View Full Version : A.."Taste" of freedom....

Jack Frost
08-14-10, 09:35 PM
This takes place about two days after the thread: A taste of freedom, closes. This is closed to Me and Aušra Žiburis.

Jack sighed as his eyes opened. Now two weeks ago he would be awaking in a cold tent, on the ground, in the middle of the Underwood elf settlement. Now he was in Radasanth, on the ground, in the top floor of a perfume shop. In his opinion the later was preferable. Unless he awoke to a creepy old man who once lived in his head standing over him smiling. Which was the case now. To be honest there are few cases one would wish to wake up with a crazy old man from your brain standing over you in general. But when he's smiling it can never be good.

"Good morning" the geezer said gruffly. "Bacon?" he asked holding out a plate. Warning bells screamed in his head. "What did you do Winter?" He asked sitting up, then realized he was waaaay to close to the old mans nether regions. Old man Winter backed up sensing the discomfort. His long silver hair hung at shoulder length, and his bright teal eyes shined mischievously. "Nothing...except decided you've let your fling with Aušra sit unattended for to long. Soooo I left a note signed by 'You'" he said the last part with air quotes signifying he had forged the young mans signature. "Asking her out on a date." he finished. The young man gulped. "When?" he asked almost too nervous to hear the answer. "You two will leave in twenty minutes." the old man replied.

Jack swore and leaped to his feet, his perfectly spiky silver hair not moving an inch. The sprinted over to the bathroom where he checked his face in the mirror. His teal eyes analyzed every last detail of his feature. His skin was still pale as always, his shirt and trousers unstained. Everything was perfectly in order. He rushed out of the door and tossed on his black jacket. "I'm going to kill you later Winter!" he hissed and quickly rushed don to the shop. He desperately scanned the shelves for something that would be of use. He was in luck for she had a small amount of cologne for men. He applied a few drops and sighed.

Winter came down the stairs and tossed a bag of coins at Jack. He reached out and grabbed it. it was heavy, which was odd. "I managed to gather funds for this date Jack, DON'T SCREW IT UP!" the old man said menacingly. Luckily Aušra was out of ear-shot.

Aušra Žiburis
08-15-10, 02:29 PM
Aušra awoke for once in her life to find that her face was perfectly dry, it’s a strange thing to expect to awake otherwise, unless of course you have a large, particularly affectionate dog as she did. She opened her grey eyes cautiously and scanned the room to check for an ambush, no furry ambush waiting, she was safe. She sat up, her golden hair falling over her pale shoulders which wear covered by a linen night-shirt. The letter left on the stand by the door explained why her dog was preoccupied. He stood, at a height in which he would easily be able to snatch it, sniffing it curiously. The blonde girl wouldn’t let him have the chance as she darted across the room and snatched it up before the mutt could drool on it to the point the ink would be unreadable. “I don’t think so Sam.” She said in a low growl, his ears dropped and he whined, pretending to be innocent of any such thoughts.

A look of accusing doubt shot from young woman to the dog, he had ruined many a letter before, it was highly unlikely he wasn’t thinking of doing the same again. She flicked the folded paper open and read from it. A Date? Today? With Jack? Her eyes widened with fear, she’d never dated in her entire life, she had no clue what to do. She looked back at Sam, half-wishing he had drooled on the letter, it would have made her life so much easier. She re-read the note and saw that she still had an hour to go until they would leave to do whatever Jack had planned for them, she still felt rushed though and dragged a brush through her thick, shining hair in an attempt to tame any unruly strands. It seemed to understand her determined nature had taken over any panic she had an obeyed out of sheer terror. She inspected her appearance and after scrubbing her face with the water in the basin on her rickety dressing table she decided that she would do.

She changed quickly into her standard shorts, green vest top and military boots. She checked her appearance a final time before exiting her room, she expected Jack to be awake since he had posted the note to her but listening through the door she could hear that he had gone back to sleep from his steady, deep breathing. She decided not to disturb him and headed downstairs to pack her things into a box ready to leave to find Jolly. She hoped that Jack wouldn’t be too distracted from today because of the danger they might face attempting to rid the world of a conniving penguin. As she threw some perfume into a box she considered that it was probably a good idea she wore some. She found that she hadn’t packed her favourite scent, made of neroli and jasmine, away yet. She took a bottle and applied some to her warm skin.

