View Full Version : Tis the darkest of nights. [closed to Polly]

Wolfman 20
08-14-10, 09:59 PM
His blue eyes skimming the rooftops watching as the birds took flight. His hair waving with the wind as he just looks around now. A smile on his face as he knows he has just walked into Radansath. A shiver down his spine as the wind felt good on his skin. Taking his left hand and grabbing the crucifix around his neck, he smiles. I'm here mom. I told you I'd make it here one day. If only you could see me the man says as he looks over the people walking past him.

The people around him pay him no heed as he just brushes his way past them. His bare feet kicking up the dirt as he makes his way down the street. Passing a blacksmith, an inn, and even a pub, he just keeps his eyes on the prize. The famous Citadel. The place where warriors came to train and make a name for themselves. From the time he was a little boy, he wanted to come here. Well now his dream has come true. The dirt around his feet feels coarse and rough to his feet. He was too stubborn to wear shoes and plus, it would hinder him if he needed to use his secret weapon.

For Luscious Bane was no ordinary man. He was a werewolf. Bitten at the young age twenty-five, he has had nearly two decades to train and hone his skills. Now was the time to put them to the test. Moving his legs, he just walks to the tower in the center of town and pushes the doors open. Not sure if he just walked to a door, he walks to the counter and waits as he sees the place void of life. Shaking his head, he rang a bell as a young man in a robe came to his aid.

Welcome to the Citadel Luscious Bane. We, the Ai'Brone monks of this holy place are the keepers of life and death in this building. Let me guess, you seek a challenge to see if your body is up to par with your skills? That can easily be arranged says the monk as he picks his robe up and walks out from behind the counter. Raising an eyebrow to this man, Luscious just follows him down an alley to the east of their location.

Looking around, he sees door after door with lit and unlit torches on either side of them. Confused by that, he keeps the thought of them to his mind alone. Not watching where he was going, Luscious bumps into the monk as he stood still in front of a door with lite torches on either side. Here we are. Your arena. Be wary though. Since you're the first to enter, you get to choose the arena. Just think of what you want, how you want it and it shall be. the monk says with a smile as he waves goodbye to Luscious and turns his back to him, walking down the pathway. Once the monk left his sight, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening his eyes as he lets out a deep exhale, he just pushes the doors open as wide as they can go. Once inside, he sees a forest as dense as anything he has ever seen. A smile on his face as he takes a deep whiff of the place and smiles. My home sweet home says the man. Seeing trees taller then this building, his eyes just go wide. Okay, this is awesome, I'm gonna make this my favorite place and be sure to come back more then once he says as he walks around. Stepping on a twig, he smiles. The trees alone were at least a good forty-five to fifty feet tall and god knows how thick. He shivered at the thought of one falling on him. Looking around, he sees poison ivy with some kind of berry bush not far from it. The sounds of the jungle were as alive as he is. Birds singing, water running and of course, roars from the bigger animals. With this in mind, he knew this was gonna be a game of cat and mouse.

Shivering, he looks back and sees the door is gone. Once he turned his head back towards the front, he just slides his pants off. Folding them nice and neat, he sets them under a low branch and just shakes. Reaching behind his neck, he unhooks his necklace and puts it in his pant pocket. Looking around, he just smiles and walks deeper into the forest, stark naked. Falling over, his palms flat on the ground as his knees pressed into the ground, his whole body shaking and twitching as black fur escapes his skin. His maw breaking out into a snout. Fangs forming in his snout as his body grows, his mass increases as a black tail escapes his body, swishing around frantically. Claws sliding out of his finger tips, he just looks up and lets out an ear-splitting howl. His eyes land on the orb in the moon, a full moon. Snarling, he just stands up. Shaking off leaves and dirt, he just takes off into the woods, hoping to get the jump on his opponent.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-14-10, 11:43 PM
Polly kneeled by the side of her bed, clasped her hands, and did what she’d done every night since she was a very little girl. She prayed.

