluctantly did so.

“Okay, I’m going to be blunt since you like it that way,” Viola said after a moment. “You fail this course, you fail to be Captain of the Line and I promote someone else in your stead.” Paul looked to her, and then with a soft nod he replied.

“Okay.” Viola looked to him with a bit of reluctance. To this Paul merely sighed. “What did you want me to say? No m’am, I won’t do it? I know the implications of this course, and I’ll do my best to pass.”

“So far your best is falling asleep during three key points on the final exam.” To that Paul merely shrugged. “Do you understand how badly you annoy me, Captain Donovan? I would expect a more professional demeanor from you considering the gravity of the situation. Your friends all held up their ends of the bargain, why haven‘t you?”

“Well… when a student fails a class,” Paul began, but Viola sighed cutting him off. “Look m’am, I’ll do my best and I’ll pass this course. Just you watch! I’ll make you proud of me! I understand that I got a rough challenge ahead of me, but I assure you, I’m making the right steps to get the job done!”

Viola observed Paul’s body language, seeing the passion of his confidence that he knew what he was doing, but she also saw something deep within his eyes, something she saw in many would be commander’s eyes; a sliver of doubt. Yet she knew Paul never really ever had a game plan until it was time to shine, and so far he had never let her down. He had come damn close, far to close for comfort several times, but never let her down. She nodded to him with a warm smile.

“That’s what I want to hear, Captain Donovan.” Paul smiled back to her. She noted he had a warming smile. It lacked some charm, but it made you feel comfortable to be around him. Strange considering half the Emprean army thought of him as nothing more than a savage barbarian that was just uncontrollable. To useful to throw away, but to out of line to effectively control.

She pondered how he would handle this next bit of news. She had assigned everyone but Paul their unit assignments, because Paul was yet again asleep when she passed them out. “You know that you have been assigned a unit to use as your training team, correct?”

Paul gave her a soft nod, still smiling as he spoke to her, “Yeah, it’s part of the curriculum. We each get assigned ten or so new recruits, and ten or so line soldiers to teach and train as our own personal squad. That squad‘s performance is evaluated as part of my final exam and I am to use them for a war game scenario.” Viola lifted his assignment sheet to him.

“Well, since you are a Hero of Emprea, you have been assigned a rather unique list of soldiers. Only five new recruits, all mysteriously from Fenris,” Viola said, her sarcasm oozing out as she looked to the Advisor who assigned the unit. Renald, Fulgrim’s superior officer, had assigned what she could assume was the a bunch of roughnecks and undisciplined soldiers who didn’t want to be disciplined. “And fifteen of the men and women you led in the wargames against Reven.”

Paul listened to the words and then suddenly his hand lifted up, motioning to look at the paper. Viola handed it to him and he read it over. With a small, dry sigh he sat back in his chair, his poise that of an irritated giant. “In short, all the barbarians and the people who don’ listen to anyone,” He mused with a sly smile. “No doubt the work of Fulgrim and his butt buddy, Renald.” Viola lowered her hand as she gave Paul a stern look.

“That is unacceptable conduct, Captain Donovan. I don’t care what personal transgressions you have with them, they are superior officers as well as members of the Emprean army which makes them comrades in arms. You will respect them and the rank they have earned.” Viola made sure to keep eye contact and with a hesitant nod Paul nodded softly, his face turning red.

“Sorry M’am,” Paul whispered. She looked to see his squirming features, and when she felt the moment had sunk in waved him away.

“You are dismissed, Captain Donovan,” Viola said. “I believe you have training with your new unit tonight, do you not?” Paul nodded to her standing.

“Indeed M’am, I must be on my way.” Paul bowed to her respectfully and turned ready to leave. Viola looked to him, watching his bulk fit through the door and start to head out. She silently prayed he would make her proud, for the cards were stacked against him and she didn‘t think his Iron Tiger would help in this particular game.


When the door shut Paul leaned against it with a heavy thud, letting out fuming breaths of hatred. He looked to the list again and nearly ripped the paper up. This was in no less terms, a screw job. The most obnoxious warriors in the army all found their way into his training unit. He knew some of them from the wargames, people he manipulated into what he wanted through force of will and little bit of encouragement from his fists. That wasn’t going to pass this time, however, as he needed to act like their superior officer and rule with the things this group of people loathed; discipline and respect.

He looked down the hall and noticed he saw Noel Spero talking with a young man Paul had seen a few times hanging around her. With a bit of a groan he pushed off the door and walked to greet the daughter of two his closest friends. When both soldiers saw him they gave him snap salute, Noel smiling to Paul. He had been to her house a couple times for dinner, his presence insisted by her mother, Hilde. He liked the girl well enough, a few years younger than he, but she was bit too much of a ditz and scatterbrained for his tastes.

Her complete and total lack of breasts didn’t make her any more desirable in that field either.

“Hiya Captain Donovan,” Noel said happily as she turned back to the other soldier. “You met Zyke Hazama before, right?” Paul looked to the man before him, he was maybe a year younger or older, with short hair and a flawless face. While Paul had met him once, he knew the guy was on the level. A junior Lieutenant who earned his rank by valor and deeds. Something Noel wasn’t able to boast. Zyke seemed to be the only person in all of Emprea to actually want to spend time with Noel.

“I believe we have,” Paul said lifting his hand out.

“Well small miracles of life,” Zyke joked as he shook the proffered hand. “I get to meet a real hero of Emprea. I am particularly fond of the stories I heard about how you charged out into the Dark Elven host with thirty or forty warriors and broke the eastern wall threatening your wall section. That and some of the crazy stunts you performed to like jumping off a castle wall to land on a dragon.” Paul chuckled.

“My deeds are being a bit misplaced. Jonothan was the one who broke the people on the wall. At the time I was riding a dragon screaming like a girl,” Paul joked. Hazama laughed politely, and Noel laughed forcefully in a rather pathetic grouping of chuckles. They both gave her an odd look. “Anyway, I must be going now, you two have fun.” Paul said looking to his roster. Noel looked to Paul and suddenly she lifted her hand up to stop him. In the process she smacked Hazama across the chin. This turned him aside as he cupped his face, Noel immediately apologizing as Paul turned to look to her.

Seeing she had his attention she completely ignored tending to Zyke’s injuries, which he silently mumbled under his breath his thanks to the various gods. “Um…I had something to tell you…Jake asked me to tell you it…“ She scratched the back of her head trying to think of it. “Oh! He found someone who could beat your Iron Tiger! Tomorrow after class you are to meet him in the library! It’s a secret!” Paul nodded to her with a laugh.

“I’m sure he did, now if you’ll excuse me I have a real fight on my hands. I get to tame a pack of wild barbarians,” Paul sassed. Noel smiled as she watched him leave, turning back to Hazama and remembering she hit him. Instantly she tried to help, lifting her hands to touch the sore spot only to accidentally poke him in the eye.

“I’m sorry!” She cried.

Viola Conda
08-23-10, 03:58 AM
Paul looked to his assigned training area with a lurching feeling in the pit of his stomach. The smell alone spoke volumes to the neglect of the building on the outskirts of the training halls near the forested exit towards the town of Aspen. A stench of mold filled his nostrils and the sight he saw was of a building covered in rotted wood. Discarded spears, broken staves, bent arrows, and barrels with several holes in them were littered in the room. The place look like it was the remains of a violent battle. A cesspool for degenerates. With a sigh he looked to his roster list again.

Yep, this was defiantly the spot.

Paul entered the room with authority as he slammed the door behind him shut. To his grimace he heard the wood groan something unhinge itself, and a loud yawn as the door fell back onto him striking the back of his head. Irritably he turned to the door and lifted it up and ripped the thing off the doorway and tossed it back outside before turning back inside to look at his unit of trainees. He took a few breaths, eyeing them with a dark glare before he stepped forwards, his boots crunching debris under his feet.

“Assemble yourselves into two rows, now!” Paul ordered. There was a bit of a hesitant start, but a few of the solders began to obey as others filed slowly into place. The whole process took about a minute as the soldiers had to shove barrels and other useless garbage out of their way to make room to stand. His eyes scanned each one, seeing who was being obedient, and who was being a nuisance. There were seven woman, each one athletic and toned in their own ways save for one who looked scrawny, wore very heavy eye liner, and looked like she was going to murder someone. Paul made a mental note to stay away from her.

When they were all assembled they stood at attention. Paul gave them a stern look as he paced down their lines, noting they assembled themselves twelve and eight on the sides. That meant they already started forming cliques within themselves. Only two people didn’t give him their attention. A short, barrel-chested man with a fiery red beard that ran down to his neck in a fan like formation. He had massive arms and legs, but he seemed almost stunted for his size. Across from him was a muscle necked power lifter, Shaven all over his face and head, his eyes challenging the other as he flexed every muscle in his body. The man was far more toned than even Paul, and it was rather revolting to the captain as he observed his legs were like a comic book ham. They both seemed to be trying to kill the other with their eyes.

“Far to long to assemble. Next time I want you assembled within five seconds when I call rows. I also want you all to be even, not scattered in odd assemblies,” Paul motioned to the two soldiers on the end of the longer row. He pointed to the one that was farthest and then thumbed the other side. He retreated to the other side. He then pointed to the next one and repeated the process. Now that he head equilibrium he paced down the rows towards the end of the building. There was a small podium, half rotted with moss, upon a squared stage only a step high. He stood before the podium and looked to his unit.

“I am Captain Paul Donovan, Line officer 1st Class of the Emprean army. That makes me captain of the entire Line,” Paul said sternly. “That makes me your superior officer,” Paul continued as he paced back through them. That last comment made several of the warriors chuckle. “Is something funny?” Paul said noting it was the two who were starring at each other that laughed, as well as the murderess looking woman.

“Superior by rank,” The beef necked soldier taunted. Paul shook his head stepping up to him. He had to look up to see into this guys eyes, but he didn’t back down. He eyed his new captain with casual contempt, like one would be when disregarding a weak opponent.

“Name soldier?” Paul asked. He crossed his hands over his chest.

“Frank Sagien,” He looked down upon Paul. “And I don’t think-” Before he could finish Paul’s fist flew into the man’s face, knocking a tooth loose. Before Frank could move onwards Paul shoved him into the barrel of broken spears, tripping him as he fell onto the floor in a splayed mess. The rest of the soldiers laughed at the display as Paul turned to all of them.