A while later a rather flustered looking, silver haired boy raced down the stairs, she couldn’t imagine why as he had asked her. Perhaps he had slept longer than he had meant to. She watched him throw on some of the cologne she had made herself and shook her head, puzzled at his odd behaviour. An elderly man followed behind him and she raised an eyebrow at him, searching for answers to Jack’s rush. “Overslept then?” She suggested to the two men, a slight teasing smile playing on her pale lips.

Jack Frost
08-15-10, 02:58 PM
Both men froze and turned to their blond host who had been in the room with them. Jack glance at Winter, who simply had a sinister smile played across his face. "Exactly." he replied. Jack quickly grabbed Winter by the back of the Tunic and dragged him out of earshot of Aušra. "Please tell me there is some sort of plan involved!" Jack whispered to the old man.

Winter simply chuckled and handed Jack a parchment. He looked at it confused. It was written in checklist style, but there was only one thing on it. Have fun before we need to get serious. Jack stared at it and looked out the window. Light poured in, and from a few leaves he saw, there was a slight breeze. Perfect flying weather.

Winter saw his expression and froze. "you can't be serious!" he silently mouthed. Jack responded by shooting past him, bounding up to where he had slept. He returned with his umbrella strapped to his back.

"You ready to go?" he asked with a large grin on his face. "Just out of curiosity are you afraid of heights?" he asked. He prayed to god she wasn't, or else his date plan would be ruined. He took this time to look Aušra over. She had decided to go with tan pants and a green shirt. She had augmented her height with the heel of her boots. Her eyes were the same mystifying gray he had fallen in love with. Her pale skin contrasting slightly with her blond hair.

He knew he wanted to be with her, but the planning was all wrong. He swallowed his doubts and smiled.

Aušra Žiburis
08-15-10, 03:34 PM
Eyes narrowing, Aušra looked between Jack and Winter as they continued to behave bizarrely, they seemed to be squabbling over something. She elected to stay out of it, she probably wouldn’t even understand if she tried. She remained mystified as Jack bounded up the stairs, during this time her eyes burned into the back of Winter’s head as he watched the boy exit the room. “Whatever it is I’m sure it’s your fault.” She said with a slight edge to her voice, she was not unfriendly towards the old man, just highly suspicious.

Steps thudded down the stairs as Jack returned to the room, holding in his hands the umbrella he had arrived with, Aušra recognised it instantly. She had never asked whether it was Jack or the umbrella that was able to fly, but the fact he had retrieved it on such a glorious day lead her to be rather sure that it was the umbrella’s power not the boy’s. She eyed it curiously, wondering how high and how fast they could fly with the damned thing. “I’m not scared…” She said apprehensively, “Just perhaps a little worried about the stability of that thing.” She pointed to the dark object in his hands and frowned slightly. She did want to fly, more than anything she would love to fly, but she wasn’t all that enthusiastic about dying.

As Jack’s eyes looked over her appearance she blushed, flattered yet feeling perhaps a just little insecure. The young woman wished for the ability to delve into his mind to see what he was thinking, but she needn’t have worried, had she stopped worrying and taken in his expression she would have seen that he was smiling, it was apparent he liked her and although she was a little hesitant about showing it, she adored him.

Jack Frost
08-15-10, 03:48 PM
Winter smiled deviously at her comment. "Yep, all my fault." he said heading upstairs as soon as Jack returned. The old mans words held greater meaning than Aušra would realize at the moment. Jack smiled at her words. "I brought Leski from Underwood on this thing and it was smooth sailing." he said, a small grin had replaced his smile. There was only one thing Jack loved more than flying, and he was looking at her.

He noticed the blush on her face, and decided not to comment. He did not want to be an ass at this moment, or the date would be ruined. He really did not want that. So instead he simply stepped towards the shop door and opened it. "After you." he said making a large sweeping motion with his right arm.

Today was going to be perfect, it had to be. He let his eyes drift to he once more and smiled impishly. "I won't let you fall, nor will we crash. I won't go above fifteen feet and will keep to a low speed." he added, to calm her nerves. "I was thinking we go flying then stop and have lunch. Perhaps we could go shopping afterwords and then we could return in the evening to have dinner with the others." he said, making up the whole schedule on the fly. "Although it is your choice."

Aušra Žiburis
08-15-10, 04:28 PM
Aušra’s eyebrows knitted together a little at Winter’s comment, it seemed strange to her, she let it go and assumed he was merely joking. Remembering that the timid Leski had been fine on Jack’s umbrella seemed to calm Aušra’s nerves quite a lot and although he promised to fly low and slow, she would probably become more confident and encourage him to fly higher and faster for her own enjoyment. She returned his grin with a cheeky smirk of her own and stepped out of the door he had opened for her. “How chivalrous.” She thought his kind behaviour strange as he was usually quite happy to bully her a little, as she was happy to tear a strip off him.