After a few moments, she sighed and turned to her god.

“Could y’all please stop staring at me?” she asked. “It’s distracting.”

Passer, the god of sparrows, and the god Polly’s family had worshipped for generations, perched on her bedstead and chirped impatiently. “I don’t understand why you insist on doing this every night still,” he said. “I mean, I’m right here. If you want something, just tell me”

“That’s what I’m doing,” Polly said. She closed her eyes and returned to praying.

Dear Passer, Sparrowfather. Today I… she began, but she was interrupted.

“Well what’re you praying for, huh?” the sparrow asked curiously.

“Shouldn’t you know?” Polly said suspiciously.

“Well sure I do, I just wanted to hear it from your mouth,” he said. The sparrow hopped from her bedpost to single tiny window in her room. Lodgings provided for Citadel contestants were comfy enough but awfully small. If they didn’t see some countryside or some nice forests soon, both were probably going to start losing their minds. Yeah, forests. Forests would be a nice relaxing change of pace.

“Well, you already know this, but I was just wondering when I can leave this awful place,” Polly said.

Passer gave an indifferent bird-expression. “Have you won any fights yet?”

“Well…no…not as such, no,” Polly said, sounding a bit embarrassed.

The Sparrow God looked at her accusingly. “Well then it looks like we haven’t achieved what we came her for: i.e. getting you to be more powerful, so you can spread the good word of Passer and educate the heathen masses about my presence!”

She looked at him with admiration if not understanding.

“And stuff,” he finished lamely. “Anyway, you might have a chance to fix that situation sometime soon—it sounds like a monk is coming to get you.”

The bird-god was right; a series of footsteps from down the hallway ended and there came a knocking on Polly’s door. It was time for another match. Passer stayed behind, and Polly got up and followed the monk to the arena she’d be battling in. She felt the typical fear knot up in her stomach that always did before a fight. Despite being trained as a warrior by her father, Polly’s emotional makeup wasn’t really made to be a fighter. She didn’t quite yet have the emotional distance to kill someone, or to calm herself before a fight. But, it was what it was. She did what Passer told her to do. That was right.

The monk lead her to a large wooden door and gestured that she enter.

“Your opponent has already set the arena,” the monk said. “You’re free to enter. Good luck.”

“Thank you kindly,” Polly said with a little fake curtsy, holding out imaginary skirts. This just made an awkward clanking sound as her gauntlets clanked against each other and her breastplate adjusted awkwardly. Turned out it wasn’t easy to curtsy in armor. Her helmet fell off and clanked on the floor. “Oops!” she said, scooping it up. The monk looked as though he was trying not to laugh.

Embarrassed, she scurried through the door and into the arena.

She plunged into darkness. She stood in an enormous nighttime forest, with impossibly large trees all around her. The sky was mostly cloudy, except for an enormous full moon that filled her with a vague sense of unease. The darkness and the closeness of the vegetation gave her the sensation of being in a living cave. She wished Passer was with her, but thus far he hadn’t been able to join her for her Citadel battles. He claimed the monks would be against it or something.

She hefted her spear and began to chop through the jungle brush in search of her opponent. In the dead of night you might think that the forest would be quiet, but it was just the opposite. Thousands of bugs and animals made a cacophony of calls and noises. A small swarm of gnats flew up into her face and she batted at them awkwardly.

Worse than the bugs, it was hot and muggy and uncomfortable. Polly was used to farmlands and fields, not dense forests. Less than five minutes into the match and she was already miserable. Hopefully this would be over fast.

Somewhere nearby, she heard howling...

Wolfman 20
08-15-10, 02:51 AM
He smelt something new, not animal and yet new to him. His ears twitching as he hears steps and twigs being stepped on. A smile came to his snout as he licked his chops. As he walked through the woods, her scent filled his nose as the wind rustled the leaves around him. Snarling, his white eyes fixed on the young woman who walked before him.

