View Full Version : PG: the Ruby Queen

Lady Scarlet
08-16-10, 12:30 AM
Name: Ruby Queen

Leader: Lady Scarlet (me)

Captain: Lady Scarlet O’Hara

First mate: Nelson

Quartermaster: Nelson (major NPC)

Second mate: (open)

Head lookout: Kono (minor NPC)

Cook: (open)

General crew:



Wolfman 20

(plus 15 NPC crewmen to fill in the gap so that we have enough man power to operate the ship)

Location: On the high seas (no official place to ‘hide out’ or call home as of yet), aboard the Ruby Queen. The Queen is an 80-foot long brigantine (see attachment). She can hold a crew of up to 75-100 men, but is currently crewed with about 30. She has space for up to 12 cannons, 6 on each side. At the top of each mast is space for archers/lookouts.

Goals and Purpose: To collect as much treasure as possible and have grand adventures while doing so.

Treasure is divided up as follows: 10% to the ship’s coffers (this would be a fund for purchasing supplies and whatnot), 30% to the Captain, the remaining 60% will be divided evenly among the crew that sailed on that voyage. This means that if 2 of the PC crew sailed on that particular voyage, then they each get 30% of the spoils, if 3 crewmen sail, then they get 20% and so on. NPC crewmen are not eligible for a portion because, well, they’re NPCs and thus can’t use the spoils. Pay for work on a voyage is given out at the completion of that voyage (aka at the end of the thread).

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/therubyqueenofalthanas/home

Co-payers of start up fee:
Chandra Dawnspear

Note: At this point in time, I'm not really interested in getting involved in PG wars and other PG drama. This is more for keeping better records of who's on the crew and to have a treasury separate from Scarlet's personal money.

My question about immunity is thus: If I ask for total immunity now, can that be changed later?

EDIT: forgot to attach the pic of a brigantine. all fixed now.

08-16-10, 01:34 PM
This looks fine. I'm going to have to get back to you on the immunity issue, as I don't really know off the top of my head.

08-18-10, 02:51 PM
Alright, I find no reason not to give you full immunity now and changing it later if you so desire. You might have to pay a staggering sum of 100GP at that point, though. :P

Also, just a reminder, your ship cannot ever be sold and is not an official HQ, meaning you cannot use it in a battle against other clans. You have to earn that the way everybody does.

Your PG is approved. Avast, ye scurvy dogs!