“Insubordination usually means I have to sign a bunch of paperwork to get you reprimanded. My authority as your commanding officer wouldn’t allow me strike you,” Paul gave them all a vile smile. “I don’t particularly care for that part of the officer’s handbook. Fear is not a way to rule, but if that’s what it takes to get you all to listen then I’ll do it.”

“You know if you punch us we can report you,” A soldier said feebly. Paul gave him a one eyed stare.

“I’m sure you can. Just know that in this den of savages the concept of cowardice is frowned upon, soldier,” Paul replied eying the other soldiers discreetly. As he expected, others began to make threatening glances at the youth who spoke about regulations. The sound of crashing and breaking filled the air as Frank stood up and looked to Paul, cracking his knuckles.

“Hit me again without your cheap ass sneak attacks!” He demanded. Paul shrugged and motioned for the man to charge. With a moment of hesitation he started barreling forwards, lifting his hands up to beat Paul’s face in. Before he could strike Paul turned and leapt forward shoulder first, hitting the man in the sternum disrupting his breathing in a sharp gasp before gripping his head and hip tossing him onto the ground.

“Done Frank?” Paul asked with curiosity. Frank made a snarling face and Paul stamped his foot again into the man’s chest, knocking his wind out a second time. Frank nodded weakly as he gasped for breath. The hero of Emprea looked to the others. “Any others?” There were several knuckles cracking as soldiers began to smile to him.

“You value strength do you?” Paul said. The room nodded. “You value strength above all else?” Again they nodded. Paul shook his head. “Then let me tell you something soldiers. If you don’t all act and be a unit, you’ll be kicked out of this academy and booted from the army. As of this moment, I want you all to know that you are being laughed at,” Paul observed some of them looking to him confused. He remained quiet and waited. He wanted to see what they would do about that insult. At last a woman lifted her hand and gestured to the room.

“Look at this dump,” She said. “We’re not here because we are elite soldiers. We’re in this dump because we look like savages to them! They are mocking us, and are trying to run us out of the army!” THere was murmur of agreement as the other men and women nodded to the logic.

“Your name?” Paul asked her. She smiled, showing a broken set of teeth that made Paul mentally flinch. She wasn’t much a looker, standing at five foot five, blond hair, and a strange reddish tinted eye color. Her hair was tied into two unappealing buns, but her body was well curved in the right places.

“Veronica Halsmier, Sir.” She saluted him. Paul nodded as he made mental notes to put her in charge when he wasn’t around.

“What else do you think?” Paul asked her, effectively giving her license to speak her mind. She hesitantly looked around, and then sheepishly shook her head. Paul looked to the man who spoke out earlier. Paul pointed to him, seeing a sudden revelation dawning on him. When he saw that Paul’s gaze turned to him he took a deep breath and then carefully pointed out soldiers.

“I noticed that…several people here already have a history with everyone else. I notice that everyone in this room has been on report several times for constant disobedience and defiance of superior officers. It’s like this is the grouping of last chancers. If we don’t get our act together, we won’t be in the army anymore.” Paul nodded as he looked to the rest of the unit.

“Exactly,” Paul paced again as he stooped low and picked up Frank, shoving him back into line. “You are all individually a bunch of hotheaded, stubborn, individuals and each one of you is nothing more than hulking barbarian to the rest of the army. You are a sick joke to make me fail my test. Well as some of you know from the wargames, I can make gold out of stones. Each of you is strong, each of you is a powerful soldier in your own right! You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t know how to fight and cause trouble. That’s the strength we are going to build upon, and turn into a weapon of Emprea. All you have to do is listen.”

Paul scanned their eyes and saw he had everyone’s attention. With a satisfied nod he looked to the room. “They want a diamond in the rough, then I say let’s start polishing. Starting tomorrow we are going to clean up this dump and make it our new base. For today though, I would like to get to know you people.”

Paul looked to them all and turned walking to the raked stage where he sat on the top step. He motioned for the rest of his unit to sit. They all did. “My name is Paul Donovan, now what is your name?” He said pointing to the nearest warrior.

Viola Conda
08-23-10, 04:32 PM
The early morning rush for food in the main mess hall was always a flurry of activity. It was the one time during the Emprean day of events that the largest congregation of soldiers stepped forward to eat. Advisors and Officers also used this as their first beak in the day to feast and catch up with friends and comrades. Tables twelve feet long lined up three deep, stacked in six rows covering the floor space save for a few circular tables where the officers and advisors ate. The normal social circles had began forming their own groupings, calling out over the din of noise to people of their own social clan. Some of the soldiers played Redraze in large semi circles, others began working on those papers due within a few hours time, and Advisors merely went over their briefs while sipping at the caffeinated beverages they favored from the Islands of the Black Archipelago.

The hall was vast and large, like a vaulted cathedral of Salvar that seemed to stretch forever. In emergency situations or massive briefings before maneuvers the tables would be pushed aside to accommodate three fourths of the entire army. The very back of the mess hall was capable to being turned into a stage where Viola had spoken many times to the soldiers, as did King Horus. Today was just a normal day however. Paul exited the line with David at his side, both men talking merrily as they searched for where they would sit today.

David King was Paul’s best friend, a comrade he grew up with in the city of Aspen. The two played off each other well, for Paul was usually violent and explosive, and David was more calm and precise. He stood at the same height as Paul, but where Donovan was bulky, David was more defined. He also had a stunning set of hair. Every now in then, in mid sentence he would notice a strand that was out of place, and with an irritable apology he would fix it, smiling before returning to conversation. That earned him a reputation of being an egotist, but as the Captain of the Guard he took the label with pride.

“So you punched the guy in the face, huh?” David said with a chuckle. “Yep, you’re so going to win their respect. Brute force and a knuckle sandwich for everyone who disobeys you.” Paul sheepishly laughed as they looked to the table before them. Sitting at the opposite end of the circular wooden platform were the other heroes of Emprea save Viola. Jonothan Andrews, the Lord of the House Knights, and Rachel Leona were sitting next to each other, both making cute faces as they talked and ate. Brian McCorvan, the leader of the nighthawk assassins group of Emprea sat with a large helping of food easily fit for two people.

“Feeding for two now, huh?” Paul joked sitting down next to Rachel, who smiled to her brother as she lifted his sausage links up and deposited in its place her toast. Smiling Paul dug into his food, eating it like a savage wolf with large bites and swallowing the food without chewing it more than once or twice.

“Watching you eat is a great diet program,” Brian said shoving his food away. Paul shrugged and pulled the plate over grabbing Brian’s toast and tossing the sausage onto Rachel’s plate. The master of assassins merely laughed drinking from his glass of orange juice. David merely looked to Paul with a bemused look before he lifted up his napkin wiping his face clean before he spoke.

“Jonothan, I have to decline our chess game today, as I have a commitment tonight,” David said politely reaching for the bottle of ketchup that sat in front of Jonothan. His plate was red with the stuff, all of his food covered in it. Jonothan pushed the bottle over before nodding.

“I was actually about to tell you there was something interesting going on tonight that I wanted to watch and asked if you would like to postpone it. Fate seems to work in our favor,” Jonothan said lifting his fork and eating more his eggs.

“What’s that?” Paul asked, shoveling more food into his mouth. Rachel nodded her agreement as she shoveled the sausage into her mouth at the same rapid fire rate Paul did. The only difference was she chewed her food.

“Seriously, why isn’t this being marketed,” Brian continued on. “It’s so disgusting to watch…” Paul took his fork and pointed it to Brian.

“Watch it buddy!” Brian laughed at that as Jonothan rolled his eyes. He lifted up his hands to the table and rested them there for a moment.

“I heard there is going to be a big fight tonight near the library,” He spoke so causally that it was an afterthought in the way he presented it. Paul kept shoveling food down his face as he ate more of his eggs, lifting the plate up and scooping it together before going at it again like a wolf. The table was silent as Paul ate, and David sighed smacking Paul upside the head.

“WHAT?” Paul bellowed. He had a pet peeve of being hit in the head. It was one of the few things to instantly get Paul angry fast. David and Rachel did it constantly, and he allowed it to slide with only an irritated look and rising tone of voice. Others, however, got a more severe backlash of verbal hatred and sometimes physicality.

“He’s talking about your Redraze game tonight against that mystery opponent,” David pointed out. “You got any ideas who it will be?” Paul shrugged indifferently. “I’d be worrying about your precious undefeated streak if I were you.”

“First of, the Iron Tiger will not lose, second off,” He turned to Jonothan. “I thought you hated the game.”

“I do hate that stupid card game,” Jonothan replied quickly with a smile. “But I do like to support my friends.” Paul gave him a heartwarming smile.

“Thanks,” He replied sheepishly. David and Jonothan continued to talk about their different chess games while Rachel, Paul, and Brian all spoke about the news and events going on. Out of the corner of his eye the Captain of the Line noticed that the woman from his class with the look of death upon her was making eye contact with him, lifting her knife up and stabbing a particularly meaty looking dish. Paul’s eyes widened in confusion as she ran one finger under her throat. Then, without taking her gaze off him she lifted the meat up and took a wild bite out of it.

“That…was creepy,” Paul said to Rachel as she noticed the deranged looking soldier.

“One of your new barbarians?” She asked lifting up the last link of sausage and eating it in one bite. Paul nodded dumbly unable to take his eyes off her. Rachel merely shook Paul’s shoulder to get him out of his daze as he turned to her.

“So, any hopefuls for a date to the ball?” Paul shook his head with a half hearted shrug.

“Not yet, but I got my eye on a few of the ladies. What about you, Brian?” The assassin nodded.

“One of my assassins and I agreed to go together, Sonya.” David nodded his head recalling the girl. Paul did too. She wasn’t much, like Brian a bit overweight, but hey, at least he had a date.

“What about you, King?” Paul asked. To that David merely smiled.

“I was asked out by Natalie Boros,” David said smugly. “Naturally, I couldn’t turn away such a beautiful woman,” He said using his trademark grin. The table laughed as Paul stood up.

“Figures you’d get the eye candy this year. Just you wait, I’ll find someone who will blow all your minds away.”

“Paul didn’t you make that promise last year?” Rachel teased. Paul shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah you did! You ended up taking that one girl who…uh…” Paul sighed heavily. The woman he took he had dated for a year and a half, and after the ball she decided to let him know she was cheating on him with another Captain. It wasn’t a pleasant evening for him, as he was eventually thrown into the prison for solitary confinement for breaking several of the plants in the garden including assaulting a fellow officer. As far as Paul was concerned, the Captain deserved it for going behind his back and taking his woman.