Clawing the tree beside him with his left claw, he just smiles once again. He knew she was no match for a wolf. Her body was frail and tiny compared to his massive masculine body. The one thing that put him on ease was her pole-arm. Why would a small girl be walking around with a pole-arm? Unless she was trained to use it, it's pretty much a walking stick. He says to himself as he watches her.

Looking up, he watches the birds sing as bugs flew around his snout. Bringing his hand up to swat them away, he watches her. Stalking her, he just steps backwards into the darkness. Looking around him, he could see smaller animals such as deer and wolves around. He could use the wolves to distract her, but he'd have to be next to them and to do that, he'd have to expose himself to her.

In his state, even at full health he was no match for a pole arm. If he could somehow disarm her or even break it, then he could win this easily. But no, he was gonna play with his food first. Mess with her head and drive her insane. A shiver down his spine as he arches his back and cocks his head back and opens his maw, letting out a loud ear-splitting howl that pierces the night sky. Looking up into the sky, he sees birds flying through the sky scared and animals running away. He just smiled and ground his claws against the nearest tree, only barely marking it.

Looking up the tree from his spot, he wished he was stronger, or at least a strong blade. That way, he could cut the trees down, causing chaos and disturbance in this arena. Bending down on his knees, he just picks up dirt in his claw as he just watches the woman. Sniffing, he could smell that she had a friend, but not here. Hm, I think I should keep this up says the wolf to himself as he looks up ahead of her. He shivered as he saw a wolf, young, but still in range. Sticking his right hand out, he motions to the wolf to come to him.

As the wolf comes to him, he just pulls the wolf away from her sight. Petting the wolf, he just smiles. Try your best to distract the girl for me the beast says to the wolf. With a yip, the wolf just bounces away and heads up to the girl, yipping at her heels, playfully not trying to hurt her.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-15-10, 11:18 AM
“Awwww!” Polly squealed. “It’s a widdle baby wolfie!”

The young wolf that darted about her heels and bit at her ankles was far from little or a baby. It stopped for a moment and looked up at her, head cocked to the side, confused.

Polly wasn’t intimidated. Most men and women would have been terrified of a nearly fully grown wolf suddenly appearing and taunting them, but being born far away from any sort of place wolves lived, she thought of them just as sort of wild dogs. Probably not that dangerous, right? Polly liked dogs—back at her home in southern Corone, her family had owned a hound dog. Stupid as rocks but a good dog anyway. How could wolves be that different? There was that creepy howling thing, sure, but that wasn’t that scary. Her hearing was a little muffled anyway thanks the iron helmet she wore.

Plus he looked like he was really just a big softie at heart, yes yes did, oh yes he did, oh who’s a good liddle wolfie? She reached out to pet the wolf and it snapped at her, nearly biting one of her fingers off. Polly retaliated by jabbing it with the butt end of her spear.

“Bad wolfie! Bad boy!” she said, repeating the words her parents had said to their hound. “No bites! No bites!”

I think I’ll name him Alfie, she thought dreamily, having apparently already forgotten the entire reason she was here.

The wolf was confused. The other wolf (who smelled a little bit strange anyway) had told him to come and taunt this human girl, but she didn’t seem interested in fighting. It was all just…weird. Too weird. Wolves like things to be simple. Wolves don’t like to fight armed humans without a pack to help them. And so, it did the thing that made the most sense in its little wolf brain: it ran away.

“Aw,” Polly said, as the young wolf scurried into the dense forest. “Bye bye Alfie!”

Left alone once more, she examined her surroundings. A thin cloud passed over the moon, and the light it gave turned to a sickly yellow, like the light given off of an oil lamp. There was a rustling in the bushes nearby, and Polly realized that somewhere in this forest was an opponent she was supposed to be fighting. Maybe that rustle was even them! It was hard to pick out one noise from all the others in this jungle place though—the forest was about as quiet as a chicken coop after a weasel’s jumped in.