She thought through the schedule quickly and immediately approved, it was not that she was too lazy to think of her own plan, just that she was quite happy to relax and travel where felt best. She happily voiced her approval to Jack and added “So long as I am not dropped, killed or otherwise injured I’m pretty happy.” Had the umbrella been a conscious being it would have found itself on the receiving end of a rather mistrusting look.

The fresh air filled her nostrils as she stepped out side of her heavily scented shop, while she enjoyed the beautiful aromas of her oils and perfumes there was something much more pure about the simple outdoor breeze that made her feel lighter, happier. Without even realising it she worked a tiny bit of magic which make her hair shine brighter and her eyes twinkle with more delight than she really felt. The green grass of the park across from her shop had filled with delicate flowers which swayed in the breeze and she walked over, picking one of the white blooms and twirling it in her long, pale fingers.

She looked at the bright blue sky and smiled, it was a truly beautiful day, the city seemed some much nicer in the golden sunshine. The girl turned back to Jack and beckoned him to come over to her, they would fly from there she assumed, she didn’t know whether Jack would need room to take off, but there was plenty of room in the park regardless. Her eyes caught on to his playful expression and she smiled excitedly, she may have been apprehensive but she was actually quite looking forward to being airborne.

Jack Frost
08-15-10, 04:53 PM
Jack smiled a warm radiant smile as he watched the woman he so adored enjoy the weather. He noted the flower she had picked, perhaps he would bring her a bouquet of those later on if he was feeling overly romantic. His smile widened into a full grin as a michevous idea seeped into his mind. On impulse he ran towards Aušra full speed. He took the umbrella and opened it, suddenly a gust of wind caught it, as always. He then swept Aušra off her feet and took to the sky. He rose to about ten feet and reached his thumb up to press a tiny button just above the grip.

The umbrella shivered and expanded into a larger size. Carefully he set his feet inside the curved grip and allowed Aušra to do so as well. It appeared the umbrella could sense Aušra and had adjusted to be larger than both needed. Jack's teal eyes glimmered with joy as the wan streaked through his hair. He could feel the sky beckon to him, but he didn't want to risk Aušra's safety.

He exhaled a breath of fog as he looked around. The park was a beautiful back-drop. What Jack didn't know is a soon to be famous painter was present, and had been inspired by the fantastic site to paint what would become one of Radasanths most famous painting. Instead he focused on his love, how close she was, the warmth that eminated from her. He felt almost entranced by her, as he had two days ago when they had first kissed. How he longed to relive that sensation again, but he held back. He simply wished to spend time with her at the moment. Intimate moments like that were best enjoyed at home. Instead he simply smiled at her and asked. "How is your first flight so far?"

Aušra Žiburis
08-16-10, 08:11 PM
Aušra’s eyes widened in absolute horror as Jack charged towards her, she would probably have ran screaming if she hadn’t felt as though her feet had been glued to the ground. The girl was lifted from the ground so fast she wasn’t sure it had happened until she looked down to see her feet were far from the fresh green grass. From a distance people could see the couple rising from the ground and would have noticed that the boy was being grasped so tightly it was doubtful he would have been able to breathe properly. However, once her feet were placed on the inside of the umbrella handle she relaxed immensely and her death grip on Jack slackened slightly, though she did keep a firm grip on him just in case.

As they glided through the Aušra took in the sights around her, the city looked much different from their elevated height and the landscape entranced her as she looked about, childlike, to see the simple things such as how the sun reflected off houses and illuminated the tiniest of details in rooftops, trees and even the people down below them. Later, as she lay in bed, she would wonder what had run through their minds as they saw her and Jack float effortlessly through the air. For now, she was content to take in the beauty of the city, her large grey eyes glistened with youthful excitement. Jack’s words didn’t seem to penetrate her mind for sometime as there was so much she wanted to look at from this new perspective. Once they did sink through to her mind she processed the thought for a small time, a thoughtful look gracing her pale features.

“I want to go higher.” She said simply, hoping he would allow them to. Her appetite for new experiences was insatiable, he’d opened up a can of worms allowing her to use the umbrella with him and now she wanted to discover everything she could about the umbrella and what you could see from it. She glanced skywards before giving him a pleading look. She had adored the flight so far, but curiosity was niggling away inside her, making her giddy and excitable.