“Thanks for the memories,” Paul chided. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I got to train with the barbarians.” Paul excused himself as he walked down to the exit doors, noticing the familiar dark presence of the woman who wanted to murder him it seemed. He looked behind her, saw her and stopped and so did she.

“You…you got something to say to me?” Paul asked bluntly.

“No,” She said flatly. Paul looked to her again in a confused state, titling his head before lifting his arms up in defeat. She took that as her sign to catch up and she walked next to him as they made their way to the shattered training room.

Viola Conda
08-23-10, 05:15 PM
As he expected, only fourteen of his students had arrived on time. By the time he was there he had relearned the names of the people who had shown up save the creepy girl who refused to talk to him. Paul sat outside the room and waited, until he saw the last group of stragglers coming. Paul ordered everyone to attention and the group meandered their way over to the lines. Irritably Paul lifted himself up and moved to talk to his unit.

“Late, Late, Late.” He pointed to the eight and told them of their violations. “I don’t think it’s fair that everyone else was ready to go and you guys were not. So…how do you feel like having your hands and feet tied like a pig and letting those who came on time put the boots to you for every minute your late?” Paul asked the group. There was a soft coughing sound of discomfort.

“Thought so,” Paul said dryly. “Today we are going to work together as a team. Last night we made great progress, but that’s not enough. We learned who we are, what walks of life we traveled, and how we became what we are today. To fight as a unit I believe whole heartedly in respect of the people who are going to live and die for you,” Paul paced them up and down. When he mentioned the words live and die the murderess lifted her head, glaring to him. He noted that for later but kept his speech moving.

“I think that each of you have some personal history with each other, some form of transgression that makes you hate the other. Well that hates ends here and now. Just like this dump of a building, we’re going to tear it all down. I asked the Engineers Corp if I broke down the walls and floor would they rebuild the place. They agreed under one condition,” Paul held the condition for a moment, getting them to listen to him.

“We need to have Viola Conda’s permission first,” Paul said dryly. “I can’t do that unless I prove to her that this building is worth it. This shithole is our new home, whether we like it or not,” Paul said lifting a hand to the rotted wooden flooring. “I’d like it to change, but that depends on you.”

“Can you shut up and get to the fighting?” The murderess asked. To that there was a general mumble of agreement. Paul looked to her with a dark eye as he looked to his men. What he once thought he had was gone. The people respected strength only, and he began to silently grow frustrated that he couldn’t get them to think beyond fighting. He wasn’t able to punch them everyday to get them to obey.

“You all know how to fight, now we need to learn to fight as a unit,” Paul tried to explain. Frank lifted his hand up, holding a double sided axe high in the air.

“Why don’t you just set us loose and we’ll show you our fighting prowess is unstoppable. Anything you want, anything at all! I‘ll take down more than anyone else in this group of losers!” To that Paul merely shook his head angrily. They weren’t ready to listen to him. He grew annoyed and stamped his foot in the dirt.

“SHUT UP!” Paul roared. “You idiots don’t grasp the situation do you? We need to learn to be a team, or else we all get canned from the army! I’m trying to save you guys here from being let go!”

“You don’t care about us!” The murderess said darkly. “All you care about is your silly promotion!” To that she got a chorus of barking lunatics agreeing with her. Paul was fast losing control and he realized he couldn’t get them to stop. Irritably he looked to them and found his anger rising. Why couldn’t they see what he saw? This situation was so stupid to him! They wouldn’t learn if he kept shouting at them, and he ran out of ideas to control them.

Paul turned his back to them, thinking quickly as he looked at the building. Its rotted corpse like state brought nothing to him, no ideas. Yet as he looked to it he suddenly had a thought, thinking back to his own words with a sly smile. Turning around he looked at them.

“You want to fight?” Paul asked. They all eagerly nodded. “Fine wait here and get ready to fight,” Paul replied walking off towards the edge of the buildings where the newer training halls were built. They all looked to each other before some started preparing themselves. Others lounged around bored, while others talked about nonsense. Only two people were curious as to what was happening; the murderess, and the soldier who spoke up to support Paul’s claims about the groups situation the day before.

Paul returned with nothing at his back, looking to them all. A few concerned faces looked behind him, as if he was hiding something. Some began to chuckle at his empty threat. “You ready for your beating, children?” He stopped before his barbarians, seeing their faces suddenly turning pale and white as his promise and his plan was revealed. Frank’s features dropped to shock, his mouth gaping and the woman with death in her eyes even seemed to shy away from the confrontation. They were all taking fearful steps back, each one pushing the other in front as they scrambled away from the coming horde.

“WHOA, cowardice?” Paul teased. “You all afraid of some petty little line soldiers? What’s the matter guys? Your spine ran away?” Marching around the corner came Hilde and Herald Spero, followed by fifty members of their companies for a total of a hundred trained individual warriors who were disciplined. They walked in perfect formation, their faces ready for the coming fight and holding a grace about them that could only come from a military background. They lined up in perfect rows of ten soldiers, each looking dead ahead without looking anywhere else. Hilde called for them to stop as Herald approached Paul.

“What the FUCK is this?” Frank screamed. Paul laughed as he turned to Herald and shook his hand, bowing to Hilde who smiled to him with devilish intent. “What the hell? That’s not even close to being fair!”

“What is the matter?” Paul asked angrily. “Not five minutes ago you were all ready for a fight, wanting to shed some blood and prove you were all a bunch of badasses. Here’s the reality of life my warriors. It’s come to trample you under their disciplined shoes. There is no backing down now, so I’d get ready to fight if I were you…”

“First line!” Herald ordered. The first warrior in each row stepped forward and lowered themselves, lifting up tall tower shields. “Second line!” Behind them the next row stepped forward, lifting blunt tipped spears over the shieldmen’s shoulders. “Third line!” From the third row an archer stepped forward, tilting a bow up and notching blunt tipped arrows over the other shoulder of the tower shield carrier.

The sight made the barbarians lose their nerves as they started panicking, some cursing out the others for their brilliant idea, shoving them forwards to be the first to die. Frank and the squat man from yesterday were once again going to blows with each other as they violently cursed the other out. Paul shook his head sadly. ‘

“LOOK AT YOURSELVES!” He bellowed, his anger clear as day as his words echoed deeply into the air scattering birds from nearby trees. Hilde flinched at the shout and Herald gave Paul a concerned look. “You bickering imbeciles! Instead of prepare to fight the enemy you instead fight each other! What shame is before my eyes that I wish to gouge them out with a damned rusty spoon! Who of you is carrying great weapons?” Paul ordered. Seven soldiers lifted up their great weapons, and Paul pointed for them to step forward.

“Get in a god damn line!” They did so. “Who’s dual wielding?” The majority of the group rose their weapons. Paul pointed in front of the great weapons. They quickly formed up in front of them. “How many of you carry a shield to battle?” The rest all lifted their weapons up. “Get in front. You’re all going to fight this, but I’ll be damned if I don’t offer some advice before you get your asses collectively whipped.”

“Sir, we can’t beat them!” Frank shouted.

“Oh, now I’m your commanding officer?” Paul asked in mock shock. “Shove it Frank, you’re going to get your fight, and the reason why is because your all a bunch of stubborn mules! Not a single damned one of you knows how to fight as a team. Well guess what. If you don’t learn real quick you’ll all be beaten to a pulp.” Paul turned to Hilde and Herald. “You are like me, you guys. You don’t learn a damned thing until it’s too late to learn. Well, the lesson is beginning at their mark. So best get ready to take notes.”

Hilde and Herald looked to the barbarians with a keen eye, neither one motioning to the other or saying anything. Their soldiers stayed in position flawlessly, none moving or making any advancing motions. They stoically stood ready for their orders. The barbarians all looked to their line and it began to crack quickly as some asked to switch places. The majority of the great weapons wanted to get into the front to start things off, some dual wielders would rather be in the back to pick of stragglers. The organized unit Paul created was reformed in seconds, and it looked more akin to a rag tag group of mercenaries. Paul shook his head.

The barbarians all looked concerned, some shifting uncontrollably as they couldn’t take the pressure. Hilde and Herald waited, and waited. Frank looked to his stunted counter part and they both gave each other a concerned look of worry.

“NOW!” Hilde and Herald shouted as one entity, the soldiers rushing forward in a tidal wave. Only the first three rows charged, already in their formation. Quickly Herald and Hilde began forming the second wave. Paul waved them off, they weren’t going to be needed.

The barbarians became a confused hulk of mass, each turning to the charge and tripping on each other as some broke their courage and tried to flee, others wanting in on the bloodletting. The panic they caused in each other eventually led to the soldiers literally slamming into them, and over them. One charge and Donovan’s mighty barbarians were crushed. The Soldier’s broke off, the sheildmen rushing off as the spearmen dropped their weapons and pulled out wooden swords, beating the barbarians like savages. The archers followed the shields, turning with them as the shields planted themselves in the dirt. The archers fired at the fallen warriors, keeping them down as the Emprean Line beat into them.

Paul nodded once and the next wave charged in. No the barbarians were boxed in and they were soon crushed to nothing more than busted, broken bodies. At last Hilde called them off, Herald ordering them back into organized lines where he marched them back to their proper training. Paul thanked the two as he bowed to them, turning to the bloodied mess before him.

“Well, I think you guys did well,” Paul said sarcastically. “Clean yourselves up, and get ready for tomorrows training.” Paul walked towards the main castle. “Oh, and if you are late again, I’ll make you run a gauntlet against those soldiers by yourself for a total time equal to how long your late.”

Their response was a loud chorus of groans and moans. Paul smiled to them as he looked to the rotted building. Once I tear this place down, I can rebuild it. So to will it be with you guys. He thought smugly.

Viola Conda
08-28-10, 12:11 AM
Viola and Natalie sat across each other in the mess hall. The dinner bell had yet to be sounded and the two took advantage of getting in early before the rush. Viola lazily stirred her tea as she looked at the paperwork for her first exam on officer’s conduct. So far the vast majority of the students had improved from their initial exam scores when Fulgrim was teacher, save a few students. Of course, the one who did the worst was Paul Donovan, but at least his answers made her smile.

When she found a particular interesting insight on Paul Donovan’s “How Things Should Be Done” answers, she would voice them to Natalie who would either slap the table with tears in her eyes, or just remain slack jawed in complete confusion how ones mind could work so singularly minded. The one they both enjoyed was Paul’s narrow view point on how to handle a rowdy solider who was insubordinate. It involved one fist, one mouth, and a bucket full of blood.