She almost shouted for her enemy to come out, but then she realized that might not be a great idea. It was sort of like a game of hide and go find, wasn’t it? Except they were both seekers and both of them wanted to try and kill the other, so not that much like hide and go find.

A few steps backwards through the carpet of damp dead leaves that made up the forest floor, and her back was up against a tree. Its rough bark scraped against her back, but she figured this was probably the safest thing to do.

That way no one could possibly sneak up on her, right?

Wolfman 20
08-16-10, 07:52 AM
As he watched the girl jab his brother, it threw him into a frenzy. It may have been just a tap, but no one does that to his family. Looking around with his white voids, he lets out a heavy breath as he steps out from behind the tree, and clear in her sight. Looking around, he picked up a decent sized branch.Looks as if it fell from the tree near him long ago. It was only half as thick as his forearm but still thicker.It looked only half as big as the pole she carried but thicker all around. Uncertainty in his eyes as he looks at the make shift weapon in his hand. A couple leaves sticking out of it as he plucks them off and lets them fall to the ground.

Licking his snout, he just sniffs the air. A storm was approaching, a bad one. Shivering in his fur, he raises his right hand as the branch rests in his left hand and points to her, then doing a motion across his neck that would look as if he means off with your head. His white voids close for a second as they open to her body. The branch in his hand there to help him fend off her weapon. His body ached as the moon beat down on him. The moon always did things to him, but yet it's like he's always losing his sanity.

His padded feet standing on twigs and leaves as he just puts a smile on his maw. Snarling, he charges her as fast as he could but before he got too close to her, he just jumped onto a tree for a second, then towards her. Hoping either his claws would hurt her or this branch would as he sticks his right arm out, claws bared as he swings his weapon. Growling, he hits the ground hard with a roll. Jumping back up, he looks at her with a cocky face. One that says you can't win this. With a snort form his nostrils, he just stands there, hoping to guard against anything that this human could through at him. With the branch in his hand, he bends down and picks up some dirt. As the dirt falls from his hand, he just looks at her with a smile.

Throwing the dirt at her, he just charges her again. This time, as he got closer to her, he drops to his hands and goes for her left leg, hoping for a grab and a chance. He knew if he could get her off her feet, he'd have a better chance then before.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-16-10, 01:36 PM
For the record, any bunnying (http://www.doane.edu/Organizations/frats_sor/gamma/bunny.jpg) in this thread (which will most likely be minor) is (http://getgood.typepad.com/getgood_strategic_marketi/cute_baby_bunny.jpg) approved (http://www.ooblick.com/weblog/files/2009/08/bunny_pancake1.jpg).And most likely adorable. :3

She was fighting a monster.

The creature (whatever it was) leaped out of the darkness and unleashed a flurry of impossibly fast attacks, smacking her with branches, throwing dirt in her face, and finally lashing out at her left leg. The branch smacked her on the top of her head, and although her helmet protected her for the most part but it still stunned her a little. The dirt in her face caused her to stagger backwards, swinging her spear wildly and aimlessly, which oddly enough allowed her to dodge the attack on her leg.

For a moment, the two combatants stood and stared at each other, each already panting from exertion. Polly wiped the dirt out of her eyes and looked at the enormous abomination that was her opponent. The creature was wolflike, true, but it was at least six feet tall and dark black. She’d never heard of a wolf like that. Each of its claws was longer than her hand.

She realized that she was very, very afraid. The inside of her mouth tasted like she was eating cotton. Her brain went through a very quick and very simple calculation, dating all the way back to when people lived in caves and when fire was considered cutting edge technology. She had two options here. She could try and fight this enormous terrifying wolf monster, or she could run away. It was pretty clear what she had to do.

With impressive speed, Polly spun around a hundred and eighty degrees and started running as fast as she could. Her arms and legs pumped and she didn’t even think about the Citadel matches or any of that nonsense—just that something very very scary was now chasing her, and she could hear it crashing through the trees and branches, and oh my god oh my god did you see that thing’s TEETH? Did you see its TEETH!?