Jack Frost
08-16-10, 09:45 PM
Sorry for the wait, I was afk doing other things...
Jack grimaced at her death embrace and smiled as he watched her stare at other people entranced by her first flight. "When I went on my first flight I was so excited." He said shifting his weight so the umbrella would twirl slowly. "Jolly was clinging to my shoulder, we both were so thrilled." he muttered airily. "I felt the chains binding me to the ground drop, the sky was withing reach."

He quickly angled the umbrella to catch an upward draft. Soon they soared to a height of thirty feet. Still minor leagues for Jack, but he had to be careful. he felt a sudden grin spread across his lips like wildfire. "But then I had to come down to earth." he said, his grin slowly fading. "It was demolishing, but I made sure to fly every day since." He said ruffling her hair. He glanced down to earth and smiled. He could see the perfume shop, and everything seemed so far way.

Meanwhile down on the ground Winter watched with a large smile on his face. "Ah love is in the air!" he exclaimed dramatically.
indeed it was. Twelve feet from him a pale man in a trench coat was smooching with a young woman. Ten feet behind him he could see a young imp like creature happily laying with a black cat while it's owners debated over a job to do.

Today was a happy day, but soon those moments would be gone. All good things come to an end. Winter had come to know that many time, over and over and over. Nothing lasted, so Jack better enjoy every moment with his lover.

Aušra Žiburis
08-17-10, 04:40 PM
A slight whine came from somewhere around Winter’s waist and a large, brown dog looked up at him with doleful eyes, he missed his owner desperately and would pine when she departed if only for a few short hours. He licked the man’s pale hand affectionately in the hope that this would gain him some attention from the cold being. His feet padded excitedly on the stone cobbles, his nails making tiny scratching sounds as they made contact with the road. Had Aušra been standing in the place of Winter the dog would have been showered with endearing hugs, had he wound himself up enough the girl would have probably even abandoned her precious shop for half an hour to race around the park with him. This wasn’t going to happen as the poor dog’s owner was 30 feet above him and Winter, giggling in the arms of a strange boy with silver hair. Had the dog been human he would have probably been jealous, as it was he was rather hoping she came back home with some treats for him.

As the pair rose higher into the air Aušra calmed herself slightly, allowing herself to tear her eyes from the city once more, they kept wandering back to it. Jack was a stunning sight, but the city from above was a novelty to her and she couldn’t help but glance back at it. She listened to him talk about his first flight intently and frowned as he spoke of returning to the earth, she didn’t want to either. “I wish I had the option to fly every day.” She muttered with a saddened look cast across her face. She knew they would have to land soon or the day would pass by without them. Him ruffling her hair soon snapped her out of her moment of misery and she looked back to him with renewed enthusiasm. “So where are we going first then?” She chirped excitedly.

Aušra would remember the day for a long time, the perfection of the early morning... The worrying letter that came that evening... It would be a day she remembered with mixed feelings, the start of the trouble years that would follow and scar her mind for life. For now, the future was unknown to the golden-haired girl who beamed joyfully with the beautiful boy beside her. It was best that way, she wouldn’t be able to enjoy the moment had she known what was to pass.

Jack Frost
08-17-10, 08:40 PM
Chroma, Dark, and Musica Co-star in this post
Note: Bunnying approved due to them being alt characters of mine.
Winter smiled at the pup and petted it absentmindedly. "Bad move flying, she's too distracted." Winter said chuckling. "I bet your jealous." the old man said as if the dog could understand him. he quickly checked his pockets and pulled out a small leather bound sack. "I died with this on me?" he said in surprise as he dumped the contents onto his hand. Several tiny little squares of dried and seasoned seal meat spilled onto his palm. Back on Winter island they were referred to as seal snackums, and were a beloved treat of arctic wolves.

The old man casually picked one up and tossed it to the dog. "How do you like that?" he asked as if the dog could talk. Back in the sky Jack was scanning the city. "Well me and Winter found nice prices for miscellaneous things there!" he said pointing a gloved hand at a nearby marketplace. "From there we can walk over to the docks and gaze out at the sea for a short bit." he continued.