She was starting to wonder about their chat a few nights prior. A week had passed in the class and already rumors were starting to circulate about how the trainees were fairing with their commanders. Paul’s barbarians had been noted to be beaten to bloody pulps by Hilde and Herald Spero’s line soldiers, which after seeing how he conducts his authority was no real surprise. What was a surprise was Paul wasn’t the only one having trouble controlling the rowdy members of their units. Jake and Elliot had both been using each other for sparring practice with their groups, instilling the same competitive drive that Jonothan Andrews and David King used in their men. In theory it was a marvelous idea, but eventually it resulted in one disagreement turning to blows that she was aware of. The bruises on both men’s arms indicated that had happened many more times that she wasn‘t aware of.

Others had their own trials and problems. She was asked how to handle several problems by her students during group discussions, and she imparted whatever wisdom she had on the situations they presented. It seemed Donovan wasn’t the only soldier with his fair share of troublemakers. Every group of soldiers had bad apples, and it was how the officer handled the situation that defined them. She silently prayed they would all do well, and figured it wouldn’t hurt to touch her rabbits foot when it came to Paul.

“Your doing that thing where you aren’t talking to me,” Natalie said, smiling as she lifted her glass to her lips and drank looking at the time. Viola shook herself back into the moment, feeling a little embarrassed that she once again got side tracked. She looked to her tea and sipped the liquid, feeling the warmth relax her nerves and clear her mind. She turned her attentions to her food, cutting a small portion of the steak she had and chewing it like a mouse would nibble a piece of cheese.

“You’re so adorable when you eat!” Natalie teased. Iola wavered her away, before she noticed the Captain had nearly emptied her plate. Viola knew she wasn’t eating nearly as fast as the girl, but to be that far behind? She looked to the clock.

“By the gods, Captain Boros, you ate your steak in eight minutes! We have no scheduled events for the evening, so what’s the big rush?” Natalie turned slightly red at the cheeks as she looked to the clock. Viola knew that look, and she lowered her eyes in suspicion.

“That stupid card game again, isn’t it?” Viola leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms like she caught Natalie’s hand in the cookie jar.

“Well, it’s just David is rumored to be going to the big game. Jake’s mystery opponent in Brian wasn’t really much of a challenge for Paul. I don’t know why he thought his illegal version of the Sword Summoner would work…” Natalie began rambling on and on about the intricate details of the game, mentioning that the master of assassins used a deck type that apparently was so broken in the game world that it was banned from tournament play. That was really more than Viola ever wanted to care to know about the stupid game.

“I can’t tell if you are excited to see Captain King, or about this stupid card game.” Viola took another bite of her food. Natalie’s cheeks flushed red again, she was practically turning into a strawberry at this point.

“Look, it’s my hobby, alright,” She said defensively. “I happen to really enjoy the game, and the fact that David likes it is kind of…cute.” She replied with a mumble.

“I don’t see how playing cards can be cute,” Viola muttered under her breath. It wasn’t quiet enough as Natalie shot her a dirty look. The Chief Counselor merely took another chunk of steak. “So when is this new big game, and when was it set up?” Natalie lifted a wary finger to Viola.

“That sounds like you’re interested in the gossip, and the game!” Viola merely shrugged.

“Troop morale is important to the Emprean Army,” Viola said sternly as if she was giving a speech before the army. “If these little events really brighten people’s days I would wish to see one and learn how its hosted so that perhaps Emprea can use it to its advantage. Nothing motivates the soldiers like a happy heart. A piss poor moral won’t get anything accomplished. So yes, Captain Boros, I‘d like to learn about the game and the way it spreads. If only for troop morale.”

“Wow, can anything you do be just for yourself, M’am?” Natalie asked, a little stunned that Viola had to do everything for the betterment of Emprea. “Seriously, I think you’d enjoy the game if you played it, ya know, for yourself.” Viola merely lifted her fork up with a sly smile as she took a bite.

“Who is claiming I haven’t picked up a rule book?” Viola chewed her food neatly as Natalie gave her a coy smile. “Do not confuse that with me actually wishing to play. The game looks far to silly for me to get into. I just figure since everyone talks about the dumb game so much that I might as well learn the lingo.”

“I suppose. Jake has found the ultimate mystery opponent for Paul. He set the game up after your class yesterday in the mess hall. A formal challenge. Paul shrugged, took the challenge and at first everyone seemed to think that Paul would win, but when Jake revealed it would be a Freezing Djinn deck Paul became a little perturbed. Like he was concerned for the first time!” Natalie seemed genuinely excited about the turn of events. “The game is in fifteen minutes, so hurry up M’am!” Viola’s eyes shot open.

“Me? What ever on earth for?” Viola sipped her tea.

“Because I used Noel Spero of all people to go to the last event!” Natalie sighed to herself as she placed an urgent hand on Viola, tempting her away. “Besides, you want to study how these things work for troop morale, right?” Viola sighed as she stood up, lifting one last piece of meat into her mouth.

“I do not know why you drag me into these things, Captain Boros,” Viola whined.

Viola Conda
08-28-10, 01:21 AM
The Emprean Library was a large three story structure. The first floor was linked to the surface level of the rest of the castle, with a basement level as the third floor. All forms of information could be found from different battles of history, files on former Legends of Emprea, and the basement was covered with detailed maps of the surrounding world as well as the most up to date information on world’s cultures and events. The basement was where most people studied for their advisors training, the second level for bored soldiers looking for a good read, and the top level was for the officers to learn about the history of previous events.

Tension within the library was thick already before Viola had even arrived. She noted Natalie found David and immediately she began to play with her hair, checking a nearby window to see if her hair was right. Viola merely rolled her eyes as she looked out across the three story bookroom. On the basement floor was a table set up with two chairs, and enough space to let the combatants play. Nobody was congregated around the table, as if it was some holy altar. Viola was wondering just how deep these people took the card game.

With a sigh she watched as David seemed to flawlessly glide over. His hand reached for hers where he gently planted his lips to her hand, bowing to her. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” David asked softly, a smile on his face as he rose to Natalie. She was redder than a strawberry, at last achieving that state with one simple action from David King. Viola wanted to wretch at the show, but she knew Natalie was simply eating this up.

“I, um, well I came, to, erm, well, I,” Viola lifted an eyebrow with a smile as she hid behind a bookshelf. Natalie was sinking faster than a ship as she looked to David and lost her voice. The Captain of the Guard merely smiled as he waited for her to formulate her words. Natalie continued to squirm, her body language showing she was going to fully collapse at any minute with panic. A deep sigh escaped the Chief Counselors lips as she stepped forwards behind Captain Boros.

“Captain King,” Viola nodded her head to him. He turned to her and offered a curt military bow. “Captain Boros and I came to see the festivities. It’s apparently a big happening in this castle. Almost as legendary as your chess games with Jonothan Andrews.” David merely laughed to that, which Natalie then began laughing, awkwardly as well.

“Well it’s not everyday an undefeated deck roams the halls of Emprea. I am surprised in Paul, he’s done well to smash his opposition, but,” David merely wiped a hand through his hair. “Well I do like to see heroes fall sometimes,” He joked. Viola smiled to him as he excused himself, looking to Jake who spotted him from across the hall. Their was a hushed excitement in the air and Viola had to admit there was a certain excitement as she watched.

“Ah, Commander Conda!” A strong voice said from behind her. The Chief Counselor turned and looked upon a man in light leather armor. His clothing was black and forest green, the better to show off his long, blond hair. He had piercing brown eyes, like a hawks, and a chiseled face like he was made out of a marble stone. He was taller by Viola by a head, and he favored her with a perfect set of white teeth.

“Commander El’Johnson,” Viola looked surprised to see the Line Officer, Second Class before her in the library for the gathering. Charles El’Johnson gave her a polite nod of his head as he moved to her side, walking with her up the steps to the third level where they could have a moment of peace.

“I do dabble myself in this vice,” He admitted to her in a low voice. “Like Captain Donovan I pride myself on the Iron Tiger, a powerful beast of a deck,” He smiled affectionately patting his House Symbol, a head of a lion. “Do you play yourself, Commander?” Viola shook her head, but made sure not to do so to hastily. She didn’t want to offend the man for his choice of hobbies, as stupid as she thought they may be. “A pity, and a blessing,” He said as he lifted himself to the top of the staircase looking at a table in a corner with a sly smile.

Viola turned her gaze to follow his, and her eyes narrowed in amusement as she noticed studying hard at the wooden desk was Captain Paul Donovan. His Redraze deck was in front of him, neatly arranged and ready for war, but scattered all around him was books and a notepad scribbled with all sorts of notes.

“Well well,” Viola said. “I didn’t expect him to be studying before the big game.” Captain El’Johnson gave her a surprised look.

“Captain Donovan? He’s been a wonderful example of a hard working student. Every night he is in this library, working on his tests and essays for the classes. Sometimes, most of time, David King is with him, or Jonothan Andrews. At other times Rachel will arrive to lend him aid where he needs it, or a break with food. Brian stops by as well, but rarely anymore after Paul beat the stuffing out of him.”

“I never would have guessed the Captain with an iron fist would be nose first in a book,” The Captain of the Line smiled to her. Viola continued to look at Paul as he read something in a book, scribbled some notes down, and went back to reading.

“He’s taking this class seriously, Commander,” The taller officer stepped to the side and looked down over the group of Redraze enthusiasts. “I had an opportunity to talk with him yesterday. I had asked him if he had any ideas for my deck, and one topic led to another. He’s very determined M’am, I thought you should know this.” Viola nodded to that as she continued to stare at him. It still seemed so odd that the most obnoxious officer in Emprea was studying. She laughed to herself, thinking of the absurdity of it all.

“Game time, Captain Donovan!” Jake called out from below. The Emprean people below began stirring as everyone took their places, Jake standing next to the table where the combatants would play. Paul snapped the book shut and lifted his deck, walking and shuffling it until he stopped looking at Viola with confusion.

They looked into each other’s eyes and Viola felt something in her chest flutter. His eyes were a beautiful hazel, she realized for the first time. She motioned for him to carry on with a smile and he returned it with a goofy look and a warm grin as he stretched his shoulders out and went back to shuffling his deck, a little more bounce to his step.