She wished that she wasn’t alone. If Passer was here he’d have some sort of plan, no doubt, he was smart. She hadn’t realized how attached she’d gotten to the little god’s presence over the past few months. Even if he was a bit rude, and not terribly powerful, it was definitely comforting to have him flying by her side or perched on her shoulder.

Right now, however, she was alone. Completely alone except for the monster, that was, and the forest. The forest seemed to be almost like a living being—as she ran past the trees she could almost feel them breathing and exhaling hot air onto her skin. It felt sinister. If the forest was a living creature, it was not her friend.

From somewhere in the jungle, she heard drums, their beat as frantic and out of control as her heartbeat. This only served to emphasize her terror. She kept sprinting even faster, but she knew that it was pointless. She couldn’t possibly be as fast as that creature was.

Eventually, it was going to catch up.

Wolfman 20
08-17-10, 01:44 AM

Giving the girl some distance, Luscious just snarled as he started walking after. Viewing the branch in his hands as useless, he drops it where he stood. Slowly, he just picked his pace up and broke into a steady jog as he just brushes past the trees. Looking around as he runs, he could see the animals around watching him or the girl. Starting to get heated, he started running as fast as he can. The ground beneath him made him feel almost as light as air as he crushed twigs, leaves and insects beneath his padded paws.

As she runs from the beast, her legs start to tire. Looking left and right, she sees a small cave under a tree off to her right. Letting a sigh of relief out, she breaks for it. Stepping over roots and into the small shelter, she hid there. Her spear at her side. Breathing lightly, she watches as the beast dashes past her. Scared to show her face to the beast in fear of getting mauled. Sitting in her spot, she just put her hands to her face and just slowed her breathing down.

As he keeps running, Luscious noticed that her scent had gone. He's off trail and pissed now. Turning around one-hundred and eighty degrees and just starts running in the direction he came from. Snarling, his nasal skin rippled as he bares his teeth. Fur rustling in the wind, he finally gets back on track. His white voids looking around as he sniffs the air around him. Stretching his claws to crack his knuckles right he just looks around, walking right past her and not even knowing it.

Her heart racing, sweat pouring from her skin as she watches the beast walk right past her. Taking a deep breath, she steps out from her spot, her spear in her hands. Standing still, she stares at the wolfs back, his tail swishing in the wind.Taking her spear, she just slashes the wolf on his back and rolls to the front of him and raising up, her spear in his face and slashes down through his hide. Then seeing the wolf bleed, she saw anger in his eyes as he let out a howl. Scared again, she just sweeps her spear through his legs, causing him to land face first in the dirt as she runs behind him. Her feet going as fast as they could, trying to put much distance between the two.

Bugs came to him as he felt the pain in his back and then against his face. His beautiful face was scared for life now. Letting a howl out, he looks at her just as his face meets the ground. Hitting it face first, he could tell he was bleeding from the nasal cavities now. Licking the blood off, he turned to her, snarling. Baring his fangs, he takes off after her. His heavy paws just making a thud sound with every step. Once he got up to her, he just let out a deep roar as he jumped at her, causing her to fall face first as he keeps heading forward and hits the ground hard. Her spear actually hurt him. His eyes lay on that spear. Breathing heavily, he just stood there. He was gonna end this and end it soon. At this rate, he would die of blood loss in a matter of minutes.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-17-10, 11:57 AM
Bunnying is still approved. I prolly didn't even need to say that, but heck, I like posting pictures of bunnies (http://img483.imageshack.us/img483/1683/gnomeflightqj3.jpg). X3

The wolf creature slammed into her back, hard, and sent her flying face first into the ground. Her head hit a rock and she was knocked unconscious instantly. She was only out for an instant, but that instant stretched in time like taffy and she found herself dreaming.

In her memory, Polly is seven. It is sunset, and she and her father are out behind their house talking. She’s carrying a stick and pretending it’s a spear, like her dad uses. Everything is tainted gold by the sun and by the fog of time.