"Then we can fly back here, this time I'll show you some of my moves." He said, a smirk playing across his lips. Jack was a maniac on the umbrella. Simply by shifting his weight he could do loops, spins, barrel rolls, and many more cool tricks that would probably scar the young woman. He frowned and leaned forward, letting it's slowly descend to the ground. Soon he found he had reached the ground. He quickly lifted Aušra and set her on the ground. Then he stepped off and lifted the umbrella over his head. With a quick flick of the risk he spun it and watched as it shrank to normal size.

He smiled at the woman he had come to adore in three days. Perhaps this would last. He prayed it would. But at least all was good for now. He quickly strapped his umbrella to his back and looked around. People were muttering all around him. One conversation caught his ear. "No Chroma you may not go and ask them about their relationship." he heard a smooth voice say sternly. "But Dark! how else will I update my files on human mating rituals?" he heard an almost monotone voice ask. Jack assumed this was Chroma. "You see, when a mommy really loves a daddy.." A squeaky voice went on. The man named Dark interrupted. "That's another topic Musica!" the squeaky voice stopped. "Fine" he heard it say.

Jack turned to see two men and an...Imp? All three had noticed he had turned, and all three quickly looked away. Jack smiled and turned his gaze back to Aušra. "Shall we depart?" he asked rather formally. Damnit! he roared in his head. I should have used something else! of course his face did not betray his thoughts. Instead he smiled pleasantly.

Aušra Žiburis
08-18-10, 01:07 PM
The dog wolfed down the treat before it even hit the ground, his slobbering jaws devouring the small treat as if he hadn’t seen food in years. A nearby child giggled at the dog’s cheeky attitude as he shoved his head under Winter’s hand again, as if trying to persuade him to pet him again. He whined slightly as Aušra disappeared from view, the umbrella dipping behind the buildings and out of the hound’s sight. Winter had been good enough to him, but it just wasn’t the same as the attention of his mistress. His tail lay still, he wouldn’t wag it until the girl returned and he felt safe once again, it was a dependency that they both had. Neither could live happily without the other.

Aušra sighed as Jack placed her onto the cobbled road, the heel of her boots clicked sharply against the stones as she took a couple of paces to steady herself. It seemed like her heart had become heavy in her chest as she looked up to the sky, if this was what it was like for her then Jack’s first landing must have been thoroughly hellish. She acknowledge what he had said about the market and had vocalised that she agreed with the plan, though she did worry about what his ‘moves’ where. Before she had chance to vocalise these concerns she overheard the conversation of the people behind her and her face glowed red “Mating rituals?” She said with part amusement and part horror as the umbrella twirled to normal size. The date had seemed innocent enough to her, to call it a mating ritual seemed to give it undue weight and importance. She raised a questioning eyebrow at Jack, challenging and joking with him at the same time.

She noticed the way he spoke and his formality made him seem unsure of himself, although his smile said differently. She wondered if it was intentional or just nerves from being out with her, she didn’t like the latter idea as she felt he had no need to be nervous, she liked him already. Playing the comments of the people around them through in her mind she came to the conclusion that they must have been innocent, you got many strange people wandering through Radasanth and this ‘Chroma’ person must have been new and maybe even a little socially inept. “So, lead the way!” She said perking up a bit and smiling, a little more timidly now, at Jack.

She grasped his hand a little demandingly, due to the slight shyness that had come over her since the conversation she and Jack had overheard, and prepared to walk through the crowded, cobbled streets. These were the streets Aušra had walked through since she was young and she knew her way home at least, although many of the surrounding buildings had become new shops or home to different families since she had last been there. She had visited an old woman who she was sure lived nearby with her mother, but the old dear would have passed on years ago. It was sad, but that’s just the way life is.

Jack Frost
08-18-10, 02:38 PM
The young woman's actions calmed Jack's nerves slightly. He quickly took her hand and led her skillfully through the crowd. It was surprising for one who grew up in a small town to be able to do so. But it seemed like Jack just knew when a space would open, and how to follow certain paths through crowds. Soon Jack had led them to a large market area. All around it seemed like Underwood, but bigger. Kids ran through the streets and played. Groups of women gossiped about the latest trends. One thing caught his eye though. A large fountain in the center. It spouted water fifteen feet into the air to be caught in a large pool of crystal clear water.

When Jack and Winter had first been here neither had payed it much mind. But now that Jack thought about it the fountain was truly beautiful. His teal eyes marveled at it for a spit second, then he turned his gaze to the equally beautiful Aušra. For a second time seemed to slow down, almost freezing everything. He could feel the warmth of his dates hand seep through his glove. He could smell fresh buns being put out to cool in a bakery nearby. He could taste the crisp freshness in the air. His mind drank in every little detail, then the sensation stopped.