The crowd had cheered for Paul as he swiftly made the steps to the bottom level, jumping the last five in his enthusiasm as he made way to his seat. The normal wooden chairs were replaced by two padded arm rests, and two mats were rolled before the seats. One was of a savannah, the natural home of the Iron Tiger, and the other was of a frozen Tundra, naturally the home of the Freezing Djinn. That much Viola could discern as Paul stood waiting by his chair, placing his deck on the table. It was riddled with age, like something he possessed from his childhood, but it was lovingly cared for.

“If you have trouble following, I can break it down for you, Commander,” Charles said politely. Vila gave him a thank you nod, and he stepped in a little closer to his commander so she could hear his voice. Jake looked to everyone like a mighty ringleader, opening his arms wide for them all to see. Paul nodded to somebody off in the corner, and Viola turned to see Rachel and Jonothan looking back and waving.

“Alright everyone, this is my last chance Mystery Fight!” Jake explained to the awaiting audience. “Paul’s Iron Tiger deck is so far one hundred and seventy two confirmed battles and zero. Nobody in Emprea has claimed to have defeated him, so that makes his deck undefeated.” The audience all looked to Jake, and when he thought about the words he just spoke he chuckled. “Which, would make that last comment…Ya know what, I’m talking too much. Paul Donovan, tonight’s opponent is a Freezing Djinn deck. As you can see, the age of the deck against you is as old as yours. Would you care to guess who it is?”

“No guess work required,” Paul said confidently as he looked behind Jkake. “You do love your theatrics, don’t you, David?” Paul’s childhood friend stepped out of the shadows with a wide smile, his face alight as he walked forward. There was a hushed gasp as some of the audience couldn’t believe that David King was the mystery opponent, others merely scoffed the idea that Paul would lose. Viola felt her own excitement at the prospect of the two fighting. She could see why everyone enjoyed the game so much as she looked to Charles, who smiled as well, clearly excited by the revelation of the mystery opponent.

“Indeed I do, Donovan,” David sat in the chair first, and Paul joined him in his own seat. The two traded decks and they began shuffling. “Now, I know you worked hard, Donovan, to build this reputation, but I am a bit ashamed that you didn’t admit in our childhood I whooped the crap out of the Iron Tiger day in and day out.”

“That was then, King, this is now. I learned some new tricks, tricks you haven’t seen before.”

“Then with all genuine sincerity, Paul, I look forward to a good fight,” David extended his hand, and Paul shook it as the two began to draw cards from their decks. Viola watched as both played a card at the same time, the opening moves to determine the pace of the game.

“Blizzard,” David said coldly.

“Tiger Rush. Low attack, dodges your Blizzard,” Paul said flipping a coin in the air. David snatched it with a deft hand dropping it to his Djinn as if he had done this several times before. He played a card and drew some more as did Paul.

“Now that I didn’t get, what does the coin mean?”

“Iron Tiger has a special ability called Blood Scent. Whenever he does a move with his Iron Tiger that connects, blocked or not, with the foe, he places a coin on them. This coin means David needs to expend more resources to move his Djinn away, and Paul spends less to bring him closer with special Hunt moves. Think of it as the tiger marking its prey, so to speak.” Viola nodded.

“Stab, Stab, Lunge, Ice Pillar of Winter!” David said dropping three cards in rapid succession.

“Block, Block, Block, Tiger Pounce,” Paul replied. David drew some cards as the soldiers began cheering for Paul. The game revolved back and forth, David moving in perfect combinations, Paul using his blocks and power to keep David’s Djinn off him. It seemed the normally aggressive Paul was playing a more turtling style, and David was the aggressor. Viola voiced her observations and Charles waited a moment before replying.

“Normally, Paul attacks with impunity. He has an attack, the Tiger Claw strike, that ignores most of David’s freeze moves. However, if Paul times his attacks wrong, David gets to start off his combinations. Paul can take damage, but he can’t suffer more than three combos before event he Iron Tiger is knocked out.”

As if to prove her point Paul did the claw strike, and David laughed with mirth as he began to rapidly play card after card after card. Paul drew several cards from his defensive deck, looking carefully to his hidden card on the outside of the playing field. The attack kept coming until David dropped one last card and looked to Paul.

“Iron Tiger stands.” Paul said as his only action. David played a few cards, but Paul interrupted him.

“Tiger Roar!” He shouted playing his ace trick. David lowered his confident smile.

“Alright, it is an interrupt to all projectile attacks, which I was performing.” Paul nodded as he played a set of two cards.

“Jump, Emerald Tiger Pounce!” Paul said, as if this was to finish the game.

“Oh, well looks like that is that,” Viola said happily as she looked to Paul with triumph in her eyes. She secretly didn’t know why, but she felt elated to know he had won yet again. Charles was in the middle of nodding, until the crowd exploded in gasps and shocks.

“Don’t bother!” David shouted dropping a card. “You’re mine!” He followed up with another card. Paul’s face dropped in anger and frustration as he began to draw up defense cards. David followed up with another card, and the audience cringed. “Ice Dagger!” He shouted, letting off one his finishing attacks. Paul groaned as his Iron Tiger’s health depleted dangerously close to Zero. David rushed his Djinn forwards, playing another card.

“Tiger Fury Strikes!” Paul shouted in desperation as he played another finisher card. David bellowed his annoyance as he looked through his hand swiftly, dropping down another card. Viola sighed in relief as she saw the group below her exhale in relief. It seemed Paul had the game.

“Bastard, not that easily ! Rapid Cancel!” Viola’s eyes turned narrow in confusion. Paul should have one there! Charles quickly spoke.

“Rapid Cancel is basically an undo card. When you commit to a strike like a finishing maneuver, or a two part hit, you can play the Rapid Cancel to effectively Undo the attack. There are conditions to playing it however, as David has to discard a finisher card in order to play it. Still, he was inches from being pulled into the Tiger Fury Strikes thanks to Paul’s Blood Scent.”

Viola watched as Paul’s hands shook violently, the rush of battle clear on his face. David’s face was still confident, but the smile turned into a more grim look of determination. He hadn’t expected Paul to still be alive and well. Paul didn’t expect David to have an ace up his sleeve.

“Now the game is a cat and mouse. Paul has more Hit Points left, but that can easily change with a combo to zero.” Natalie squealed in delight as David played another card and again the pendulum turned. Paul cursed loudly as he drew card after card, David’s Pillar of Ice freezing the Iron Tiger in place. He opened up with a vicious set of moves, launching the Iron Tiger supposedly into the air for more damage.

“Barrier Burst!” Paul shouted quickly tossing in his trump card. The barrier burst Viola knew was a player’s last desperate chance to come back. It was only allowed to be played when the opponent was in the middle of a combo on you and you cannot play any defense cards. Still it only pushed David away, and Viola was starting to see that David had better pokes than Paul.

She smiled thinking of their fighting styles. Paul’s massive strength and brute force with an axe was terrifying for David in battle. He had to be precise and keep Paul at bay with just a sword, but he oculd maneuver that sword so much better than Paul could his axe, and she would bet good money that David King knew Paul was stuck on options.

They both looked to each other, one move away from defeat. David gave Paul a wide smile and Paul lowered his hand smiling to him.

“Damn good game Donovan, hadn’t had one of these in forever,” the Captain of the guard admitted. Paul nodded.

“This is definitely a rush. Shall we end this?” Paul asked. David nodded once.

“I think we shall Paul,” David replied. “Ice Walk!” He played his quick move card, and Paul replied with a jump and another pounce card. David used his barrier burst, and all the cards were in. They had just what they had in their hands. Paul opened with Tiger Strike, and everyone held their breaths. Viola held her hand to her heart, feeling Paul’s excitement all the way from the bottom of the library to the top.

“TIGER SWIPE!” Paul shouted. David tossed the card up in the air, like a professional poker player who went all in, and his final draw was the game winning card.

“Blizzard, followed by-”

“NO! DAMMIT, DAMMIT, DAMMIT!” Paul screamed in rage as he watched the interrupt attack connect. David spoke louder, over his friend.

“Thousand arrows of ice! Freeze the Iron Tiger and end this!” Paul’s hand dropped to the table and he shoved his face into his palms, gripping the side of his hair and pulling tight.

“I promised never to let that happen again,” Paul whispered loudly as the crowd stood in shock. Viola could tell just by looking that some childhood memory had began surfacing in Paul’s mind, like a nightmare set on repeat as he watched the events unfold not just before him, but multiple times in the past. “I promised never to let you beat me like that again. Any other way, King, ANYOTHER FUCKING WAY-”

“Anyway but the way I have beaten you since we were kids,” David finished for Paul extending his hand to him. Paul took in a deep breath of frustration, stood up and took David’s hand and shook it earnestly. David stood with him, patting him on the arm in a brotherly way.

“If it means anything to you, dude,” David said with a soft smile. “That was one hell of a match. And a hundred and seventy two and one is nothing to be upset about. Though expect a few ore tallies on your loss side now that I got back into the game.” Paul nodded looking at the Iron Tiger. He sighed, but he smiled as he nodded to David again.

“Yep, a damn fine match. I look forward to the next one, Captain King.” Both men lifted their cards and put them away.

Viola watched them and she smiled warmly to Captain Donovan. She had half expected him to lose his temper, but she was surprised to find him so calm. Charles patted her on the back as he made way towards the exit. Quickly she focused her thoughts thanking the man for explaining things to her, but she then sheepishly looked back to him.

“I am in need of a date for the ball, Captain El’Johnson, would you mind joining me?” Charles gave her a soft look, a confused smile before he rubbed the back of his head.

“Uh, I already promised I would take Captain Orzovha,” He replied hastily. Viola merely waved him off.

“No worries, I’m sure I can find someone…” She said looking down to Paul, and sighing.

Viola Conda
06-03-11, 03:08 AM
The next few weeks saw Paul sitting on a bench, looking to his unit of barbarians and wondering what exactly it was they were missing. Through brawls, fist fights, and even a few death threats he managed to temper their warrior souls enough to obey his orders the first time he bellowed them, but the defiance in their actions was still prevalent. No matter how hard they tried there was still something that could not resonate within the group and so he began to spend his training time with them watching.

The line officer felt a measure of comfort however in knowing at least he made progress. He had learned the Elliot Hawk’s unit of House Knights had blatantly refused orders during a training exercise when the man had attempted to rally them right into a trap. Charging forward all by himself the officer was quickly surrounded by Jake Falcon’s guard. Viola, who happened to be watching the scene, merely shook her head as Jonothan Andrews attempted to give the upstart commander a little advice.