“Hey daddy, I bet you fought lots of bad monsters, huh?” Polly says.

Polly’s father nods slowly. He looks tired, worn. Was that how he really was, or is that a flaw in her memory? No telling. “Suppose I did,” he said.

“I bet you weren’t scared at all though!” little Polly says confidently.

Her father laughs heartily now, and a bit of the vigor returns to his face. “Oh no, I’ve been scared, I’ve been really scared.

Polly looks confused and drops the stick she was carrying. “Really?” she whispers.

“Sure,” her dad says, and he puts his hands on her shoulders. “Look, Polly, there’s something I want you to remember, okay? Not being afraid of things is just stupid. There’s scary stuff out there. The point is, if you’re afraid, you have to keep going anyway. Will you remember that?”

Little Polly goes back to playing with the stick. “Yeah, sure,” she says. “I’ll remember it, daddy.”

Reality snapped back like a splash of cold water. She’d only been out a few seconds, but it had felt like so much longer. She scrambled to her feet and found herself only a few feet from the monster she fought. For a long moment the two just stared at each other—monster and warrior, beast and human. Around them the forest continued to breathe and live, as if completely unaware of their presence. It probably was unaware of their presence. What was another game of predator and prey to a forest? Just part of day today life, really.

Her shoulder was still bleeding from earlier, and it hurt terribly, but she did her best to ignore it. This would be over soon.

Polly hoisted her spear and tried to look as intimidating as possible. The only question was, who would be the predator and who would be the prey? She was still scared—about as terrified as she’d ever been, in fact—but now she was filled with the resolution to win. She was done running away. It was time to fight.

Plus, she’d learned something important about the monster. It could bleed. It could bleed a lot. Its blood splattered onto the leaves and the forest floor and left dark red smears that shone in the moonlight.

The creature opened its maw, stared at the sky and howled, a sign that filled Polly with fear.

Despite this, she shifted her feet, opened her mouth, and roared back at the monster as loud as she could. It was a pathetic sound, quiet and high pitched and not in the slightest bit intimidating, but wanted to seem confident. The monster just stared at her, perhaps confused.

Polly tightened her grip on her spear and charged. She gave her best battle cry as she leaped, and thrust her polearm point first towards the monster’s chest, where she imagined its heart would be.

Even if she died now, at least she could say she put up a fight.

Wolfman 20
08-18-10, 12:37 PM
The wolf looked at her unconscious body with a look of victory on his mug. Licking his chops, he just stood there. He could tell she was still alive; he could hear her shallow breathing and her heart beating. All around the two, he could see fireflies in the sky, and other animals watching them. Groaning, he puts his hand to his face and wipes the blood from there. Cleaning it slightly, it would still not be good enough. Even if he did manage to kill her, He would die of blood loss anyway. As the blood drips, he slowly starts to teeter back and forth.

His vision blurry as he watches her get up. Not realizing she was mentally strong, he would give her props for her determination. Licking his chops, he lets out a piercing howl. One that scared her, but not like before. Shaking from the pain, he watched her as she let out a battle cry. Raising his eyebrows, he just snorts. Groaning in pain, he watches the blood fall to the ground. Painting it like crimson red straight from the packet.

Then the girl did something crazy; she charged him. Shivering from the pain, he fell over and hit the ground as she ran past him. Sticking a leg out, he planned to trip her. Seeing her stumble but not fall over gave him an idea. Standing up, weak from the blood loss, he just snarls and charges the girl, but not as fast cause of the pain down his back. Luckily, he could still move at all. Jumping at her, he just scratches into her sides and up across her chest piece. Hitting the ground with a thud, he just lays there. He knew this was futile. Shaking his head, he turns his head to see her there.

