View Full Version : A Cause For Paranoia (Solo)

Aušra Žiburis
08-13-10, 10:32 PM
This solo roleplay takes place before The World Beyond The Walls (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21329) and A Taste of Freedom ( http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=21354). It is based in the childhood of Aušra Žiburis.

Tiny silken slippers padded through the dark velvet hallways of the large stately home. Minute hands grasped for the polished brass handle of the heavy wooden door, standing on silver clad tip-toes, stretching as high as possible to reach. The dark-varnished door swung open to reveal a light, airy playroom for the golden haired child who’s large grey eyes became round with delight as a brand new wooden rocking horse stood proudly in the middle of the floor for her. Rushing towards it she stroked its black mane, soft and made of real horse hair, she pulled her tiny frame on to the back of the solid back of her new toy and rocked back and forth. This was much better than her old one, it had belonged to her mother before her and its mane had been of lesser quality and had fallen out over the years, apart from that the grey body of the old horse didn’t nearly measure up to the warm, oaken colour of the new one. She could smell the scent of the fresh polish that had sealed the wood and given the horse a beautiful shine, it was one of the many smells that would stay with the child through her life, it would trigger memories in her lowest moments, the times when she would feel like giving up and crying. After all at the tender age of 4, how was she to know the sinister events that would enfold in the coming months?

Her cherub-like face, surrounded by curls of soft blonde hair, showed her innocence as well as her ignorance to the events that unfolded around her, the rosy cheeks sprouted dimples as she giggled, thoroughly enjoying the gift from her parents. Clumsily dismounting the horse, she dropped to the floor, landing gently on her small feet before she tottered out of the door. She lifted her silver, satin skirt up so she could attempt to run, even though she knew she was not meant to run outside of her playroom. She did not care for now though, as long as Nurse stayed out of the way she would be safe to run as fast as she wanted. She found her parents reading room easily, after all it was where they spent most of their time when they were not with her. She knew she was risking a scalding since she was not with Nurse, but she would risk it to see her parents after receiving such a fantastic gift.

The door swung open to reveal two elegant people sat in high backed chairs facing a fire, both with a heavy book in hand. Their stillness gave them the look of a pair of bookends. The lady was tall and thin, she had the child’s soft blonde ringlets but had the most piercing blue eyes which stared out from behind strong, defined cheekbones. Her thin body was clad in silver silks similar to her daughter’s, but instead of an A-line skirt, her dress was fitted and flowing, elongating her already towering figure. The man sat in the chair opposite possessed the soft grey eyes of the little girl, though his where rather darker in colour. His hair was also dark, jet black almost, it lay side-parted but somewhat unruly giving him a formal but jovial look. His semi-formality extended to his clothes which in contrast to his glamorous wife involved a knitted jumper and a pair of suit pants. However, it was not to be understood that the wife was as cold as her looks would suggest, for both of the child’s parents where warm-hearted, for now.

Upon the child entering the father’s head turned from his book, and a wide smile emerged from under a well-kept moustache. “Aušra my beautiful darling!” He exclaimed, discarding the book on the reading table and sweeping the child up in his arms, the girl giggled at the man’s exaggerated affection and kissed him sweetly on the cheek. Her mother looked up from her book and fixed the child with an adoring stare, she stayed silent, there were no need for words between the two of them, they understood each other’s love perfectly well. When words did spill from the mothers mouth they were strong, poignant and of course absolutely necessary. The father placed the child on the mother’s lap where the child wrapped her tiny arms around the woman’s waist and nestled her head in the soft fabric of her dress.

“You are pleased with your gift then?” The father asked expectantly, rubbing his hands together nervously. It was a tick he had which expressed itself under strain, the greatest strain he found to be his desire to keep his daughter deliriously happy, despite the girl being overly-joyous without being showered with gifts. However, the child nodded rapidly, the man relaxed. All would be well in his mind so long as he knew his beloved daughter was completely satisfied. The mother ran her hand through the girls glorious hair and noted the late hour, nearly time for the tiny girl to sleep. This was apparent as the child had begun to lose consciousness in her lap, her big grey eyes trying desperately to stay open as tiredness took over. She smiled to the father who nodded back knowingly, she pulled the child to her chest and lifted her with ease, her lithe frame obviously a deception of her true strength. She carried her tiny angel through the corridors of the home until she reached the nursery, a dainty bed had been made for the child now that her cot was far too small for her. Her mother quickly changed her from her beautiful dress into a nightgown and lay her in the bed where she promptly fell asleep. Fingers ran gently through her hair once more and a gentle kiss was placed on her forehead before she slipped into complete unconciousness.