It was a month before the Anniversary Ball was to take to place, and Paul still found himself dumbfounded as to who he would ask out on a date. Rachel had offered her opinions on a few prospects, but most of the woman she pointed out had, in a rather shallow fashion, denied him for leading the berserkers. A little depressed to be quickly shot down, annoyed to be at a rut with his unit, and stressed that he was having trouble finding a date eventually caused his mind to begin over processing. He could not decide if he wanted to be angry, melancholy, or just agitated.

Leaning backwards and pushing with his feet so the entire bench collapsed with his weight he looked up through the hole in the roof at the skylight, sighing in frustration as he let out a deep breath. His berserker’s had stopped working to eye him, before a pair of boots began stalking to him with a steady, thunderous gait. There was a bark of orders, before the team returned to fixing up their home as Donovan closed his eyes.

“Sir,” The gruff voice of Veronica Helsmier said to him. “You are uh…pissing the others off,”

“So?” Paul replied with a shrug. “They were all late to assembly today by four minutes. So I’m taking my four minute break.”

“With all do respect, sir,” Veronica kicked the bench out from his knees, the wood scraping the floor as his feet hit the floorboards with a large thud and a crack of wood snapping. “You’ve been on break all day. I’m all for observation and delegation, but you’ve not done a thing to pitch in here.”

“Veronica, do you speak for yourself or the entire unit?” Paul asked. There was a pause before she glanced to the room and then back to him.

“I personally spoke for myself, but I think I harbor the intentions of the entire unit. Get off your ass and do something,” She ordered. Paul opened one eye and looked to her with a knowing grimace.

“See, that’s the problem,” Paul took a deep breath and sat up, dragging his legs in to a seating position. “You thought for yourself. Though your opinion undoubtedly matches everyone else’s, you still performed the act for yourself. Just like the way we all fight. We’ll stand shoulder to shoulder, but we fight our own personal battles. Nobody covering another, no one giving a damn if the person at their side could benefit from their aid.”

“I…” Veronica paused a moment, before she sat down in front of Paul and eyed him carefully. “I don’t get it. We’re berserkers. We live for the thrill of battle, the chance to shed blood. We are unlike other facets of the army, our skills do not compliment anything but when applied with the right pressure, we’ll perform just fine.”

“And that’s all good and dandy,” Paul replied back quickly. “But we can’t keep running right at the enemy forever. We need to be able to coordinate and function as a team. We need to be able to move swiftly like the house knights, but be as uncompromising as the guard!”

“Sir,” A rough voice spoke with a bit of edge to the tone. Paul turned his head to look at Frank Saigen, seeing his eyes casting a dark look as he held two long wooden pieces of lumbar on his shoulder. Paul nodded for him to speak his mind. “No offense to the Guard, or the House Knights, but we aren’t pretty little guardsman of David King nor indecisive ninnies of Jonothan Andrews.”

“Frank, I get your point, but remind yourself when speaking in the future you are ill speaking two of the best strategists in Emprea. Those pretty little guardsman in their pristine uniforms and perfect hair have no qualms getting bloody and dirty to make people like us bounce off them like a rubber ball against a wall. And those indecisive with their inability to make up their mind have no problem leading us by the nose to wherever they want.”

“Yet you expect us to act like them. It’s…” Frank looked angry as he tried to find the words to say, but Paul merely stood up and motioned for the man to drop his burden. With a thunk the wood fell as Paul whistled to gather up his unit. Paul looked to Frank and made a motion for him to speak again.

“You talk about the House Knights and the Guard like that is what we should be, but we are not them! We are Emprea’s berserkers! We do not have grace, nor do we have finesse! We are butcher’s through and through. In battle, there is none in all of Emprea who could deal as much damage as a single one of us can do!”

The room began to nod their agreement as Veronica looked to Paul with a guilty grimace, her own head softly nodding to the words of Frank. Paul merely kept his control as he pointed to each one of them slowly.

“I do not doubt I have the best brawlers in all of Emprea!” He spoke proudly. “But unless we are in a bar room with the enemy, well, let me perfectly honest with all of you,” Paul looked to each one before he sighed in agitation. “Guys, we stink out loud. If we bring the enemy to combat, we pretty much win, but if they use even a measure of tactics against us, we begin to show our weaknesses. In our skirmishes you guys beat the Line soldiers in a straight up battle, but when they flanked us, we were trashed. When they retreated and we pursued, they turned and let us bounce of their shields as the archers shot us to pieces. When they dug in to a hill top we couldn’t oust them! When we were ordered to hold a position we left it defenseless in five seconds to chase out fleeing soldiers.”

“That is the job of other warriors!” Someone shouted from the back. Paul growled lowly as he looked to his soldiers.

“You cannot expect the army to employ us in situations that we cannot be considered favored for. They do not assign the Guard to storm a fortress, and they do not ask the archers to drop their bows and lift up swords. We should not be assigned to do anything but break the enemy upon the edge of our steel.” There was a chorus of cheers as Frank spoke sourly, and Paul shook his head in irritation as he growled a little louder.

“I do not buy that excuse!” Paul roared making the room flinch. “We are soldiers of Emprea, and while we do battle in the most brutal extent, we have more than one use for our power! I refuse, no, I DENY that we are meant to do one thing only!” The room shrugged as Veronica looked to Paul and offered him a pat on the shoulder.

“Deny us all you want, but until you accept what we are, this unit will never go in the direction you want.” There was the loud sound in the distance of the bell tower chiming that the hour had turned to seven, and the warriors began to disperse quickly to their next assigned stations. Paul grunted his dismissal of the unit under his breath as he looked out the door and saw one tiny body, fearfully looking inside the room as bodies passed by her with irritation and anger as they barked to her on their way out.

Noel Spero chirped in surprise as she jumped away, and Paul sighed as he usually did when he saw Noel in action. He had forgot the Spero’s had invited the Line officer over for dinner, and he turned grabbing his bag as he watched the last of the room leave. When he was at the door he found the emerald green eyes of the little girl looking to him, and with a gruff greeting he walked forwards.

“Hey Noel,” Paul muttered.

“Um, Hi, Paul,” She replied. “You okay?” She asked innocently. Paul looked to the backs of his unit as they all left, silently debating on if killing them all would allow him another squad that was a bit more competent. He shook his head looking back to Noel and he shrugged.

“Berserkers will be berserkers. Single minded and stubborn. I’ll break them eventually,” Donovan yawned as he slowed his gait to allow the girl to catch up.

“More like a bunch of idiots if you ask me,” Noel sneered. “Barking like lunatics and running around being jackasses! Did you know one of them made a comment about my breasts! All in all it was just another day in my sorta crappy life. You?”

“Yep, not much different, except they didn’t make fun of my breasts.” Noel sighed with Paul as they both walked. “So what’s for dinner.”

“I had only twenty minutes to cook so I tossed some pasta in a boiler and diced up tomatoes to make a quick sauce. Though in all honesty I don’t think I have enough cilantro to make it pop the way I want to.”

Paul laughed as he figured, like always, Noel‘s food would be just fine. A barbarian came running back around the side wall, chasing after a line soldier who giggled wildly as she ran, her assests bouncing in a way that was like a cruel joke to the flat chested woman. Noel sheepishly remained quiet before she muttered under her breath. Paul leaned in closer to her as the girl looked to him stupidly. They were nearly nose to nose and her feet began to awkwardly shuffle.

“Uh…” She left her mouth gaping open in a stupor as she felt a wee bit intimidated to have Paul Donovan bearing down upon her.

“What did you say?” He asked, his tone low and full of curiosity and a slight menace. His eyes flashed to hers, a hungry thirst for knowledge that only Noel Spero had and she wished she could shrink away. He lowered his backpack to his side, looking to her as he lifted one hand to her shoulder shaking her gently. “What did you say?”

“I don‘t have enough Cilantro, I‘m sorry, I really am!” She squeaked out. “It’s not like I knew you liked it, which until this terrifying moment I didn’t, but now that I see you do I’m a little concerned. I mean how many people get this violent about Cilantro! I think you should get professional help and stop hurting me!”

“No, what you muttered just a second ago,” Paul insisted interrupting her long winded rant. Noel squirmed and he realized he was squishing her arm like a grape. He apologized quickly, but still looked to her waiting. Noel rubbed her sore arm as she gave him a nervous, if not slightly annoyed glance.

“I said stupid wolves…” She made her response sound like a question. Paul looked to her, and then up to the sky. Though the sun was still up, it was getting ready to set as it cast a dark glow of a tinting orange nature. Night was approaching and he felt a sudden idea rush over him.

“Noel Spero, no matter what anyone says, you are brilliant, beautiful, freaking genius!” Paul leaned forwards and kissed her on the forehead, turning swiftly as he lifted his bag in one hand and bounded away in large leaps. Noel lifted a hand to her head in silent awe, before she furiously began to rub the spot.

“Ewww,” She moped. “Why couldn’t it have been David King…”

Viola Conda
06-06-11, 04:49 PM
Paul stood outside in the moonlight, dressed in his full platemail as his ceremonial cape fluttered in the breeze. It had taken him six hours to prepare, and he had to find several commanders and split deals with each of them for what he was going to do on this night.*

He had guessed it was midnight, by the silence in the castle, only the night creatures making noise. The wind was fair, blowing gently to add a nip of coldness, but nothing that could not be ignored.*

Through the dark his unit slowly showed up, in small packs of five or six at a time, until within ten minutes everyone had arrived. Nobody spoke save for hushed whispers as their commander looked up at the moon, then slowly he turned to them, a smile upon his face.*

"Thanks for coming guys, I appreciate it. Tonight we will be training until sunrise, so get ready for intense physical work."