Seeing her bleed from her sides made him want to smile, but he couldn't. Too weak. Looking down, he sees more blood. Thinking back, he realized where this new wound came from. When he charged her and jumped, her spear cut down his chest. Looking back at her, he snarled. At this rate, he had maybe five to ten minutes before he would die of blood loss. Standing there, his breathing slows down and he closes his voids. Letting out a deep breath, he looks towards the fire-headed girl and just charges at her, once again. But this time, he changes it up by zigging and zagging. Stepping over tree roots and fallen logs, he jumps at her, his claws out this time as he just bares his teeth, hoping to hit something on her, skin preferable.

Sweet Polly Oliver
08-18-10, 01:23 PM
The wolfman leaped at Polly, and without even thinking she stuck her spear out to face him. She could see the final moment of fear and regret in the creature’s eyes, and then it fell right onto her weapon. The spear pierced its chest, running the monster all the way through. There was one disturbingly human flash of pain and horror in the monster’s expression, and then it crumpled to the ground, resoundingly dead. Polly pulled her spear out of its limp body and wiped the blood off on the ground.

It was over.

Polly was drenched from head to foot in hot stinking wolf blood. She hadn’t expected the fight to end so suddenly. Her heart was still pounding so hard she thought she might die just of that. One moment she fully expected to lose, and the next it was over and she had won.

The noises of the forest around her got louder and louder, as though the birds and the insects and the creatures of the night were applauding her victory. Polly didn’t feel particularly victorious. What she felt was tired and scared and upset and sad. She stumbled over one of the enormous trees that surrounded them and collapsed with her back against it. Her shoulder was bleeding and hurt enormously, and she could feel scratches on her chest that she hadn’t even noticed before.

She cried. Emotionally overwhelmed, physically exhausted, there was nothing else she could do. Some small part of her was happy over being victorious, over conquering the monster, but for the most part she just felt awful. The moon hung overhead, quiet and indifferent as it always was to human suffering. She wondered if the moon was sad. It had surely witnessed so much tragedy, so much death, how could it not be? It wasn’t at all like Polly to think such thoughts, though, and she tried to put them out of her head.

Is this what being a hero feels like? she wondered. Is this it? Because I don’t think I like it at all.

A figure stepped out from behind one of the trees, and she shouted, for a split second absolutely certain that it was the wolf monster back from the dead to finish what it had started. No undead wolf creature, though, only one of the monks of Ai’Bron. Polly breathed a sigh relief at the sight of the brown-clad human.

“Polly Robinson?” said the monk.

“Yes?” she replied.

“Congratulations on your victory,” he said. “It’s time for you to go now.” He extended a hand down to help her up.

“Good,” Polly said. She took his hand. “Good.”

Wolfman 20
08-18-10, 01:56 PM
As the lifeless corpse that was Luscious Bane lay on the forest floor, the forest around the body just vanishes as a pair of doors appear not far from the body. Entering from behind those doors comes one of the monks that were all over this place. Standing over the werewolf's body, they notice it shaking as fur starts to fall off of the body. The mass of the body shrinking as the claws shrink and the snout shrinks back into what is a human face. The fangs shrinking back into normal teeth now.

What lays there now is not a werewolf, but a human. His black hair covering his face. His body all scared and torn up from the battle. The monks just nod their heads and start chanting to bring this wolf-man back from the dead.

As they chant, the wounds on the body start to close, but not heal. They turn to scars. As the wounds heal, breath is forced into his lungs as his blue eyes shoot open. Looking around, he looks at the monks, confused about what had happened. Feeling his chest, he feels where she stabbed him. It was now a scar, but only minutes ago was it a fresh wound. Closing his eyes, he sits up, using his hands to support himself up.

Let me guess, I lost? It's okay. I'm gonna call her out for a rematch when I get stronger. He says with a proud smile on his face. Grabbing his materials, he puts his pants back on. Reaching in his pocket, he pulls out his crucifix and puts it around his neck. Bowing to the monks, he bids them farewell and heads out the doors, stronger then he was then when he went in.

This is my final post