He smiled at Aušra and looked around. "So what do you want to do first?" he asked politely. He recalled the details his mind seemed to gather at lightning speed. The sensation thrilled him, but it also let him know certain things as well. A stand not too far away had fresh buns, hot out of the oven. It also told him that the town was beginning to prepare for a festival of sorts. It allowed him to know which direction to go to the sea front. He could also tell that Winter had followed them. Wait...WINTER FOLLOWED US! he thought surprised. His face turned into a grin as he turned around, feigning to be looking for something to do.

the old man had followed the two. He simply watched the umbrella sink and followed them. On the way he bought a few buns and chewed on them. He had barely payed attention to Sam, whom he left at the park. Instead he wanted to see how Jack handled the date. After all, the plan had been Winters idea. The two men locked eyes for two seconds before Jack turned back to Aušra.

Aušra Žiburis
08-24-10, 07:34 PM
Oh my gosh Jack thank you so so much for your patience. University’s all sorted now so I’m all good.

Aušra quickly surveyed the area, memories flooding back of where she bought silly little items as a child and what happened at various times of the year. Of course she knew most of what went on in the city from living there, but there were always new things that caught her unaware, as is often the case in cities. However, she was already well aware of the festival as it tended to distract enough of her customers for her to venture out and enjoy it herself. She enjoyed the bright colours and enthusiasm that the festivals brought, it tended to bring a near childlike glee to her eyes which would glisten with joy as she watched the people of Radasanth gather around her. Sometimes the girl would just enjoy the mere fact she was surrounded by joyful people more than the actual show of the festival itself.

Jack had seemed distracted for the moment, obviously focussing on Winter, but Aušra was not to know this. She frowned slightly, it seemed like he would become distant to her for no apparent reason, it wasn’t a feeling she enjoyed all too much at all. It had been a split second that Jack had held Winter’s gaze and the girl had merely assumed that he had spotted something, throwing a quick glance over her shoulder she faced nothing more a crowded street and let it go. The scent of baking bread crept into her nostrils and reminded her stomach it was nearly empty, it let out a loud groan of discontent to let the girl know it was running low, she cringed slightly but looked up to Jack attempting to pretend that the stomach that was rumbling was not hers. “I think perhaps we should eat first. We can figure out what we want to do from there.”

She gently coaxed the boy towards the bakery, a slight smile playing on her pale cupids bow lips. The warmth emanated from bakery which she hoped would take the permanent chill off Jack a little, she occasionally wondered if that was possible, she questioned whether he would ever be warm like a normal person. If not, then that was fine by her, the cool touch of his skin made what to her would seem surreal so much more grounded in reality, every time his finger skimmed her skin it seemed so much more physical than usual, as if he were more real to her than any other being she had met. Although she enjoyed being out with him she couldn’t help but crave a moment alone with him, away from Leski and Winter, just to hold him and feel a little safer in the world. Regardless of how dangerous it really was.

Jack Frost
08-24-10, 07:41 PM
No problems, My first two days of school this year kept me busy. Go ahead and post in "The road to Freedom while I edit this post into a reply.

Jack followed his date into the Bakery. The smell hit him in a wave of pure bliss. He couldn't help but to smile as the scent crept into his nose. He could also feel the warmth from the ovens seep through his clothes. It was pure bliss. Suddenly he felt the warmth from the other day expand though his thoughts.

He quickly shut it down, finding it inappropriate at the current time. Instead he felt himself pull his date closer. The baker at the front desk was a tiny old woman, who looked like she was at least one hundred. She smiled at the two, her soft brown eyes glowing with happiness, "ah young love..." she said, dangerously close to a 'When I was your age' story. Instead Jack distracted her by quickly casting a glance across the wares they had, and selected a few rolls.

He then opened his coin bag and removed the appropriate amount of coin. "could I get about three dozen of those" he said pointing to what were clearly the freshest golden brown buns. The old woman smiled and loaded a small sack full of Buns. "I figured Leski and Winter would be hungry when we got home." he stated with a warm caring smile on his face.

The old woman handed Jack the sack containing the baked goods, and then Jack set down the coins on the front desk. He quickly pulled a bun out and handed it to Aušra. He then reached into his bag and pulled a bun out for himself. He sank his perfectly white teeth into it shivered slightly with delight. The bun was soft and buttery, practically melting in his mouth.