"No offense sir, but some of us have duties in the morning." Frank, as always the nay-sayer, spoke first with his usual offending tone, despite himself saying he meant none.*

"I have a treat for you all," Paul replied. "I owe a few favors, but I managed to arrange for you all to have morning duties off. You all do not need to report to your stations until Fourteen hundred hours." There was a pulse of excitement as the warriors cast each other grins. "You owe the Hero's of Emprea a huge thank you. They arranged for their soldiers to take your responsibilities, and some of them even volunteered to take some of your duties."*

"Why?" Veronica spoke, confusion passing between each berserker. Paul shrugged.*

"They have faith in me." He began to pace before them, looking to each with an appraising eye. "As I have faith in you. Tonight is about revelations, a sorta spiritual death and birth. Mark my words, the berserkers of Emprea will be respected. And they will respect us for more than just fear."*

Paul turned and led his unit forwards, and with curiosity they followed. He led them to the edge of the castle grounds near the forest and he halted them there.*

"I have denied you guys as berserkers, because in my own pride I wanted to form a unit that could be seen with respect. I thought you all barbarians, uncivilized ingrates who could do nothing more than charge forwards and slam yourself into the foes. This was a truth that I did not want to accept. This is my failing." The soldiers all looked to him, and for the first time he could feel they were truly listening to him. He continued onwards, his tone respectful.*

"I can no longer deny what you are. You are blood thirsty, vicious, and relentless. You cannot be stayed with words nor actions. You stubbornly stick to your ideals, and you are unbreakable. It was foolish of me to try." Paul then stood upwards to them, his back rigid as he bowed to them in a military fashion, looking to them all as he spoke in strict military precision. "I recognize my failings, and I'll strive to correct them. In the meantime accept my apology until I have re-earned your respect."*

The unit shifted uncomfortably, but one stood forwards offering her hand. Paul looked to Veronica and smiled as he shook it. Shortly a few others stepped forwards before the whole unit had accepted their commander's apology. After the moment had passed Paul clapped his hands turning to the forest again.*

"I have decided how I am going to shape you. Everyone has learned that the bears is the biggest creature in the forest. They are rugged, savage," He saw a few of his soldiers start nodding. "Lazy." They began to laugh. "Yet for all their brutality, all their rampages, there is still a creature that is more terrifying, more barbaric, and more of a menace than even the bear can handle." The unit seemed enraptured with his words and he paused for dramatic effect. It would be what David King wanted, he mused.*

"One solitary creature, the wolf." Paul looked to each of his warriors as he pointed to them. "Each of you are a lone wolf, a wild, untamed creature that has all the savagery of the woodlands. Alone you are frightening, but what is more terrifying is the pack of wolves. A single mind orchestrating several bodies, a group mentality of covering the other while chasing the prey. A lone wolf cannot hope to capture a deer in flight, but a pack can corral the beast to a corner, where their jaws can feast! They are stubborn, and will defend their territory with a fury unmatched."*

"So like the house knights and the guard," Frank sassed, a few mutters joining him. "You try to be clever, but in fact you're still trying to make us something we are not."*

"On the contrary!" The line officer said rapidly, enthusiasm in his voice. "I assure you the guard would never want to be called a bunch of wolves. Nor the house knights. You see as much as you think these qualities of the wolves are similar to the other facets of the army, their is one key difference that we will expand upon," Paul looked to Frank in a telling manner, a grin upon his face as he let the thought pickle in their brains.*

"We'll do it in the way we want to do it." Frank grinned catching the idea. Paul nodded.*

"I won't change the way you act, I will change the way you imply it. On the field of battle you will all learn to run as a pack, we will become terror incarnate, the reaper's heralds. There will not be an enemy that will escape us, a defense we cannot crush, an attack we cannot stave off through pure brute strength and a little cunning!" The soldiers nodded as he spoke, getting wrapped up in his excitement and feeling it as well. Even the nay sayer Frank seemed convinced in this new form they were hearing about, Veronica patting her twin axes on her hip in anticipation. Paul turned his face to a more serious one, speaking solemnly as he lifted his gaze to the whipping flag of their nation.*

"Wolves are also noble creatures when tamed. Though I have every intent to make this unit as fearsome a foe as I can, I will enforce you all to act like proper soldiers. When we are not in the field of battle, I expect each of you to address rank with respect, to speak no ill of your brethren, to uphold the duties you are asked without complaint. We will hold ourselves to a higher standard, that way when they see us they will not fear us in our own home. We will be a grand example of discipline in the halls, but a shining example of brute strength in the field."*

The newly named warriors looked to their commander with hungry eyes and Paul nodded in certainty. "Three months left, my wolves, until the war games. That will be when all of Emprea will see our courage, and know our names well. They will never doubt us as true warriors again..."*

A sound pierced the night, a chord that made the berserkers pause as Paul swiftly turned his head to the forest. A lone howling to the moon from a solitary wolf pierced the calm of the night, followed shortly by a chorus of other howls.*

"It seems our cousins have found prey, let us urge them on in their hunt!" Veronica shouted excitedly. It took a moment for everyone to find the courage, but with an approving nod Paul arched his back and joined the wolves in howling into the night.

Viola Conda
06-07-11, 02:27 AM
Viola sighed, the same sigh she reserved for when someone was not learning. Jake Falcon had wrote an essay on the history of Emprea and wrote such wrong facts it was borderline heresy. She circled the mistakes, wrote a few helpful tips and correct answers, and then shuffled the papers away. She got up from her desk and headed out into the main hall where she found her students talking in excited whispers.*

Viola passed by each one and when she found Natalie and Elliot talking she approached both and leaned forwards. What Viola saw was a sight that made her pause before she spoke.*

"What is going on," She asked in her military tone, causing both soldiers to turn and salute her before Natalie began to speak in a rushed fashion.*

"One of the soldiers of Paul's unit was speaking to a woman, when Advisor Renald approached him and said that barbarian trash shouldn't be talking to the civilized folk. The guy threatened to deck Renald and now the two are in a heated argument about regulations and conduct."*

Viola rubbed her nose in irritation, as she did not wish to deal with this sort of thing. If she had to discipline one of Paul's soldiers than she would have to discipline him as well, followed by a report of the incident, and yet another strike against the already dwindling reputation of Donovan. With a sigh she gestured for the two to follow her when she felt something brush up against her side, pushing her out of the way as the bulky man rushed to the scene. At his heels were two other soldier's and each one wore a small pelt of fur over their left shoulder where their house markings would be.*

Tradition in Emprea dictated that each soldier place their house marking on their left shoulder so passing commanding officers could dictate what commander the soldier belonged to. During the training courses each aspiring captain was given a color to mark who they belonged to. Falcon was red, Hawk was white, Donovan was purple. Each member of their assigned unit had to wear those colors so disciplinary or exemplary behavior could be properly handled.*

She held Natalie and Elliot back, watching as the three moved swiftly to the ground floor where the scene took place. The two flanking the bulky warrior as they strode forwards and slid next to the offending warrior as he turned to them and began shouting about Renald and what he did. The leader waved to Renald and approached him, offering a quick salute before asking what was going on. He was careful with his words, never accusing Renald and never incriminating the soldier. It was a perfect example of how to handle the situation, and she was mortified to see that the one acting the calmest was none other than Paul Donovan. The man looked different somehow, like he had an air of pride to his nature. He wore a pelt as well, the purple sash he was supposed to be wearing gone. He kept speaking to Renald in a calm tone, and each time he looked to his troublesome warrior he gave the man a dark look.*

"Frank!" Paul bellowed. "You were accused of yelling at a superior officer, is this true?"*

"Sir! He was insulting me and the wolves! I will not stand by and be made a mockery of! This is what we were training to avoid!" Paul stepped forward and Viola was positive the man was going to strike his soldier. When she was about to speak she heard a loud growl escaping Paul's lips, mirrored by his two companions. It was an animal like growl, one that had menace and a stern warning as Frank seemed to shy away like a cowed dog. There was a moment of silence before Frank stood up tall, saluted Renald and spoke in a reserved, formal tone.*

"I recognize my failings and will correct them, Advisor Renald. Please accept my apology until I have re-earned your respect." Frank bowed to Renald and the entire hallway behind Viola gasped. She would have punished them for eavesdropping, but her own jaw was dropped in shock at what she saw. The berserker's in Paul's squad were there for this exact reason, no respect for superior officers, and now the man was apologizing!*

Renald kept his nose wrinkled in disgust, though he too was clearly caught off guard. He looked to the soldier, before another player entered the arena. He had long flowing red hair, eyes a sickly colored green, wearing noble robes with a satchel filled with Emprean dossiers and packets.*

"My lord, if I may?" The man spoke. Paul's eyes narrowed on this newcomer with hostility and Viola knew exactly why. He was Fulgrim, Renald's personal advisor and the teacher who flunked Donovan. The snake of a man whipped his long hair out of his face, offering the fakest of smiles.*

"This trash is merely trying to escape punishment, he is masking his crimes by pretending to be sorry in the hopes you'll forget he insulted you." Now the three warriors growled to Fulgrim, and Viola felt her own choler rise. The man lifted his arms to the side in submission, but his sick smile never faltered.*

"He is right!" Renald spoke, the way he did so making the idea seem like it was his all along. "You will not escape punishment! *How do your propose to have him make up for this, Captain Donovan?"*

There was a tension building in the air, Viola could feel it like she could feet the stone wall she touched. Her blue eyes searched her Captain's, seeing if he would blow up and revert to what she had heard he was capable of doing. Yet Paul kept his temper in check as he turned to Frank and spoke in a harsh tone.*

"You have trouble respecting authority, and I will no longer tolerate such things. Frank Seigan, you are hereby relieved of tomorrows day off. Instead you will serve the kitchens. To, familiarize, yourself with the command staff and learn to respect them, all officer's of Emprea are to be given their meals by you. You will personally wait upon each one in a timely manner until the kitchen's close."*

Frank's eyes lit up with protest, but two threatening growls from his teammates caused him to only nod. Paul then turned to Renald and saluted him. Fulgrim coughed, loudly, and Paul turned swiftly offering him a salute before stalking away, his three wolves in tow.*

Viola turned to the stunned students, and she let out a little cough of her own. Like scurrying mice they ran in different directions, before with a satisfied smile she looked back to where Paul was and stood watching him. She was rather proud of the way he handled that situation and as he spoke to his wolves he seemed to stop before turning his head upwards to see Viola. Sheepishly she waved her fingers, like a simpleton, before ushering him off. He grinned widely to her before barking orders as they all moved down the walkways.*

Natalie jabbed three fingers into Viola's side making the woman jump and shriek as she turned, her face ablaze with anger as Natalie gave her an inquisitive eye. She lifted an accusing finger as she spoke, her voice filled with mischief.*

"Oh ho!" Natalie began. "Did I just see the prudish Viola Conda blush and make eyes with the not so charming but at least cute in that I like to smash things sorta way, Paul Donovan?" *

