View Full Version : Major NPCS: Winter And Jolly

Jack Frost
08-15-10, 02:12 PM
Name: Father Winter (Originally Polaris Gale.)
Age: Unknown
Race: Reincarnated ice god
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Teal
Height: six foot
Weight: 150 pounds
Occupation: Mentor

Personality: Winter is somewhat nice guy. He can be rather cold and harsh, but also rather jovial and humorous. He is patient with people, and makes a great teacher.

Appearance: He is old, with skin that is wrinkled and baggy. His eyes are the same cold teal as Jack's. his face is framed by long, shoulder length silver hair. His attire consists of a silver Tunic with white trousers. His breath hangs in the air in a pure fog. In his right hand he typically clutches a black cane with an ivory curved grip

History: Winter spent many a year in the Winter district of the island of seasons. He was like his father, a night of the Arctic circle, who pledge themselves to the next lord of Winter. One Day He was sent to find himself, needless to say he did. He was quickly crowned and had a long rule, having an exciting romance with the floral Mother Spring. towards the end of his life he was ambushed by a mysterious foe and killed. This foe thought he had sealed Winter away, but he reincarnated as Jack. The two fought until jolly arrived and tricked Jack into ditching Winter. Jolly promptly ditched Jack and fled. Winter took another body and met up with Jack, revealing The birds treachery. The only problem was Winter had sacrificed most of his power. Now Winter has set off with Jack, Ausra, Sam, and Leski to hunt the tricky bird down.

Memories of absolution: Having lived many lives, and having many memories from past lives Winter has mastered ice magic, but lost all ability to use it currently. Instead he plans to teach Jack how to channel his natural power.

Strange cane made from polarbear bone and walrus tusk. It seems to be there for show, but would probably leave a bruise if he swung it at you.

Jack Frost
08-15-10, 02:22 PM
Name: Jolly
Age: Unknown
Race: Penguin
Hair Color: Black and white
Eye Color: Black
Height: about two feet tall.
Weight: 50 pounds
Occupation: Aspiring Usurper to the Winter throne.

Personality: Despite his name Jolly is a very angry and bitter bird. He feels Winter should rule the other seasons. He hates people who believe in justice or balance. Nothing matters to him bit power and gold.

Appearance: A short stout little penguin with a top hat and a cane.

History: Jolly was born to the high penguin chancellor of Winter district. He lived his life ruling over most of Winter district untill winter came around and claimed the throne. At first Jolly was fine with the new king. Then he slowly began to resent the benevolent man, and aspired to destroy him. One day he ambushed Winter from behind and broke the chain of Winter, which he assumed would end the winter line. Instead the next Winter, jack, awoke only knowing Father winter, dreaming of some of his memories.

Manipulation: Due to his cute stature he finds it easy to gain the trust of others and stab them in the back.

Ice magic: Jolly is a professional ice mage, and has way more experience than he first let on. These skills surface only when he fights a Winter, either Polaris or Jack

Top hat: Made of seal skin
Cane: Made of walrus tusk dyed black.

08-16-10, 01:13 PM
Sure. Your NPCs are approved.