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Infinate Nothingness
08-15-10, 09:37 PM
Name: Xeno
Age: appears 19
Race: Husk
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Silver
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 150 pounds
Occupation: Villan bent on stealing every last soul on Althanas.

Personality: Xeno is a charismatic young man with a strong sense f morality, he just ignores it. He feels that no one should be able to have what he does not, a soul. He plans to build an army and rule all of Althanas. He tends to favor certain people and take care of them. He can be slightly piggish and treat women like playthings. Mostly that is him overcompensating for his stunning lack of mean thoughts. Sometimes he second guesses himself on his plans, but he never turns back.

Appearance: Xeno is a tall young man with pale skin and silver eyes. His long silver locks hang at about eye level, but he keeps them brushed out of his sight. He is somewhat muscular, but in a lean sort of way. covering his torso and a large part of his legs is a long black leather coat. he wears black leather slacks and black shoes. When he is busy putting a plan into action he will put his hood up to partially conceal himself.

History: Xeno was originally named Neo, and he was a blacksmith. One day when he was working alone at night when a strange shadowy creature attacked him. When he awoke he had few memories of his past life. Soon he realized he had lost his soul to a demon. In his rage he summoned a mighty blade which he dubbed omenslicer. he then decided he was going to take the souls of all of Althanas in his rage. Perhaps along the way he will meet others like him...

Omenslicer: His sword can be summoned at anytime, and is like an extention of his arm. Should he be disarmed he can call it back with a delay of a few seconds. The blade is of steel strength and can also capture kinetic energy to be released in a mighty downward slash that is slightly harder than his normal swing. This will cause several spires of earth to randomly pop up in the ground dealing slight amounts of damage if they hit directly. These spires are about four feet tall and two feet wide at their widest point. This last skill can only be used once every thread.

Doorway to darkness: Xeno can call up a portal made of shadows that will wisk him from his current position to a place he has been before, but the distance traveled will drain his energy, so the most he can go without dying is about a mile.

Black coat:

Familiars: A black shadowy imp like creature he calls a myth. Myth doesn't do much, he's just sorta there for now.

08-16-10, 01:18 PM
A bit of clarification on Omenslicer.

By calling the blade back, do you mean that he can summon it anew when disarmed? If so, there should be a minor delay when he does this, sort of a cooldown effect if you will.

Also how mighty is the downward slash right now? It should add a bit more pack to his punch right now, but too much.

Lastly, how large are the spires and what kind of damage can they do?

Doorway to Darkness needs some kind of limitation. Once per thread and not over too large a distance perhaps? It's basically a teleport spell, and I'm a bit iffy at approving it at level zero without some limitations.

Infinate Nothingness
08-16-10, 01:30 PM
Edits have been made how is that?

08-16-10, 01:32 PM
Good enough. You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.