"I was merely waving hello," Viola chastised her. Natalie leapt on the attack.*

"Waving while gawking at him for a full minute! I think you like him!" She accused her commanding officer making Viola blush more. "Just admit it, would you? There's nothing wrong with crushing for a lower rank," Natalie said off-handedly. "I mean, Jonothan Andrews and Rachel Leona is one example; and I'm even dating below my rank with David King, so it's totally cool to crush on Paul. In fact it's kinda cute."*

"Captain Natalie Aurora Boros!" Viola all but shrieked. "Knock it off, that's an order." Natalie sighed as she nodded and muttered her apologies. Viola nodded now that the matter is over.*

"Thank you," Viola muttered. "And also, you have your facts wrong, as usual," Viola smirked as she watched Natalie give her a confused look. "Do you think David King would date a superiorly ranked officer?" Natalie gave her a concerned look.*

"He's not..." She said carefully.*

"Don't worry Captain Boros, I won't think any less of you," Viola joked. Natalie chased after her as she began speaking frantically.*

"But he can't be! I'm the highest ranking Captain in the army! I'm your secretary! I'm in charge of Emprea's paperwork dammit! I'm the Captain of Administration!" *

"If lying will help you sleep," Viola said with a flattering smile.*

"Commander!" Natalie shrieked as Viola laughed. "Come on, you are lying right?"*

Viola Conda
07-12-11, 12:29 AM
Viola was at her desk in the office late that night. She was finishing grading the last of the papers before heading to bed. With the winter ball only a few weeks away she began to pout as the list of hopefuls got steadily shorter and shorter. General Corbin was a no go, Senior Captain Magnus had a date with his wife which made the counselor feel foolish, and the King had sent word to her that he was growing concerned she had yet to find a date. There was nobody left in the sea of potential candidates that she wanted to spend any length of time for, and that sea included Fulgrim and Renald. Sighing again she stacked the finished papers and looked to the last one with a bemused smile. She was saving this one for last, a little treat, to make her feel better.

"Well I see this time Captain you managed to spell your name correctly," Viola spoke to herself as she giggled, circling the name and putting a silly smiley face. She read the first question and the answer and nodded to herself with content moving to the next.

"When on the field of battle it is always necessary to blank, and according to the train of thought of you, Captain, that is to make sure the enemy is defeated. I guess points for trying, though wrong." She placed a check next to the answer and wrote the words, keep communication, next to the spot.

She unconsciously stroked her finger up and down the length of the page as she graded it, her eyes casting a fond look as she felt the stress of the day melt away. As usual, the practicality in leadership of Paul Donovan has made leaps and bounds, but the paperwork, history, and officer conduct still lacked the social graces. Still, he had almost two months left.

A dark nagging thought crossed her mind and she lowered the paper looking up in concern. She thought for a brief second of what she was doing as she looked at the paper in her hands and she saw the smiley faces, the small notes, all the unnecessary and highly improper conduct. Was Natalie right? Was she actually growing feelings for the barbarian hero of Emprea? She shook her head. Paul was a friend, no more so than any other hero of Emprea. Even if she did draw a doodle of Paul in her off time...

She returned to the paper and read the next question, her lips twisting as she fought not to start up a fit of laughter. According to the Codex Donovan, you take an abusive superior officer to the shed and beat him with a whipping stick. She fought the image of Paul chucking the body of Fulgrim into a shed, cracking his knuckles before going to town.

There was the rustling of something outside her door, and she lifted her head upwards to see a bulky shadow through the window, a small entourage of people walking by and waving off the man who entered the room.

She smiled seeing the Line Officer approach her desk, a smug, tired look on his face as he sat before her. He smelled of food, to many different odors to really discern one and she could tell he was in the kitchen all day. He took in a deep breath before leaning forwards and smiling brightly in the candlelight.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" Viola asked.

"Saw the light on, figured I'd pop in." Paul shrugged. "And well," Viola thought she actually saw Paul blush. "It's rather late and I thought I would Uh, escort you home." Viola looked to him, a sideways look to mask her own blushing as she nodded putting the paperwork away. She stacked his exam on top and he peeked to it with wide curious eyes like a small child.

"Oh, how'd I do! David and I spent three nights learning this stuff!" Viola cringed before she let out a soft smile.

"Well," She let the word linger and Paul let out a soft laugh. "You're doing just fine. Improvements can be made, and in large quantities, but at least you seem to be making good your promise. Nevertheless, you really need to study up on Officer conduct. While I do enjoy your brand of humor, the answers have yet to show improvement. I'm growing concerned that you're thinking I'll let you go based off your charm. Think again. Now, you may escort me home. It'll be a long walk."

"I'm just not getting all the social mumbo jumbo we have to adhere to. In a practical sense it would just be easier to do things my way." He replied, a soft whine in his tone like he had been shouting those words over and over and was getting tired of it. "But I'll make it work. I expect my soldiers to obey, gotta put in my time as well..." Viola nodded to him, smiling as *she lifted her satchel and watched Donovan snuff out the candle. "And I don't mind the walk."

They headed into the hallway side by side, Viola feeling the cold that did not seem to bother her captain. She shivered as a breeze passed her and before she could say a word the Line Officer dumped his coat on her shoulders.

"Thank you," She whispered to him, pulling in the corners to wrap herself tightly. She lifted a finger and brushed his pelt where his house banner should be. "What is with the fur?"

"It's fake fur, couldn't and wouldn't pay for real wolf skin. I had an epiphany the other night, about a week ago," Paul said thoughtfully. "My unit, they could not be like other facets of the army. They are wild creatures, and placing them in situations that did not fit their style made them hostile. It was not unlike myself when forced to behave," Paul joked. Viola let a smile creep on her face, despite her duty warring with her not to. She was already close to being accused of frantenizing with Donovan.

"Anyway, I was with Noel Spero, and she and I were heading to her place for dinner when she muttered something. I asked her to repeat it and she said my team acts like a bunch of wolves. It fit."

"And this name change magically is bringing a sense of respect by them?" Paul nodded.

"Wolves are fearsome, but when tamed they are noble creatures. I wish to temper the wolves and make them a fighting force all their own. In order to do this, I needed to change with them. We cannot conform to every Emprean tradition, it bogs us down. Instead of house colors, we'll wear these pelts. When the moon is full, we'll train all night. I will push them harder and they will be a full fighting unit that will break the foe, and uphold all the honor of Emprea."

"How admirable," Viola whispered. "Just don't tire yourself out and fall asleep in my class." Paul grinned. "The way you handled yourself with Fulgrim and Renald made me very proud of you, Captain," She said firmly. "You did not lose your temper, and you managed yourself in professional manner that I want to commend you for."

"May I speak freely, mam?" Viola nodded. "Fulgrim's a prick. And Renald is an asshole too!" He growled as he began to get ahead of himself. "Those idiots are trying to find ways to get my wolves in trouble, like they want me to fail or something! I have had to rush and save six of my men from their plotting and my two squad leaders broke up a few of their own. I swear I would love to crush them myself with my fists!"

"Is that really your solution to everything?" Viola asked, a slight scowl on her features as she looked back to see the hatred emanating from his face. "You really truly think that barbaric violence is actually accepted in any social circle?"

"It has a time and a place, and I tend to make that time more often than not. But, but," Paul let out a sheepish sigh before he blurted his next words. "Sometimes you just have to smash that which is in the way of what you want. It's my motto. I have lived a long twenty plus years to that creed and while it has more often than not been a hassle, it has allowed me to keep with my beliefs."

"And sometimes you need to control your temper." Paul shrugged again. "You do realize the number of necks that stick out for you to keep you safe. Your motto has had several instances where I looked at your discharge papers, and a few times I seriously considered it."

"M'am, can I ask you a question?" Viola nodded. "Have you really considered dropping me out?" Viola looked to him and still saw none of the flair of anger the others saw. "I know I'm a screw up at times, and when I step in it, I step deep. But I think at the end of the day I am worth more to the army."

Viola stopped as she gave her captain an appraising look. She took in every detail, studying him before gently lifting a hand to her shoulders and fixing the jacket.

"I suppose," She exaggerated, winking as she moved on. Paul let out a laugh that echoed in the hallway as they moved on. "So," Viola said as the nagging thought returned. "Have you found a date to the ball?"

Paul actually let out a long, frustrated sigh as he slouched forwards rubbing the back of his head. "Nope, got a lot of rejections and four out right laughs. What about you, M'am?"

"Oh, I don't bother to look very hard. It's all a formality really. But I suppose I should put more effort into finding one. My quarters are up these stairs," She said lightly lifting her finger up. "I swear I'm just so exhausted that sometimes I cannot find the strength to climb these stone steps of hell." she joked. She moved towards the first landing and prepared for the climb when suddenly she felt her feet lift in the air, an arm crossing her back as she was braced like a small child. She protested quickly, her legs kicking out as she looked to Paul and actually slammed one balled fist into his jaw.

"Just relax, M'am," Paul grunted. Viola glared to him, but her heart kept fluttering and her blood raced through her system as he continued to climb. "Won't be much longer now."

She looked to the fast approaching door, feeling the swarm of emotions stir within her as her one hand gripped his chest tightly. She felt rather comfortable in his arms and she softly adjusted to lean her head against his arms.

"Jeeze, where do you live?" Paul asked in wonder as he looked out over the balcony to the gardens of the central court yard. From this perspective he could see all of the beauty of the Emprean gardens, each perfect dark colored rose and the vibrant shaded colors of the other plant life. He could see several people walking along the gardens, but the large vegetation made an almost wall like barrier that kept them ignorant of the people around them. Viola held him gently as she looked, spying Natalie with David King on one corner, and in the opposite Jonothan walking hand in hand with Rachel Leona.

"my perks for being your boss," She cooed. She wrapped the jacket a little tighter, and she could feel Paul's muscles tightening around her. He held her in his arms for a moment, both looking out over the serene terrain.

Viola's heart continued to spurt with emotions, her face instinctively nuzzling up against his chest and shoulder. She felt like she could stay in his arms forever. But the second she thought that she began to squirm to get free, and Paul gently lowered her. She held his jacket, looking to her feet before she softly removed it letting her fingers run through the soft fur.

"Thank you Captain Donovan," Viola said softly, turning to her doorway as she pulled out her key. Paul watched her, putting his jacket on and waiting. She looked behind her into his hazel eyes, her own blue eyes softening. So many emotions mingled out between the two of them. Invisible threads slowly intertwining together to become one.

"Yeah, my pleasure," Paul whispered back to her. Viola looked to him, and then with much more difficulty than she ever could have imagined, entered her door and shut it leaning against the heavy wood and sighing deeply.