View Full Version : Polly Robinson

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-14-10, 06:32 PM
Name: Polly Robinson
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 120
Occupation: Adventurer

Personality: Some might call her slow or dumb, but that’s not exactly true (although maybe a little bit). She simply has an unconventional way of thinking. She’s very easily distracted, and regularly daydreams and gets lost in thought. She does have a hard time focusing on any one particular thing, but she’s better at seeing the big picture than most people. Despite her poor memory and slight laziness, she has natural talent that more than makes up for it. She’s extremely creative and imaginative, and good at thinking up outside-the-box solutions for problems.

She’s always kind, and she likes animals and cute things. As is befitting the daughter of a knight, she has a strong sense of right and wrong and a desire to protect the weak and innocent.

She almost never becomes angry, and is generally a mellow person. Having grown up without much experience with the outside world, she is extremely naïve and innocent—almost childlike at times. She has no experience with many of the harsh realities of the world, or with the darker side of humanity.

Having been born in a rural area, she speaks with an accent—a noticeable drawl.

Appearance: Not memorably ugly or attractive, people often find themselves having trouble describing Polly after meeting her. The fact of the matter is, her facial features are…forgettable. If she were to become a criminal, she’d probably do quite well because witnesses would have a terrible time remembering just what she looked like.

“Um,” they might say. “She had red hair I think?” And beyond that, they would be at a loss.

She’s slightly snub-nosed and fairly plain. Her hair is cut short to just above her neck, giving her a slightly androgynous look. As a child, she was a skinny, bony sort of girl, and she never really grew out of that. She has the lanky build of a teenage boy rather than that of a young woman.

She wears practical, sturdy, plain clothing suited to the weather. Her typical outfit without armor consists of brown pants and vest, with a puffy cotton white undershirt. She wears her armor (an iron breastplate and gauntlets) over this clothing.


Polearm Mastery: Polly’s father was a soldier, spearman, and knight before he settled down and became a farmer, and he passed on his combat skills to his daughter. Despite being a slow learner, Polly showed an impressive amount of natural aptitude and can be counted as above average with the spear, lance, or any sort of polearm.

Horse Riding: Growing up on a farm, it was only natural that Polly would learn to ride a horse. She’s about average when it comes to horseriding, not exceptionally bad or good.


For generations and generations, Polly’s family has worshipped the god of sparrows, Passer. Long ago the Passeri had a successful church, but now her family members are the only remaining followers of the small god. The Sparrow is a weak but fierce god, and so Polly’s family have been soldiers and adventurers for as far back as anyone can remember.

Polly herself, for whatever reason, has some amount of natural connection with the divine. When she turned nineteen, the Sparrow God himself appeared to her and decreed that she should go out into the world and spread his beliefs. Since then, he has followed her around in the form of a Sparrow and advised her (see below section on Passer himself).

As far as religions go, Passeridae is not particularly restrictive. It emphasizes having an independent spirit and being self reliant above all else. Rather than having a strict written moral code, it requires that its followers have a strong moral center about which to live a good life.

Divine Powers:

SMITE!: By channeling the holy rage of Passer down upon her enemies, Polly can smite them with an almighty vengeance! Unfortunately…the limit of the Sparrow God’s strength at the moment is a tiny thundercloud over a person’s head, which will release a thunderbolt about as strong as a little bit of static electricity. Not even painful, really, just…mildly surprising. It might make people’s hair stand up in an embarrassing fashion! Haha! That’ll show the unbelievers!

Strength: Being a holy knight, Polly’s natural strength is increased slightly compared to that of a normal person. Despite her slender build, she is as strong as a larger and more muscular person, and can wield heavy weapons and armor effectively.

Birdspeech: The Sparrow God has granted his only follower the ability to talk to birds of any variety. Unfortunately, most birds rather look down on sparrows…trying to talk to a hawk or an eagle or the like would probably just result in them laughing at her. The other, smaller birds, mostly just think that sparrows are annoying, and might also be disinclined to help. The only birds almost certain to give Polly assistance are sparrows themselves.


Armor: Polly wears her father’s old armor from the time when he was a knight and later an adventurer. He was a fairly small man, but it’s slightly too big for her nonetheless, and therefore hampers her movement a bit. She has an iron breastplate (hammered out a little bit to make room for her chest), iron gauntlets, and an iron helmet with a visor that she usually keeps up. On the breastplate is painted the silhouette of a bird—a sparrow, of course.

Weapon: A five foot long spear with an iron tip and a sturdy reinforced oaken shaft is Polly’s weapon of choice. It once belonged to her father and now belongs to her. While not as easy to wield as a sword or shorter weapon, it does have the advantage of reach, and Polly is fairly adept with it. She doesn’t, however, like combat all that much, and would prefer to resolve things peacefully if possible.


The Sparrow God himself follows Polly about on her adventures. He has the form of a small, brown sparrow but is as or more intelligent than a human. He has all the powers of…well, a sparrow. That’s it. He can fly, obviously, and speak, but only Polly or those attuned to the magical or divine can hear him. He’s about five inches long, with a grey stomach and brown feathers. He has some black and yellow markings on his face and short stubby tailfeathers.

Passer’s personality can be a bit…abrasive, to say the least. He considers Polly to be a dunce, regularly mocking her. He’s sarcastic and rude, and doesn’t have the skills to really back up his arrogance. Despite this, he does have some amount of affection for Polly, although he would never admit it. His only real goal is to get more followers, because this would make him more powerful, as he once was long ago.


Once upon a time, there was a valiant knight named Oliver Robinson, who (in all probability) rescued princesses and fought dragons and did adventuresome stuff like that. That would most likely make a fine story of its own, but this is not his story. For whatever reason, eventually he tired of this chaotic lifestyle, and decided to settle down with a small farmhold in southern Corone. He met a woman, a farmer’s daughter named Sophia, at a harvest festival in a nearby village, and they settled down and had a daughter. They named her Polly.

Polly was a slow growing girl. She didn’t speak until she was almost three, when some villagers had begun to mutter that she might be mute forever. She didn’t learn to read until she was almost twelve, despite her father’s best efforts. However, she was an active girl who explored all the nearby countryside and had no trouble making friends. She had a fairly pleasant childhood without too much turmoil or unrest.

Oddly enough for an adventurer, Polly wasn’t ever separated from her family, her village came to no harm, and she has no real tragic past. She simply decided, one day, that she was bored with chickens and cows and the like and wanted a more exciting life—like her father had once had. Her parents were slightly worried for their daughter, but supported her decision to go out on her own, and provided her with the armor and spear she now owns.

Nineteen is a special age. It’s the age when a young adult feels at their peak, when it seems that nothing in the world could stop their hopes and dreams. Eventually age may steal some of that vigor, but at age nineteen? Anything seems possible.

And so it was on her nineteenth birthday that Polly set out on her own. It was scarcely a week after she left her home that the sparrow god she had prayed to her whole life appeared to her and named her his missionary. Polly accepted this fate and the companionship of Passer freely. It gave her some amount of purpose—and having a friend on the long road didn’t seem like a bad idea.

Even if he was just a tiny sparrow.

08-14-10, 06:38 PM
You are approved. Welcome back to Althanas.